Strypey mastodon (AP)
"It’s the same. It’s always been the same. Stop benefitting from the internet, it’s not for you to enjoy, it’s for us to use to extract money from you. Stop finding beauty and connection in the world, loneliness is more profitable and easier to control.

Stop being human. A mindless bot who makes regular purchases is all that’s really needed."

#CatherynneMValente, 2022
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"[ founder Andrew ]Smales requires new users to pay a one-time $2 activation fee to prove they're not a spammer."

#MichelleSterling, 2014


Imagine if every responsible email host in the world did this. It could have a similar effect to those 'digital stamp' proposals - tiny charges for sending email aimed at reducing spam - but without the unavoidable friction of avoidable micropayments;

#SpamPrevention #AccountCreation
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Strypey mastodon (AP)
As a bonus, if there's a charge to create an account - however small - everyone who creates one is a customer. Giving them legal protections that aren't always available to people using services without paying.

It would also provide some income towards the costs of hosting, of course. Although since revenue would only be coming in as long as new accounts are getting created, it would encourage server hosts to optimise for growth. Which isn't ideal.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"'People are being more nostalgic about the early web', [Andrew Smales] said, 'and part of me feels like maybe in five or 10 years that might be a thing. I think it's probably too early now, but if somebody revived LiveJournal, I could see old web making a comeback.'.

Maybe Smales will be right."

#MichelleSterling, 2014

10 years on, it's pretty hard to deny that Smales was bang on. Even then, the #IndieWeb and early fediverse had already been around for a few years.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"And I also understand that we are the generation who has to go through this part of it. We’re the ones born in time to be forced to make the rules and defend them. To say hey maybe one guy shouldn’t be able to own the village square. Because it was never remotely possible before. It’s all new and we have to figure it out. To agitate and legislate and be constantly vigilant."

#CatherynneMValente, 2022

#NetCulture #TechRegulation
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> To say hey maybe one guy shouldn’t be able to own the village square. Because it was never remotely possible before

There is a precedent that predates the net; the mall.

In his book Life Inc. Douglas @Rushkoff talks about how the mall was originally conceived as a utopian vision. But in the hands of US capitalists, it became a tool for corporations to own and control pedestrian shopping streets, which were once public spaces.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"If you think that’s not true, that it’s only capitalism that curdles the milk, ask yourself whether you think, even with all the money in the world, you ever could pay Amy Coney Barrett or Marjorie Taylor Green or Lindsey Graham or Josh Hawley or Andrew Tate or Brett Kavanaugh or Jim Jordan enough to become a progressive feminist eco-warrior activist."

#CatherynneMValente, 2022

Of course you could. These people are mercenary sociopaths.

Strypey mastodon (AP)
With enough money, could could convince them to kill and eat their own young, and claim it was for the greater good. No amount of money would make them *believe* in being a "progressive feminist eco-warrior activist", but if you offered them enough money, you could *definitely* convince them to claim they did and go through the motions.

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"... this strange compulsion of conservatism to force other humans to be just like you... A kind of viral solipsism that cannot bear the presence of anything other than its own undifferentiated self, propagating not by convincing or seduction or debate, but by the eradication of any other option."

#CatherynneMValente, 2022

This conservatism can also be found among people who call themselves "liberals", or identify with "the left";

Strypey mastodon (AP)
The xenophobia we associate with conservatism is not a property of certain political-economic ideologies. It's a property of a certain stage of cultural development that we have to go through, regardless of our political-economic views - and one that only some of us ever move beyond;

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"One awful man should not be able to destroy something the world created together, for good or ill. No, we didn’t create the code or rent the offices, but without the words we put together in those little boxes, Twitter is and was nothing. Humanity made that place, and it is all our best and our worst. One unimaginably rich man should not be able to take away the livelihoods of millions of people ..."

#CatherynneMValente, 2022

Sounds like capitalism to me 🤷
Strypey mastodon (AP)
To finish on a positive note, I'm engaging with this rant, both to agree and pick holes in it, because I love it.

