mikrosporum mastodon (AP)
talking about childless catperson

muıııo mastodon (AP)
Chest-urday 💪🐻
Andrew Price mastodon (AP)
I stand corrected!

I hate dubbed movies. I always prefer subtitles … except for #GODZILLA MINUS ONE!

Listening to the ham fisted voice actors in the overdubs brings me right back to my childhood, watching Toho monster movies on UHF channel 18.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
I like 'em both ways. The dubbed voices (usually the same small group of voice actors) were half the fun. Also, often the dubbed versions are more faithful translations, since subtitles have to be read quickly and so are not always as complete.

furicle mastodon (AP)
Look, I don't know which one of you woke the sleeping Emica suddenly, but I'm sure glad I was wearing jeans, or I'd have 20 bleeding gashes on the inside of my legs.

Must of had a foot of standing vertical leap.


And then she settled right back in.... The nerve....

#caturday. Early edition
Sleeping tabby cat, nestled on jeans

instantiatethis mastodon (AP)
Another remote #caturday for you. This is one of my #fostercats two years ago today. He was very cute boy that was adopted in August 2022.
Grey and white kitten on his back with one paw up on a bed next to the edge of a laptop

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Along with a promise to end democracy if he makes it back into the White House this year, his running mate also made a major policy statement on what they'll deliver if enough Americans choose to vote for them or if too many Americans choose not to bother voting.
Picture of JD Vance at campaign event video saying that they have "a ton of crap for you".
⬆️ @ArenaCops @GreenFire

>> Not voting can make your life choiceless.

I like where this is going:

#CHOOSE. Or remain choiceless forever

Miro Collas mastodon (AP)
The world just saw the four hottest days in recorded history - The Washington Post

"Since last July, Earth’s average temperature has been at least 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above preindustrial levels."


Anthropic’s crawler is ignoring websites’ anti-AI scraping policies

Billthoo mastodon (AP)

Ink sketch of a scorpion
#art #ink

Augie Ray mastodon (AP)
I think it's criminal healthcare orgs and workers won't mask up to protect vulnerable patients. STUDY of #COVID19 and flu in ICU patients finds:

The incidence rates of ICU-acquired infections were 31.6/1000 and 9.9/1000 ICU-days in the COVID-19 and influenza cohorts, respectively. ICU-acquired infection was associated with a prolonged time in the ICU, with more difficult-to-treat gram-negative infections.

Texas Observer mastodon (AP)
“When the winds began to blow, water began pouring in. It was a long and exhausting night.”

From last week: Incarcerated Texans describe conditions in prison following Hurricane Beryl.

#news #prison #HumanRights #CriminalJustice #Texas #Beryl #weather #environment #HeatWave #summer

Erkhyan mastodon (AP)

Content warning: US pol from a non-US perspective

Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Guten Morgen, ihr Lieben! 🧡
Beginnen wir den ersten olympischen Tag sportlich.
Ich gehe joggen, mit Helga... ☀️

#gutenMorgen #sportlich #joggen
Eine Schnecke mit Schneckenhaus vor gelblich günem Hintergrund
Schwarzer Text:
Das ist Helga. Mit ihr gehe ich heute wieder joggen.
Schnecke mit Schneckenhaus vor gelbgrünem Hintergrund,
schwarzer Text:
Das ist Helga. Mit ihr gehe ich heute wieder joggen.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Dankeschön liebe Elsa!🥰
Das Tempo ist heute auch eher meins - wir wurden in aller Frühe von einer Fliege geweckt, die penetrant immer wieder kam und erst Ruhe gab, als sie erlegt war…🥱😵
Dafür ist das Wetter schön und die Luft frisch - machen wir eben langsam…
Ich wünsche auch dir und Balou einen schönen Samstag!🤗🙋🏼‍♀️🍀🌻🏖️🌞🚐
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
@wibrandis Vielen Dank, liebe Sylvia! Ich bin ja soo tierlieb, aber eine Fliegenklatsche liegt bei mir immer griffbereit! 😘
Bei uns ja auch, nur morgens um halb sechs ist mein Jagdeifer begrenzt und die Zielgenauigkeit sowieso!😜😏
Elsa & Balou Private Message mastodon (AP)
@abuerkl 👍 👍 👍

The Eddie Show mastodon (AP)
📷 #FensterFreitag

Back door, 12:00 AM Friday, July 26, 2024.

night. a sliding door has condensation, obscuring the interior of a house. a band of light illuminates a rug and the cement porch in the foreground.

Timothy Andrew mastodon (AP)
Everyday, it's a-gettin' closer
Goin' faster than a roller coaster
Love like yours will surely come my way
A-hey, a-hey, hey


Voline mastodon (AP)
Direct Action Gets the Goods

#OnThisDay, 27 July 2015, film-maker and activist Bree Newsome scaled a 30ft flagpole to remove the Confederate battle flag from South Carolina state grounds.

As well as leading to the permanent removal of the flag, her action ignited a wider debate about the impact of Confederate monuments in the States.
Bree Newsom at the top of the flagpole, with the removed flag in her hand. She is a black woman in a climbing rig and hard hat.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Extreme heat is wilting and burning forests, making it harder to curb climate change #Environment
Extreme heat is wilting and burning forests, making it harder to curb climate change
Yikes. Sounds like we're precariously close to the tipping point into uncontrollable climate change

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL about the White Revolution, a sweeping -- and mostly successful -- program to modernize Iran. One element of it ended feudalism and gave farms to the farmers, but many of them ended up worse off than they were under feudalism. This caused a domino effect that led to the Islamic Revolution.
#til #todayilearned

Vovchansk, Kharkiv region.

