3 people reshared this


Clearly an excellent #TrumpVirus whisperer - &/or AI ! Perfect! Just like him, with all the best words, and #Truth ®

João Pinheiro mastodon (AP)
Bom dia!

Good morning!

I could not resist responding to the #openssl thread on #lwn:
@ondrej @icing "By aligning our roadmap with the community’s needs, we aim to deliver more timely and effective solutions."

my corporate lingo meter went all the way up to red
Ondřej Surý mastodon (AP)
@icing Exactly. 🤮

From my perspective, I could handle an open source project that makes decisions I disagree with if it’s a grassroot thing and people are genuine. And perhaps they can’t do it because there’s not enough time.

And I’m pretty sure people have disagreed with me before on my decision I make for BIND 9 project. (1/2)
Ondřej Surý mastodon (AP)
But this corporate bullshit, I don’t believe a word that has been said. If there was a MPL 2.0 compatible library with PKCS#11 support with good performance I would probably be working on migration as we speak. And I didn’t even know about the performance problems between 1.1.1 and 3.0.0 that haproxy maintainer mentioned. Although we had to dance around the EVP SHA1 being horribly slow compared to the old API. (2/2)
uis mastodon (AP)
it tastes like cellophane
chebra mastodon (AP)
written by AI

Leiya mastodon (AP)
oh, that cant be good.

Trump Tells Crowd They 'Won't Have To Vote' Again After Election In Bizarre Remarks

Former President Donald Trump told Christians on Friday to vote “just this time” and claimed they “won’t have to do it anymore” after the election in November.

“Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore,” the GOP presidential nominee told the crowd at the conservative Turning Point Action event in Florida.

He later continued, “Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”
Art X diaspora
He also referred to the people in the audience as "my beautiful Christians" (it was weird) and then at one point he slipped in "I'm not a Christian" as he pointed to himself -- that was VERY weird -- could it have been a dementia thing?
frater chaos diaspora
well, it is debatable whether he said "I'm not a Christian" or if he was just slurring his words again...

or my personal favorite, he tried to say "I'm a Christian" but he stumbled saying it because he knew it wasn't true.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
I feel the earth move under my feet

Hugz & xXx

(Couldn't find a GIF for the exact scene, which isn't entirely surprising... 😹)
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
16,000 people notified
Report of assault with watermelon
scriptjunkie mastodon (AP)
I was just at the store and they were out of watermelons. Is there somewhere I can request a watermelon assault in the app? This might be useful.
Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
@sj watermelon assault sounds like a flavor of La Croix
Bob K Mertz mastodon (AP)
I'm having flashbacks to my favorite BBS Door Game

and if he gets booted, let the legal challenges begin... they thought they were so c-a-t smart having their convention so early... heh

Trump’s Shortest-Term Official Predicts When J.D. Vance Is Out

Asked if he thought Vance would be replaced, Scaramucci replied, “I’ve had that experience with Donald Trump. I do think he could. It’s just a question of how many Scaramuccis J.D. is going to last.”
cue 50 lawsuits like Mike Johnson threatened... only in the other direction
The only procedures republicans follow are "will it get us more power and money?"

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Im ugandischen Konsulat in Dubai soll eine illegale Spielhalle eingerichtet worden sein. Beteiligt daran ist angeblich auch Ugandas Außenminister.#Uganda #Dubai #Glücksspiel #KolumneStadtgespräch #Afrika #Politik #Serie

Dan Hon mastodon (AP)
tfw you look at the phrase "infrastructure as code" and suddenly read it as a threat
Bill Seitz mastodon (AP)
NIce toilet you have there, we installed crowdstrike in it for you.
that's how we end up with the banking system depending on COBOL and Excel 97 spreadsheets

Pesticides : le plan Écomytho - Le Moment Meurice

#humour #FranceInter #GuillaumeMeurice
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the "Women in Refrigerators" trope, which refers to female characters in fiction being killed or seriously harmed to serve as plot devices to motivate male characters, is particularly prevalent in the MCU
#til #todayilearned

enumerated therein, if you need facts to refute a drunk uncle

Fact check: Trump made at least 10 false claims about Kamala Harris in a single rally speech
Bob Lai diaspora
And drunk Trump-humping uncle wouldn't be in my house, let alone drinking my booze.

