Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Hugz & xXx
Larger long black and a beacon and egg roll

Mark Newton mastodon (AP)
Enjoying the way that Kamala Harris’ campaign is exploiting Trump’s Achilles heel by humiliating him. His other opponents have all taken him seriously and responded to his bullshit, but her bit is, “Nope, none of that, not giving the geriatric rapey little fascist maggot the time of day.”

It’s going to drive him absolutely mental because his ego can’t cope with being disrespectfully sidelined. It’ll be very funny when all the journalists and other politicians wake up and go, “Wait … we could have just done that the whole time?”

Me: What was that other thing I was wrong about lately?

Hubs: <looking at me while a myriad of choices cycle through his brain>

nova (they/them) mastodon (AP)
if you’re an lgbtqia+ person who’s relatively young and doesn’t embrace the term “queer” you scare me
skze mastodon (AP)
i have often gotten the impression that a lot of very young people in the “but queer is a slur” camp are just trying to do right. someone told them that it’s a slur and hateful and that it shouldn’t be used, and they took that at face value, without realising what kinds of groups have historically been attacking this consolidating terminology 🙁
forestine mastodon (AP)
yeah a lot of this crap is so ahistorical and that's why queer history is so important
skze mastodon (AP)
it’s also fascinating to me from a languaga standpoint, because like a whole lot of languages adopted “queer” once it became that reclaimed umbrella term, so queer ESL speakers often don’t even realise that there’s a whole history behind it, that’s just the word that is used, and then some random english speaking baby queer starts yelling at them for using a word that they have never heard in any negative sense
nova (they/them) mastodon (AP)
not every polyam person is queer, in the same way not every 2slgbtqia+ person is queer. but i don’t think that contradicts polyam being queer

I don't think you can see enough of the LIAR
that wants to fuck up our country for his own personal gain

He wouldn't LIE to you for FREE
he only bullshits for more MONEY


Lunch hour at the Falls is sometimes…. Testy. #katmaibears
Six brown bears on top of the falls in a bit of a disagreement

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
‘So uniquely her’: where did Kamala Harris’s self-help speaking style come from? | Kamala Harris | The Guardian

#Harris #Harris2024
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@chuck LOL. I will check you out. I love having no politics twitch streams to me places to hide when things get too crazy!
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@chuck Oh, and I remember college ran on them. They didn't let we lowly liberal arts majors do anything near them, though, but I would walk through the computer science building to watch people at work...students did their work with punch cards

GoatsLive mastodon (AP)
Holding my breath and upgrading to Linux Mint 22. Yes, I have backups and a snapshot! #Linux

libramoon diaspora

Mick Jagger/Date of birth
July 26, 1943

Joyce Lionarons hometown (AP)
My Gavin Rownt medieval mystery, "The Players' Boy" is number 7 in Amazon's Medieval Historical Fiction category for Kindle books, number 14 for books overall. It only exists as an ebook.
#Today #Writing
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ernmander mastodon (AP)
Apple have yet again rereleased a beta, 2nd version of iOS 18 Beta 4. Why?
Another iOS 18 beta 4 upgrade

Mama's Pinky Toe mastodon (AP)
I want extra votes for my kids, my cats, my sofa, and my dolphins.

Tony the Mechanic mastodon (AP)
I want to make something clear.

Corporations set prices, set wages, etc. I feel for everyone affected by corporate greed. I have a pinned post about it.

Here's the thing. You want to go after corporations? Raise wages? Raise taxes? Go back to the pre-Citizens United decision world in which they couldn't give unlimited money to GOP candidates that they know will deliver a pro-corporate paradise?

We need to put more Democrats in Congress to do that plus a Democratic President. That's reality.
5 people reshared this

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
(Chomping determinedly on a Raspberry pi) Boy oh boy this is delicious
ideaPDish mastodon (AP)
Chips with that?

