Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Balloon Juice - Friday Night Open Thread- The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves

"JD Vance is going through some shit. And I have so little respect for that fucker he isn’t even getting periods in between his initials. But at any rate, ole JD is going through some shit:"

feliks mastodon (AP)
Man in an FBI jacket sitting at a desk with a laptop, holding a phone to his ear. A gun and some books are on the desk. Text above the image reads, “nothing yet. no he’s just been editing his neovim config for the last 5 hours”.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
'We sure this dude is a Republican?' MAGA influencer slams 'moron' JD Vance for tax proposal -


Shoq mastodon (AP)
Behold the hockey stick. And this was only the first week. THE FIRST WEEK!

Tally ho, motherfuckers.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
Kamala's approval isn't the only thing that's forked.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Just was outside the antique shop and the transphobe coffee shop ... The few people that walked out looked shocked and stunned ... One of the gay boys and I couldn't stop laughing

Hugz & xXx

Timothy Andrew reshared this.

⚠️🇪🇺Borrell appears to call on China to influence Russia to withdraw its occupational forces, end its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, when calling for ‘war’ end (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow
Will Trek mastodon (AP)
Wow! After more than 2 1/2 years of war, these guys are still bumbling and stumbling over themselves into believing that Xi will ask his partner in war crimes, Putin the Terrible, to voluntarily withdraw. Xi has no compunction about his genocidal buddy keeping stolen sovereign land because it's the same intention he has to seize Taiwan, even though Taiwan, as in Ukraine's case, poses no threat to China. Ukraine must win or give up more land for false promises of peace.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Is Trump Scared To Debate Kamala? It Appears So. | Crooks and Liars

#Harris #Harris2024

DopeGhoti mastodon (AP)
Monday morning quarterbacking.

#OlympicGamesForIntroverts #HashtagGames

Timothy Andrew mastodon (AP)
The IKEA Dash: On your mark, get set, go buy a KALLAX bookshelf! First one back wins.

I might hold the world record on this. I studied floor plans to find secret passageways and everything.

They said the 10 Minute KALLAX couldn’t be done. I said nay.


It's the weekend, baby
Voyager scene. Seven of Nine (tertiary adjunct of unimatrix 01) is pictured. She has a dolphin shaped metal robotic implant around her left eye because she is a borgs. Closed caption reads, "Fun will now commence."

To put it another way: Red State Policies Kill. #USpol #COVID19

Look at that. Masks and Vaccines save lives.

“Between 118,000 and 248,000 more Americans would have survived the Pandemic if all states had followed some restrictions practiced in Northeastern states, according to a new JAMA study.”

#COVID19US @auscovid19


JAMA study:

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

silverwizard friendica (via ActivityPub)
horrible thought:
do you think I could ferment Ginger Tea into a beer?
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
@silverwizard Literally all the words you said sound bad to me.

All computer science curricula are missing one crucial topic:
how to deal with private equity and management takeover

Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
Competitive Door Dash; see if Red Robin can beat Panera


Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: A little bit of cynicism. As a treat.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: A little bit of cynicism. As a treat.

Resident Swamp Hag mastodon (AP)

Content warning: A little bit of cynicism. As a treat.

DB mastodon (AP)
I agree what a disgusting human being. He should be looking at the electric chair

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to the radical Catholic group Opus Dei

Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from the group and his policy goals align with its teachings

Kevin Roberts, the #Heritage #Foundation president and the architect of #Project2025,
the conservative thinktank’s road map for a second Trump presidency,
has close ties and receives regular spiritual guidance from an Opus Dei-led center in Washington DC,
a hub of activity for the radical and secretive Catholic group.

#Roberts acknowledged in a speech last September that
– for years – he has visited the Catholic Information Center,
or #CIC, a K Street institution headed by an Opus Dei priest and incorporated by the archdiocese of Washington,
on a weekly basis for mass and “formation”, or religious guidance.

