Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
I think a lot about this 2018 Rolling Stone interview with Pete Buttigieg (when he was still mayor of South Bend, Indiana)
in which he offers his thoughts on recasting “concepts that conservatives have traditionally ‘owned’
— like freedom, family, and patriotism
— in more progressive terms”...

You’ll hear me talk all the time about #freedom. Because I think there is a failure on our side if we allow conservatives to monopolize the idea of freedom
- especially now that they’ve produced an authoritarian president.
But what actually gives people freedom in their lives?
The most profound freedoms of my everyday existence have been safeguarded by progressive policies, mostly.
The freedom to marry who I choose, for one,
but also the freedom that comes with paved roads and stop lights.
Freedom from some obscure regulation is so much more abstract.
But that’s the freedom that conservatism has now come down to.

Or think about the idea of #family, in the context of everyday life.
It’s one thing to talk about family values as a theme, or a wedge
— but what’s it actually like to have a family?
Your family does better if you get a fair wage, if there’s good public education, if there’s good health care when you need it.
These things intuitively make sense, but we’re out of practice talking about them.

I also think we need to talk about a different kind of #patriotism:
a fidelity to American greatness in its truest sense.
You think about this as a local official, of course, but a truly great country is made of great communities.
What makes a country great isn’t chauvinism. -- It’s the kinds of lives you enable people to lead.
I think about wastewater management as freedom.
If a resident of our city doesn’t have to give it a second thought, she’s freer.
Ben Gleason reshared this.

Chris Rowan mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US Politics (and coverage thereof)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Don Ray mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US Politics (and coverage thereof)

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Molly B mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

mitten mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Andro Abhi friendica (via Diaspora)
LWHG comic #654

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:13:29

#JagoDibuja #image #pic #picture #drawing -

statisticsworld mastodon (AP)

Kamala Harris is overall performing better than Biden was in head-to-head polling, and in several cases leading, against Donald Trump on a nationwide basis.

However, Donald Trump has consistent leads in the swing states and currently remains the favorite to win the election across prediction markets, with implied probability of around 62% chance.
b ste mastodon (AP)
the polls are a changing! Harris 2024! thanks for posting!

⚠️🇺🇦Ukraine's border guards on situation at Belarusian border and in Sumy Oblast (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
I agree with a lot of people who disagree with each other. There’s quite a bit of “yes, and” up in this head.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
I miss Snek for President 🥺

⚠️🇺🇦Russian invaders kill civilian woman in Kherson Oblast (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

taz mastodon (AP)
Ist ein Gipsy Village auf der Travemünder Woche problematisch? Sinti- und Roma-Organisationen sind sich uneins über den Umgang mit Stereotypen.!6022836

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Osteopenia Powers mastodon (AP)
Republican conventions are well configured to secretly broadcast extremist messages to the insiders, and appear not-crazy to the rest of the nation, says Rick Perlstein of the American Prospect. Maybe you, the TV viewer, saw some Black guy you never heard of singing gospel at the 2004 RNC, but
Osteopenia Powers mastodon (AP)
" No one outside the tribe for whom this dog whistle was intended heard it. None of the media bigfoots knew or are to point out that McClurkin was not obscure at all among evangelicals, who revered him for testifying two years earlier to how the scourge of pornography had “turned” him gay; or that not long before this performance he had gone on The 700 Club to reveal how homosexuals are “trying to kill our children.”


UFW mastodon (AP)
Lupe is a farm worker on the coast of CA. She has been a farm worker for over 25 years. Right now she is weeding the vegeatble field to ensure the fields are free from debris before the next planting. #WeFeedYou
Farm workers standing where she is weeding a vegetable field
Weird Socks mastodon (AP)
If I may ask: why did she scrunch her hoodie in front? Was it too big?

Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
Team #USA take first medal in the #olympics today for women's synchronized #diving taken by team Cook / Bacon.

You heard me.

Dendragon mastodon (AP)
Holà, comme il y a eu un sondage pour savoir si Mastodon était un réseau de riches, me suis dit que ce ne serait pas une mauvaise idée de vérifier si nous autres pauvres étions présents aussi.
Faites tourner ! 👍

Combien de revenus nets en euros arrivez vous à obtenir chaque mois, en moyenne ?

#sondage #revenus #finance #pauvreté

  • Zéro, nada, que pouic. (17%, 22 votes)
  • Entre 100 et 300 (10%, 13 votes)
  • Entre 300 et 500 (13%, 17 votes)
  • Entre 500 et 800 (24%, 31 votes)
  • Entre 800 et 1000 (35%, 45 votes)
128 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Vieux Mâle Blanc (au phycihaile) friendica (via ActivityPub)

Peux pas voter mais je touche entre 800 et 1000 € d'allocs

Zack Labe mastodon (AP)
Simulated reconstruction of July #Arctic sea ice thickness since 1901. Watch for the last 10 years or so...