I finished last year's two figs. The new ones are ripening on the tree! I should soon have a massive amount of ripe figs. Too many for me to eat: many will 'end up' in the freezer.
My mum loves them: I may prepare a little box with figs, shea butter, dried mushrooms, sliced and/or pickle-pressed rettich and broccoli stem (she can't really use her hands well anymore) rettich, and more.
I may prepare my salad vinaigrette for her to try but knowing her she may fearfully use an eye-dropper to try 🙄

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL while trying to call home from the International Space Station, British astronaut Tim Peake accidentally called the wrong number.
#til #todayilearned

Headline Bot mastodon (AP)
PBS: As November's election nears, nonpartisan community organizations in the swing state of Michigan are ramping up efforts to inform and educate people about their voting rights, how to vote and the importance of voting.#news #PBS #headline

SpaceNews Welcomes Clara Swan as Sales and Business Development Manager


Denver, CO – July 26, 2024. SpaceNews is thrilled to announce the appointment of Clara Swan as our new Sales and Business Development Manager. Clara will manage advertising and sponsorship […]

The post SpaceNews Welcomes Clara Swan as Sales and Business Development Manager appeared first on SpaceNews.

Muse diaspora

After more than a year of negotiations, SAG-AFTRA video game performers are on strike

Union actors and performers in SAG-AFTRA declared a strike against video game firms over artificial intelligence. Among other things, they've stop voice acting and stunts that appear in video games.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Muse diaspora
Good on them! People have been so enamored with the gaming industry that they have opened themselves to being frequently walked all over by their employers. They thought this was going to be a dream job. I used to regularly warn my students about this.
Jay Bryant diaspora
Having worked in that industry for a bit, I also warn people to steer clear of it. Long hours and low pay are the norm, and many of those companies have a "frat boy" culture. Business software may be less interesting, but it does a lot better job of paying the bills without making one crazy.

Madame President mastodon (AP)
V.P. Harris is a prosecutor.
Underneath the presentation you see is an extremely tough woman that is going to wipe the floor with the crooked clowns.
Callalily reshared this.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
I am here for it!!!!!!!!!!! 💪💪💪💃💃💃

nabilzaqout mastodon (AP)
📸 Some photos I found before the war on Gaza

#Gaza #palestine #fundraiser #gofundme

nabilzaqout mastodon (AP)
Help Nabil Children Evacuate From Gaza Palestina 💔

Dear friends, I urgently need your support to rebuild my life, provide basic necessities for my family and urgent evacuation from Gaza to Turkey. 🥺

PayPal ▶

Please Share My Story 🔄 🙏

#gaza #palestine #Palestina #Children #fundraiser #donate #help
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nabilzaqout mastodon (AP)
📸 Some photos I found before the war on Gaza Palestina 🥺💔

#Gaza #palestine #fundraiser #gofundme

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Danke an die für das aufschlussreiche Interview. #austria
Danke an die für das aufschlussreiche Interview.
Scott1984FP reshared this.

nabilzaqout mastodon (AP)
Once Upon a Time in Gaza

My Company Lord Group 💔

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Please Share & Donate 🔄

nabilzaqout mastodon (AP)
Help Nabil Children Evacuate From Gaza Palestina 💔

Dear friends, I urgently need your support to rebuild my life, provide basic necessities for my family and urgent evacuation from Gaza to Turkey. 🥺

Donate ▶
PayPal ▶

Please Share My Story 🔄 🙏

#gaza #palestine
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Shonin mastodon (AP)

Enoch mastodon (AP)
I’m totally down to mail dirty diapers to trump at mara lago, i don’t have kids but i can put Rockys Poop in them 🤔
Callalily reshared this.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
Callalily reshared this.
Callalily mastodon (AP)
🤣🤣 Great idea.

