Screenshot from instagram
Summary: if trump means what he says vote against him. If he just says what christofascists tell him to say, vote against him.
If he is just babbling, he is incompetent; vote against him.

⚠️🇷🇺Russian Su-34 bomber crashes during training flight (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Russia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow
Preston MacDougall mastodon (AP)
This is innovative ‘military training’ by the #Kremlin top brass, but I’m not sure if they thought it through. 🤔

They’re ’training’ #Russian soldiers to do what they do at the frontlines in #Ukraine : die ☠️ quickly!

I mean you can't call anti-Americanism "racism", but whatever other term fits is definitely something Fedi is.

The number of people on Fedi who lump all Americans in one bucket and call them all stupid, fat, uninformed bigots is way too damn high. Americans are no different than us Europeans, and your view on them is warped by ever only seeing the extremes highlighted in our media. If you actually go to the US - like I have, several times - you'll quickly learn the vast, vast majority of Americans are just like you and I, just trying to get by in a shitty world fucked by wealthy assholes.

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #Kamala with #Kids

Still a bit condescending for my European taste. But for US standards it's a breath of fresh air. Considering how Drumph or any other (R) politician would react to the legitimate questions of those kids.
Feel free to skip the rest of the video but you would miss out on some other 'cuddly' moments of Kamala cooking skills.

"CUTE: Kids Interview Kamala Harris" [7:05 min]
by Keith Edwards

Quote by KS:
"Jul 26, 2024"

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #ImWithHer


It's really high-time to kick him put of the EU. Difficult or not, Hungary has not only become the Kremlin's 5th Column, but is a fascist cancer in its democratic tissue.
Time for a removal. Surgery is in order.

Agnus Dei: a famous female church composer.

Look at this fat heck

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Outliver: Tribulation is basically Nigerian Tomb Raider with Souls-like elements.

When I say “Nigerian”, I mean the setting is in Nigeria, the protagonist is a Nigerian woman, and the game itself was developed in Lagos, Nigeria.

You play Bolanle Gboyega, a soldier fighting Boko Haram, who suddenly finds herself in the Realm of Tribulations – a place full of African mythology – where she must undergo an ancient ritual to find her way back to the mortal realm.

Outliver is really cool.

When I play Tomb Raider, I’m doing it with the lens of an Englishwoman who’s going to far flung locales to collect artifacts. You kind of touch upon the mythos of each place but only as an outsider looking in. And as much as I love Tomb Raider, sometimes it has echoes of colonialism.

But with Outliver, you play as someone who comes from the culture – specifically a Nigerian woman exploring a Nigerian temple. Littered throughout that temple is ancient African art and iconography. Throughout the game, you encounter so much Nigerian mythology and folklore.

Clearly, this game was made with a lot of love. To me, that really makes a difference, and makes this game well worth playing. If this game were merely about mythos and folklore, I’d be a fan because I love Nigerian art and it’s something I often go out of my way to appreciate.

But the devs did a stellar job with the controls, both with keyboard and mouse as well as gamepad. It takes a little bit of time to get used to but once you get going, I am like a duck to water. This is smooth.

The graphics are tremendous. They are way better than I was expecting. On a tower, this game has lots of atmosphere with great detail, especially with the lighting and fog effects. On a Steam Deck, I had to dial the graphical settings way down in order to get to 60fps. But though the quality is nowhere near as good as on desktop, this ended up being my preferred way to play.

(Don’t entirely judge the game on these screenshots, they’re from my Steam Deck.)

I also love the sound. The soundtrack is full of instrumental Nigerian music, with fantastic rhythms, and it really drives up the tension. The voice acting is slightly amateurish but it’s authentic, and that’s what I want with a game like this.

One thing I do want to make apparent is that this game isn’t for everyone. While Outliver has a lot of action, it also has a special focus on puzzle solving. And there’s a big collectathon aspect to the game as well. I don’t mind this because the original Tomb Raider was very much about puzzle solving and collecting but if you lack patience, Outliver is not for you.

As well, I do want to set certain expectations. Outliver does not have the same production quality as Tomb Raider. Not even close.

However, for a game made by three people living in Lagos, Nigeria, Outliver punches way, way above its weight. I am actually stunned by what those three fellows were able to accomplish and hats off to them.

Gbrossoft developed Outliver. Previous to this game, the made much more humble indie games but none of them had the ambition of Outliver, and they took a big step up with this effort.

