Bubba Harrison mastodon (AP)
Of course, Hollywood theorized about it first.

Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
Whenever I hear the “Harris is the DEI candidate”, and you will too, I’m going to use this quote from Dana Milbank: “Right. Vance, who has served 19 months in the Senate after writing a book and briefly dabbling as a venture capitalist, was picked by Trump on the merits. But Harris, who spent decades as a prosecutor, district attorney, attorney general and senator, became vice president because of diversity, equity and inclusion.”#uspoli #Election2024
4 people reshared this
PB Livin' mastodon (AP)
I think the only appropriate response is "Lol, can you imagine embarrassing yourself by saying something that dumb?"

Coming back at them with logic makes it sound like there's a debate to be had, like the premise of their statement is something to consider seriously. It's nothing but pathetic racism and any response should treat it as such.
PB Livin' mastodon (AP)
*Put another way: Everyone, left right and middle, knows "DEI hire" isn't saying "she's not qualified", it's saying "she's black".

Answering that with "she's definitely qualified" is missing the point and following their misdirection.

Anyone in their right mind knows she's got a long professional track record.

So point out how dumb it is that anyone would question that. Don't take their point as something to debate, just flat out say how dumb you'd have to be to question that

Stacey Cornelius mastodon (AP)
When you're 14 you get to lounge around as much as you want.

#DailyCat #Caturday #GingerCat #TabbyCat #CatsOfMastodon
Ginger and white cat stretched out on a white faux fur throw. A tabby cat is curled up in a nest of cushions behind her.
Ginger and white cat curled up on a white faux fur throw. A tabby cat is curled up in a nest of cushions behind her.

liferstate mastodon (AP)
Dear fedi, who is this Unknown Bird! On a rock! Doesn't look like a common gull to me, but I could be wrong?

[Update: it is most likely a juvenile herring gull. Thanks everybody for the learning!]

Spotted yesterday on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan. #birdCallOut #nameThatBird
Bird standing on a rock above water. 

Bird has a whitish head, mixed grayish-brown and white wings & body with dark gray tail feathers, a black beak and pinkish webbed feet.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

overflo mastodon (AP)
Every time I turn on the air condition it plays the first few notes of the Terminator theme.
Can this be an Incident?
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
VanillaSkunk mastodon (AP)

We have one of those units in our server room to keep it 50 F in that room at all times.

That AC lasted 2 years, and now it's CONSTANTLY SCREAMING just to operate.

so... it's definitely a warning.
pty mastodon (AP)

Steve Schwinghamer mastodon (AP)
Dozer says to use your weekend wisely, friends.

A grey tabby covers his face while lying by the armrest of a brown couch. Pink toe beans are visible.

libramoon diaspora

along a lazy stream of time
crossing whirlwind space.
Rippling into etched contours,
teasing tricks of mind.
Expecting miracles.
One day precedes the next.
Reflective pooling, a
faultless, serene slip of spring.
Next I know I am hauling logs
through winter
cold, ice-tinged hands and toes
dripping nose,
exhausted, wilting.
Life brings no promises.
None to hold them to.
There are no changelings of the night;
not even prescient aliens to awe us.
There is energy.
There is form.
There is shadow bleeding
into substance.
There is here and now receding
into there and then.
There are the promises we keep
never knowing we have made them.
shining in the sun
colours of a thousand worlds’ rainbows.
Ripples quietly expressing,
infinitely regressing,
first cause
last effect.

Tim Mak mastodon (AP)
Good morning to readers; Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.

As the Olympics start in Paris, we are highlighting the almost 500 Ukrainian athletes who won’t be able to watch them.

Athletes like Ivan, a soccer player, killed in Kharkiv after going back to help his employees.

Nataliya Skakun, a former Olympic weightlifter, stopped talking mid-sentence, abruptly looking up at a spot in the sky not visible over our video call.

“Hang on,” she said with her neck craned back, “I just saw a missile.”
Tim Mak mastodon (AP)
News of the Day:

The first Ukrainian victory at the 2024 Olympic Games comes in the judo competition’s 60 kg category.

Ukrainian Dilshot Khalmatov defeated Uzbekistan's Doston Ruziev in the round of 32 finalists, reports the New Voice of Ukraine.
Tim Mak mastodon (AP)
Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko, himself a former champion boxer, praised the Paris opening ceremony as "beautiful and successful."

But he drew attention to the 487 Ukrainian athletes who have been killed due to the war.

OtownKim mastodon (AP)

Remember #CatsOfMastodon don't forget to stay hydrated!

Five kittens drinking from a water fountain
OtownKim mastodon (AP)

Nova Prime, Initiated! :: , What do you do when you have a day off from work? Do you play some viddygames? Do you go outside and roll around in the grass, praying you don’t accidentally slob around in some poopoo? Well, that’s not what I do. Today, I sat down in front of my computer screen, chugged an energy drink as my heart screamed at me “Please, for the love of pizza and beer, stop the caffeine!” and I said, “What if I f

Prof Kemi FG mastodon (AP)
Anyone who thinks cars bring "freedom" has never driven on I-95.