#bowl #water #summer
This is a large deep bowl with water in it where I soak both of my feet in the Summer.
It's by my computer desk - so I can type on my keyboard while my feet are soaking in cool water.
I can also add ice cubes, and a few drops of a pleasant essential oil to the water. I have Sea Salt from the Dead Sea in Israel which is very nice for feet.
Muse diaspora
Eucalyptus and lavender are both good for getting rid of ants!
@Muse Hahaha! Well. I'll have to remember that. Out here in East Egypt, Utah, I haven't see an ant in many years,

nabilzaqout mastodon (AP)
Dear friends, I urgently need your support, to help fund the rebuilding of my life and cover the costs of urgent evacuation from Gaza , as well as providing shelter and basic necessities for my family.

Donate ▶
PayPal ▶

Please Share & Donate 🔄
Save Children 🤲 Donor Palestina 💔

#Donor #Palestina #gaza #help #Donate #palestine #fundraiser #adoption #sponsor

Viele Leute beneiden die #Schweiz (zu recht) für ihre tollen #Eisenbahn⁣en, die das Rückgrat des ganzen öffentlichen Verkehrs bilden, aber wenige wissen etwas über das #Postauto, das regelmäßig von früh bis spät dorthin fährt, wo eben keine Schienen liegen.

Für mich ist ein solches Angebot in der Fläche (und alles ineinander getaktet) eine zentrale Voraussetzung dafür, auch abseits der Städte nicht auf das #Auto angewiesen zu sein.

An sowas denkt man in #Deutschland nicht einmal.
Ein gelber Postbus fährt auf einer Passstraße an einer Schlucht entlang.

Jan Korte mastodon (AP)
Die Führungsriege der Deutschen Bahn bezieht mehr Gehalt als alle Mitglieder der Bundesregierung zusammen. Für eine im Vergleich überschaubare Aufgabe.

Die Privatisierung war neoliberaler Unfug. Höchste Zeit, aus der AG eine Bürgerbahn zu machen.
Das Bild zeigt eine Tabelle aus dem Beteiligungsbericht des Bundes 2023 mit der Gesamtvergütung des Vorstands im Jahr 2022. Die Tabelle listet die Namen der Vorstandsmitglieder sowie ihre Fixvergütung, Nebenleistungen, variable Vergütung, die Gesamtsumme und Aufwendungen für Altersvorsorge in Euro auf. Die Namen der Vorstandsmitglieder sind Dr. Richard Lutz, Ronald Pofalla, Berthold Huber, Martin Seiler, Dr. Levin Holle, Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, Dr. Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, Evelyn Palla und Dr. Michael Peterson. Die Gesamtsumme der Fixvergütungen beträgt 4.134.000 €, die Nebenleistungen 92.000 €, die variable Vergütung 4.842.000 €, die Gesamtsumme 9.068.000 € und die Aufwendungen für Altersvorsorge 1.769.000 €. Es gibt einen Hinweis auf mögliche Rundungsdifferenzen und eine Erklärung, dass die personenbezogenen Gesamtsummen korrekt sind und gerundete Werte auf volle Tausender enthalten.
2 people reshared this
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Erinnert so ein bisschen an die Bürgergeld-Debatte in anderen Dimensionen:
Abkassieren fürs Nichtstun.
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
"Leistung lohnt sich nicht"

I will couch that comment in denial
The gift that keeps on giving

Misty hometown (AP)
Today's discovery: Windows forces a UAC prompt on any program containing the word "update" in its filename, even if it doesn't actually require elevated permissions to run. I hate it!
Resuna mastodon (AP)
You're pulling my expletive deleted leg.

Not that UAC is all that useful, mostly it trains people to click "OK" when a prompt comes up saying "Installing a virus on your computer now, is that OK?" because they think of it as the "gotta click OK on this to get my job done" window.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Simon Cropp mastodon (AP)
@igorkulman ah yes. cant let those hackers “update” your system. but seriously who decided that added value

Laffy mastodon (AP)
Giffords group commits $15 million to boost Kamala #Harris and gun safety candidates

The group is launching a push in swing states and House battlegrounds to help “gun safety champions” with ads, polling and staffing to reach key groups of voters.
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
Callalily reshared this.
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