Europe Says mastodon (AP) GUR drones hit a strategic bomber of the Russian Federation at the Olenya airfield #Ukraine
GUR drones hit a strategic bomber of the Russian Federation at the Olenya airfield

taz mastodon (AP)
Die Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Sommerspiele in Paris zeigt, warum es ein Glück für Frankreich ist, dass der identitäre Nationalismus die Wahl verloren hat.!6026227

Folix firefish (AP)
Es wird richtig eng an der Spitze des #tcrNo10. Aktuell ist #tcrNo10cap21 nur noch knapp 1h15m hinter #tcrNo10cap2. Und #tcrNo10cap1 hat für heute eine Aufholjagd angekündigt (auch wenn sich das aufgrund der anderen Route gerade schlecht vergleichen lässt, wo er aktuell steht). Dieses Rennen ist noch lange nicht entschieden!

360 mastodon (AP)
Zeinab hat inzwischen schon >135km mehr gefahren als Gemperle und liegt gute 50km hinter ihm. Die Taktik mit dem wenig Schlaf scheint sich bisher nicht so auszuzahlen.

The Olympics open with a titanic showdown in the pool: The women's 400m freestyle

The women's 400-meter freestyle will feature the three women who have collectively held a lock on the world record for the ten years and counting: Katie Ledecky, Ariarne Titmus and Summer McIntosh.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Here's who is most at risk from wildfire smoke and how to protect yourself

As hazy air from fires out West wafts across the country, some people are at higher risk of health problems, including children, older people and those with lung conditions. Here's how to stay safe.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

GentleMan Gef mastodon (AP)
This year I'll get a medal in the LOLympics for sure

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)

🎤 Dream on, dream on 🎤

Simone Biles reminds us: You never know what Olympic athletes are going through

Simone Biles is the most decorated gymnast in history. But she withdrew from the last summer Olympic Games due to mental health struggles. Her journey is chronicled in the new Netflix series Simone Biles Rising.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

This has been pretty obvious for some time now, and it's been totally crazy for me how people have not been talking about it.

But finally he just out and out said it, so now people seem to take it seriously. Let's hope this doesn't just go away with the news cycle. We have to keep reminding people that if Trump wins this one time, the most powerful country in the world will be a fascistic theocratic dictatorship forever!

#uspol #trump #dictatorship #DictatorDon
All top four posts on r/all Hot are about Trump saying that if he wins you won't have to vote ever again
2 people reshared this
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
He will call it a joke and they will carry his water

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Er war einer der bedeutendsten zeitgenössischen Komponisten und hinterlässt mehr als 500 Werke. Wolfgang Rihm erlag 72-jährig einem Krebsleiden.#ExperimentelleMusik #NeueMusik #Musik #Kultur
Birne Helene reshared this.

Birne Helene diaspora

Er war einer der bedeutendsten zeitgenössischen Komponisten und hinterlässt mehr als 500 Werke. Wolfgang Rihm erlag 72-jährig einem Krebsleiden.#ExperimentelleMusik #NeueMusik #Musik #Kultur

dansup mastodon (AP)
My mom is starting her own biz, in a male dominated field and I'm so proud of her!

So naturally, I'm building a custom CRM/Scheduling webapp + app to cut down costs, and handling marketing/social media as one could say I have some experience 😎

She dropped out of college to raise us and later got a career in the trades, but at every job she wasn't treated fairly

So it means a lot to me to be able to help her become her own boss, shes my hero ❤️
Tim Chambers reshared this.
you are the sweetest! Total child goals right here.

Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help support your mom, too
Stefan Bohacek mastodon (AP)
That is very sweet, wishing your mom best of luck!

Το τι μεμε έχει βγει από χθες ξεπερνάει τα πιο τρελά μου όνειρα για ακραίο κόντεντ

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Paulowina loswerden #Garten
Paulowina loswerden

The Cobb County Courier's Dog of the Day, selected from the Cobb Animal Shelter website, is a sweet-tempered small male white and tan terrier #CobbCounty #Dogs
A small tan and white terrier that looks a little sad, staring up at the camera from a sitting position, a leash attached to its collar

When we said that the Republicans were coming for birth control, we were not kidding.
They're starting with it NOW:
"Texas sues Biden administration to limit teenage access to birth control"


until kitsune tails drills through the glass ceiling on steam and itch!

this gif also shows that if you suck at platformers but want to play kitsune tails we've got you covered with a playstyle where on death you pop right back up on a flying cloud like arcade games of old

info & wishlist via

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #GameDev #PixelArt
Harbinger of Salem reshared this.
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
:nkoPeek: hhhhhyyyyype...

RobotWig :mastodon: mastodon (AP)
I recently designed a poster for an upcoming comedian to promote his new tour called 'GroundDodds Day', I created two posters for Dylan so they could join together on a continuous loop like below, something a bit fun and represents the Groundhog Day daily repeat. It's now (today) been submitted to the Comedy Poster Awards. If you wouldn't mind would you cast vote for my creation over at it would also help Dylan out massively too. 🙏

OSHW Model Rocket Kit Embraces the Hexagon


#hardware #toyhacks #model #openhardwarecertification #oshwa #rocket #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Athletes floated down the Seine at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics

The Paris Olympic opening ceremony delivered an amazing spectacle. Thousands of athletes floated down the Seine as more than 400,000 people lined the banks to take it all in.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Justice Department defends law calling for TikTok to change ownership or face ban

An update on the US government's new TikTok law. It aims to force the Chinese parent company to sell the app or face a ban.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Week in politics: A presidential withdrawal, a historic week

From President Biden's announcement that he won't seek reelection to his Oval Office address, this week has been a historic one in presidential politics.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

ProjectFearlessness mastodon (AP)
"There are things that only veterans of the childless cat lady wars can know. They used to call us witches because we knew shit. We still do. That’s what makes us so powerful. And dangerous."

