那 :sheep_024: 谁 mastodon (AP)

Steve Fenton ♾️ mastodon (AP)
A late #caturday post from the evening sun. #CatsOfMastodon
A white common domestic short hair cat with her new feather toy.

No, it's not just kittens. The older guys are still around, just not in our faces quite as much, since kittens are annoying and they value their peace and quiet.

Here's Cadbury. I'm told that the brown smudge on her nose, along with another that she has in the soul patch under her chin, technically makes her a calico.

#Caturday #catsofmastodon
Shaggy black and white cat with brown patch on the side of her nose.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía are in Paris to support the Spanish Olympic Team at the Games #Paris2024 #Gossip #royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalGossip #royals #RoyalsGossip
The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía are in Paris to support the Spanish Olympic Team at the Games #Paris2024

Mark Nowiasz hubzilla (AP)

So wahr


Rainer "diasp​.org" Sokoll ✅ diaspora (via ActivityPub)
Selbst wenn sich alle Leute Biofleisch leisten könnten: Soviel Biofleisch wie dann benötigt würde kann es nicht annähernd geben.
Mark Nowiasz hubzilla (AP)
@Rainer "diasp​.org" Sokoll ✅ Da auch. Dass die Zukunft (sofern sie überhaupt stattfindet, da bin ich eher pessimistisch) vegetarisch sein wird sollte eigentlich jedem klar sein. Damit kann ich gut leben, das einzige was ich vermissen würde sind hochwertige Fleischprodukte wie Steak, Wildbret, Rinderbraten usw. Die sind der primäre Grund warum ich kein Vegetarier bin.
Horst hubzilla (AP)
Bei mir ist es anders herum. Ich hab zwar einen Fernseher, aber der ist oft monatelang ausgeschaltet. Natürlich kann man vieles dann im Internet sehen. Das hatte ich gerade gestern dass mich jemand Auf einen Film bei Arte aufmerksam machte, den ich unbedingt sehen müsste. Aber dann überleg ich nur, wieviel Zeit das kostet. Dann ist es mir die Sache eben doch nicht wert.

At least 30 dead in Gaza after an Israeli airstrike hits a school used as a shelter

The school, where thousands were sheltering, was being used by displaced Palestinians and the deaths included several children. Israel's military said it was targeting a Hamas command center.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Whuffo diaspora
Of course they were. They saw the chance to get a bunch of Palestinians with one bomb and they took it.
I have literally been told by some Israelis that they ("have to") consider all Palestinians to be terrorists (explicitly including children). This is evidently something that you can now say in Israel and still be considered normal/sane.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Mark Zuckerberg of $META says he wants to control his own tech “destiny” by releasing the largest open-source AI model ever, and avoiding the “soul-crushing” tactics of Apple, $AAPL, per Bloomberg:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

YouTube uneingeloggt auf einem Gerät aufgerufen, auf dem ich nie YouTube nutze. Bei den Video-Empfehlungen nur Schwurbler, Bildhetze, Verschwörungsscheisse, Merz und stumpfe (rechte) Possenreißer wie Nuhr und Barth. Algorithmen von US-Unternehmen machen Rechtsruck. 🤮

Couldn't visit the area without a visit to the Spa Valley Railway as well #trains 🚂

slicedlime mastodon (AP)
Going live on Twitch! Since no special events are going on at all, let's have a normal Minecraft bingo night! #minecraftemployee

The Turtle mastodon (AP)
This is why I have nothing on auto-pay, no matter how much the vendor pushes me to sign up.

$146,000 water bill. Hrmmmm.
never the utility bills! In our state, CMP has been found to be ripping people off and they're the last company I'd ever let have autopay on even when they beg for me to do it.
No, thank you. I'll pay for my electricity the old fashioned my own self.
Other creditors I do have on autopay but I restrict how much they can take out. Don't ever trust any company with your checking account.

