Shura pixelfed (AP)
Да просто #лес

#nature #forest

NPR (bot) mastodon (AP)
NPR: How do you cool down without air conditioning? Our readers respond with clever hacks involving towels, ice packs — anc pickle.#news #NPR
NPR: How do you cool down without air conditioning? Our readers respond with clever hacks involving towels, ice packs — anc pickle.#news #NPR
#News #NPR

President Zelenskyy visited the National Children's Specialized #Hospital "#Okhmatdyt" and spoke with children undergoing treatment.

"I thank everyone who helps the hospital, who was there after the russian missile was hit and cleared the debris, supported the children. Thank you to everyone in the world who was looking for a solution to support Ukrainians.

We will definitely restore everything and prove that life is stronger than its enemy"

-Volodymyr #Zelenskyy, President of #Ukraine
He bares the weight of responsibility with Nelson Mandela like qualities.

He really is quite a rare human being.

So impressive.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
I hope I don't hear " Aussie Aussie Aussie" ... And don't you dare

Giggles ... Bloody yobo

Hugz & xXx
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

So right ... I cringe

Hugz & xXx
Godfrey642 mastodon (AP)
hugz back 🙂

More of this please
Statement on Trump's
Strange Speech at
Harris for President Spokesperson
James Singer released the following
statement after Donald Trump's
"remarks" to TPUSA:
"Tonight, Donald Trump couldn't
pronounce words, insulted the faith of
Jewish and Catholic Americans, lied about
the election (again), lied about other stuff,
bragged about repealing Roe, proposed
cutting billions in education funding,
announced he would appoint more
extremist judges, revealed he planned to
fill a second Trump term with more
criminals like himself, attacked lawful
voting, went on and on and on, and
generally sounded like someone you
wouldn't want to sit near at a restaurant -
let alone be President of the United States.

tomgrzybow diaspora
I always enjoyed reading Lapham, even though he made me feel dumb.


Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
How authoritarians like Trump take down the free press - Raw Story

Nearly 100,000 Americans lose a limb to diabetes every year- nearly 90% of them black.
"Imagine if each year, nearly 150,000 white, male corporate executives suffered amputations of their feet or toes as the result of type 2 diabetes "
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Vintage Ribbon Cable Repair Saves Poqet PC


#repairhacks #retrocomputing #poqetpc #repair #ribboncable #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Justice Dept. claims TikTok collected views on issues like abortion and gun control

The US Justice Department late Friday accused TikTok of harnessing the capability to gather bulk information on users based on views on divisive social issues like gun control, abortion and religion.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Valley of Dreams Trailhead, New Mexico

source: Rustic Cabins

Airpods69 mastodon (AP)
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
Good morning!

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Pinnacles National Park, California
tumblr / mutant-distraction/757002094070939648
tomgrzybow diaspora
Nice place to try vertical farming.

finished headless benchmark from Thinkpad to that server using Locust and iperf3 for different protocols (Wireguard, Tailscale, and Zerotier). Time to analyze the VPN Gateway results.

I wonder if VPN Gateway is the correct term for this setup.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
▪️The Massif de Hogar is a mountain range that rises suddenly to the west of Tamanrassete, Algeria. The region has an average height of 900 meters above sea level, the highest point is Mount Tahat, in the center of Atakor. It culminates at 3,003 meters high, and is also the highest peak in Algeria. The Hogar massif is essentially made up of volcanic rocks and constitutes a vast rocky region within the Sahara desert.

▪️The Hoggar Mountains are home to the Ahaggar National Park, one of the country's national parks. ▪️The Hoggar mountain range typically has hot summers, with a cold climate in winter. Temperatures drop below freezing in winter. Precipitation is rare and sporadic throughout the year. However, because the climate is less extreme than in most other areas of the Sahara, the mountains are an important location for biodiversity, including a number of relict species. The Hoggar Mountains are part of the Western Sahara montane xeric forests ecoregion.

▪️The park also contains a population of herbivores, such as the Saharan subspecies of the Berber sheep and the Dorcas gazelle.

