darf ๐Ÿ˜ˆ mastodon (AP)
It bothers me that so many lessons learned have happened in the engineering world but the IT world is just hitting ourselves in the dick over and over again because slowing down 10% to do it right might cost a few people a little money.

FurballsNHairballs mastodon (AP)
What does JD Vance call Scotchguard??
Birth control

Ah yes, Brave Sir Robin..๐Ÿ˜

frater chaos diaspora
Brave Brave Sir Trumpy he so bravely hid behind the podium...
Tony diaspora
Kind thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š

frater chaos diaspora
John Munt diaspora
yea, I think it was a love seat and it wasn't consensual
frater chaos diaspora
when he was asked about his cat lady comment he said it was sarcasm, that he likes cats and dogs, and he has a dog at home and he loves him...

it made the sofa jealous...

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation
#til #todayilearned

Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP) DUDE!

I thought this was an image and didnโ€™t realize it was a video with audio. You just scared the living shit out of me. I had my volume up to eleven!

My kids are grownups in their thirties and doing very well. Itโ€™s just sometimes I just want them back home with us all the time. They were such interesting kids to raise . Very different from each other in nearly every way- made for interesting times but I loved that they were each their own person. Now they are pals and one of them is a fabulous aunt to the otherโ€™s baby. I just want them to be babies again right now. They win you over and then they leave. Kids. Damn.
Itโ€™s hard. But, I do know we focus on when we werenโ€™t at our best and donโ€™t think about the important things we did right.
Rejin mastodon (AP)
@StillIRise1963 We have a great relationship now, and I'm constantly amazed about and grateful for that.

Will Trek mastodon (AP)
Ukraine is on the path to winning the war but is erroneously telegraphing to Russia that it will lose. Why? They assume, based on intl. news and worthless polls, that the creator of never-ending chaos, the American insurrectionist and sociopath, Trump, will become President again. Kamala Harris will be the next President! She'll be sworn in on January 20th, 2025. That's non-negotiable! We expect incitement of another insurrection by domestic enemies. America will be ready!

Robert Reich mastodon (AP)
Trump's plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% would give:

-The top 5 Wall Street banks a $4.1B tax cut.
-The top 5 drug makers a $3.1B tax cut
-The top 5 US oil companies a $2.5 billion tax cut.

In total, it's a $50B giveaway to the largest 100 US companies.

4 people reshared this
Aho mastodon (AP)
how much would he save himself?
Nicole Parsons mastodon (AP)
It's a corporate giveaway that blows a hole in the federal budget and then sends cash to Saudi Arabia & China, who buy the treasury bonds that fund an exploding national debt.

It's also a giveaway to hostile foreign nations.

If those billionaires had paid taxes, there would be a much smaller national debt

We also wouldn't have to kowtow to Trump's favorite despot

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"Sanders said Harris, the newly minted presumptive Democratic nominee, will struggle to beat former president Donald J. Trump in the general election unless she 'begins to speak forcefully about the needs of the long-neglected working class of this country'."

#StevenPorter, 2024

First, carefully study the 2016 Clinton campaign and do the opposite. For a start, don't write off whole swathes of alienated people as "deplorables".

#FeelTheBurn #Harris2024 #USElection2024

He chickened out of the debate

#cartoon by Nick #Anderson

#cartoon by Michael de Adder #deAdder

#cartoon by Dave #Whamond

libramoon diaspora

Two in three women say they've experienced medical misogyny. It's not just frustrating โ€” it can kill - ABC News
Tags: #dandelรญon

via dandelion* client (Source)

Pomax mastodon (AP)
Time for another exciting round of "but are they worth drinking?" Because if even half are "fine" that'll be better than previous results.
Misty hometown (AP)
Ooh. And with it being Steamworks, shouldn't be too hard to track down either.
Pomax mastodon (AP)
@misty quick trip to waterfront maybe even? =P

The erasure of COVID by the entertainment industry has played a huge role in sanctioning government abandonment of public health. Creatives are complicit in the ongoing harm caused by COVID. What a difference it would make if they actively portrayed the pandemic in their work.
the erasure of news about the ONGOING Palestinian genocide, also created and supported by this same government that is violating human rights on COVID, is also a problem. After following you for so long, I've just realized... You don't seem to talk about the US-sponsored genocide. At all...

Sintas mastodon (AP)
Roseanne Barr has to be one of the most braindead conservative commentators out there
Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
well the show she created killed her off so there you go

BrianKrebs mastodon (AP)
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore) has released details about an investigation into automakersโ€™ disclosure of driving data, such as sudden braking and acceleration, to data brokers for subsequent resale to insurance companies":

"General Motors (GM) also confirmed to Wydenโ€™s office that it shared customersโ€™ location data with two other companies, which GM refused to identify."

"The senatorsโ€™ letter to the FTC included new details about GM, Honda, and Hyundaiโ€™s sharing of driversโ€™ data with data brokers, including details about the payments the data broker Verisk made to automakers. Based on information Wyden obtained from automakers, the senators revealed:"

"Hyundai shared data from 1.7 million cars with Verisk, which paid Hyundai $1,043,315.69, or 61 cents per car; Honda shared data from 97,000 cars with the data broker Verisk, which paid Honda $25,920, or 26 cents per car; Automakers used deceptive design tactics, known as โ€œdark patterns,โ€ to manipulate consumers into signing up for programs in which driver data was shared with data brokers, for subsequent resale to insurance companies."
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
How is this even worth doing for a carmaker for $25,000. Surely the software development costs more than that.
MrAptronym mastodon (AP)
@thomasfuchs Honestly, I would bet that it cost more than that to draft the contract between the two companies.
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
We have a 2011 volvo and are in no hurry to replace it for precisely this reason

The Turtle mastodon (AP)
Ok, fukyu CBC.