Information about this data set is available at Note that it is only updated through 2010 due to ERA-20C forcing.
Shonin reshared this.
Gautam Thakor mastodon (AP)
Fascinating to see the changes in Arctic sea ice thickness over the decades. 🧊📉 The last decade really highlights the urgent need for climate action. Thanks for sharing this insightful data! 🌍 #ClimateChange #ArcticIce

Dragonfly in flight over the river Nene in Northamptonshire today

#nature#Dragonfly #Wildlife#photography #NaturePhotography #DragonflyPhotography #DragonsOfMastodon #UK
A green dragonfly flitting around about 1ft from the river surface

#电视剧 The Victims' Game Season2 Episode8 watched at July 28, 2024 at 01:46AM

‼️🇺🇦Ukrainian Intelligence show how helicopters were destroyed in Russia (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

SpeakEasy mastodon (AP)
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Where is Gardiner? NY or MT?

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Americans should despise the Kremlin more than we do imo.

This film opens by summarizing one of history's earliest and most effective campaigns of deception. In 1983, a small New Dehli newspaper published an article promoting a rumor that AIDS was a U.S. invention designed to kill African Americans and homosexuals.

According to one ex-KGB operative, up to 85% of their agency's efforts are devoted to the spread of these false stories.

Martin in Toronto mastodon (AP)
Okay, everybody together now, Let's all try to bite our elbows!
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
How about let's not.

‼️🇺🇦Ukraine, NATO to create five rehabilitation centers for military personnel - DM Umerov (PHOTOS and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

The holidays are upon us & many of you may be wondering just how many books to take with you (if, like me, you are an e-book refusenik).

Here's Tom Gauld's decision tool - enjoy.

And, you may need a bigger suitcase....

[This post is not intended to re-open the extended paperbacks vs. e-books debate that has played out in my timeline periodically over the last year]

#holiday #travel
Cartoon: How many books should Take on holiday with me?

Presents decision tool that starts with 'Have you got a book in your suitcase' and then through a circular logic tied up with anxiety about running out of books requires the user to buy a bigger suitcase as they work their way round the process.

[Apologies couldn't see how to convey the 'tool' clearly in the alt.text]
The Ferridge reshared this.
The worst of it is, we're going to see a live recording of my favourite painfully middle class book podcast Backlisted on Sunday morning, which is bound to generate an "I *must* have a copy of that immediately, it is VERY urgent" list 😆
ha ha, you're your own worst enemy....I'm currently on a not reading reviews self-denying ordinance to try to stem the topsy like growth of my pending pile (its not really working it has to be said)
Something that can be said of every bookworm in history 🤣
I stopped reading reviews myself for a few months. It did work.
Good luck with that!
I have the limiter of, do I eat or buy that book....

sometimes the book still wins....
I created quite a stash of "Brexit emergency food", so as long as I "eat one buy one" it doesn't really dwindle.
Sometimes the books must win. It is the law.
that is what they whisper to me, the cats however launch a pro food counter offensive....

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
If you're a content creator, join a WinWithBlackWomen Platform Power call on Monday! You will learn about resources, talking points, and clarity needed to create impactful and authentic content for your audience.

Register here
#YesWeKam #YesWeKam2024

The rapid back and forth dance of face-to-face conversations is not unique to us humans. While chimps typically favor gestures over sounds, their exchange of ideas is just as fast as ours and reflects similar cultural patterns, a new study reveals.

MI Abolition mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Dismantling Carceral Debt: A Manifesto on Building Debtor Power (2024)

SpaceX roars back to orbit barely two weeks after in-flight anomaly
"It was incredible to see how quickly the team was able to identify the cause of the mishap."

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
all of the most normal people in the world have found each other lol

just throw the AI freaks on top and we’ve got everyone in one place.

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
hmmm I’m not good with numbers, does that mean it’s profitable??
Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
goddamn, Google is spending $12 billion **per quarter** on this AI shit. that is WILD.

Dgar mastodon (AP)
What’s the difference between roast potatoes and pea soup?

Anyone can roast potatoes.
As part of the Mastodon online HOA let this serve as an unofficial official warning that posts such as this are required to have a warning banner stating that the following is a dad joke. Failure to follow set guidelines will result in further toothless warnings such as this.

Thank you.

Sparkymike mastodon (AP)
Kamala 2024

"President Harris" sure has a nice ring
Unlike her rival who wants to be King
She'll lead by example and live by the rules
And the great ship of state won't be steered by a fool

She won't leave the old folks in poverty's grip
Her judges won't look for more rights they can strip
She'll fight for a health plan that we can afford
She'll work like a servant not rule like a lord

For centuries now we've been governed by men
Experience begs us not do it again
If you want a future where you have a chance
Kamala's ready to lead the advance
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
3 people reshared this

Tim Chambers mastodon (AP)
Cool work being done here… #MastodonForHarris

“If you're a content creator, join us for the WinWithBlackWomen Platform Power call on Monday! We will equip content creators of all backgrounds with the resources, talking points, and clarity needed to create impactful and authentic content for your audience.”

Register here:
Win with black women
Gail Waldby reshared this.
Anthony Baker mastodon (AP)
This is awesome.

Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years

I am sad that Google didn’t limit their AI results to Safari users. I would love an automatic way to avoiding consuming glue:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
It's fascinating how they think anyone wants this shit
it’s the water they are drinking, they au generated it too.
newer older

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