Genossenschaften, die in Deutschland Ökostrom anbieten
Wenn ihr euch das irgendwie leisten könnt, dann wechselt bitte alle zu einer Energiegenossenschaft!

Hier pflege ich dazu eine Liste
Gerne nehme ich noch weitere Genossenschaften mit auf.

Nur so können wir als Gesellschaft die Kontrolle über unsere Energieversorgung zurückgewinnen.

Denn aus den Genossenschaften kann kein Kapital abgezogen werden.

Am besten werdet ihr auch gleich noch Genossen, dann könnt ihr sogar mit entscheiden, in welche Anlagen die Gewinne investiert werden.

Einige der Genossenschafte sind sogar schon hier im Fediverse angekommen:

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Decimated and defeated: Russian MP admits Black Sea Fleet’s collapse #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Decimated and defeated: Russian MP admits Black Sea Fleet’s collapse

Rocketman mastodon (AP)
There was this funny moment a few days ago in Germany when some German right-wing politician posted on X that “Kamala Harris is not my president”,

and someone from an official German government account replied “You’re right. Your president is Frank Walter Steinmeier”, the current president of Germany (the role is mainly decorative)

EDIT: the correction was from Germany’s FAZ newspaper, not from the government. Thanks @ditol
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

MostlyTato mastodon (AP)
"Oi, Hendrix, don't you know its Caturday?"
"Yes, it is!"
#caturday #cats #CatsOfMastodon
Grey and white cat sitting on flagstones with legs akimbo, looking back over his right shoulder.
Grey and white cat sitting on flagstones, turned to look forwards.

Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
I’ve radically improved my health over the last couple years. Cardiovascular fitness is in a great place, including heart rate variability, VO2max, etc. Yet I still get a slight buzz if I stand up too fast. I guess that’s going a part of being middle aged, in shape or not. #health #longevity
My goals too. Trying to maintain youthful metabolism of the younger years is hard, when healing takes longer with age. Any illness or injury has a greater potential to slow the whole system down. What might have made us stronger then is not so much anymore. I know one thing is for sure, staying active and moderate exercise keeps us in shape.
Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
Same! Good luck with the ECG!

Shoq mastodon (AP)
Drip, drip drip, SPLASH!


JdeB mastodon (AP)
#Rewilding #FiveSuccessStories #USA

We're talking about / showing:
* The American Prairie Reserve
* Northeast Wilderness Trust
* Yellowstone National Park Wolf Reintroduction
* Sante Monica Mountains
* Michael Yellowlees & Luna

"5 REWILDING Success Stories of North America"
by Leave Curious

Quote by LC:
"May 2, 2022
Join our PATREON to support the channel, gain access to exclusive videos, Q&A, livestreams, vote & influence the direction of Leave Curious."

#TakeCareForLife #TakeCareForEarth #StopBurnigThings

lolgop mastodon (AP)
Project 2025, page 473: Kill women.

A good reminder for us all on this Saturday!

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that although brothels are legal in much of Nevada, about 90% of the prostitution that occurs in the state is illegal
#til #todayilearned

Mekki mastodon (AP)
One of the things I like the most about the fediverse is that it has gone back to the internet's roots: The most effective way to build your network and grow followers is by posting cat pictures. As it should be. I wonder if there is a lesson here for LinkedIn? mastodon (AP)
Join the awesome Lazy DM community, get fantastic RPG resources, and support the work I do at the Sly Flourish Patreon!

#dnd #ttrpg

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Tom Lee said he thinks the S&P 500 will remain flat through August, but sees "a lot of opportunity" in small caps

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Donald Trump Saying ‘You Won’t Have to Vote’ in Four Years Sparks Fear #Politics #U.S.Politics #UnitedStates
Donald Trump Saying 'You Won't Have to Vote' in Four Years Sparks Fear

NeeAnah mastodon (AP)
A thing I need to keep in mind is, just because I see others not considering the harms of high risk uv rays, doesn't mean I need to be as reckless.
This summer has NOT been good for me at all.

Climate change is real and we need to stop pretending like it's not affecting us.