Opus Dei also organizes monthly retreats at the CIC.

In the speech
– which he delivered at the CIC and was recorded and is available online
– Roberts spoke candidly about his strategy for achieving extreme policy goals that he supports but are out of step with the views of a majority of Americans.

♦️Outlawing birth control ♦️is the “hardest” political battle facing conservatives in the future,
the 50-year-old political strategist said,
♦️but he urged conservatives to pursue even small legislative victories
– what he called “radical incrementalism”
– to advance their most rightwing policy objectives.

Roberts gained notoriety this year as the leading force behind Project 2025,
a foundation plan backed by more than 100 conservative groups that seeks to radically upend a broad range of policies
if Trump gets elected again,
from 🔸limiting abortion access and LGBTQ+ rights and 🔸dismantling the Department of Education, 🔸to ending diversity programs and increasing government support for “fertility awareness” programs, like 🔸ovulation tracking and practicing periodic abstinence, instead of more reliable contraception.

But Roberts’ personal ties to Opus Dei and the significance of his affiliation, has received far less attention.
Gareth #Gore, the author of a forthcoming book on Opus Dei, called the Catholic organization “a political project shrouded in a veil of spirituality”.

The group’s founder, Saint Josemaría #Escrivá, saw his followers as part of a “rising militia”, Gore said, who were seeking to🔸 “enter battle against the enemies of Christ”.

“Like Project 2025, Opus Dei at its core is a ⚠️reactionary stand against the progressive drift of society,” ⚠️Gore said.
“For decades now, the organization has thrown its resources at penetrating Washington’s political and legal elite
– and finally seems to have succeeded through its close association with men like Kevin #Roberts and Leonard #Leo.”

Leo is a conservative activist
who has led the Republican mission to install the rightwing majority in the supreme court
and finances many of the groups signed on to Project 2025.

Like Roberts, Leo also has links to the Opus Dei-linked CIC.
In a 2022 speech accepting the CIC’s highest honor,
the John Paul II New Evangelization award,
Leo praised the center while also referring to his political opponents as
❗️“vile and amoral current day barbarians, secularists and bigots” who were under the influence of the devil.❗️

Democrats, including Kamala Harris, have been sounding the alarm on Project 2025 to warn voters of what a second #Trump administration could do.

“[Trump] and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class.
We know we have to take this thing seriously.
And can you believe they put that thing in writing?” Harris said this week in her first presidential campaign rally, to laughter.

“Read it. It’s 900 pages.”
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
3 people reshared this
Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Trump, for his part, has sought to distance himself from Project 2025,
though the people behind it have close ties to the former president,
and the policies it envisions often align with Trump’s ideas.

Roberts has said he is “good friends” with JD #Vance, Trump’s running mate,
and Vance has praised Project 2025 as having “some good ideas”.

Vance, who converted to Catholicism in 2019, also wrote the foreword for Roberts’ forthcoming book,
praising the author for articulating a “genuinely new future for conservatism”.

“We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon,” Vance wrote.

Opus Dei does not disclose the names of its members.

The group’s roots date back to a century ago, when the group was established in Spain
in response to a clash between conservative Catholics and anti-Catholic socialism and communism in Spain.

Decades later, the group was granted special status by the conservative pope John Paul II,
who supported Opus Dei and saw it as a response to the rise of liberation theology in Latin America,
a progressive church movement.

Some of Opus Dei’s special rights were revoked in recent years by Pope Francis,
who is seen as a more progressive pontiff.

One of the core tenets of Opus Dei is that it does not believe in the traditional separation of church and state.

Instead, said Massimo Faggioli, a professor of theology and religious studies at Villanova University,
it believes the two ought to have a symbiotic relationship.

“They are secretive, so while they are not [outwardly] part of this [Project 2025] per se,
it is not surprising at all that some of their members are part of it.
They see this moment in politics
– and the possibility of allowing ‘woke ideology’ to win
– as fundamentally changing the nature of America, western civilization and Christianity,” Faggioli said.