I love the passion and the raw emotion with which it expresses something deeply important about what the internet *is*. When we stop reducing it to a set of kitset parts (protocols, software, servers, etc) and see it as grand, new experiment in social life. I love the way it ends with the one good thing about The Last Jedi; it *is* about love and compassion overcoming hatred.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
lunchy mastodon (AP)
people thought of this in the 90s during the spampocalypse
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> people thought of this in the 90s during the spampocalypse

I remember reading various proposals for digital stamps per email back then, but I don't remember anyone talking about charging at the point of account creation. Probably because at the time, most people got email as a free extra with their net connection, or were setting up addresses with gratis hosts precisely because they couldn't or didn't want to pay.
Paul H mastodon (AP)
Metafilter requires a one-time USD5 joining fee and I pretty sure it's been that amount for ages - if not for the entire 25 years the site has been in existence. It's enough to keep spammers and trolls away, but not enough to be a barrier for anyone to join.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> Metafilter requires a one-time USD5 joining fee

Imagine if this had been standard practice among fediverse servers when Eternal November began. All those new accounts people set up would have brought in a huge wave of funding for server admins, some of which could have been passed on to fund software dev. It would also have massively reduced the number of accounts that were created and then never used.
There's nothing stopping people who can afford it, and who value not being advertised at, and not having their personal data sold, from contributing either once or on an ongoing basis.

This service is really worth it to me.

Strypey mastodon (AP)
> There's nothing stopping people ... from contributing either once or on an ongoing basis

True. But there's also nothing obliging them to. So most don't. Especially if they're only setting up an account as an escape hatch if things get bad on the DataFarm they're still intending to use for now.

But *any* payment at all can be a barrier for people - do we really want to obligate people to pay?

This was graphically illustrated to me when I recently said that InternetNZ's $21/year membership fee shouldn't be a barrier. The person sitting next to me reminded me that if I were on the benefit, it would mean having to give up several blocks of cheese or bus fares.

I felt correctly chastised.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> I recently said that InternetNZ's $21/year membership fee shouldn't be a barrier

There's a huge difference between an ongoing subscription and a one-time contribution.

> The person sitting next to me reminded me that if I were on the benefit, it would mean having to give up several blocks of cheese or bus fares

I am on a benefit and have been for most of my adult life, due to various forms of neurodivergence that make me completely unsuitable for most paid roles.

It would be great if we could develop a menu of nonfinancial ways in which people could contribute and be engaged.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> It would be great if we could develop a menu of nonfinancial ways in which people could contribute and be engaged

100% agree. This is precisely what I've spent my career doing, due to being chronically broke. But I can afford a $2-5 one-off contribution to join a service, and I stand by the arguments I made in favour of this.


Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
Unknowable Squares and Bobbins at play in the car port.


A photograph of a long haired pale orange tom cat named Unknowable Squares who is standing with his paws on a retaining wall in the carport where a small female kitten with tortoise shell fur is standing. Her name is Bobbins.

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
Bobbins out and about, wide-eyed and full of trepidation.


A small female kitten with tortoise shell fur and slate colored eyes who is sitting by an air conditioning unit fan outside in the car port. Her name is Bobbins.

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
Bobbins explores the world outside (she just learned to use the cat flap this week).


A small female kitten with tortoise shell fur and slate colored eyes who is peeking around an air conditioning unit fan outside in the car port. Her name is Bobbins.

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
Unknowable Squares and Bobbins on the prowl.


A photograph of a long haired pale orange tom cat named Unknowable Squares who is standing next to an air conditioning fan looking directly at the camera. A small female kitten with tortoise shell fur and slate colored eyes who is peeking at him from the fan unit him. Her name is Bobbins.

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
Unknowable Squares chilling in the car port.


A photograph of a long haired pale orange tom cat named Unknowable Squares who is lying in the carport with his gaze averted from the camera and looking elsewhere.

