Vee mastodon (AP)
3 people reshared this
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
sounds like a typical closet case!!!!!

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
Analysis: it’s hard to win as a bad weirdo

The harvest goddess held a long brown pod. "The Cacao pod," she said. "Crack them open and scoop out the seeds. Ferment these - very important for flavor! Dry them, roast them, and grind them into a bitter liquor. Add sugar and milk powder, and conch it, temper it, and finally mold it into bars."

"Amazing!" the god of wine replied. "Did you leave clues to help humans figure this out?"

"Clues?" said the goddess. "No! I never knew chocolate was a thing until they made it!"


Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
I feel for you sticker person


Hugz & xXx
Bus window stick with sad face

Rod Emmerson on #KamalaHarris #Biden #Trump – political cartoon gallery in London
OtownKim reshared this.
⚡️🇺🇦Putin's regime are peddling the false narrative that the Russian economy is strong | Daily Wrap-Up (UATV News VIDEO) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
This sucks that the FBI under Joe Biden has to pay this when it was Trump's corrupt DOJ under Bill Barr that did this crap while trying to hide their Russia connections.

Grimm :bc: mastodon (AP)
It really is a tough decision when one candidate says pronouns at a speaking engagement and the opposing campaign vows to do programmatic ethnic cleansing and subjugate every woman to her "proper" role as a silent, servile baby mortar.
2 people reshared this
bytebro mastodon (AP)
Mate, they're only envious because they're too stupid and/or ugly to get laid by anyone with an IQ greater than a sofa.

from #CommonDreams
#US #Healthcare Workers Back From #Gaza Tell #Harris and #Biden: 'End This Madness Now'

"Every day that we continue supplying weapons and munitions to #Israel is another day that women are shredded by our bombs and children are murdered with our bullets."

#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#Palestine #politics
#USA #USPolitics #POTUS #KamalaHarris
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)
Found 11 new servers and 10 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

21,405 servers checked. 14,132,135 Total Users with 0 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #mastodon server from United States a #mastodon server from Portugal a #mastodon server from Türkiye a #misskey server from Private a #misskey server from Japan a #sharkey server from United Kingdom a #mastodon server from Portugal a #pleroma server from Japan a #mastodon server from Poland a #gotosocial server from Luxembourg a #hometown server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to

Edit: I said my needs aren't 100% urgent but it WOULD be nice to get even one donation so I can put some gas in my car so I can go to my doctor's appointment tomorrow. It's important: it's for a Covid booster and an in person visit to continue getting refills on my meds)

If white leftists wanna try for some extra brownie points, you can always send some support my way, because I'm disabled, trans, AND Rromani. (And constantly broke as a result of all three lol.)



(My needs aren't 100% urgent, but I am constantly living by the skin of my teeth, and anything helps me)

Picture of my birb for enticement, because he's almost 36 and is special needs, too! (He's on medication for seizures and arthritis)

#mastodonforharris #mutualaid #mastodon4harris
A photo of a cockatiel sitting on a pillow in Borb Mode, with one eye cracked open.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

josh :floppies: mastodon (AP)
to whoever invented these square kitchen sinks where nothing goes down the drain and everything gets stuck in the corners all the time, i just wanna talk, who hurt you?
David mastodon (AP)
Sounds like the tiler we had when we built our bathroom, who put floor drains in but no slope on the tiles, so water doesn't actually go to the drains.
josh :floppies: mastodon (AP)
@david Sounds very annoying!

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Ok, who am I going to sue over this ... I just cut my tongue, on the plastic lid of my coffee ... All i want is a warning "don't lick maybe sharp" ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
sortius mastodon (AP)
so YOU'RE the reason there's all these labels on stuff!!!!
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

"Reading this toot may make you giggle"

Well yeah ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
sortius mastodon (AP)
hehehe, yeh, but I am all the time 😆
Melissa BearTrix Private Message mastodon (AP)

I know, me too ... " Content may be hot" ... Let me be the judge of that ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Good morning sweeties ... 💋

It's raining ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
😜 I'll be heading there shortly; soon as I finish this ciggy. Meet at the usual place?
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.

sjvn mastodon (AP)
This is the funniest thing I've read on Xitter in years.