He added: “Opus Dei is part of [a movement of] US conservative and traditionalist Catholicism
that holds a view that the United States is the last bastion of Christendom,
so that if the United States goes a certain way, so goes Christianity,
and Catholicism.”

Indeed Roberts made it clear earlier this month that he believes the US is at a crossroads,
and 🔸“in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”.🔸

Asked whether it had a view on Roberts’ remarks or Project 2025,
a spokesperson for Opus Dei told the Guardian in a statement:
“Opus Dei is an institution of the Catholic Church that tries to help people come closer to God in their work and everyday lives.
Opus Dei’s aims are purely spiritual and it does not endorse or have any opinion on any political project of any kind.”

Opus Dei is controversial not only in the US.

Dozens of women from Argentina and Paraguay filed a complaint to the Vatican over labor exploitation and abuses of power
they say they experienced after joining the group at sites in multiple countries.

And reporting in Australia gave insight into schools run by Opus Dei,
where former students allege their education left them with “psychological damage”.

Roberts’ personal background suggests his ties to Opus Dei are not just limited to the CIC.

A school founded by Roberts in Louisiana,
called John Paul the Great Academy,
considers Opus Dei-founder Escrivá its “patron”.

#Heritage #Foundation #Project2025 #Roberts #CIC #Gore #Escrivá #Roberts #Leo #Trump
Nazani mastodon (AP)
The US is far from "the last bastion" of Christianity, & Catholics seem to forget the virulence of evangelical prejudice against them.
Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Roberts was also involved in an Opus Dei-affiliated high school leadership program in Austin, Texas.

A website that tracks Opus Dei men’s activities called
"Where You Are" included a profile of the high school program in Austin
where Roberts appears to volunteer and
“contributes significantly “ to the school’s career and leadership program.

Roberts was featured as a guest at another Opus Dei-linked school,
the #Camino #Schools, in 2023.

In introductory remarks before Roberts spoke, the school’s chairman, Bob #Rose, praised schools that
🔸teach boys and girls they are “different”, 🔸
they learn differently and are inspired by different things,
and where🔸 boys are taught by “manly men” 🔸who serve as role models.

Roberts’ critics said concerns about his ties to Opus Dei were not connected to his identity or beliefs as a Roman Catholic.

“Kevin Roberts, like all Americans, has a guaranteed freedom to worship or not under our constitution,”
said Lisa Graves,
co-founder of "Court Accountability",
a non-partisan group that seeks to combat judicial corruption.

”That is not at issue. What is of concern is how some powerful elites,
like Roberts,
who have failed to persuade the American people to embrace their agenda,
seem eager 🔸to use the power of the executive branch to impose their personal religious views🔸
as binding law on other Americans
– by barring abortion,
using the government to endorse the rhythm method of contraception,
even banning mention of ‘condoms’ in women’s preventative health,
as well as assailing the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans.”

Heritage did not respond to a request for comment.

The CIC did not respond to a request for comment.

During Roberts’ September 2023 speech,
which received little notice at the time
but is posted on the center’s YouTube page,
Roberts detailed how conservative Catholics and their allies could 🔸advance US policy
to end access to abortion, same-sex marriage and contraception.🔸

Knowing the 🔹unpopularity of banning birth control 🔹
– a harder political battle to wage than advancing anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage policies
– he encouraged an #incremental approach to pursuing this long-term goal.

“Even in a politically conservative setting,
that can be a very difficult thing to advance,”
Roberts told attendees at the CIC event.

“A majority of Roman Catholics don’t believe in that teaching,
if public opinion surveys are the case.
And so it makes it very difficult to advocate for that.”

The faithful should practice the
🔹“gift of discernment” 🔹
to know when to bring it up:

“Sometimes the right thing at the right time to the right person
isn’t the full teaching of humanity, right?
It isn’t the full teaching of contraception.

