What happens when a chemical engineer, who’s previously built a hydrogen-powered drone, becomes a venture capitalist? Energy RevolutionEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
After the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in 2022, President Joe Biden issued an executive order tasking the federal government with assessing the “devastating implications for women’s health“ of new state abortion bans.ProPublica (Raw Story - Celebrating 20 Years of Independent Journalism)
EMA's ICONS mix, winner of ICONS Mix of the Year 2024.BBC
David Brooks has a lovely essay published in the New York Times yesterday on his journey from agnosticism into faith. It came not, he says, through some academic study or intellectual enlightenment, but through experiences in life.chrishubbs.com
The amount nearly triples what Joe Biden's inaugural committee raised in 2021.Soo Rin Kim (ABC News)
You might not think of the musical instrument industry as “cutthroat.” But in 19th century Paris a new invention caused a uproar involving nefarious plots, ...YouTube
Audio & playlist from December 19, 2024WFMU
This post is about interactive lists on GitHub, and how to use them.ericwbailey.website
It is no coincidence that ever more extreme politics has come at a time of ever more extreme weatherJonathan Watts (The Guardian)
Elon Musk unterstützt die AfD im Bundestagswahlkampf mit einer absurden Behauptung. Zeit für eine überfällige Entscheidung.t-online
#chemistry #fuelcells #sustainability