⚠️🇺🇦Russian invaders shell Kharkiv Oblast village, killing woman (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow


taz mastodon (AP)
🩸 „Giftige Schwermetalle in Tampons!“ Diese Schlagzeile sorgte in den letzten Tagen auf Social Media für Aufruhr.
Wie schlimm sind Schwermetall-spuren in Tampons wirklich? Größere Studien unter realistischeren Bedingungen müssen das Problem genauer untersuchen. Eine weitere Studie und ein Konferenzbeitrag stimmen aber hoffnungsvoll: In beiden Fällen wurden im Blut von Tampon-Nutzerinnen keine erhöhten Bleiwerte gefunden.
Erste Studien beschäftigen sich endlich mit potenziell unerwünschten Inhaltsstoffen und der Frage, ob über Hygieneartikel wie Tampons oder Pads zum Beispiel Plastik oder Metalle in den Körper eindringen.

Devilium mastodon (AP)
淆习了一下 Richard Berg 关于北非战场的经典战棋规则 the Italian Pasta Rule,太黑叻
fivestone mastodon (AP)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump Promises ‘No More Voting’ After Election If He Wins In Authoritarian Declaration #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews
Trump Promises 'No More Voting' After Election If He Wins In Authoritarian Declaration

Judging Character... 👇 📝✍️
(an interesting reading/opinion about the ability to assess our environment properly by ourselves)

⚠️🇺🇦2 Ukrainian civilians trigger Russian explosive device in Kherson Oblast, 1 killed (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

An app I was just on, has a reward. A free drink with any $12.00 purchase.

The purchase I earned that reward on, came to $11.98 .

I mean. There was an in-store promotion that made my drink free, today, as it was.

But still. One has to wonder where they arrived at 12 from, then.

Panda Express. ... I guess I could get a premium entree, or buy an egg roll or something.
Myphatself mastodon (AP)
not a coincidence.

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
On 21 July I noted that the TV app for #YouTube (e.g. Android TV, Chromecast with #Google TV) had become much harder to use since user-specific search history was no longer being shown, replaced with a list of (as far as I'm concerned) utterly useless "hot, trending" topics. This meant that users had to manually reenter their common searches with every use. Extremely bad user experience. I made my concerns about this change known to Google. I'm sure I wasn't the only one.

I'm pleased to report that as of this morning, the original behavior has returned to the TV app, with user search history now appearing as it did before. Since this was not the case last night, and the app version is now dated 24 July, this clearly is an update.

Whether the obnoxious behavior was a bug or an intended "feature", thanks Google for reverting to the original behavior in this new version of the app.
Brian Hawthorne mastodon (AP)
I had mostly avoided Apple’s marketplace myself until now, except for their hardware, but I am far more comfortable with their corporate approach to user data and privacy than the direction my current provider of all things SaaS, Google, has been taking recently.

So, I’m moving all my data back in house to a local NAS and unwinding my intricate reliance on all-things-Google. Along the way, there are a few services, like streaming music, that I want to purchase from someone. Also, I have enjoyed literally everything I have watched on their streaming channel, AppleTV+, which I had already subscribed to.

I will miss ad-free YouTube, which really means I will miss YouTube since I don’t watch things with ads, but it is not worth the cost of YouTube Premium. If Google offered an ad-free tier unbundled from YouTube Music, I’d consider it.
Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
@bhawthorne Apple has always been hideously overpriced and monopolistic, especially with hardware. I've refused to use any of it whenever I've had a choice. Their so-called "privacy" stuff is mostly just self-serving misdirection to serve their own bottom line. They are deeply in bed with China, even to the extent of censoring at their request. Google has lots of troubles right now, but Apple is FAR FAR FAR worse.

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
Trump tells his supporters this is the last time they will have to go through the inconvenience of voting.
Deniz Opal reshared this.
I could brush this off as the blithering of an imbecile if Americans weren't so damn fond of 'convenience'.
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CelloMom On Cars mastodon (AP)
"We measured #methane exchange on hundreds of tree stems in forests along a climate gradient spanning the Amazon and Panama, through to Sweden and the UK.