The vegetation in this area includes trees such as Vachellia tortilis, Vachellia seyal, myrtle and Tamarix aphylla which are spread throughout the area. Other plants may include Citrullus colocynthis and Calotropis procera .

▪️The Hogar massif is the land of the Imuagues, a tribe of the Tuareg people. The oasis of Abalassa near the town of Tamanrassete is the site of the tomb of the famous leader Tin Hinan, the matriarch believed to have been the ancestor of the Tuareg people in the Hogar Mountains.

📸 By Дмитрий Дубиковский

Don di Dislessia sharkey (AP)
Wir haben und hatten noch nie einen wirklich guten Begriff dafür, wie man Intelligenz definiert.

Deshalb hat sich vermutlich der Begriff KI im Deutschen so schnell etabliert, obwohl es eine miserable Übersetzung von dem englischen Begriff AI ist.

LLMs können per Konstruktion nicht intelligent sein, außer wir definieren Intelligenz extrem anspruchslos.

Aber was LLMs auf gar keinen Fall sein können, ist kreativ.

Es gibt also auch keine KK (Künstliche Kreativität).

Was LLMs aber vermutlich sehr schnell hinbekommen werden, ist die Abschaffung der Kreativität, weil sie sich nicht mehr lohnen wird.

Die Qualität der Texte und Bilder von LLMs ist zwar mittelmäßig bis beschissen, aber sie können diese Inhalte sehr günstig produzieren (zumindest wenn sie einmal für mit sehr, sehr viel Geld trainiert wurden).

Am Ende stehen also diese beschissenen Texte in Konkurrenz, zu den oft auch nur noch mittelmäßigen Texten der Menschen, die damit Geld verdienen wollen.

Und jetzt ratet mal, was sich da auf Dauer durchsetzen wird?
Don di Dislessia sharkey (AP)
Aber der Begriff KI wird auch ganz allgemein in der Presse verwendet, ohne dass er eingeordnet wird.

Das sehe ich das Problem, denn die meisten Menschen, die das lesen, haben keine Ahnung von Informatik.
Mina mastodon (AP)

Ich verwende ihn ja auch mit Bedacht nicht, wenn es um diese statistischen Text- und Bilderzeuger geht.

Ich habe mich nur an der Aussage "miserable Übersetzung" gestoßen, weil in der englischsprachigen Welt keineswegs weniger Begriffsverwirrung (und Unkenntnis) herrscht.

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Laxmishankar Yadav

Ranthambore National Park, india

Thijs Lucas mastodon (AP)
Falafelwrap mit Zimt, Apfel und Minze 😍
#KillerKebab #Kopenhagen

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
By Chris Fisher - Nature Talker on flickr

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
By Yann Le Saout on flickr

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Pine marten
By: Wayne Lankinen
From: Natural History Magazine

7B'JaJaDa diaspora
The Japanese Daisugi technique for growing trees started in the 14th century and have been producing wood for 700 years without cutting down trees. Trees are pruned similar to a bonsai tree and the wood is cut as uniform, straight and without knots.
tumblr /zegalba/ 715881140117995520
tomgrzybow diaspora
I still remember disbelieving this photo, until the existence of the specimen was proven to me.


7B'JaJaDa diaspora
Clavaria zollingeri, SE Michigan, USA

photograph by Meghan McMullen

Muse diaspora
kitten in a boot
Make these as nap spots for humans, and we've got a winner!

Agnes mastodon (AP)
I barely slept for 4 hours, but Camp Muir here I come! ⛰️🥾

Alex Psmith mastodon (AP)
I'm feeling a little judged by my little visitor. Or perhaps he's just very keen to see how I go with this new fitted sheet.
Wild rainbow lorikeet visitor looking down at me from the top of the bedroom door as I struggle with a fitted sheet. He looks very attentive and curious.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
birb: [leans in coser] Did you say seed?

Kim Scheinberg mastodon (AP)
It has been a question over the last few days as to whether we can entice the Harris campaign to join Mastodon. I think Heidi's efforts on #MastodonforHarris have been phenomenal

But the questions we need to reckon with are why Mastodon is such an inhospitable place for Black people and what we can do to change that

@mekkaokereke has been talking about this for more than a year and if you're not following him, you should be

This is a good starting place
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Graham Palmer reshared this.
Mina mastodon (AP)
I can only hope, the same decisive action is taken towards people who insult other groups of people.