Anyone in Colorado willing to give away one or two old PCs? Need to be working (though no disk drive is OK), have at least one spare PCIe 3.0 (or 4.0) x8 or x16 slot, and a 2 GHz or faster CPU. That basically requires a PC made in 2012 or newer. Monitor, keyboard, mouse not required.
This is for testing PCIe 40G Ethernet NICs, transceivers, and fiber jumpers, separate from my "production" network.
All my spare PCs aew too old, and I have no money to spend.
big awoo notation sharkey (AP)
I'm sitting here with two i7-11700s in the house, each already several generations old, and I'm like "man, 6th generation is already obsolete?"
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
@lofty lol I just “upgraded” from an i7-2600K to a 6th-gen i7

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
Alison is harder to photograph than Big Foot, and Big Foot doesn't exist.


A photograph of a black female cat called Alison who is standing in the car port looking directly at the camera.

Air Quotes Comedian mastodon (AP)
I got a few snaps this week for #caturday

I wanted to get a couple of Alison as she doesn't particularly like to be photographed.

A photograph of a black female cat called Alison who is standing in the car port looking at something off of camera. She is a rather portly cat.

Marietje Schaake mastodon (AP)
Feest bij de Russische geheime diensten FSB, GROe en SVR: Hongarije laat 'gastarbeiders' uit Rusland en Belarus toe zónder veiligheidsonderzoek. Twee jaar geldig, kan verlengd worden, familieleden mogen mee. De 'gastarbeiders' kunnen ook alle Schengenlanden bezoeken. Ongekend...

[2024-07-26 12:21 UTC]

John Socks mastodon (AP)
"What's behind the global self-storage boom?"

What a sad headline, but I think the answer has to be a flaw of the human mind. Perhaps because we were never intended to have many possessions, we form strong relationships with them.

Too strong, let them go.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Franz Graf mastodon (AP)
Oh indeed. I try to sell stuff that I don't need. Give it away

Liam :fnord: mastodon (AP)
When I went up to get my lunch there were a group of men in suits having coffee, one wearing what looked like a lot like bikie colours, a vest with patches and ribbon trim. Then I saw he was wearing an Iron Cross looking medal on a necklace and thought oh, that’s not good. Then I realised all these men were also wearing aprons and gloves, it’s the Freemasons

Die Lobbyagentur WMP und ihre Freunde...

(Bitte nicht verwechseln: Der "Ex-Außenminister und SPD-Vorsitzende Sigmar Gabriel" ist lediglich ein Freund der Lobbyagentur. Lobbyieren tut er im Interesse von anderen: der Deutschen Bank und ThyssenKrupp Steel, siehe 🧵)
Der Screenshot von der WMP-Homepage zeigt ein Foto von Sigmar Gabriel unter der Überschrift: "Unsere Freunde über uns" - darunter das Zitat von Gabriel: "Wer groß denkt, muss globale Brücken bauen."
EU-Bankenabgabe: Sigmar Gabriel lobbyierte bei Merkel für die Deutsche Bank
Tätigkeit als Stahllobbyist: Wie Sigmar Gabriel einem Milliardenkonzern die Tür zur Bundesregierung öffnete

AmyFou 🥥🌴 mastodon (AP)
We are again overcome by fatigue.


#Gracie #Niko #dogs #dogsOfMastodon #fediDogs
close up of the face of a somewhat sleepy dog as she lays on a little decorative rug
Close up of the face of a very sleepy dog as he lays on the tile floor.

+++ Großspenden-Ticker +++
NEU: 50.000 Euro an die #SPD von Hans-Dieter Lochmann, Berlin (Investor)
Screenshot Bundestagswebsite:

"Juli 2024

SPD: 50.000 Euro

Hans-Dieter Lochmann
10437 Berlin

Spendendatum: 25.07.2024
Meldedatum: 26.07.2024"

LaplacePhi mastodon (AP)
#KiTa #entwicklung
Wir hatten gestern Entwicklungsgespräch und jetzt bin ich echt in der Zwickmühle. Unser Kind ist 2,5, kognitiv und sprachlich sehr weit. Aus unserer Sicht ist er auch motorisch total fit.
Das Problem ist, motorisch scheint er in der Kita nicht alles zu zeigen was er so kann (ich vermute kein Bock weil er merkt dass die Testen) und sie schätzen das jetzt als kritisch ein.
Hinzu kommt, dass er wohl ab und an sehr verträumt ist und er sich durch Geräusche leicht 1/3
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LaplacePhi mastodon (AP)
Ablenken lässt. Auf der anderen Seite macht er aber wenn die Umgebung passt, ganz akribisch große Bügelperlen.
Außerdem scheint er manche Dinge wie Händewaschen manchmal zu können und dann wieder nicht (ich vermute wieder, kein Bock).