In total, our cautious first estimate is that trees take up between about 25 and 50 million tonnes of atmospheric methane each year, with most taken up by tropical forests."
almondtree reshared this.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Oh, that reminds me. I want to look up how much radon biochar can adsorb so that I can try to make the case that it should be deposited under every new building that gets built from here on out.

Raphael mastodon (AP)
Heute gibt's mal wieder Indisch, oder zumindest Indisch inspiriert.
#essen #vegan
Naanbrote mit verschiedenen Saucen und Beilagen.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

They just haven't been watching Mastodon, have they?
"the Harris campaign has signed up a whopping 170,000 volunteers and has scheduled over 2,300 events in battleground states."
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DB mastodon (AP)
Hell yes- I’m impressed it’s exactly what is needed

We can be serious.. and still smile

We can make a serious point, also with a joke

We can laugh

Danish comedian Victor Borge used to say "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."

Kamala Harris knows how to deliver a joke and she can laugh. Her smile is contagious


I haven't seen the new Civil War movie, but I think they missed a chance at setting it entirely in The Villages with entirely golf cart-based warfare.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Have you seen the videos of the soldiers that the Kremlin has been sending towards the front on golf carts in order to flush out Ukrainian positions?

It's funny, but it is also not funny at all like so much is when dealing with organizations like the Kremlin and the GOP.
😅 I have not, but will definitely look for it. Seems par for the course. 😉


‼️🇺🇸US Secretary of State warns China about consequences of continued support of Russian military industrial complex (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Chris Wiegman mastodon (AP)
An unethical company has unethical data practices. Who would've thunk it?
Nazani mastodon (AP)
The heirs & publishers of
Robert A. Heinlein should sue for theft of intellectual property.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Vieux Mâle Blanc (au phycihaile) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Après y'z'ont coupé la tête à #Macron ?

DoomsdaysCW mastodon (AP)
Tsk, tsk... The hotter it gets, the more Paks (and other nuclear plants) will be used to cool off humans! The #DanubeRiver is already heating up and drying out because of #ClimateChange!

#Hungary to allow #NuclearPlant to exceed #Danube water temperature limit

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - "Hungary is planning to allow the temperature limit for a section of the Danube which receives cooling water from the #Paks #NuclearPowerPlant to be exceeded for security of supply reasons, the energy ministry said in a statement on Friday.

"The plant's four reactors operate by using the water of the Danube to cool its operations. Currently, according to the regulation, the river cannot receive water if its temperature exceeds 30 degree Celsius, in which case the operator must cut output and wait for the river to cool below the limit.

"'Due to climate change, weather conditions may increasingly lead to the limit being reached in summer, especially at low water levels,' the statement read."

Read more:

#Europe #WaterIsLife #NoNukes #RenewablesNow #NuclearPower #RethinkNotRestart

Muss ich mir Sorgen machen, wenn mein Tiefkühlschrank beim Einschalten die ersten drei Noten des #Terminator-Themes spielt?

Hot Dog Water mastodon (AP)
TVs are things you turn on in the morning and let run all day to drone incessantly about nothing and make the Lonelys stay away.

The subscription vendors who only boxed everything up in bundles in order to better find ways to sell you more shit you don't need through laser-targeted advertising, don't get that actively having to browse, decide and click to keep watching, is what almost no one wants.

If you spend more than 30-seconds finding what you want, you're theirs.

statisticsworld mastodon (AP)
UNITED STATES: 51% of surveyed Americans say they trust Trump more on the economy, while 41% say they trust Harris more, according to YouGov/TheTimes poll.
b ste mastodon (AP)
this is true, but due to media bought perception. the correct answer is covid increased inflation all these years by derailing our global supply chain which is not built back even yet. still feeling the effects of covid on the economy, plain amd simple! thanks for reporting!

Carolannie mastodon (AP)
#Bookstodon #BookSky challenge: Choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just covers.
#20books #20books20days
A cover of Octavia Buter's book The Parable of the Sower

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