Dearly beloved we are gathered here today
almondtree reshared this.
I'm not even religious and I'll pray for this to happen!

Mandu 🥟 mastodon (AP)
quite the pawnundrum when you can't tell where the cat ends and the human begins


Nowhere Girl mastodon (AP)
If people just fucking listened to trans kids and trans people in general, they would know the biggest threats to us aren't social media but narcissistic, abusive parents, legislators banning our access to necessary care, and widespread discriminatory systems that promote violence against us.

But they don't want to listen.
2 people reshared this

Tero Keski-Valkama mastodon (AP)
How to refine data for #LLMs? What does it mean that the data has high quality?

It's not about the data having fewer typos, or less wrong answers. Unless you are training a trivia bot.

The power of LLMs comes from them modelling the latent processes behind the task trajectories, the data, especially when the processes contain intelligent thought.

So, when you're generating synthetic data, or refining collected data, you will need to make sure the refinery output is of higher quality than its inputs.

This means you need to:
- Add intelligence. Make the new task trajectories perform deeper syntheses, pull in more relevant knowledge, take steps futher. Make more complex task performances out of simpler ones. Go through more possibilities. Go deeper meta-level and e.g. validate validations. Use search over alternative solutions.
- Groom out bad data. Rank, criticize, evaluate, and either improve/fix bad data or recontextualize it.
- Collect new data which is created by the data refinement processes themselves.
- Add knowledge from external sources, and synthesize it with the knowledge already known. Also consider the next level implications of all the knowledge already acquired.
- Apply skills to knowledge to produce new knowledge and new skills.

LLMs are data-defined. Data isn't a static thing, it needs to be looked at philosophically.

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
it's **pretty cool** watching European countries becoming more comfortable with their non-white citizens representing them artistically and athletically on international stages.
Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
i know plenty of Europeans are Mad about this, but plenty more are chill and cool with it and that's a huge deal. hard to see progress sometimes when you're living in it, but it's happening.

Professor Hank mastodon (AP)
Why did the chicken cross the road?

To avoid debating Kamala Harris.

#politics #vote #Kamala #kamala2024
⛔️🇷🇴Romanian video shows Russian drone impacting on Romanian soil, NATO claims ‘no obvious intent’ without knowing weather downing was accidental, mechanical, or purposeful (Reuters News VIDEO) #Ukraine #Romania #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Currently sitting on a piece of furniture which people are actively filtering out of their feeds.

What a world.
Concepts of a Chad mastodon (AP)
wait - you have The Couch?
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
@chad Sorry, but your post is invisible to me because it contains a naughty 5-letter word.
Everyone is just going to miss out on my future status reports of what I'm doing! (which is usually this spot right here where I do my relaxin')

EAS Watcher mastodon (AP)
#EAS #WEA for Location: PREPARE to EVACUATE in BAY POINT due to FIRE. More info at Source: CA Contra Costa County CWS, Martinez, CA ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#eas #wea

Works as long as there's no wind
2 people reshared this
gunnar diaspora
Polystyrene? Or what is it?
John Hummel diaspora
It couldn’t be anything heavier than that. But even if it were weightless, the wind profile is a serious hazard. With that kind of surface area (i.e., leverage), the tiniest gust could completely overpower the poor guy.

NASA astronauts hold their own Summer Olympics in space (video)

NASA astronauts held their own mini-Olympics on the International Space Station to mark the start of the Summer Games here on Earth.
NASA astronaut Suni Williams holds a mock torch aboard the International Space Station to celebrate the start of the 2024 Summer Olympics.

