Null 🐌 hometown (AP)
MMMM this lining brush I just made is making me feel all warm and fuzzy.

#FediArt #MastoArt #furryArt #Krita
An illustration of a chibi feline character head with extremely stylized text. The text reads "razor sharp".

Alien Anomaly mastodon (AP)
If there’s not enough money to fund services there are two possible courses of action:-

1. Cut services
2. Raise more funds

It is disingenuous for a government to pretend that the only answers are a subset of #1 in one of the wealthiest countries on the planet.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
And to my amazement, access remotely works ... Certificate are hard

Hugz & xXx

Frank Sonderborg mastodon (AP)
Concerns about over-tourism in Spain – which received a record 85.1 million international visitors last year, a 19% increase on 2022 – have led to large demonstrations across the country in recent months. Protesters in the Canary islands have complained that the presence of so many tourists is exacerbating water shortages

Peter Jelinek mastodon (AP)
Bei der Bahn sollen 30.000 Stellen gestrichen werden, weil sie 1,2 Milliarden Euro Verlust einfuhr.

Gründe für den Verlust: u.a. Unpünktlichlichkeit und Sanierungen.

Wird bestimmt helfen, wenn jetzt der Service noch abnimmt...

Dave Fischer mastodon (AP)
20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just book covers. #20books #20Books20Days

Stanislaw Lem - Solaris
Dave Fischer mastodon (AP)
Wild tangent: trying to install Solaris, don't understand this documentation AT ALL...
Someone standing in front of a Sun Microsystems server, holding an Atari Solaris game cart, and the novel Solaris open to the first page.

Via Bram van Gendt ( de foto met het eerst deel van het interview met Omtzigt in EW.

Mijn hemel. Al zoveel gaten te slaan (EW doet het niet)

'de schuld van de oppostitie'
Timmermans die er van langs krijgt.
PVV die niet zomaar iedereen als lid zal toe laten ('ik snap dat wel') 'want dan krijg je een actie van 30.000 Groen-Linkers die zich aanmelden om het PVV programma omver te stemmen'.


Ralli. :mastodon: mastodon (AP)
um kurz nach vier fing die Alarmanlage von Nachbars Karren an zu hornen. okay, dagegen ist die Standheizung von dem Auto doch deutlich leiser. aber beides reisst einen aus dem Schlaf.

moin Rasselbande, habt ein schönes Weekend 👋🍀

Spread in het ED. Waarom wordt Jan Roefs om zijn mening gevraagd? Hij framet mest altijd als het bruine goud en mestverwerking als de oplossing want hij vertegenwoordigt de mestsector en heeft een duidelijk financieel belang.
Hij wil dat er meer mestfabrieken komen en zeker niet minder mest!
Waarom heeft het ED niet een onafhankelijk expert die vragen gesteld?
Lokale overheden willen geen extra mestfabrieken of uitbreiding van capaciteit, dat weet hij heel goed. Wat een luie journalistiek.

Scooter RSS/Atom (via ActivityPub)
Looking for some opinions. I have an HP laptop with a #Celeron N4020 - a *blazing* 1.1GHz - and 4GB RAM. For some unknown reason, this shipped with Win 11. Watching it "run" this OS is like watching NASA attempt a space launch with a wrist rocket and a running start. I've seen faster bureaucracies.

I'm going to put #Linux on it, but the question is, which distro? I'm running #Debian at home, but I wouldn't necessarily have to do everything the same.

Obviously this device will not be doing any heavy lifting; perhaps just something to do a bit of office work while visiting the local coffeehouse. Simplicity would be valued.
stay with what you know and use Debian. You may be able to run KDE on it just, but failing that, there are plenty of lighter options, I like LXQt, which is pretty and low overhead.

living his best life!

hallvors mastodon (AP)
"Klimaet har alltid variert av helt naturlige årsaker. Derfor må klimaendringene vi ser nå også være naturlige!" vel logisk sett litt som å dra til åstedet for et drap og si til politiet: "det dør folk av naturlige årsaker hele tida, derfor må også dette dødsfallet være naturlig!".

#norsktut #klima #klimakrise

Added another section to the hull of Titanic. #MakersHour #TitanicProject
Hull of a model Titanic with another section added on the lefthand side.

