The fierce wildfire in the Canadian town melted cars to the road and turned homes to ash.Brandon Livesay (BBC News)
Living in a shadow future vs. engaging with the present, and creating unmistakable, effective differentiators—both for ourselves and for our nation's low-information voters.A.R. Moxon (The Reframe)
“A Su-34 military aircraft crashed in the Volgograd region The incident, as reported by the Russian Ministry of…EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Ukraine hackt Geldautomaten in ganz Russland im Rahmen eines anhaltenden massiven Cyberangriffs SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
For decades, the U.S. exported jobs and imported products, while other countries surpassed us in critical sectors like infrastructure, clean energy, semiconductors, and biotechnology.The White House
Former President Donald Trump urged members of a crowd in Florida to vote and said that if he wins, they "won't have to vote anymore."Michael Luciano (Mediaite)
We’re throwing a birthday party for a friend and we made him a cake. How do y’all like…EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Kevin Roberts, leader of the Heritage Foundation, is closely linked to Opus Dei.The New Republic
Donald goes full dictator in new rantScott Dworkin (The Dworkin Report)
During a recent campaign rally, former President Donald Trump appeared to suggest that voting in elections will be a thing of the past if he gets a second term in office.Carl Gibson (
Content warning: US pol: nothing "cryptic" about this