#cars #WarOnCars #DrivingSucks
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Cars are burdens.

You have to pay a lot to keep them going, and also you have to work at driving them because nobody else seems to be trying very hard.

I'm very glad I don't need to use one.

Charlie pixelfed (AP)
Highlighted #smartphonepic
A  wooden bench on a promenade along a lake. Heavy, dark clouds are rolling in over the lake and the hills towards the bench. But they haven't reached the sun behind the bench jet and so the back of the bench is being illuminated, creating quite a contrast to the clouds

Bubba Harrison mastodon (AP)
Sharks are already terrifying. Now they're high on cocaine? I'm never going in the ocean again. I'll stick to the pool, where the only danger is getting a wedgie.


Mastodon Migration mastodon (AP)
Trump hates being out of the limelight and is a master media manipultor. Harris has captured the nation's attention and it's driving him crazy. His outrageous comments yesterday about ending voting where calculated to grab back attention. He wants people parsing his words, so long as they are talking about him. And, of course like always, he leaves just enough ambiguity to wriggle out of the obvious interpretation. Believe him. If elected he will end democracy. Harris will protect our freedom.
2 people reshared this

#Bahn #ÖV #News mastodon (AP)
„Menschen, die gar nichts mit dem ÖPNV am Hut haben, sollen zur Kasse gebeten werden“

Baden-Württembergs grün-schwarze Regierung will für den Klimaschutz die Nutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel forcieren: Kreise und manche Städte können eine „Mobilitätsabgabe“ erheben – wenn sie wollen, nur von Autofahrern. Die Kritik reicht von „Zwangsabgabe“ bis zum „zahnlosen grünen Bettvorleger“.
Stephan Matthiesen mastodon (AP)
Was für eine Logik in der Überschrift.

Ich werde doch auch z.B. für Schulen zur Kasse gebeten (mit meinen Steuern) obwohl ich mit Schulen gar nichs am Hut habe.

Wenn wir nur noch für das zahlen, was wir jeweils selbst brauchen, dann bleibt von der Gesellschaft nicht mehr viel übrig.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Marc Haber mastodon (AP)
Gibt es eigentlich eine Karte wo man sehen kann wo (in Mitteleuropa) man seinen Lebensabend verbringen kann ohne Gefahr zu laufen dass es einem das Haus wegspült? Berge ist doof, wegen Unwettern, Küste wegen Meeresspiegel.
In der Klimakatastrophe gibt es keine sicheren Orte.

Dort wo sie Dich nicht direkt bedroht sind Nahrungsversorgung und Energieversorgung schwierig. Es ist eine planetare Krise die die Grundlagen unser aller Existenz bedroht.

Das ist ja dieselbe Fehleinschätzung der ganzen Milliardäre mit ihren Bunkern. Es egal wie reich Du bist, wir sind mit 3 ppm mehr pro Jahr auf einem +4 Grad Kurs, also 99% Mortalität.

Von 10 Mrd auf unter 100 Mio in 30 Jahren.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Die einzigen Personen, die derzeit rational and korrekt auf die Klimakatastrophe reagieren, sind LG/XR.

- Millardäre enteignen
- sofortige Einstellung allen Flugverkehrs
- Verbot von MIV bis 2030, auch Bestand, Stop vom Autobahnausbau, alle Mittel in den ÖPNV und auf die Schiene
- Gütertransport nur noch auf der Schiene und vom Bahnhof zum Empfänger elektrisch
- radikaler Ausbau des ÖPNV

- Betonverwendung stoppen bis 2030
- Entsiegelung der Städte
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
@fasnix @better_tomorrow @isotopp Schau Dir an, wie es aktuell mit alten Fabriken, verlassenen Häusern usw. läuft, z.B. in den neuen Bundesländern. Die werden sich selbst überlassen, teils zu großflächigen Lost Places, direkt daneben baut man den neuen Kram. An der Ostseeküste verfallen alte DDR-Ferienobjekte und direkt daneben stehen Neubauten.

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
This is pure cartel behavior: Reddit and Google have cut a deal that will freeze out all other search engines from indexing Reddit, where volunteers do essentially all the work.

This should not be legal.

It is VITAL to replace Reddit, and it will take a global village to do it. If we don't, the cartel wins.

And Google should be broken up by Congress, if the antitrust people won't try.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
What antitrust people you are talking about? In the United States, there are still any?

Tyler K. Nothing mastodon (AP)
So gross. I'm glad #JDVance is dragging #Trump down in the polls (or poles, if you’re using TrumpSpeak). Combine that with the flood of support for #Harris which will continue to shift early polling in her favor and out of his, that we might just see a statistical landslide in November. More peeps need to see and hear what these people are saying out loud, the lies they are telling, and more importantly, the truths they are telling. #politics

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
So, in case you weren't already doing all you can to support Democrats because you support Democracy, last night Trump told American Christians that if they all would vote for him in 2024 just this time they'll never have to vote again because he'll "fix it" so that they don't have to bother doing that again.