Carole Cadwalladr

nat unkn (AP)

5 days to raise $459 for a blind, disabled friend w lung cancer and chronic pain to get a new mattress. Y'all have helped her get into assisted living and retrieve her possessions... now she deserves something nice to help her sleep better! Thanks SO much for your endless support for this friend, she is eternally grateful to everyone who's pitched in or shared her requests.


#mutualaid #disabledmutualaid #disability
I found out today that I got approved for a voucher that'll help me pay for a new mattress. I'm super excited about this because the bed I have now is thin and old and makes my back hurt like hell. I've got sleep issues and sciatica pain, and know a more supportive mattress would be a godsend.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

rotlaufer firefish (AP)
Ich hätte mal wieder Lust sich draußen im Real-Life zu treffen.
Im Café, Restaurant, am Fluss, im Wald, wo auch immer...
Einfach mal soziale Kontakte außerhalb der digitalen Welt. 🫤

Morgens ganz früh, zu Zweit, mit Picknick zur Burgruine fahren, die Decke unter einem Baum im Schatten ausbreiten, Fotos machen, Luft und Wetter genießen, abschalten (sagte Peter Lustig ja schon immer), ein bisschen Akku tanken.

Ich vermisse das.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@flaccide Bisous du samedi 😘 😘 😘 😘
Vieux Mâle Blanc (au phycihaile) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Bisous alités, mais plus pour longtemps

Elia Ayoub (he/him) mastodon (AP)
IDF soldier posting to social media a video of them blowing up the water reservoir in Rafah’s Tel Sultan neighbourhood with the caption reading “in honor of Shabat” and set to music. #Gaza

They’ve turned an ancient religion of the oppressed into one of ultranationalism and genocide and are clearly having fun creating content for online clicks.

#Genocide is play for #Israel.

Reminds me of ultranationalist Serbs during the Bosnian genocide.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Palm Oil Detectives mastodon (AP)
The last of Indonesia’s #tigers, fewer than 400 hang on to survival in patches of rainforest in #Sumatra. Endangered by #poaching and #deforestation for #palmoil and timber. Boycott the brands destroying their home. #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

Prue, the protagonist of #Laika's new #movie, #WildWood.
Empire magazine has an article on the new #film. There is a video in the instagram preview in the article. But you have to click inside it to start the vid. It shows Laika's next main character, w/ a freashly re-animated cameo celebrating 15 years of #Coraline.

I'm pretty excited as it is directed by Travis Knight who directed #KiboAndTheTwoStrings & #BumbleBee.
#Animation #StopMotion #Kubo

Misogyny is literally a war on women and it's a vicious one fought by men and institutions that are deeply invested in keeping women out of power.


Burchett says he regrets calling Harris DEI hire, ‘but it was the truth’
tomgrzybow diaspora
"I am not a racist... but I remain true to white supremacy."
tomgrzybow diaspora
It seems he regrets getting called-out, but not enough to stop.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Sweet dreams all ... Thank you for tonight ... Misbehave ... Have fun

"If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you'll hear me knockin' at your door"

Hugz & xXx

it's amazing how she jumps at the opportunity 🥰
Keithius mastodon (AP)
@ncrav She is a *very* good girl when it comes to her mouth rinses. 😀

European Commission mastodon (AP)
📢 #NextGenerationEU has reached a milestone disbursement of €250 billion.

The groundbreaking recovery instrument has supported projects including:

🔋 34 million MWh/Year savings in annual primary energy consumption
👨‍💼 +2.8 million small, medium and large companies supported
🌀 +9.8 million people better protected against natural disasters
🌐 +14.7 million homes or buildings with very high capacity internet

More →!hVvqNG
A visual showing a woman in work attire, smiling and focused on a task. Overlaid text reads "250 billion disbursed under NextGenEU," with the European Union flag displayed in the bottom right corner.  A healthcare worker wearing a hairnet and protective clothing talking to a young child, also in protective clothing. Text reads '+47 million people with access to new or modernised healthcare facilities,' accompanied by the European Union flag in the bottom right corner.
A worker next to a solar panel. Text states '34 million MHh/Year savings in annual primary energy consumption, accompanied by the European Union flag in the bottom right corner. 
	6. 	A man working on electronic equipment. Text says '+2.8 million Small, medium and large companies supported, accompanied by the European Union flag in the bottom right corner. 

Muse diaspora
It Was So Cold Last Night It Was Impossible To Leave Them Out. I Love Them So Much. 📷: Pat Van Acker

sheep in front of a fire

We have some neighbours who have done something like this. Now, every so often I can hear them yell at one of their goats to "get out of the house!"

Contrary to public misconception, Sigmund Freud was not obsessed with sex.
In fact, he was extremely conservative and wanted order in the world. His works were (literally) misinterpreted by people who misread them.

Muse diaspora
enter image description here

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
this is actually somehow creepier than just reading it. “I love you Christians!” what a weird guy.

I can’t work out if Trump is saying he wants to cancel democracy here, or is presuming his voters will be dead next election, or offering to kill them.

I think he’s trying to say he’ll fix the country in 4 years so people don’t need to vote again. Better install CrowdStrike and you’ll never suffer an outage again!
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