#ultravioletlight #Sunrays #ClimateChange #summer

Knowable Magazine mastodon (AP)
Growing evidence suggests a link between the debilitating neurological illness and the microbes that live in our intestines. The vagus nerve may be a pathway.

Disturbances within the microbiome may affect brain health via the vagus, a bundle of nerves that snakes between the intestines and the central nervous system, potentially triggering Parkinson’s and other disorders. CREDIT: KNOWABLE MAGAZINE

Trump is an old, only occasionally coherant convicted felon.

Mekki mastodon (AP)
Dora's "Post ME on Mastodon for #Caturday! Not just Nanners! I'm cute too!" moment.

A close-up picture of a dark gray and white cat with green eyes looking into the camera. Her nose is half pink and half spotted gray. She is sitting on a cushioned wooden kitchen chair to get higher off the ground and closer to the person holding the camera.

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Cats around the nation have taken notice of Vance, and reportedly have issued the following statement:

"Vote for Harris, or risk being bitten in your sleep."
"And hard, too."
Cookiefiend mastodon (AP)
My cat seconds that sentiment.

@blk_intellect mastodon (AP)
White women raised millions for Kamala Harris. And broke Zoom. -

stepardo mastodon (AP)
Leseempfehlung. "Energierevolution jetzt!" von Cornelia und Volker Quaschning.

Straff geschriebenes Buch, welches eine sehr positive Entwicklung beim Klimaschutz vorzeichnet. Es betrachtet alle Baustellen, Industrie, Landwirtschaft, Verkehr, Ernährung, Bauen, Heizen usw. Die Technik existiert bereits. Wir müssen nur ins Machen kommen.

Und ganz wichtig: Psychologie. Wie man Menschen und sich selber überzeugen kann.

Hat mir gefallen, kann ich empfehlen. Das Buch ist ab jetzt wieder in der #onleihe ausleihbar.

Das Buch ist von 2021, die Gesetzes-Novellen von #habeck und den #gruenen sind noch nicht enthalten. Ich interpretiere es aber so, dass das alles in die richtige Richtung geht.

#buchempfehlung #lesen #lesenmachtglucklich #bibliothek

GG mastodon (AP)
"Sometimes I hear JD Vance say some horrible dumb thing, and then it makes so much sense that him and Jamil Javani [are] best friends and why Pierre #Poilievre embraced him."

#MAGA #conservatives #canada #cdnpoli @thefrankdomenic
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Pastor of Muppets hometown (AP)
Okay, I have a lazy web: example of a piece of literature where sex is implied but not directly depicted. Can be a "cut away" situation, a "morning after" wink, or a metaphor.
Jessamyn mastodon (AP)
The word for it with actual romances is "closed door romance" Anything by Jane Austen fits, I think. A lot of victorian literature was like that.
Pastor of Muppets hometown (AP)
@jessamyn Wife pulled up with Romeo and Juliet, act 3 scene 5. They spend the night together and there's a whole "I'm glad it's dark so he won't see me blush" -> "wait don't leave, it isn't technically morning yet until we hear a specific bird" thing

Jeff Jarvis mastodon (AP)
I'm now told that none other than the brilliant Pete Buttigieg will be on Monday's call. So text your (sane) friends and let's join together to crush our demographic peers: insane, fascist, white men. Sign up at
promotion for the white dudes for Harris call Monday the 29th at 8pm et. signup in the post.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
4 people reshared this

from Hoodlum 🇺🇸

If Trump hadn’t stiffed every indoor venue in the country, he wouldn’t be forced to hold his rallies in the middle of cow shit fields.

I'm going to admit it, I like eavesdropping. I'm at a sushi restaurant for brunch, and a man has brought his girlfriend in to try sushi. You can tell he loves it, and really wants her to like it too. He suggests several combos, and she keeps saying, I don't know if I like that, and he keeps telling her he just wants her to try it, he'll get her something she likes if she doesn't like it. Finally, she says I don't want to eat Tuna, canned tuna is so gross, and he looks horrified, and says, "Babe, it's NOT like that!"

I was trying so hard to not giggle out loud.