💬 Aus allen Ecken des #Fediverse schallen die bekannten Rufe...
"Guten Morgen" Sprechblasen in gerschiedenen Varianten
jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)
@">» Aakerbeere 🏖️ :mastodon:

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)
@">» Aakerbeere 🏖️ :mastodon:

Wie schallt´s von der Höh´?


Live now! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Umm… No, no comment. Well, maybe just:
#IIWII “It is what it is”, #GQP 's finest, brought to you by the #Truth via #TrumpVirus #Disinformation #cult. So smart.

Lichtscheu mastodon (AP)
An ein paar toten Bäumen im Dorf sind häufig Buntspechte anzutreffen. Gestern war offenbar Familienausflug, denn Papa Specht war mit den vier Jungvögeln unterwegs. Obwohl sie jetzt (im Gegensatz zur Höhle vorher) viel Platz haben, um sich aus dem Weg zu gehen und der Baum Nahrung für alle bietet, mussten sich zwei davon ordentlich anzicken.
Zwei junge Buntspechte, ein toter Baum und graublauer Himmel. 
Einer der Buntspechte flattert knapp über einem Ast des Baumes ziemlich mittig im Bild, der zweite ist in der rechten unteren Bildecke und fliegt gerade zum ersten Specht. Der erste Specht sitzt nun wieder auf dem Ast und zetert sein Geschwister, dass sich etwas zurück beugt, mit geöffnetem Schnabel an.
Der erste Specht hängt unter dem Ast, über dem er eben noch geflattert ist, der zweite sitzt oben darauf, macht den Kopf lang  und starrt sein Geschwister an. Der erste Specht kommt dem zweiten weiterhin zeternd näher. Der zweite nimmt den Kopf etwas zurück und versucht etwas Abstand zu bekommen.
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
Pubertät. 🤷‍♀️

keeping Trump out is just the beginning... the courts are infested

"What's going on here is absurd": Lawyer says Texas SpaceX ruling threatens labor enforcement

A federal court in Texas granted SpaceX a preliminary injunction in its case against the National Labor Relations Board, suggesting the company’s argument that the labor rights agency didn’t have the right to prevent its agents from being taken off cases without good cause would succeed.

The move is a blow to the regulatory power the NLRB wields to use administrative law judges to adjudicate labor disputes, granting SpaceX an injunction and temporarily halting a case alleging that the company forced employees into unlawful severance agreements.
Ah, but they have / Sir #MuskVirus & buddy #TrumpVIrus - have friends in Supremely high places. And they don't like agencies. Or protections. Or rights. Or precedent. Or "judicial restraint". Or personal accountability. Or...

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
In einer Studie wurden Spuren von Schwermetallen in Tampons gefunden. Sie ging viral, ist aber nicht sehr aussagekräftig.#wochentaz #Zukunft #Gesundheit #Verbraucherschutz #Studie #Schadstoffe #Gesellschaft
Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Es ist beruhigend, dass im Blut der Getesteten keine erhöhten Schwermetallkonzentrationen nachgewiesen wurden. Trotzdem ist es beunruhigend, dass erst jetzt jemand auf die Idee kommt, zu testen. Für alles mögliche gibt es Grenzwerte - nur, wenn es um die Gesundheit von Frauen geht, scheint nahezu alles erlaubt.