Das Wissen | SWR mastodon (AP)
Sind Algen Pflanzen?

Grumpy Gramp mastodon (AP)
Alle machen einen riesigen Aufstand über 1,2 Milliarden Verlust bei der Bahn. Letzte Woche gewährte Herr Lindner einer amerikanischen Kreuzfahrtlinie 1,2 Milliarden, damit die ihre Schulden bei Deutschlands überflüssigster Werft bezahlen können und erntete dafür höchstens Schulterzucken. Zweimal der selbe Betrag, aber deutlich unterschiedliche Empörung.

Ben Royce 🇺🇦 mastodon (AP)
Coming back from my evening run, some advice for #runnersofmastodon:

Don't run through a swampy area at dusk with your mouth hanging slackjaw into a cloud of gnats. I think I deeply inhaled a couple hundred and I'm still hacking.
Ben Royce 🇺🇦 mastodon (AP)
"you want to eat me?

well i'm going to eat you!"

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

#usa #wildfires
- The sky in Salt Lake City is 'Wildfire Smoke White' with some grey streaks. My eyes are burning.
News: Thus far, 637 wildfires in Utah, 448 of which were caused by humans, have burned 41,106 acres in Utah during 2024.

libramoon reshared this.
Muse diaspora
I hope you have some respirator masks for when you go out. I wound up in the hospital because of the smoke from the wildfires we had in Australia a few years back.
@Muse I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve ended in an Emergency Rooms with asthmatic bronchitis several times. So - I’m careful and mindful of my lungs.
Oh, yes. I never leave home without a mask - not only because of the bad air, but also because of COVID and other infectious diseases. I going to wear my great Steampunk goggles more often due to the wildfire smoke. I’m continually ‘doctoring my eyes’ with various eye care products.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Losses of the Russian military to 27.7.2024 #Ukraine
Losses of the Russian military to 27.7.2024

PixlLotta mastodon (AP)
'V wie... Vergraben' #fotovorschlag

Moskwitsch 400

#photography #cars #saturday
Ein Oldtimer, der halb vergraben aus der Erde ragt.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Just noticed the headphones are made better ... They have used metal instead of plastic for the hinges ... Why the hell does it use plastic to start with !!

Hugz & xXx
Metal hinge on headphones and a band-aid finger from a hammer accident

Mastodon Migration mastodon (AP)
Truth sandwich ( response:

Trump is a fascist who if elected will destroy democracy. Today he said if he was elected you won't ever vote again. Believe him. His intention is to turn the US into a Russia style fascist oligarchy, and with the Supreme Court in his pocket he will be successful if elected in November.

1. Start with the truth.
2. Indicate the lie. Avoid amplifying. Don't use specific language.
3. Return to the truth. Always repeat truths more than lies.

sivizius mastodon (AP)
This is a typo, right? 😳
Screenshot of a datasheet from »shen zhen fine mad [sic!] electronics group co. ltd« about the FM2113 IC.

levelbot mastodon (AP)
hamster levels are 17% and falling

(17%) ■□□□□□□□□□

Lewis Hine mastodon (AP)
Man... turning and directing a great derrick

#LewisHine #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
 The image portrays a man in the midst of a construction scene, standing on top of what appears to be a steel structure. He is wearing a dark hat and overalls, with a belt and gloves that suggest manual labor. His gaze is directed upwards, possibly indicating that he's operating machinery or overseeing work being done above him. The background suggests an industrial setting, likely a bridge construction site. The photo has a vintage quality to it, which may be indicated by the style of clothing, the presence of a watermark or text overlay that reads "Lewis Hine," and the overall graininess of the image.

Dave Spector mastodon (AP)

Michael Beschloss: Important and be forewarned. Trump said this to crowd tonight:
“Get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine!…In four years, you don’t have to vote again.”
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
3 people reshared this

João Pinheiro mastodon (AP)
Bom fim-de-semana para todos!

A great weekend for all!

Steve Collins mastodon (AP)
Wordle 1,134 4/6


fukawi2 mastodon (AP)
Please stop leaving the city if you're not prepared...


Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Swallow nests have been used as a delicacy for over 400 years, and are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans
#til #todayilearned

Mela Eckenfels mastodon (AP)
Die Übersterblichkeit unter AfD-Politikern während der Pandemie war höher, als die Übersterblichkeit in Deutschland.