And recognizing that that’s not the time is no way turning into Judas.
In fact, it’s being #apostolic.

And the very definition of the word, which is in modern common parlance, meeting someone where they are.”

In espousing his theory of
“radical incrementalism”,
or what he called the
🔹“enchilada theory”, 🔹
he said it was critical for conservatives to work first
to achieve a small part of a larger policy goal
based on what’s politically possible at the moment.

Sometimes, he said, having even half an enchilada could be a victory.

On abortion, he noted that Roman Catholics believe
🔸“no abortion can be morally justified”, 🔸
but that even in conservative circles in the US,
this is 🔹not a majority opinion, 🔹
and it’s an
“even more difficult position to hold”
after the Dobbs decision.

Using the “same vocabulary of our faith” in the policy arena
has a negative effect on electoral outcomes, he said.

#Vance #Heritage #Foundation #Project2025 #Roberts #CIC #Gore #Escrivá #Roberts #Leo #Trump
Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Roberts advised listeners
not to accept the
“narrative framing of the other side”
on these issues.

He said conservatives who are anti-abortion
should stop talking about it the way the left wants them to
and instead “talk about the fact that many of them want abortion to be legal until birth”.

Strategies of incrementalism
and narrative framing
don’t always apply, he added,
because sometimes you just have to fight.

“Right now, we have to fight on religious liberty and, in particular,
religious liberty as it relates to protecting institutions of faith,” he said.

“And that’s not a time for strategic retreat.
It’s not a time to be savvy,
it’s not a time to be sweet.
It’s not a time to develop friendships with the other side.

It is a time to take our fist
– figuratively, Father Charles
– and bust them in the nose
because they hate what you and I believe.”

#Camino #Schools #Rose #incremental #apostolic #Vance #Heritage #Foundation #Project2025 #Roberts #CIC #Gore #Escrivá #Roberts #Leo #Trump
Pamela mastodon (AP)
Explains a lot about Roberts and none of it good!

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Louisiana’s MAGA governor went on 'weeklong jaunt' in Europe while hurricane hit his state - Raw Story

katharine mastodon (AP)
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RebelGeek99 mastodon (AP)
hell yeah! I'm the unofficial MaskBloc in my conservative suburb (adjacent PDXMaskBloc on the Insta)

itgrrl :donor: mastodon (AP)
hey y’all, pls welcome @astrochicky to the fediverse 👋

she’s awesome people & well worth a follow (yes I’m biased, shut up 🤪)

Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
OMG this Balloon Juice post on the slings and arrows of being JD Vance right now has me laughing my off. #uspoli #Election2024

Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers

TIL I do not ever want to watch Kelly Clarkson's talk show.

#Olympics #Paris2024 #OpeningCeremony
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

meganisalanis mastodon (AP)
I'm enjoying the #HashtagGames today, Olympic events I might qualify for 🤩
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Every day I read about parents killing their children either deliberately or accidentally.
Then I know abortion should be encouraged in a lot of these cases.

Grateful Dread mastodon (AP)
Tennessee woman gets over 3 years in prison for blocking clinic access during protest #tennessee #publicradio

Viss mastodon (AP)
score one for privacy

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Fan Tan Alley in Victoria's Chinatown was a popular location for opium factories as until 1908, it was legal to produce opium in Canada. They alley's gambling clubs, cafes and restaurants were most popular in the 1940s since Chinese men had extra cash to spend
#til #todayilearned

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Judge strikes down one North Carolina abortion restriction but upholds another - ABC News

Matt Blaze mastodon (AP)
San Francisco Bay, with Alcatraz Island, 2020.

Foggy pixels at

A rocky shoreline, with gentle waves lapping at it. Across the water is a small island with a water tower and industrial-type buildings, somewhat enveloped in fog.

Zennblack unkn (AP)
Ballz and class!
newer older

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