In case Kamala Harris needs a mascot, let me suggest: @allstartrek #AllStarTrek #startrek
Dr T'Ana from Star Trel Lower Decks, with goggles and a chainsaw
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The star of the #Olympics
A lady holding an umbrella in Olympic volunteer kit.

dangrsmind mastodon (AP)
It's pretty clear the bullet did not take the top of his ear off as Jackson claimed because we can see it is still there. No scab or wound of any sort.

'Mr Pillow' :bc: mastodon (AP)
Always fun to find out at the age of 45 there are still countries I've never heard of. Are they new? Are they hidden like Wakanda? Are they secret?

David Njoku mastodon (AP)
The only thing I know about Eswatini is that they have an annual ceremony when all the unmarried women would dance topless for the king and, I think, he gets to choose one as his new wife.

When I was a young man I wanted to be King of Swaziland when I grew up.

@amiserabilist @justafrog
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Conquering a kingdom has gone out of style a while ago, sadly.

DeanObeidallah mastodon (AP)
VP Harris made this powerful four word promise to the audience at her first rally: “We are not going back!” And we are not!! We will defeat Trump. My new article:

Richard Rollinson mastodon (AP)
We have a house guest today, so the count jumps up by 14 ears tonight! Interesting observation: The Downy Woodpeckers are now working the corn. They neatly pry open the silk end of the cob and pull out the corn borers, leaving me a perfectly clean, bug-free ear of corn. Win-Win!
A ten inch tall, light brown teddy bear in green overalls sits looking directly at the camera. He is holding a beet in his right paw.  There is a bunch of beets embroidered on the bib of his overalls. 
He is sitting behind a 10 inch wide metal roasting pan containing 14 ears of husked sweetcorn.

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)
Once again a winner from @Daojoan:
By maintaining a position on the far left of the political spectrum - no matter what that is - Peripheral Progressives can claim a purity of ideology uncompromised by the realities of governance. They can point to anyone who falls short of their ideal and declare them “Simps for the War Machine.” It’s a position allows them to play the perpetual critic, never risking the possibility of being wrong because they never have to prove their ideas right.

They're the political equivalent of that one friend who's always into fringe music and hates any artist who goes viral. They've got all the answers, as long as nobody asks them to actually do anything. Every policy that doesn't match their utopian wet dream gets branded as a "betrayal of true progressive values."

I've had all I can stomach of the purity race—in politics, in tech, in every corner of modern life. If you'd rather be ideologically pure in some weird idealized universe that can't exist than pitch in and help real people, just stay out of the way.,-im-against-it

Who did it best, Stevie or Coolio?

  • Stevie Wonder - Pastime Paradise (66%, 8 votes)
  • Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise (16%, 2 votes)
  • Both (16%, 2 votes)
12 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago
#RemoveThomasBach #InvestigateThomasBach
#InvestigateTheIOC #BoycottTheOlympics #BoycottTheParisGames
⛔️🇫🇷Coordinated Sabotage Downplayed To Criminal Act: Why French authorities fear Russia may attempt to disrupt Paris Olympics (PBS News VIDEO) #Ukraine #Germany #Press #USA #Olympics #Paris #France #Mastodon #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar

2 people reshared this

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Há uns dias vi uma matricula que nunca tinha visto antes, com a barra de indicador do país verde claro, alguém sabe que tipo de matricula é ou de que país? #portugal
Há uns dias vi uma matricula que nunca tinha visto antes, com a barra de indicador do país verde claro, alguém sabe que tipo de matricula é ou de que país?
Daniel Pache⚓ mastodon (AP)
Podem ser placas de veículos elétricos britânicos:

#Syracuse calm blue summer day.
Water and sky meet with the skyline of Syracuse cutting through horizontally in this photo. Calm blue water with a sailboat. Treeline of deciduous trees on the right and the view beyond the water is Syracuse, New York. Semi-hazy sky with scattered long fluffy clouds. 26 July 2024 (Happy Birthday Mom) Onondaga Lake Park, Syracuse, NY

Doc Holliday mastodon (AP)

Oh, Canada, my home and native land.
Showing after deck with Canadian flag waving proudly.
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