Sie empfehlen jetzt die Frühförderung zu kontaktieren, weil die Konzentration und die Ablenkbarkeit aus ihrer Sicht den Übergang in den Kindergarten im März gefährden. Ich sehe das eher als normal für nen 2,5 Jährigen. Ich habe kein Problem mit Förderung sehe 2/3
LaplacePhi mastodon (AP)
Aber den Bedarf nicht wirklich. Auf der anderen Seite will ich aber auch nix versäumen. Hat irgendwer hier vll ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht?

Ich weiß natürlich dass sowas immer individuell ist, aber ich glaube austausch würde mir helfen.

LaplacePhi mastodon (AP)
mein Gedanke.
Ich finde die sollen einfach Kind sein dürfen. Er wird ja erst nächstes Jahr drei.

Danke euch, ich hab echt schon gedacht ich bin völlig auf dem falschen Dampfer

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Donald Trump is suddenly running scared — and he ought to be #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews
Donald Trump is suddenly running scared — and he ought to be

Ian Langham mastodon (AP)
Snoops there. There should be a side event where people take an edible and smoke a blunt with snoop and then have to race to assemble ikea furniture...

If Martha Stewart were there it could be a cooking competition

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Myphatself mastodon (AP)
I could be an Olympic hopeful in that category for sure.
Ian Langham mastodon (AP)
I worked in the back at a few places. I might be good at it. Been a while and I am old. I want to watch someone else break stuff.

I guess art handlers and warehouse people might destroy every one though...
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Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
The postponed sentencing of Donald Trump’s 34 counts of falsifying business records will likely happen on September 18 this year.

Source: Glenn Kirschner

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Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
Wondering if you’d mind using the #USPol tag on this stuff? I like boosting important pol stuff, but I’ve had complaints, and I can’t add CWs or hashtags to what I boost. It’s going to be a long nasty election season and people should have easy ways to filter.
Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
@corbden added. Boost away! 🙂

Europe Says mastodon (AP) MAGA: “Libs are so hysterical saying Trump will destroy democracy!” #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #UsPolitics
MAGA: “Libs are so hysterical saying Trump will destroy democracy!”

⚪ Mehr... Lieblingsfotos?
🟤 More... Favorite photos?
📷 by Artist: #JohnDrysdale in Loc.: unknown, England UK 🇬🇧 1986 - Title: "My Greatest Friend" Series - #Streetart #Art #Retro #Animals #Elephant #Artist #Photography #Fotografie #BnW ➡️ #APhotoLove
Photograph. A black and white photo of a little girl sitting on the leg of a reclining elephant and reading. The photo shows the two of them in a meadow. The little blonde girl with white knee-high socks is sitting on the elephant with her legs crossed and is engrossed in reading a Yogi Bear book, while the elephant looks calmly ahead.
Info: The photo is part of a series and comes from the popular illustrated book "Our Peaceable Kingdom" by John Drysdale, a heart-warming ode to friendship between different animal species. About the elephant who had grown up with the girl, he said: "He had the unusual ability to sit on his haunches. Amazing.
Rembrandt1405 mastodon (AP)
Kinder und Tiere, tolle Freundschaft😊

Guten Morgen Ami ☕🥨🥞
@Rembrandt0514 Mooiiiiiiiin ☕🥐🥐 ja eine besondere Zirkusfamilie 🎪

If you want to understand why western powers kept cover Netanyahu during scandals and juries' changes and keep backing him after all war crimes committed by IDF-IOF here is an explanation.

"Commitment to a country means having to live with whatever policies the government of the day there is pursuing".
-Robert Cooper, former adviser to Tony Blair, 2003

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Have I mentioned the part of Project 2025 about killing the wild
horses in the American West?