@sibrosan @kims @weaselcheese
Tim Kellogg mastodon (AP)
i just saw this (literally adjacent post to this). it’s not race, it’s not even mastodon, but it’s a lot of the same things @mekkaokereke harps on —there’s a lot (a lot!!!) of people out there standing up for great purposes but doing it in a way that turns away huge swaths of the critical crowd.

don’t be an asshole. saying the moral thing doesn’t erase the asshole in how you say it. and god damnit, listen to people. if someone’s talking, listen! without judging!
GenZ person announced they were voting for Kamala, then explained they’d never voted before and apparently got heat for that last part

“Thanks to some very level headed comments I have decided to vote for Harris in the upcoming election. I'd also like to say I didn't really believe in "Blue maga" but seriously a lot of y'all are as bad or worse than Trump supporters. I've never gotten so much hate for considering voting for a candidate than I have from democrats on this sub for not voting democrat fast enough. Just some absolutely vile people. There are a lot of other people in the comments who felt how I did and then saw how I was treated. Negative rhetoric is damaging. But that's not how we make political decisions thankfully because there is no way y'all are winning new voters with this kind of vitriol. Anyway thanks to everybody else who had a modicum of respect.”

Eyke Bittner mastodon (AP)
Moin! Kolleg*in gesucht! 👋

Die Landeshauptstadt #Kiel sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt im Tiefbauamt drei Projektkoordinator*innen Stadtbahnplanung (EG13).

Mobilitätsstationen, Velorouten, Parkraumbewirtschaftung, Mobilitätskonzepte rund um den Neubau der #Stadtbahn in Kiel - hier ist alles drin und das Meer vor Tür. 🏖️ Oder Verkehrsplanung, LSA, Entwässerung, Verkehrsmodelle... Für alle was dabei! Gestalte #Mobilitätswende

Infos auf #StadtBahnKiel #fedijob

Tero Keski-Valkama mastodon (AP)
Sometimes I want to tell #Spanish people that I don't speak much Spanish so they must use more difficult words.

Because if I tell them to use simpler words, they will say something like "presión arterial alta". Very Spanish, I need to know so many words to understand.

If they use "difficult" words, they will say "hipertensión". Very clear.

If they say "álgebra lineal", muy claro. But if they say "sumar y restar" I'm all question mark.

Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
I wanna write a poem about the fbi and how reliable they are on all things trump, but my instinct tells me that this bullshit about the fbi telling the press that he was injured by a bullet but in actual congressional testimony wray expressed doubt that there is another shoe to drop

We might even learn why biden hasnt fired fbi agents helping trump or secret service agents who destroy evidence


"X for danger"

California's largest wildfire explodes in size as fires rage across US West

California's largest active fire exploded in size on Friday evening, growing rapidly amid bone-dry fuel and threatening thousands of homes as firefighters scrambled to meet the danger.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

eeepee diaspora

Fledermäuse der Meere:

Delfine orientierten sich schon vor fünf Millionen Jahren mittels schmalbandiger Schallwellen

Die Rückkehr der #Wale vom Land ins Wasser vor etwa 50 Millionen Jahren im frühen #Eozän markiert einen der einschneidendsten Abschnitte in der #Evolution der #Säugetiere. Infolge dieses Lebensraumwechsels erwarben Wale, #Delfine und #Schweinswale eine Reihe von Anpassungen, einschließlich der Verlagerung der Nasenlöcher an die Oberseite ihres Kopfes und der Herausbildung eines stromlinienförmigen Körpers.

Auch die von den Tieren genutzte #Echoortung entwickelte sich recht früh in ihrer Evolutionsgeschichte.

#Umwelt #Natur

George Washington Gets Cleaned Up With a Laser


#art #laserhacks #laser #restoration #varnish #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

DonatellaInCali mastodon (AP)

#transgender ##lgbtqia
I’m surprised he’s not suing the fertility clinic her embryo was zygotified in
Grace Etta mastodon (AP)
he stands for everything I hate.
newer older

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