Sagen wir's mal so: Impfgegnerschaft lohnt sich nicht.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Dyagilevo airbase in Ryazan was targeted by several Ukrainian long-range drones, according to Russian sources. The base is home to the 203rd Guards Orlovsky Independent Aircraft-refuelling Aviation Regiment. July 27, 2024 #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
Dyagilevo airbase in Ryazan was targeted by several Ukrainian long-range drones, according to Russian sources. The base is home to the 203rd Guards Orlovsky Independent Aircraft-refuelling Aviation Regiment. July 27, 2024

X activated by default Grok which unaware users train with their personal data
What Twitter profile? I have none.

p6 mastodon (AP)
Enkelin hat gestern gebrannte Mandeln vom Volksfest mitgebracht 🫂 sonzum Kaffee schmeckt das einfach super lecker, wenn auch viel zu früh für nen Samstag

N'Moin allerseits
Guten Morgen 🙋‍♂️

“Zijn we collectief in slaap gewiegd door onze katholieke opvoeding? Het is toch niet omdat de bomma het tof vindt dat hij komt, dat wij met zijn allen met een vlaggetje moeten staan zwaaien? Ik kan er met mijn hoofd niet bij dat niemand in Leuven, waar toch veel hoogopgeleiden en linksdenkenden wonen, daar vraagtekens bij plaatst? Waarom zou het een eer zijn dat die man naar onze stad komt?”
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Laffy mastodon (AP)
Via Kamala HQL

#JDVance responds to the backlash to his “childless cat ladies” comment by apologizing to cats and then doubling down on attacking women: “I’m sorry, it’s true”

#HarrisForPresident #Harris2024
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
thepoliticalcat mastodon (AP)
I wonder when Trump is gonna announce J.D.'s dropping out of the race. Every minute this loser stays in the public eye is another drop in the polls for Lump.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
@thepoliticalcat If he does that, more chaos, more bad press

punklawyer mastodon (AP)

However, appears to be fake news according to this search for *couch* inside #HillbillyElegy at Google Books:

 Folks, JD Vance did fuck a couch.

It was right there in his book all along.

And it was definitely more than once.

opportunities, they stay there. Years later, | looked at my wedding party of six groomsmen and realized that every single one of them had, like me, fucked a couch Ail of us had found ourselves beheld by the eroticism of two cushions, side-by-side, with that lush, inviting valley between. We al! knew how to respect one too: With a rubber glove and any lubricant you had on hand. All of us were ionely at some point, pushed away by the women in our lives It was our outlet and an unspoken-yet-open secret. To want for a couch is 1o be, and to lay with cne as one does? It is a rite of passage into the chambers of manhood.

10:09 PM - 2024-07-25 From Earth - 1M Views

3.3K Reposts 599 Quotes 15K Likes 2K Bookmarks
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
punklawyer mastodon (AP)





@ R T Rt "When | get that feeling, | need sectional healing" ©® {52k [DReply F12 @ Share o Q theunnamedrobot - 7h ago I saw him referred to as a homosectional and just knew this train was not even close to being done wrecking. ©® {18 & [JReply LA Award A Share - @ Dancinfool830 - 6h ago How can we be sure of the couch's gender? He might be heterosectional [CIET -7 IR VI - = VR © I VA (R S @ [N R ey | prefer the term “Sofasexual” ©® 4307 [DJReply LA Award A Share - @ Suspicious-Return-54 - 4h ago More cushion for the pushin’ =
punklawyer mastodon (AP)

A8 Jacob Shamsian &2 @layShams Did the Associated Press retract its fact-check article denying JD Vance had sex with a couch?
reply Scott Ligon & @JSLigon - Jul 25 Did Vance claim he had sex with a couch and AP called him a liar, or did he deny having sex with a couch and AP says yes he did? Two very different scenarios. Voters deserve to know what did or did not happen between Vance and the couch. 
Michigan J Xenomorph @supermills - Jul 25 look, if fucking a couch is disqualifying for being a VP I'm not sure | want to live in this country! | mean have you seen some of these couches?
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Bisectional is just so obvious…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Never describe your management style as "real freaky-naughty like". Recruiters are squares, man.
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.
newer older

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