Because they’re “disturbing private property”.

They don’t make any mention of millions of cattle free-ranging of course.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Seems more a matter of private property disturbing wild horses. If one or the other has to go, ...
AzureArmageddon mastodon (AP)
Without context that excerpt could easily be referring to some random minority lol

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Fun Fact: You can create a word in German to say pretty much anything, but you'd better declare a really long buffer before you try.
Kevin mastodon (AP)
I'm Afrikaans. The language has the same feature which made learning German a lot easier.
Tweebuffelsmeteenskootmorsdoodgeskietfontein is the name of a farm in South Africa. It has its own wikipedia entry. It means "the spring where two buffaloes were shot stone-dead with one shot"

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes mastodon (AP)
Shifting our focus from fascist politicians and fascist political policy for a moment, I'd like to share this short explainer by the White Rose Society about the growing street nazi organizational tactic known as "Active Clubs," updated from an original submission by the White Rose Society to an Australian Senate Committee investigating right wing extremist movements in that country.

Active Clubs & Accelerationists – Neo-Nazi tactics and strategies in Australia

"Active clubs rally their members around the motto “Tribe and Train,” portraying themselves as contemporary Aryan warriors preparing for a racial conflict while advocating for “White unity” in support of their perceived communities. There are active clubs throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, Latin America and New Zealand. Currently, all active clubs in Australia fall under the umbrella of the European Australian Movement and the National Socialist Network, though there have been other short-lived independent active clubs in Australia over the last two years."

As the above quote indicates, while this material was originally produced for a government inquiry in Australia (that seemed more worried about obscuring the existence of violent fascist organizations or gangs there,) the Active Club model is a Pig Empire-wide phenomenon. In the past, I've written a little bit about Active Clubs and the American creator of the organizational model, Robert Rundo, but it now seems clear that despite Rundo's legal troubles in the United States, nazi Active Clubs are a problem that's here to stay. If your local street nazi crews have started to organize around MMA training, custom active wear, and militant accelerationism, there's a pretty good chance you're looking at the Active Club model in action.

On one hand, what we're really talking about here are white identarian, neo-Nazi street gangs and it does no good to aggrandize them. On the other hand, Rundo himself created the Active Club model after fleeing to Europe and hooking up with numerous other violent nazi groups to swap tips, tricks, and organizational techniques. Furthermore the growth of Active Clubs in the street nazi scene all over the Pig Empire makes it clear that these groups are a plague that is both persistent, and spreading.

Although I've repeatedly told you that fascism itself is a legalist, top-down political philosophy and that fascist regimes are invariably installed by nazis bearing official papers and wearing badges, the truth is that brownshirts have to come from somewhere and even street nazi gang violence is still violence; and thus a danger to anyone who opposes these ideas, or simply doesn't look like the street nazis themselves. It never hurts to know your enemy, and recognizing a nascent neo-Nazi Active Club in your area might just be the difference between stopping it, and being a victim of the violence these groups inherently bring.

#Nazis #ActiveClub #Antifascism #WhiteRose #Australia
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I must say the commercials I’m seeing here in ATL are much Blacker than the commercials I see in NYC.
Hopefully no annoying political ads.
@IveyJanette No. Haven’t seen any. But commercials about normal things have whole Black families in them. Or, Black dads and kids. Just normal family stuff I don’t normally see.
That's great. They don't even show those ads in LA or the Bay Area.
And billboards and such. Growing up in the west, living in Atlanta was eye opening and a learning experience.

Dave Spector mastodon (AP)
He was searching for dolphin porn.

He’s like a bottomless pit of ick…

The #couch #fucker is into #dolphin #porn.

What’s next? 🤔

So, so, so much more explaining to do….. #couchfucker

A screenshot from a RawStoty headline: “J. D. Vance ridiculed for accidentally revealing explicit dolphin-based search history”
Timo mastodon (AP)
dolphin couch..
a sofa with a slipcover covered in dolphins images.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I wrote this important thread, please read if you can and boost for visibility. :boost_ok:

Here's how to react if someone is having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in front of you!