Given the choice of watching NBC's shitty coverage of the Olympics or not seeing it at all, I choose "not."

Seriously, eat green shit.

Mike Tirico's green shit.

All of it.

For the next three weeks.
Now you see why I avoid any coverage of this event. It's a corporate ad on steroids.
The Turtle mastodon (AP)
@fmhilton it's ok... Little League is cranking up.

Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More: #CopyrightAssignments

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
โ€œAs job advert appears on LinkedIn, Democratic Party HR department reassures Kamala Harris they have to post it there for three days, despite having internal hire lined up.โ€

Ben Werdmuller mastodon (AP)
โ€œEstimates of the health benefits from alcohol have been exaggerated while its harms have been underestimated in most previous studies.โ€ #Health

J. Steven York mastodon (AP)
One of the worst things Apple has done to the world is being the driving force for "thin" as primary marketing buzzword for personal electronics products.
As in this case, it often leads to fragile products, more subject to accidental damage, often with less repairability and possibly shorter life-spans. This may help the bottom line (disclosure, I own a small bit of Apple stock), but it contributes to E-waste and hurts the environment.
#apple #ewaste #environment
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

GeePawHill mastodon (AP)
I'm not really into the Olympics, but I am delighted to have my timeline flooded with something cheerful and exciting that I don't care about.

It's been a long July, and last week was even longer.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
I'm afraid you've made a category error, friend. It's not an "Olympics" if it doesn't have snow sports.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. reshared this.

They still do the countries alphabetically? I'd name my country Aardvarkistan.
Crystal_Fish_Caves reshared this.
One of these boats are bound to slam into a bridge. I hope it's Russia.
Covidiocracy mastodon (AP)

Content warning: SPOILER ALERT (Opening Ceremony)

Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
you would still be lookin at Greek butts

In a country full of scumbag corporations, American ISPs are among the scummiest of all.

KimberlyN mastodon (AP)
This one made me laugh and laugh. Young voters are getting fired up! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

#Election2024 #USpol #YoungVoters
From Kyle Griffin: says it has now registered more than 100,000 new voters since President Biden withdrew from the race.

Among the 100,000 new registrations:

- 84% are younger voters (ages 18-34)

- 18% are 18-year-old voters

- The top ten states for new voters are: TX, CA, FL, NY, IL, OH, GA, NC, PA, NJ

earendil diaspora

Gluten Free Banana Cake with a Cream Cheese Frosting


EAS Watcher mastodon (AP)
#EAS #WEA for Santa Clara County: There's a 100 acre fire on the Alameda County hilldside. NO ACTION OR EVACUATION ARE NECESSARY AT THIS TIME. THIS IS JUST A NOTIFICATION. Source: 200637,AlertSCC,Santa Clara County ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
Fire Warning -  - 200637,AlertSCC,Santa Clara County
#eas #wea
BakersRelay mastodon (AP)
#CAwx #EAS #WEA for Santa Clara County: There's a 100 acre fire on the Alameda County hilldside. NO ACTION OR EVACUATION ARE NECESSARY AT THIS TIME. THIS IS JUST A NOTIFICATION. Source: 200637,AlertSCC,Santa Clara County ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#eas #CAwx #wea

earendil diaspora


Samurai by Richard Nadler

Nonilex mastodon (AP)
Nearly 2 wks after the #assassination attempt on #Trump, thereโ€™s still no official report from the Trump campaign or from state or federal govts about what caused the wound on his right ear.

This lack of clarity has left the issue unsettled & fueled speculation online about whether he was hit by a bullet or #shrapnel โ€” or perhaps something else.
CowMan mastodon (AP)
is there not a photo that shows the bullet plume right behind?

I imagine it was the bullet. I believe the better phrase would be 'dodged a bullet' rather than was shot.

But would accept a grazing as 'technically shot', it is pretty much the bare minimum for how shot someone could be though.
Vincent Van Dinsky mastodon (AP)
Who cares? Somebody tried to shoot him and they missed. What does it matter whether he was hit by a bullet or fragments of something else? Stop trying to keep this story in the news. We've moved on.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
I just realized Donald Trump must be absolutely livid J.D. Vance is getting all the media spotlight since he was announced as his vice-president pick. I wouldn't be surprised Trump would start pegging him down a notch in the upcoming weeks to get the attention back on him again.
Don't over analyse Trump. It's bad for mental health!
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@๐Š๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฎ :mikupat: I wouldnโ€™t dare, it just dawned on me, and I wanted to figure out whether I was wrong; so I did what everybody does in this case, which is to post on the Internet.

earendil diaspora

Salted Chocolate Chunk Shortbread Cookies



earendil diaspora



Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that in the series finale of the 80โ€™s medical drama โ€œSt Elsewhereโ€, the credits feature the โ€œdeathโ€ of the production companies adorable kitten mascot, Mimsie
#til #todayilearned

Excuse me we are now living in a time where search engines strike exclusivity deals with websites to exclusively show results of these websites on the one search engine?? Will I need to go with Google to look up reddit posts, Bing to see movie information, and DuckDuckGo for info on ducks now?

I love our post-capitalist cyberpunk dystopia.

Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal

โ€œTheyโ€™re [Reddit] killing everything for search but Google,โ€ Colin Hayhurst, CEO of the search engine Mojeek told me on a call.

Hayhurst tried contacting Reddit via email when Mojeek noticed it was blocked from crawling the site in early June, but said he has not heard back.

from @404mediaco

newer older

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