Theaterwelten mastodon (AP)
Draußen leises Plätschern. In der Nacht wich dje drückende Hitze einem wohltuenden Regen. Mein Juli plätscherte ebenso leise dahin. Nach meiner Rückkehr von den Proben aus Hildesheim forderte der Körper sein Recht, schlug eigenartige Kapriolen, denen es galt auf den Grund zu gehen. Jetzt, Ende Juli, bin auch ich in der Sommerfrische angekommen, bevor ab Mitte August die Endproben zu unserem „Spießer“ starten. Ich sammle neue Inspirationen und freue mich über schöne Tage. 🏖️
Inmitten des Chiemsees. In der Ferne die Krautinsel, zwischen Frauen- und Herreninsel liegt. Davor ein kleines Segelboot. Am rechten Bildrand die Chiemgauer Berge.
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
Hab eine schöne Zeit! ☀️💝

David Wilkins mastodon (AP)
I think @MarSolRivas will like this one… The multi-coloured Volkswagen Polo Harlequin (yes, it really did leave the factory like that) has come up a few times in comments on my previous posts but I think this is the first time I’ve seen one for real since I lived in Germany back in the nineties. Snapped yesterday at this year’s Festival of the Unexceptional in Lincolnshire.

#davidsdailycar #VolkswagenPoloHarlequin #VW #WeirdCarMastodon
Multi-coloured Volkswagen Polo Harlequin, front quarter view
Multi-coloured Volkswagen Polo Harlequin, rear quarter view

Bärnchen mastodon (AP)
So und nun müsst ihr ganz tapfer sein, denn der Herbst hält einzug in den Garten.

Die erste Glattblattaster 'Aster novi belgii' beginnt zu blühen. In anderen Jahren vielleicht Ende August oder Anfang September.

Wahrscheinlich alles Auswirkungen des extrem warmen März.


Rosa Blüte.

I was listening to my own music last night, which is not unusual, I listen to my own music quite a bit. I like it. But as I listened to it last night, I began to view it for the first time as a body of work. I’m not sure what it was before that moment, but as I played through the almost-hour long collection of my original songs, I was struck with the feeling that this is… a thing, a representation of something, I’m not sure what. I’m usually good with words, but I’m finding it difficult to describe the shift I felt. I know I must continue to add to this body of work, and that the work must stay true to itself. Music for the sake of music, and tunes that I personally enjoy listening to over and over again. I’m not sure if it was because I’d just binged on Ween, or maybe had too much sugar, but it was like an epiphany, and The Dgar Project has taken a new seat in my own consciousness. I am a songwriter, and this year, I’m writing songs.

Here’s the link if you’d like to open up the #Dgar for yourself and see what’s inside.

#DgarMusic #Dgarheads #SingerSongwriter #Music #MusiciansOfMastodon #Indie #Alternative #Rock #Punk #Grunge #Pop #SciFi #Mythology #Filk

Dunbar's Number mastodon (AP)
@Melissabeartrix so they brought politics into it and then started swearing at the consequences of their actions? Weirdos!
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Strange that ... They can you can't ... And don't forget that

Hugz & xXx

Georg Ehring mastodon (AP)
Höchsttemperaturen um die 50 Grad -Hitze-Lockdown im Iran. #Klimakrise .
helgenug mastodon (AP)
Dunst ist die Welle,
Staub ist die Quelle.
Stumm sind die Wälder,
Feuermann tanzet über die Felder.
Sarina mastodon (AP)
Wie jetzt, Lockdown? Was ist mit den ganzen psychischen Schäden für Schulkinder? Hitzschlagschuld des Körpers?

StarkRG mastodon (AP)
"This tree smells amazing, I want to eat it."
"You can't eat wood, humans don't have the capability to digest it."
"What about just the bark?"
"Can't digest that either, sorry."
"Ok, but what if I grind it into a powder first?"

