Xavier mastodon (AP)
Drinking decaf coffee so that I can go hard in the sheets.

That robot water horse is totally a narcosub full of cocaine.

Maggie Maybe mastodon (AP)
Pregnant people who received a messenger RNA, or mRNA, COVID-19 vaccine during their first trimester did not have a greater risk of giving birth to infants with structural birth defects than those who didn’t receive the vaccine then, according to datafrom an observational cohort study published in JAMA Pediatrics. The study involved more than 42 100 pregnancies that led to live births. The results “should provide reassurance to pregnant people and their obstetric care practitioners,” the researchers wrote.

#covid #vaccines #pregnancy
Shonin reshared this.

Bronwyn Harris mastodon (AP)
There used to be a load bearing post where that 5 gallon bucket is and they’re doing a bunch of jackhammering and concrete pouring to replace it and this is the temporary workaround. My small balcony is above that. Should I be nervous?
DopeGhoti mastodon (AP)
Anything involving the term 'load-bearing' in concert with verbs in the past tense pertaining to structure you spend time in should absolutely make you nervous.
Bronwyn Harris mastodon (AP)
@DopeGhoti yes I think you are correct

Jon Udell mastodon (AP)
I'm not making any predictions (cf. @timbray) but am willing to imagine that the momentum can sustain and even continue to grow.

I'm also willing to imagine that Big Journalism won't matter nearly as much as it thinks it does to the wave of new voters now being activated.

Please keep in mind that the Harris euphoria will not -- cannot -- last nonstop through November. There's a natural ebb and flow to everything. Count on the Trump cult getting part of their vile act together after their initially flummoxed response.

Meanwhile, Big Journalism is going to do everything it possibly can to stir up trouble so it can cover the election, as it loves to do, as blood sport. Issues? Ha.

We will save democracy. The hardest work begins now -- please do what you can.

vruz mastodon (AP)
If the deactivation of Trump's rally by TikTok in 2020 was anything to go by... Just how much smarter can kids get in 4 years? I wouldn't bet against them.

Keith McNeill mastodon (AP)
Over 30 ‘endangered’ languages are spoken in Pakistan's mountainous north. The terrain makes these communities vulnerable to climate-induced disasters, such as glacial outburst floods

Kit Bashir mastodon (AP)

  • Third coffee (38%, 5 votes)
  • Nap (46%, 6 votes)
  • Go outside (53%, 7 votes)
  • Keep scrolling (7%, 1 vote)
13 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Vee mastodon (AP)
M.S. Bellows, Jr. reshared this.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)

jz.tusk mastodon (AP)
Have you been a big fan of following the #MastodonForHarris hashtag, and enjoyed checking the contributions page ( to see each new goal get passed?

Have you been worried now that the next goal is $500k, and it'll be longer before the next hit?

Well, I've got a new hashtag for you: #M4HTopUp (MastodonForHarris top-up)


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Shonin reshared this.

Grateful Dread mastodon (AP)
J.D. Vance Says He Gets Bad Press Because Most Journalists Are “Childless Adults” via @MotherJones
IamSheilaforHarris mastodon (AP)
@noondlyt Psychoanalyzing J.D. Vance is a new fun game. Here's my attempt:
Vance resents childless women because his entire life he's wished/dreamed he was a woman and could give birth to babies. Ergo, he hates those who could and choose not to.
Now you try. #JDVance #Vancepsychoanalyzed #ChildlessCatLady

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Imprisoning activists endangers us all: 5 members of Just Stop Oil imprisoned for non-violent protest #Climate
Imprisoning activists endangers us all: 5 members of Just Stop Oil imprisoned for non-violent protest

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL When Einstein and his wife Mileva Maric divorced, his son Hans Albert had a grudge against his father and when he said he wanted to be an engineer at 15 which made Einstein furious,and%20son%20was%20often%20tense.
#til #todayilearned

Subjacent Banana mastodon (AP)
Basically everything in this picture relates to how you process emotional stuff, stress, PTSD, manic episodes, intense memories, etc.

It's all clearly damaged by Covid.

redj 18 diaspora

MK IV desert moonrise (plymouth)

#TFIF #debian #trixie #linux #opensource #nogimp #nomagick #plymouth #cairo #pango #C #programming #tortuous #FINAL

earendil diaspora

Edinburgh, Scotland by bryan limy

I’m going to be listening to The Professional Left Podcast starring @bluegal and @driftglass and you should too! Available where’er you find Pods or here:

Me listening to the #ProLeftPod, probably↓
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Kevin LaRose He/Him mastodon (AP)
I’m a relative newcomer to the Pro-Left Pod, learning about it from @Shoq a couple of years ago. Someday I’ll find the time to listen to all of the back episodes back to 2010. Hands down the best political podcast going.

LA Legault 🍉 mastodon (AP)
Next time Danielle Smith starts dog whistling about migrant workers remind her that migrant workers just saved her butt.

Thank you Mexican firefighters for coming to #Canada’s aid. 🙏

Mexican firefighters in airport
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

W6KME mastodon (AP)
Incredibly lucky webcam shot from Platte Mountain Camera 1 on the #ParkFire.