On Steam, Outliver: Tribulation sells for C$10.49. It is worthwhile if you love games with a unique setting that are rich in lore. There are few games set anywhere in Africa and even fewer that look as beautiful as this one.
Outliver: Tribulation screenshot (Steam Deck) Outliver: Tribulation screenshot (Steam Deck)
Outliver: Tribulation screenshot (Steam Deck) Outliver: Tribulation screenshot (Steam Deck)
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Grumpy Gramp mastodon (AP)
Lese gerade wieder, wie jemand Trump als den "großen Manipulator der Medien" bezeichnet.

Irgendwie entzieht sich mir allerdings, was an dem debilen Gestammel dieses furzenden Affen "genial manipulativ" sein soll.

Ich sehe in solchen Schreibereien eher den Versuch der Medien, ihr Versagen zu rationalisieren.

Rico is hanging out next to me in a rat fort today, being very shiny and curious. Don't worry, he has plenty of dark corners to skitter away to!

#Raturday #Rats
Rico, a white and black hooded rat, in his fort. The dark part of his fur looks very shiny in the sunlight. Rico, a white and black hooded rat, in his fort. The dark part of his fur looks very shiny in the sunlight.
Rico, a white and black hooded rat, in his fort. The dark part of his fur looks very shiny in the sunlight. Rico, a white and black hooded rat. He is coming right at you!

Senioradmin mastodon (AP)
Ich suche für die Nichte meiner Frau, die gerade aus Vietnam gekommen ist, ein günstiges WG-Zimmer bzw. eine günstige 1-Zimmer-Wohnung im Raum Viersen/Schwalmtal/MG. Boost wäre toll #fedipower

Edit: Danke für die vielen Boosts. Wir haben nun eine Wohnung gefunden. 🙂
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Paul_stilgar mastodon (AP)
So , it is a success.

Preston MacDougall mastodon (AP)
I’ll bet a million #rubles or $10 💵 on the #Russian #BlackMarket , whichever is of greater value at the moment, that #Patriarchs in the #EasternOrthodox Church laughed when #CharlieHebdo ridiculed the Prophet #Muhammad and #IslamicTerrorists. Did I get that right? 🤔

#LGBTQ #LastSupper #ParisOlympics

Gundula_Dörte mastodon (AP)
#gundi kocht

Heute habe ich in der Pfanne:

Nasa- goreng mit Curryreis und scharfer Sauce. 🔥

Adam Isacson wordpress (AP)
We’re No Longer On Our Own and Undefended

The Harris campaign has vastly increased the sharpness, agility, and aggressiveness of its responses to the Trump-Vance campaign’s attacks on rights and institutions. For the first time in a very long time, the message is no longer “you’re on your own.” That feeling of being defended is where the new energy is coming from.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Brian Kelley mastodon (AP)
Happy National #NewJersey Day!

Let's celebrate by listening to some @BlowUpRadio, Where NJ Rock Lives!
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Billy Blue mastodon (AP)
Yet another mysterious organization backed by wealthy donors ...

Remember when Hillary Clinton was mocked for talking about “a vast right-wing conspiracy?” Well, I’m sort of at a loss to know what else you would call it.
maya_b reshared this.

Beim Alkoholkonsum gibt es keine gesundheitlich unbedenkliche Menge. Die Schäden werden durch den Alkohol, nicht das Getränk verursacht.
#Alkohol ist eine toxische, psychoaktive und süchtig machende Substanz und wurde vom Internationalen #Krebs|forschungszentrum schon vor Jahrzehnten als Karzinogen der Gruppe 1 eingestuft – das ist die höchste Risikogruppe, zu der auch Asbest, Strahlung und Tabak gehören.

Lorenz Meyer ✅ mastodon (AP)
Ich bin dafür sämtliche Wettbewerbe mit Pferden aus den Olympischen Spielen zu streichen. Erstens wegen der nach wie vor überzogenen Leistungsanforderungen und rücksichtslosen Trainingsmethoden. Und zweitens weil Lebewesen schlicht und einfach keine Sportgeräte sein sollten. Hört auf damit.

mattmaison mastodon (AP)
Butthole Surfers

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Couch-fucking is probably one of those reputations things you never recover from.

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
In 8 years “family” have helped out once, when my MIL came to visit and she watched the kid for an evening so we could have an hour to ourselves and enjoy a meal at a nice restaurant. We haven’t had any respite from full time caregiving since then. Oh we also had a couple of evenings before the pandemic where we managed to drop him off at kindergarten organized evenings so we could literally have 4 hours to shower, order takeout and stream a movie. In 8 fucking years. “We want to help” my ass.

