‼️🇪🇺EU Seizes Russian Assets to Fund Ukraine's Defense: Massive Aid Package (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Rose hometown (AP)
crude drawing of a frog being held that says "it's friday I tried my best"
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

#Israel #Surveillance #CyberSecurity #NSOGroup #Spyware #Pegasus: "The Israeli government took extraordinary measures to frustrate a high-stakes US lawsuit that threatened to reveal closely guarded secrets about one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest.

Israeli officials seized documents about Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in an effort to prevent the company from being able to comply with demands made by WhatsApp in a US court to hand over information about the invasive technology.

Documents suggest the seizures were part of an unusual legal manoeuvre created by Israel to block the disclosure of information about Pegasus, which the government believed would cause “serious diplomatic and security damage” to the country."

Missing The Point mastodon (AP)
Jesus chose not to have children.

Why does JD Vance hate Jesus?
4 people reshared this

flexghost. mastodon (AP)
That time Gojira showed up and made me actually care about the Olympics Opening Ceremonies

#olympics #MastodonMusic
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)
There's a certain kind of leftist for whom no advancement is good.

Not "no advancement is good enough." No advancement that isn't burning society down and starting over is "good" (and that wouldn't be good if it actually happened) or even _progress_.

Sometimes it comes from a place of cynicism, often some other form of hurt, and it drives me _up a wall_ when I see it.
Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)
It ties too much into a learned helplessness I see too often among leftists. If they were using that cynicism to drive change that would be one thing, but too often they seem to be "cynical for clout" or "cynical for the sake of being cynical."

Even if I can sympathize with the feelings, I am going to be highly frustrated at the continued emphasis on learned helplessness and the encouraging others toward the same.
Hrefna (DHC) mastodon (AP)
I phrase that has stuck with me from the water protectors when they won a key victory goes like this:

"Tomorrow we fight, tonight we dance"

Engels wrote consistently of the need for intermediary steps, of judging your position and preparing for the next stage.

I keep these things in the back of my mind constantly when engaging in anything political.

Julie Webgirl mastodon (AP)
Sometimes I wish I could "😊" someone for "⭐"ing one of my toots. You know, within the process.
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
Agreed. A reaction would complete the high five.

Yoïn van Spijk mastodon (AP)
The word 'fairy' is related to 'infantry' and 'professor'.

And that's not all: these words are also related to 'fate', 'fatal', 'fame', 'fable', and 'to confess'.

They all come from Latin words derived from a stem meaning "to speak".

Click the infographic to learn how:

Content warning: Wordle 1134 it's a foggy Saturday 👋

Colin mastodon (AP)
The hair dye I've used is "Bad Boy Blue". Am I a bad boy because:

  • I misbehave (20%, 1 vote)
  • I'm too old (0%, 0 votes)
  • I am bad at stereotypical gender things (20%, 1 vote)
  • Go to your room (80%, 4 votes)
5 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

therealgaryhill peertube (AP)

Monterey out takes

Country Joe & The Fish: Section 43/ Not so Sweet Martha Lorraine
Quicksilver Messenger Service: Dino's Song
The Byrds: Chimes Of Freedom/ He Was A Friend Of Mine/ Hey Joe
Laura Nyro: Poverty Train
Jefferson Airplane: Somebody To Love
Moby Grape: Hey Grandma
Blues Project: Flute Thing
Big Brother And The Holding Company: Combination Of The Two
Buffalo Springfield: For What It's worth
The Who: Substitute/ Summertime Blues/ A quick One While He's Away
Grateful Dead: Viola Lee Blues

I watched these birds be unbothered by this for hours. #seascape #landscape #photography
Water sprays against the rocks as birds ignore it.

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Wasted hours on a failing test for code that turns out works fine when it executes for real inside the app. Turns out another test is interfering with it and I don’t see how it can - but when I comment it out the failing test just works. This is one of those “oooookay. Fine. Whatever. Fine.” things I think. Going to try not to go down this rabbit hole today.

argv minus one mastodon (AP)
Whose bright idea was it to design a long-range explorer ship with components that can't be replicated in the field?

I don't care if the computers are faster. That won't do any good if they get damaged and there's no way to replace them.

#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager

Mondoweiss 🇵🇸 mastodon (AP)
The new reconciliation deal between rival Palestinian factions could not come at a more critical time. As Palestinians face the Gaza genocide, the political survival of the Palestinian leadership might hinge on finally finding unity.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel
almondtree reshared this.

1 year later, RIP Shuhada' Sadaqat. One of the best.

almondtree reshared this.

Y'all Celine's performance was incredibly emotional.

Celine Dion in a beautiful silvery white dress that is dripping in stones. She's wearing diamond waterfall earrings and has an amazing diamond on her right hand. Hair is slicked back into her Celine bun to highlight her striking face. She sings into a microphone held by her left hand. Celine is pouring her heart intl the end of her song. She is in a beautiful silvery white dress that is dripping in stones. She's wearing diamond waterfall earrings and has an amazing diamond on her right hand. Hair is slicked back into her Celine bun to highlight her striking face. She sings into a microphone held by her left hand.
Eiffel Tower light show with the Olympic Rings glowing.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
almondtree reshared this.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
Seeing some stuff saying mutual aid is always more important than political donations. Here’s my thoughts:

1. If we get a landslide and maybe even control of the legislature, that means a mandate. And if we keep this energy up after the election, we can push for better social supports or maybe even UBI.