You may think that would harm his election chances in the world's oldest democracy, but that means you're unaware that the NY Times and WaPo entirely ignored that statement.
Thomas mastodon (AP)
At least the NY-Times covers it...

Memories of vacations past

There's quite a few swimming here right now @Katherine Bond As a child I couldn't wait to get into the water. Now each days there's notices about water quality. Scary!
Yes, we have them too @Shonie Hutter. We were truly lucky. If there was a body of body nearby when I was young, I was swimming in it.

katharine mastodon (AP)
Captioning in a Portlandia sketch about a hipster boutique hotel said “bad costumer service” and, like, what even is the joke anymore

why_o_why mastodon (AP)
Ich hab echt keine Worte mehr für das unfassbare Versagen der US Leitmedien. Hier wie die #NYT über Trumps glasklar zu verstehende Ankündigung, Wahlen abzuschaffen, berichtet.
Und für diesen Entschuldigungs- bullshit haben sie fast 24 Std gebraucht🥴. Und die Nicht-Antwort von Trumps Sprecher geht offenbar OK. 🙄

#Trump #project2025 #Dictator #election2024
Sorry für fehlenden #AltTxt aber ich sitze im Schrebergarten und hab so 20kb/s...🙈
why_o_why mastodon (AP)
Allein das "deporting millions of people annually". Keine Alarmglocken, kein Aufschrei. Mir haben diese "mass deportations now" Schilder auf dem #Rnc kalte Schauer über den Rücken gejagt...sind die 6 Millionen Vergasten egal, die tausende Gestorbenen GIs beim Kampf gegen Hitler, die Camps in die damals Japaner in den USA gepfercht wurden? 😳

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that before he was famous Hugh Jackman made money performing as a clown for childrens' birthday parties. Jackman wasn't a good clown, and recalled being heckled by a six-year-old for not knowing any magic tricks.
#til #todayilearned

#USpolitics #Principles

Principles are the hardest when they cost money.

"Standing up to Kanye West" [2:58 min]
by Steve Hofstetter

Quote by SH:
"26 mei 2024
This was a heartbreaking decision but one I had to make. I wish my agent and the folks at 33 and West the best, but I can’t be a part of this. As Whitesnake once sang, “here I go again on my own.”
Thank you to those who come to shows; I hope there are enough shows to come to in the future. I guess we will find out together.
Did I make the right decision?"
JdeB mastodon (AP)
Wow... that's from a while ago. Kudos for finding this one. And I agree: hard yes !

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
We just updated our seasonality pages to include brand new visuals, for any ticker $TSLA $NVDA $GME $AMC and more.

- MoM seasonality
- Avg growth of $100
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- Distribution of daily % changes and returns

Level up your trading with Unusual Whales today.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

What's it to you? mastodon (AP)
A gentle reminder that one never need thank an actual Nazi for anything.

Lady Wicket mastodon (AP)
“Mister Lipwig, the world lives between those who say it cannot be done and those who say that it can. And in my experience, those who say that it can be done are usually telling the truth. It's just a matter of thinking creatively.”
Terry Pratchett; Raising Steam
#Discworld #GreatBritishEnergy #LabourHasAPlan
engineers answer, glass is too big for the volume of liquid...

Watching Dix pour Cent again, amazing how small the smartphones look compared to now, only a few years and things have changed.

It's still funny, in a highly silly way.

Peter Cohen mastodon (AP)
Here's how to stop X from using your posts to train its AI:

Stop posting on X
Or keep using X, but only post things like "Elon is an idiot", "X is a Nazi bar", "Teslas explode", an other fun things so that their AI is trained well.
Nazani mastodon (AP)
I want AI to train on all the scientific articles I quoted & linked to. Perhaps it would learn that pre-natal hormones have a massive effect on how the brain develops gender identity & orientation.

Flipboard Tech Desk mastodon (AP)
As the 2024 Olympic Games commence, a number of new AI tools – covering things like game optimization, talent detection and “reduction of human bias” – are getting ready to be tested at a Games for the very first time.

@Mashable speaks to the companies behind the technology and considers the impact these tools will have on the competition, the athletes and the fan experience — whether attending or watching from home. Here’s more.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Olympics #Olympics2024 #ParisOlympics #Tech
The Mashable article on AI at the Paris Olympics is an interesting read.

It’s still a hodgepodge of solutions in search of a problem. But a necessary precursor to getting AI over the Hype Curve to actually useful applications without ugly downsides. (Kinda’ like everyone suffering through Preparations A-G until they got it right

“𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐇 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑” ... See it on Fine Art America--->

#SheliaHuntPhotography #Savannah #SavannahRiver #SavannahGA #BuyIntoArt
Large cargo vessel gliding through the waters of the Savannah River near dusk with storm clouds looming ahead. There is a stunning reflection in the river in this scene. at Savannah, Georgia. Black and white image from the Fine Art Gallery of Shelia Hunt.

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