Different situations are taken into account to give as much info as possible.

Michael mastodon (AP)
No! No no. NO.
Beware of snake sign. In Tokyo

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that Hooverball was a sport invented to keep President Herbert Hoover physically fit. It used a six-pound medicine ball and combined the mechanics of tennis and volleyball.
#til #todayilearned

Trump Tells Christians They Won’t Have to Vote in Future: ‘We’ll Have It Fixed’

AnarchoNinaAnalyzes mastodon (AP)
As you may have heard, noted billionaire shitbag fascist Elon Musk recently conducted an interview with fellow shitbag fascist Jordan Peterson, in which he repeatedly deadnamed his trans daughter (Vivian Wilson), claimed he was tricked into signing the permission forms for her gender affirming care, and professed that his child had been "killed by the woke mind virus" while essentially blaming her for his own embrace of openly fascist politics. Now, Wilson has responded, both in an NBC interview, and online, to refute Musk's lies about her and offer up some damning criticism of why Musk defamed her on a fascist podcast.

Elon Musk's trans daughter Vivian Wilson slams his anti-LGBTQ+ comments as 'ketamine-fueled haze'

"This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness," Wilson wrote. "Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says a lot about how he views queer people and children in general."

Look, I know most people reading this are primary here for the pointed (and accurate) criticism of Musk; an unfathomably rich corpo muppet who nevertheless actively chooses to spend his days hanging around with extremely online nazis and talking like a 4Chan poster with a particularly raging case of transphobic obsession. When Vivian Wilson says that Musk is an popularity-seeking poseur "because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him," that's a message that resonates with virtually anyone who has seen his online behavior, or observed his clearly *personal* quest to harm trans people at every available opportunity. Nobody is surprised to learn that he was an absentee father, or that he's the kind of ascclown who would lie about his own child to protect his fragile masculinity and score some favestars from internet nazis and Jordan Peterson fans.

My reasons for sharing this piece, and not the sanitized for mass consumption interview Wilson gave however, are personal. Like Vivian, I too became wholly estranged from my (late) father after choosing to live my life as my authentic self and seek gender reassignment surgery. Unlike Musk however, my father chose hoping for my demise rather than pretending it had already happened; my last conversation with him on this earth featured him saying, a little too hopefully, that I would "kill myself" and me replying "don't get your hopes up, Pops." While I don't know if he actively chose to lie about me after I broke off contact, I do know that reconciliation with my family, namely my mother, was impossible until after his death; I still haven't spoken to my brother in the 25 years since.

I say all this not to make the story about myself, but to explain that I empathize with Vivian Wilson's anger as presented in this piece. I too know what it's like to have a parent that would rather pretend you're dead, than accept the idea of their child being a trans woman living her best life. We live in a society that barely has room for trans people to simply exist, where trans identities are subject to endless intellectual debate, where our right to simply *be* is somehow a "question." In this situation, the concept of trans individuality, feelings, personhood, and yes rage at our mistreatment is an unwelcome distraction from the far-too casual debate about whether we have a right to personhood and agency, if it's acknowledged at all.

Reading this piece, I felt Vivian's anger, and her power, jumping out at me through a few short lines of reprinted social media text. I recognized that anger, and experiencing it made me feel a little more whole. Trans people are not props in a game of political football, we're not science experiments, we're not an excuse for the terrible behaviors and cruel inhumanities of cis-het society. Trans people are human beings, just like cis-het people and I need you folks to realize that we're not going to silently forget how you treat us in *your* moments of confusion and obstinate refusal to accept our agency and right to live our own lies. Vivian didn't forget, I haven't forgotten, and cis-het people have no right to ask trans people as a whole to forget the staggering cruelty we're being subjected to by a society currently engaged in a horrifying debate about whether or not we have a right to simply be.

What you do and say now, will last a lifetime; and I'm not begging cis people to realize that, I'm warning you.

#TransRights #Musk #VivianWilson #LGBTQ
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
2 people reshared this

glauber ribeiro mastodon (AP)
gee, that's super, man!

newer older

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