2. Donations aren’t mutually exclusive. I give mutual aid to individuals thoughout the year, and sometimes to causes.

3. I’ve seen the criticism that corporate donations decide everything. But do they have to? When a campaign gets tons of small donations, that causes shifts in media reporting, campaign energy, talking points, governing priorities, and gives an elected political capital towards for-the-people actions during their term. Which is exactly why I made two small donations to Harris’s campaign last weekend. Obama’s mass of small donors was all the talk of the media all 2008 and I still see it referenced. Small donations = INFLUENCE.


#USPol #Harris2024 #KamalaHarris

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
This bus driver is colour blind ... He doesn't know the difference between green orange and red ... Maybe the bus is out of control ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
Mina mastodon (AP)
A friend of mine used to be a rather careless driver and sometimes still passed when the lights had already switched to red.

"'Twas cherry green", she used to say.

UFW mastodon (AP)
Anabel shares some of the local grape harvest in Kern County, CA. Farm workers earn an hourly wage plus a tiny bonus for each box of grapes picked and packed during the summer months where temps hover between 95°-105° on a regular basis. #WeFeedYou
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Lane closures on I-20 in Cobb Douglas and Fulton beginning this evening, Friday, July 26

Stunning Report Exposes Project 2025 Ties to Radical Christian Group
Kevin Roberts, leader of the Heritage Foundation, is closely linked to Opus Dei

* a lead author of Project 2025 (disturbing blueprint for a 2nd Trump presidency) has close ties to Catholic group Opus Dei
* Kevin Roberts, president of Heritage Foundation, receives weekly spiritual guidance led by Opus Dei priest

#HeritageFoundation #KevinRoberts #Project2025 #Trump #MAGA #Trumpism #fascism #conservatism

Don’t hate me cos I’m beautiful.

#cats #CatsOfMastodon

Gregg Gonsalves mastodon (AP)
So, JD Vance is being mercilessly mocked this week, but he represents a real threat to the fight against the opioid epidemic in the US. ~80,000 people died from an opioid overdose in 2023. JD Vance could very well make this worse.
almondtree reshared this.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
47% say their financial situation is getting worse, up by 17 percentage points since 2021, per Gallup.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options
unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
According to Gallup, 162 million Americans, or 62% of U.S. adults, own stock. This marks a 1% increase from 2023.

Read more:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Eric Bender mastodon (AP)
Environmentally, Offshore Wind Is … Fine

How often can you say that about an energy generation system?

"To hit the world’s climate goals, projections suggest the world’s offshore wind capacity needs to scale to 2,000 gigawatts by mid-century. That would mean installing a whopping 5,000 new turbines in the ocean every year for the next 25 years."

#climatecrisis #climatechange #renewables #ocean
Looking aft from a vessel flying a large U.S. flag, toward two offshore wind turbines. I took this photo off Block Island, site of the first U.S. offshore wind farm, in 2017.

Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris #MastodonForHarris

Over the last two days users from the social media service Mastodon have started a campaign which has raised over $250,000 for VP Harris. User Heidi Li Feldman started the modest campaign on ActBlue two days ago, with a humble goal of one thousand...
3 people reshared this

abadidea mastodon (AP)
am I the only one who finds "you have read your last free article" to have a threatening aura
a traditional Japanese illustration of a samurai duel, to which English word bubbles have been added: "You are trying to view Flash content, but you have no Flash plugin installed!" "YOU HAVE READ YOUR LAST FREE ARTICLE!"
almondtree reshared this.

Of course, they didn't think through any of this! They were too busy salivating at the thought of "saving the unborn", sticking it to liberals and women, and keeping their base motivated and voting. Screw the consequences!

Hey Republicans! Where Have All the Babies Gone?

It's being reported that after a steady, 25-year decline in infant mortality, America saw a full 3 percent increase in dead babies during the first Dobbs year…

✊🏾WiseGuyEddie mastodon (AP)
I'm 55 years old. I didn't think I'd see one black POTUS in my lifetime and I am going to get TWO. Incremental change. It's difficult but black folks are long suffering. 🎶 We shall overcome someday. 🎶

#blackmastodon #uspol #uspolitics #Democrats #voteblue

It's Push New Features to Production Friday!

If showing the output voltage on the rails breaks something, the 2 people on Earth with one of these prototypes are gonna be pissed.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Tony Pennino mastodon (AP)
Has anyone checked on the dolphins today?

Amy Diehl, Ph.D. mastodon (AP)
Biden saw abortion as an issue for troubled women who could be aided by heroic men like himself (benevolent sexism). VP Harris is willing to argue to trust women with abortion rights & "that women can be things other than mothers. Like maybe the president."

Protect developer freedom. Abolish software patents. Learn why software patents are unjust by checking out the new design of our #endsoftwarepatents initiative.
Image that says, "End software patents."
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