For cameras all over California, bookmark https:\\
MF-83 tanker at low altitude over Platte Mountain web cam, Park fire
Reticent Turnip reshared this.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Is there any coffee left in that cup ... {Proceeds to tip the cup upside down} ... Yeah there WAS ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
Mel Mel Mel!
You are supposed to lick the cup clean! ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

🧸 :blobhaj_cathug:

Good morning 😂
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)


Have a wonderful day... 💋

Hugz & xXx
skua mastodon (AP)
I used to be a devotee of that.
But last week accidendently added water to the cup, swilled it around, and got a pleasant tasting frothy mouthful.

Justice Dept. Settles Lawsuit With Former F.B.I. Officials Targeted by Trump

ABS mastodon (AP)
J'adore batshit #Paris psychogeographic parkour detours a Francais #Olympics feverdream #Seine dérive. Belle because, not in spite, of its flaws soaked in diversity/creativity/top tunes & mecha folklore horse! It really floated my boat! + it seemed to annoy all the right people!

Jude🇵🇸 mastodon (AP)
At the Harmonie German Club, where our late friend Frank used to spend a lot of time. A little wake. #drink 🥂

Dance, art, Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, the Louvre, Notre Dame, libraries, theater, balloons, diversity, equality, fashion, young athletes from around the globe floating down the Seine - the right wing's complains that the Paris #Olympics are too secular proves how far out of modern life they've drifted.

And how much freedom and joy scare them.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Marv Clowder reshared this.
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Huh? OK, let's go back to its religious roots, although I don't think the sacrifice of 100 oxen to Zeus will be popular. Better: The games ended with a procession; a couch was carried from the temple of Hera to the temple of Zeus. 😉

Miro Collas mastodon (AP)
Mohammed Assaf, a 17-year-old from North Gaza, has just died due to starvation. Mohammed did not suffer from any pre-existing conditions, but he was severely malnourished, and his weak body couldn't survive the starvation.

Israeli occupation forces are using starvation as a tool of war and are currently starving North Gaza to death.

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
Linda mastodon (AP)
the world leaders should be ashamed.
Sozan mastodon (AP)
@Lassielmr I saw them applauding.

Isaac Kuo Art Blog socialhome (via ActivityPub)

Ariel sketch

Isaac Kuo reshared this.

Isaac Kuo Art Blog socialhome (via ActivityPub)

Tinker Bell sketch

#MyArt #TinkerBell
Isaac Kuo reshared this.

Dwight (DB) 🤔 mastodon (AP)
Look at the size of those thumbs, that’s got to be steroids.

Kind of awestruck at this #Olympics2024 #OpeningCeremony in #paris. The urban planner in me is floored at what a brilliant idea to showcase the history and culture of Parisians and France through the heart of the city itself. It's inspiring to see a city being used in a way that I don't recall seeing in my lifetime, but seems so obvious after tonight.

Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei

Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from group and his policy goals align with its teachings

If this doesn't alarm you, you don't know Opus Dei:
3 people reshared this
Steve Hynd mastodon (AP)
@HarbingerOfSalem I'm not sure if that's entirely true. The ringleaders may be in cahoots but the clowns can still revolt. I live in West Texas and its not uncommon to be asked whether you're "Christian or Catholic" among the good-ole-boy set.
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
The higher you go, the more they coordinate

Shoq mastodon (AP)
While I had doubts about Kamala 4 yrs ago, which I think were valid at the time, I started to see how she’d grown with Biden and I was pretty sure 8 months ago she might be the nominee. I was always quietly concerned about the age thing. I was comforted she was there.
Kevin LaRose He/Him mastodon (AP)
Being that I’m six weeks younger than her, I’m happy to see people refer to her as young. Also, I saw some yahoo Congressperson from Tennessee actually call #VP Harris lazy today. You know and I know what that actually means, as does anyone with at least five working brain cells. How utterly brazenly racist. They’re not only not hiding it or saying the quiet part out loud, they’re shouting it from the rooftops, loud and proud.

donni saphire mastodon (AP)
ME: Hey, what's a Jumping Jack Flash?
MICK JAGGER: It's a gas gas gas
ME: Great. Thanks a lot. Very helpful
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
I think it has something to do with being bone in a koss fah huh kay.

Isaac Kuo Art Blog socialhome (via ActivityPub)

warmup sketch


mvario mastodon (AP)
The media is already failing in its duty to fairly cover Kamala Harris | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian

#SaveDemocracyVoteBlue #StopFascism #StopProject2025

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Not holding out much hope that Trump gets sentenced to hard labour in a dilithium mine on Ruhra Penthe.
Marv Clowder reshared this.

Baltimore Banner mastodon (AP)
Towson Apple store union: Group secures first tentative contract agreement

Dorothea Salo hometown (AP)
Higher ed has a newish (?) data broker called Transact.

From their own lips: "These transactions range from where they eat, if they attend their lectures, pay their tuition bill on time, where and when they move across campus, how often they do laundry, or how many Energy Drinks they buy at the library at 2 am before exams."

My students gonna adore this.

Who else wants to FOIA public institutions for who's selling/giving these jerks data?

Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP)
Wearing JNCOs on a rainy day.

J Λ M Ξ S mastodon (AP)
need a strong belt

Piousunyn mastodon (AP)
Thanks to Abby Normal
Callalily reshared this.
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