The musical moments (so far) during the Olympic Opening Ceremony in Paris

The rainy opening ceremony featured a Parisian performance from Lady Gaga, a heavy metal moment with a headless Marie Antoinette and a golden performance from one of France's most popular performers.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

John Socks mastodon (AP)
Trump: "You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won’t have to vote again."

I think the way it's worked for normal people is that they see some gibberish like this and they decode some normal meaning.

We need to point out that even if it starts with a normal meaning (that he's going to fix problems?), it does end in madness.

Voting again is not a bug, it's a feature.

Naturgarten diaspora
💛🌱 Ich weiß gar nicht, woher all die #Pastinaken im #Garten kommen. Ihre Blüten locken viele Schwebfliegen an und als Wurzelgemüse wird sie schon seit der Antike verwendet. Laut #DonaldDuck ist Pastinakenpudding allerdings eine Zumutung 🤢🤣.
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

tomgrzybow diaspora
As it is written, so shall it be.


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
"“As it always does, the press has been digging up the VP choice’s comments over the years for political scrutiny, and the Ohio Senator turns out to be a target-rich environment.”"

Police departments are offering big raises. Does it work?

Police officers in many U.S. cities have recently gotten large pay boosts. Departments are offering these raises to combat understaffing, but some say the money won’t help.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Continuing Attempts Forward (2024)


#art by Marcus #Cope
#art #cope
nadloriot reshared this.
nadloriot diaspora
really great! 👍

are you fugging kidding me bro
a screenshot of a headline that reads "Michael C. Hall to Return for 'Resurrection' Sequel Series"

Günter Neupel



#art by Günter #Neupel

Farmhouse on a canal (before 1903)

#art by Jan Hendrik #Weissenbruch

Tom's Bookmarks postmarks (AP)
Harry Potter and the Stone
Shot-for-shot remake of the first Harry Potter film

An arson attack in France stranded tens of thousands ahead of Olympics

Authorities are searching for the arsonists who set fire to high-speed train infrastructure in France, stranding tens of thousands at the start of the Paris Olympics.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Czechia has slowly but surely been getting rid of its communist-era decay. Have a look at some of my favorite transformations! These always cheer me up. (part 10) #europe
Czechia has slowly but surely been getting rid of its communist-era decay. Have a look at some of my favorite transformations! These always cheer me up. (part 10)

Love the AI use in this video, it's tons of fun!
Tony diaspora
Yes, bit creepy but very funny.. 😊

Fox News posts this article mentioning the amount of Marijuana charges that were prosecuted while Kamala Harris was DA, basically stating that she's a hypocrite. It's nearly 2,000. What it neglects to mention is only 45 of them actually ended up doing prison time. Is she perfect? Nope, there are no perfect candidates, but always, ALWAYS, look for context.
maya_b reshared this.
Yup. She was doing her job. Or she would have been shit-canned by voters.

Neural Meduza mastodon (AP)
Лукашенко об'яснил Венесуэле: Украина стала жертвой моды на порно
m0xEE mastodon (AP)
Новости для Нейромедузы пишет Симоньян, которая не знает где на iPhone твёрдый знак? 😲

taz mastodon (AP)
Der Nahost-Konflikt schwebte über dem diesjährigen Dyke: March am Vorabend des CSD. Doch die Or­ga­ni­sa­to­r:in­nen wollten Spaltungsversuche nicht hinnehmen.!6026229

taz mastodon (AP)
Die spartanische Wagen­lenkerin Kyniska war die erste Frau, die jemals die antiken Olympischen Spiele gewann. Anwesend sein durfte sie damals nicht.!6022711

Do not dangle anything valuable near the floor at the front of the couch.

j'en ai vu récemment dans les Pyrénées : c'est émouvant de rencontrer d'aussi belles fleurs
fl @fleur diaspora
Oh... j'ai le même sentiment lorsque je les vois. Ici dans le Jura il y a cette espèce : L'Ancolie (cela raisonne comme mélancolie) que j'ai prise pour vous les diasporistes 😉 et il y a une autre espèce qui s'appelle La Campanule agglomérée - elle est comme l'Ancolie mais sa corolle ne penche pas la tête vers la terre, mais reste ouverte vers le ciel.

Allison mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Wordle

Content warning: Wordle

Allison mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Wordle - Tell me you are British without telling me you are British!

Thomas Blechschmidt mastodon (AP)
@SilviaMarton @Jabba @Sterbeprozess @Merlin_the_Cat2 @coolinthegame @Saupreiss @mina @Jeany

Auf unserem Spaziergang vorgestern haben wir rote Holunderbeeren gefunden. Hier sind die schwarzen üblich. Die Roten brauchen mehr Aufwand um Saft oder so was damit zu machen, sind aber vitaminreicher.
Roter Holunder a Südrand eines Gehölzes
Thomas Blechschmidt mastodon (AP)
Bitte gern. Der wächst hier selten. in Deutschlands Deutschen Ecken gar nicht.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

you've already heard the other one

Trump Responds To Claims He's 'Cognitively Challenged' In Bafflingly Weird Way

Early in the speech, he delivered a shoutout to Lara Trump ― his daughter-in-law, co-chair of the Republican National Committee, and a North Carolina native ― in the middle of a sentence blaming Vice President Kamala Harris for inflation.

“As vice president, [Harris] cast the tie-breaking votes that created the worst inflation in a half a century, decimating middle class families and hurting very badly as you know all people in North Carolina, and by the way Lara says hello,” Trump said. “Lara. Do we love Lara? How good is Lara? She is terrific.”

He said he had to mention her at that point “because if I forget it later on they’ll say ‘He’s cognitively challenged.’ I don’t want to be cognitively, no, but I want to thank her because she’s unbelievable.”

Electromagnetic Actuator Mimics Muscle


#3dprinterhacks #3dprint #3dprinted #actuator #electromagnet #electromagnetic #magnet #magneticactuator #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 mastodon (AP)
At an event in March, Rep. Rashida Tlaib joined with Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faith leaders to convey a single message: our fight for the oppressed in Palestine is also a fight for the integrity of our country and the survival of democracy.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Will Schneekloth mastodon (AP)
He’s not hinting or alluding to anything anymore. It’s right there. We *have* to win.

Eugen Rochko mastodon (AP)
A note on #Plushtodon. The stuffed toy isn't a representation of "the one" Mastodon. It's "a" Mastodon. When you get yours, you can pick their name and pronouns! Mine is a boy 🙂
Tim Chambers reshared this.
jfroehlich mastodon (AP)
ehm, … how … do I get mine?

Jeff Jarvis mastodon (AP)
Dana Milbank reads Trumps late night rage so we don't have to:
The world has changed, and Trump needs a mulligan

Seether - Remedy


3:27 min music video
#music #rock #Seether

#photography #july2024
Salt Lake City, Utah
A little break from the high temperatures this morning. I've opened all the windows to let in some cool air. I'm not sure how fresh it is, but the sky is a pale blue, rather than a solid 'Wildfire Fire Smoke White'. The heatwave will hit close to 100°F today. I plan to get out and enjoy the coolness while I can.

This is the photography work of Tina Modotti. Italian. 1896-1942. She was both a model and photographer.
Christoph S diaspora
I'm on the way visiting my gf in Frankfurt
@Christoph S Have a nice trip, and great weekend in Frankfurt.

Ashleigh Johnson is a water polo veteran. Now, she's learning how to be a role model

Ashleigh Johnson is one of the best water polo goalkeepers in the world. NPR's Juana Summers talks to her about her barrier-breaking role in the sport and her expectations for her third Olympic games.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
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