Mock Paper Scissors wordpress (AP)
Vice President Kamala Harris, peeking out from behind a royal blue curtain with a devilish smile on her face. The meme text reads, “Did somebody say ‘Black Job?’"
H/T Scissorhead D-Cap

I do not know who the Harris campaign has hired for rapid response, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that person should happen to be an OG blogger:

Holy shit, the Harris campaign is on fire!

— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) July 27, 2024

That is how it is done. Well-done, in fact.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I never respond to random texts. However, this time I could not resist. #TrumpCanSuckMyBalls #KHive #Kamala #Vote
Screenshot of a random SMS text that appears to be a poll from "Opinions USA".

The text reads: "On a scale from 1 - 10 (1 being the lowest), how would you rate President Donald Trump? - Opinions USA."

My response is "0" (zero).

No reply back from the other end. I guess they didn't like my opinion of their "president".

We Should Say It. Republicans Are Fascist. We were attacked on January 6 in a violent insurrection. We can not allow our nation to be taken from us.

I have taken this oath several times. Today, please join me to acknowledge our duties to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. The most obvious domestic threat as our rights are threatened everyday by Republicans that have promised to ban medical care and take away our right to vote.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties as a Citizen.

Please register to Vote. Thank you, Americans!

Trey Bushart:

Don't worry, at last night's TPUSA meeting, Trump blatantly said "I'm not Christian" while telling everyone they have to vote this one time, and won't need to vote ever again.

Brandi Buchman mastodon (AP)
Florida DUI mom left crying baby trapped in flipped Jeep after drunken wreck, told witnesses not to call 911: Police

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukrainian drone strikes damage Russian military aircraft and facilities over 1,000 miles from border #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Ukrainian drone strikes damage Russian military aircraft and facilities over 1,000 miles from border

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
“Absolutely no evidence” Donald Trump’s ear was hit by “anything other than a bullet,” says Rep. Ronny Jackson, former White House physician.
James Britt mastodon (AP)
The bandage is off and HE'S MISSING HALF HIS EAR!!11!

j/k. Not a freakin' scratch.
I do feel sorry for the cultists who gave their lives for this WWE-inspired stunt. And their families.

13 days since the incident, totally healed. And his hair, not one strand missing. How remarkable.
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Brian Reiter mastodon (AP)
why is this news?

taz mastodon (AP)
Als US-Vizepräsidentin hat Kamala Harris den wirtschaftspolitischen Kurs von Joe Biden gestützt. Im Fall eines Wahlsieges würde sie ihn wohl fortsetzen.!6023652
Carmen Zedler reshared this.

Notice how crooked and biased the media is. For a year they have pushed OBVIOUSLY FAKE Rasmussen polls (and CNN polls) that suggest Trump somehow has GAINED support after Jan 6 and Espionage-A-Lago and E Jean Carroll and his criminal conviction & somehow is OVER 50% !!!

But NOW, Harris? are SILENT?
@GreenFire @Originallyrose Kremlin, Putin, yes and now. Bannon with Putin absolutely yes. And Putin of course wants to sow dischord in the West by any means, social media for him is just the latest method. I would not put this on Putin. It is Bannon's 'mind raping' (his words, not mine) via Cambridge Analytica and Facebook that did the damage in 2016. BUT yes, some Moscow funding and KGB brainwashing experts joined Bannon
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
I have no doubt that Bannon has been in contact with the Kremlin's agents for decades and decades.

I also suspect that Steve Bannon was involved with the fossil fuel industry, which is what the Kremlin is a member of, for a long time helping them to block climate action by spreading disinformation online even prior to the world wide web.

The same for Roger Stone too btw.

Conspiracy theories though are hard to nail the details down sadly so idk.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

ceeg mastodon (AP)
got tricked by a members only deal sign and paid $15 for a bag of cherries.... burn it all down 🔥💀😡
Myphatself mastodon (AP)
cherries are definitely in climate pricing.

Steve Silberman mastodon (AP)
Angry Staffer @Angry_Staffer
Motion to refer to JD Vance as "Vladimir Futon" from here on out

kkeller mastodon (AP)

Trump Tells Christian Supporters: “You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore”

Trump: “Get out and vote just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years it will be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore...In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good your not gonna have to vote.”

#HeritageFoundation #Project2025 #conservatism #ChristianRight #theocracy #FarRight #fascism #Trump #MAGA #Trumpism

Bonus Music Post...
The Last Dinner Party cover Blondie’s ‘Call Me’ for Like A Version 😀

#Music #Video #Cover #TheLastDinnerParty #JJJ

Solarpapst mastodon (AP)
"Dass wir es seit Jahrzehnten unterlassen, das Richtige zu tun, ist keine Frage der wissenschaftlichen Kenntnis oder der technischen Möglichkeiten, sondern ist ausschließlich auf unser Wirtschaftssystem zurückzuführen, und sonst nichts."

Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch
"Dass wir es seit Jahrzehnten unterlassen, das Richtige zu tun, ist keine Frage der wissenschaftlichen Kenntnis oder der technischen Möglichkeiten, sondern ist ausschließlich auf unser Wirtschaftssystem zurückzuführen, und sonst nichts."

Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch

(* 28. Juli 1960 in Gießen) ist ein deutscher Astrophysiker, Naturphilosoph, Wissenschaftsjournalist, Fernsehmoderator und Hörbuchsprecher. Er ist Professor für Astrophysik an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und Lehrbeauftragter für Naturphilosophie an der Hochschule für Philosophie München.
Carmen Zedler mastodon (AP)
und der verwöhnten Bevölkerung, die trotzig auf etwas Verzicht und ein anderes Wirtschaftssystem mit einem „ich will aber nicht, ich war’s ja gar nicht“ reagiert. #klimakatastrophe #tempolimit
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