RalphStark mastodon (AP)
Ganz Deutschland in einem Bild.
80! wegen spielenden Kindern!
Achtung spielende Kinder Tempolimit 80
Earthling mastodon (AP)
@energisch_ nein. ja. vielleicht. ich meine die Bildquelle
RalphStark mastodon (AP)
Smartphone 50m zum Schild an der Einfahrt des nächsten Feldwegs. Zum Zoomen nutzt mein Smartphone den "digitalen" Zoom. Und ich habe kein teures Smartphone.

LOL. Trump doesn't know his net worth, lost track of all his shell companies he's hiding dark/ illegitimately raked-in money in & Forbes is no longer listing him.
So how should he have a clue?

Btw, where are the full $250 million Trump fraudulently scammed his gullible supporters out of for his nonexistent “Official Election Defense Fund”???
#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #Trump #LootingAmerica #DefraudingAmerica #Scammer #Fraudster #CareerCriminal #Law #USPol #USPolitics

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
Prosecutors SWAT DOWN Felon Trump’s IMMUNITY HOPES

Abysim 🇺🇦🇧🇬 friendica (via ActivityPub)
Вчора поплавав з новим годинником. Спочатку увімкнув трекинг лише за допомогою GPS, але він явно був не дуже точний - фіксував багато руху коли не рухався. Потім поставав почергове опитування всі навігаційних систем - стало точніше, але все одно безлад на мапі вийшов.

придбав наручний годинник, може стимулюватиме більше займатися фізичними активностями)
На зап'ясті людини красується смарт-годинник з білим циферблатом і чорно-рожевими акцентами, який показує час 12:00 і відображає рівень щоденної активності користувача. Годинник має цифровий дисплей і динамік для виведення звуку. Зап'ястя розташоване на тротуарі, на розмитому тлі Зображення крупним планом зап'ястя людини в чорному годиннику Samsung з фіолетовим циферблатом і помаранчевим ремінцем, що показує час 12:00 і рівень щоденної активності користувача.
придбав наручний годинник, може стимулюватиме більше займатися фізичними активностями)

Зображення показує погодні умови в місті Деррі, Ірландія, з температурою 18.5°C і швидкістю вітру 12.5 м/с.
Abysim 🇺🇦🇧🇬 friendica (via ActivityPub)
Сьогодні плавав зі всіма системами - все одно не ідеально, видно що поступопо накопичується похибка, а потім відбувається стрибок. Спробую наступний раз зі широкосмуговою навігацією, коли одночасно йде підключення до всіх навігаційних систем, а не почергово, хоча так швидко батарея розрядиться.
На карті показано розташування русла річки за 10 км від центру знімка.

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
LIVE: Trump STUNNED by Worst Week OF HIS LIFE | Legal AF

C. mastodon (AP)
George doesn't move fast most of the time - he's too big for lightning-fast boinging off the furniture like some parkour bunnies. When he does move fast, you hear him...

First picture: "What are you doing? Can I see? Can I see?"

Second picture: "I hate my enrichment board. Just give me snacc directly."

#HouseRabbit #RabbitsOfMastodon #rabbit #bunny #blubber #BigFurSyndrome
George, an enormous greyish-brown house rabbit, is a blur in front of the camera as he checks out the photographer.
George, an enormous greyish-brown house rabbit, lies on the carpet in front of his "enrichment board".  His eyes face the camera, with his ears at the 8 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions.  His blubbery body stretches out to the right, away from the camera.

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #HeIsOld

You know it's working when:

"Fox News Host Slams Attacks on Trump's Age After Years of Attacking Biden"
by nowthisimpact [fox news]

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #ImWithHer

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Remember “breaking the chain of transmission”? Good times. #CovidIsNotOver

Letzte Generation mastodon (AP)
✈️ Der vierte Tag der internationalen Aktionen hat begonnen!
Menschen an verschiedenen Orten auf der Welt schließen sich den #Oilkills Demonstrationen an!
Wie krass ist das denn ?!

🇬🇧 In Großbritannien protestieren Menschen an verschiedenen Orten! U.a. am größten Flughafen Europas: Heathrow Airport. Ihre Botschaft? Oil Kills!

🇳🇱 In den Niederlanden sind Dutzende Menschen mit 2 Demonstrationen am Flughafen Maastricht und Amsterdam!