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Family: we want to help

Me: *taps the sign that says “in 2018 when he was diagnosed autistic and we took turns sleeping on the floor of the living room because he would ONLY fall asleep on the couch around midnight, where were you then?”*

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
When relatives ask you how you are I’m guessing they aren’t actually interested in hearing the truth.

Squirrel Tails

OK, I get the resemblance but I'll go with Sanguisorba obtusa. Also called Japanese Burnet.

Sanguisorba obtusa, the Nanbutouutisou, is a species of flowering plant in the family Rosaceae, native to Japan. Growing up to 1.5 m tall by 1 m broad, this rhizomatous herbaceous perennial has grey-green foliage, and attractive bright pink bottle-brush type flowers on wiry stems, in summer. Wikipedia

Sounds like a street or section of L.A./Southern CA!
Japanese Burnet, eh? Reminds me (the flower) of something fairly common in the South of the U.S. (for sure, Florida), known colloquially as 'bottle brush' - though yours may be bigger/fluffier (hard to tell the scale). There's a variety which is deep red and grows on trees, but it's tall bushes with a flower like this I'm thinking of.
As far as I can tell, @Michael Fenichel, the Florida 'bottlebrush' shrub is Callistemon citrinus and 6-8 feet tall typically. Sanguisorba obtusa, on the other had -- at least the one in the photo -- is about 4 feet tall (with bamboo assistance). 'Burnet' refers to brown fabric or dried brown flowers. In BC, we have sitka burnet aka Sanguisorba canadensis. Dried sanguisorba flowers can definitely look brown with regard to 'burnet'.

Crimson Bottlebrush [Callistemon citrinus] is an evergreen shrub in the myrtle family that is native to Australia and South Wales. It grows 8 to 15 feet tall and wide. The yellow or red flowers occur in long bottlebrush looking clusters in spring and again in fall. There are several cultivars available with different colored flowers.

Bottlebrush here, bottlebrush there. Scientific names are rather helpful when it comes to knowing that two people are talking about the same plant. Ha. As for Florida non-native shrubs, I've never been east of Pecos, New Mexico.

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
NRW: Verdächtiges Pulver in DHL-Zentrum - ein Verletzter

In einem DHL-Logistikzentrum in Geseke nahe Paderborn wurden Päckchen mit einem unbekannten weißen Pulver gefunden. Mehrere Mitarbeiter kamen mit dem Stoff in Berührung, einer von ihnen kam verletzt ins Krankenhaus.



Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Claudius Ptolemy made a list of the angle in water for each number of different angle in air, as recorded on a table from 140 AD. But it was not until 1621 when Willebrord Snell found the rule connecting the two angles: sinθi=nsinθr
#til #todayilearned

Ralli. :mastodon: mastodon (AP)
ohne Worte ......,dlrg1044.html
Optimist mastodon (AP)
Kielholen ...
Aber von vorn nach achtern, nicht die Kindergartennummer unterm Boot von backbord nach steuerbord !

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (AP)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-27 18:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 991
Number of users: 8 892 010
Number of statuses: 1 077 275 839
Number of users last 4h: 510
Number of statuses last 4h: 211 651
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

saddened to find out that now just links to gamestop

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
I just want someone to take care of my emotions for once. But I take care of mine AND yours. I’m exhausted. And we’ll be right back on this wheel again. And I’ll have to accept it because I cannot change you.

re-upping this one again

so many forms of writing are rendered nearly useless if they have no info on *when* they were written

to quote an old tweet of mine:

Put the date in your paper. Put the date in your pastebin. Put the date in your blogpost. Please, the date, put it.

Tweet from @0xabad1dea:  
Put the date in your paper. Put the date in your pastebin. Put the date in your blogpost. Please, the date, put it.
2 people reshared this

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #Latino #WomensRights

Discrimination by residence !

"How Abortion Laws Are Disproportionately Affecting Latinas" [ < 1 min]
by nowthisimpact


#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #ImWithHer

"The FSF-run GNU infrastructure is a great example of free software for the users, funded by the users." -- FSF senior systems administrator Ian Kelling Read more: Support the FSF: #SoftwareFreedom
TheDarcBird reshared this.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
I’m so fucking sick of accepting the things I cannot change.

newer older

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