The invention of ground cinnamon.
2 people reshared this
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Make a tea. .. and drink it ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx
StarkRG mastodon (AP)
Yeah, tea was "we had to boil the stream water to make sure it's safe to drink and leaves fell in mine while I wasn't looking and now it tastes amazing"

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (AP)
Die Eröffnungsfeier der Sommerspiele in Paris zeigt: Es ist ein Glück für Frankreich, dass der identitäre Nationalismus die Wahl verloren hat.#Paris #Social-Auswahl #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Λειψυδρία προ των πυλών: Τι αποκαλύπτουν δορυφορικές εικόνες σε τεχνητές λίμνες και φράγματα – 14 δήμοι στο «κόκκινο» – Documento #greece
Λειψυδρία προ των πυλών: Τι αποκαλύπτουν δορυφορικές εικόνες σε τεχνητές λίμνες και φράγματα - 14 δήμοι στο «κόκκινο» - Documento

taz mastodon (AP)
Unser Autor hat „Hillbilly-Elegie“ von J. D. Vance beim Erscheinen positiv besprochen. Jetzt, da Vance als Trumps Vize nominiert ist, liest er das Buch erneut.!6023710

Quincy mastodon (AP)
"Der private Konkurrent sieht sich im Kampf um Nutzer benachteiligt, wenn der DWD eine mit Steuergeld finanzierte Gratis-App ohne Werbung am Markt anbieten darf."

"DWD muss Geld verlangen oder Werbung schalten"

Also ein "Recht" auf #enshittification?
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
me·ta·phil, der mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Markt regelt Shipost

Steve Woods mastodon (AP)
"Labour’s electoral strategy was hyper-cautious, shaped by the need to convince the public it could be trusted with the public finances."

That's nonsense.

The hyper-cautious strategy was devised to convince the Untied Kingdom's over-powerful and overwhelmingly right-wing media.
the best thing Starmer could do, is firstly, make the media owners pay tax, secondly drop leveson 2 on them.
Epistatacadam mastodon (AP)
start with Leveson2, perhaps the noble judge will suggest Newspaper and broadcasters must be registed in the UK for both tax and legal purposes. So if they repeatedly breach the rules not merely are they shut down, but all executives since the first breach are liable to criminal sanction, ignorance is not a defense in law is it. And as an executive you control the enterprise, for which you receive back dollops of cash.
he won't do the former either for the same reason, but Mail group, telegraph group and News corp all do not pay UK tax.

Joerg Fliege diaspora
Professor Chris Grey is still writing on his excellent Brexit blog: **Uncharted waters ** Main points, recently:
  • The new government is taking baby steps towards normalizing the relationship between the UK and the EU. Of note is that the UK hosted the recent European Political Community (EPC), and that there is a move to track changes in EU product standards and safety regulations. In other words, the UK will become a rule taker. Thats probably the best one can hope for at present.
  • The Tories and Reform: two tribes go to war. Nobody knows how the outcome will look like, but one feels a sense of complacency. All the actual successful right-wing parties on the continent are actually quite 'big state' left-wing (except for immigration, of course). Thats anathema to Reform, so how are they planning to gain any seats? And right-of-centre is practically short of answers regarding everything important, so whats the plan for the Tories?
  • Trump: the big joker regarding US-European relations. Nobody really knows what will happen if that guy wins the November elections.
Khurram Wadee reshared this.

Content warning: Cute wishes

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Cute wishes

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that at the 2012 Olympics, the North Korean women's football team left the pitch in protest before their match with Colombia after their players appear on screens with South Korea's flag
#til #todayilearned

stachelvieh mastodon (AP)
stachelvieh - Wieder Tropfenwispern bis in den Schlaf, als Begleitmusik im Traum, als Wohfühlmoment und Retardierer des Erwachens am Morgen. Frische, die durchs Fenster dringt. Der Morgen gedimmt, ein struppiger Wind über den Dachfirsten erreicht meist nur die Lindenspitzen. Der Himmel ist grau und leer, als wären die Mauersegler über Nacht abgereist. Schon erscheint am Horizont, noch fern und klein, der August.

Khurram Wadee reshared this.
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