🇦🇹 In Österreich versammeln sich Menschen im Wiener Flughafen & lassen Konfetti regnen 🔥

🇨🇭 In der Schweiz haben zwei Personen eine orangefarbene Linie im EuroAirport Basel gezogen.

🔸 Alle Informationen zur Kampagne findest du hier:
🔸 Up To Date bleibst du hier:
🔸 Hier kannst du für die Internationalen Proteste Spenden:

This is huge! ❤️‍🔥 This is the beginning of an international uprising!
Mensch steht in einem Fliughafen mit einem Plakat auf dem steht "Oil kills" Viele bunte Menschen mit vielen bunten Bannern vor einem Flughafen
Viele Menschen, manche mit Gasmasken, mit vielen Plakaten vor einem Flughafen. Auf den Plakaten steht "Stop City Airport Expansion", "Stay Grounded", "They fly we choke" Viele bunte Menschen mit vielen bunten Bannern sitzen in einem Flughafen

Lee Petersen mastodon (AP)
A bumblebee landing on marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustris) in Fairbanks, Alaska. This flower is the latest addition to my Alaska Wildflower Guide:

#BloomScrolling #wildflowers #Alaska
A close-up photo of a bumblebee landing on marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre) flowers in Fairbanks, Alaska. The dark red, star-shaped flowers stand out against the green background. The flowers have a central cluster of tiny red stamens surrounded by pointed, dark red petals. The green leaves are palmately divided and sawtoothed, typical of this perennial herb found in wet meadows and marshes.

yoga_and_more mastodon (AP)
Ich wünsche euch allen von ganzem Herzen ❤ einen wunderschönen Start 🛫 ins Wochenende 🎈 🎉 🍀 🐞 🐞 mit hoffentlich viel Freude 😊 🙃 😊 🍀 🎼 🎵 🎶 💃 🕺 🎉 🎈 🌈 😺 🎉 💐 🐶 🎉 ☕ 📚 📖 🍽️ 🍷 🍵 🌈 😺 und etwas Sonnenschein ☀ ☀️ ☀️
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Auch dir, lieber Jörg, von Herzen einen schönen Abend und später eine gute Nacht mit bunten Träumen! Hab auch du einen guten Start ins Wochenende! Schön, hier wieder von dir zu lesen! 🥰 💫 ✨
yoga_and_more mastodon (AP)
@Elsa Das freut mich auch...ein großes Dankeschön 💐 für deine lieben Worte 🤗 💐 🌞 🌞 ich wünsche noch einen zauberschönen Abend 🎊 🎉 🌌 🎆 🌃 💐 und später dann eine gute 💫 Nacht 💫 🌠 🌠 🌠 mit schönen Träumen ☄️ 🌛 💫 🌠 🌠 🌠
Elsa & Balou reshared this.

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#AmIwrong #Israel #Fascist #Apartheit #Westbank

Am I wrong...
in interpreting certain nomenclature broader than the mere definition our outside the scale it originated ?

Let us take an example in the Gaza crisis and the 'other Gaza': the Westbank.

"Israeli settlers continue attacks in defiance of ICJ in occupied West Bank" [2:16 min]
by Al Jazeera English

Am I wrong in calling the politics behind it: fascist ?

Not meaning any person, not even the one executing those politics. Not meaning the historical meaning of Nazi's. [fascist politics existed before and after Hitler]
Not using the definition 'cause a definition is purposefully narrow to exclude abuse but using my own:: "an organised crime by one nation [people] on a weaker nation in order to exterminate that nation". In this way Israel qualifies.

Am I wrong in calling the Israel state apparatus: apartheit ?

Again in a broader definition and outside the historical origins.
Using my own: "two nations in the same state with different ethnicity where one is in fact excluded from equality rights, law or justice"
How can that be when Arabian people are members of the Knesset ? One says.
That can be when Palestinians are evicted from the land and homes that they own, by ruling of courts or politics by the Jewish people.
That can be when that voice in the Knesset is just a paint job when the shit hits the fan.

Again: Am I wrong ?

#CeaseFireNow #JailForNetanyahu

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
If you think government regulation is bad, wait till you learn about emotional self-regulation.
newer older

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