Need to know whether a piece of hardware is supported by free software? #hNode has you covered! Its search engine will help you verify #freesoftware compatibility.
Screenshot of h-node hardware page.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die körpereigene Abwehr beseitigt bei einem Herzinfarkt noch lebendige Herzzellen, weil sie diese für tot hält. Eine neue Therapie könnte helfen.#Herz #Krankheit #Medizin #Wissenschaft #Öko

#Olympics In keeping with the theme of the opening ceremony, NBC will set fire to one of their commentators each day of the Olympics #ProbablyNotTrue

Europe Says mastodon (AP) NSFL!! Massive Damage to Trump’s Ear Revealed. #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #UsPolitics
NSFL!! Massive Damage to Trump's Ear Revealed.
His wig seems to have escaped!

EthicalTaxProfessor mastodon (AP)
Thanks for listing me!
Thanks for posting this list of new friend and for including me in it. 😁

Alex Psmith mastodon (AP)
I sure picked a good spot to wait for the world to come to its senses.
Golden cocker spaniel silhouetted against the rising sun on the beach in Wollongong. It's a clear sunrise and the horizon glows orange, fading to yellow Wollongong coast on  a clear day, turquoise water rolling in, golden sand beach
Rainbow lorikeet eating an apple in the grass View of the Wollongong coast- deep turquoise sea and green hills, clear blue sky
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
Harris campaign reports record-breaking volunteer surge in key swing states

Nick mastodon (AP)
The Commuter Wore Tennis Shoes

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
I might opt for The Strongest Van in the World

You can always tell when a PC case designer hasn't owned cats: they put the power button on the top of the case
Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
I had to put a guardian Gargoyle on my cable box. Its warm so its a fav cat hang....and now its off.


Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
I would like to see, zuck go up to that asshat musk and punch him out ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Elon Musk dares Zuckerberg to a fight: 'Any place, any time, any rules'; online reactions pour in
S.K.Misra mastodon (AP)
An absolute IDIOT of 21st century known as Musk !🤣
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Musk woosed out last year when he made the challenge .
But I think they should be in a cage match with a the real life Bruce from Jaws

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Zahl der E-Scooter-Unfälle mit Personenschaden hat im vorigen Jahr stark zugenommen. Auch die Zahl der Todesopfer ist gestiegen.#E-Scooter #Innenstadt #Mobilität #Verkehr #Öko
benedict16b diaspora
Müßte man ins Verhältinis setzen zur Anzahl Streckenkilometer oder Anzahl Fahrten.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris gives 'heartfelt condolences' in call to Sonya Massey's family

#Harris #Harris2024

The space blanket - A flag for the people of no nation.

I'd love to see the competitors at major games who stand for no nation, parade behind this.

Reminded of this by a tweet from James Bridle.

>25,000+ deaths in the Mediterranean since 2014. Hundreds more every month. We are all complicit. Fuck borders and those who uphold them; shame on all of us for what continues.

Spocko mastodon (AP)
Right now @emptywheel is talking about how the stupid MSM political journalists didn't know how to follow the #Harris endorsements but how @taniel DID. She suggests we follow him because he is brilliant! Listen live now 5ET/2PT or replay, @nicolesandler @GottaLaff

helplessduck mastodon (AP)
I don't want to hear shit about my gas stove, either. I deliberately kept it so VP Harris would come down here, take out my roof with a Black Hawk helicopter, and rappel in to steal my stove like some GI-Jane shit. Just like all the idiots were clutching their pearls about, just so I could meet her. SO, mehh.

spleenly mastodon (AP)
How is someone with the fortitude for med school supposed to understand my problems.
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
Exactly! 😂😭

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Compared to Vance, Trump has good taste.
Badscrew mastodon (AP)
this is like comparing comparative gastronomy qualities of horse and cow manure.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris campaign casts Donald Trump as 'scared' to have debate

#Harris #Harris2024

Das zieht sich, aber so ein apokalyptischer Reiter ist ja auch kein D Zug
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
TGV fuhr gerade nicht. 😬

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
Take a deep breath.

The bots will come.

The lies will start.

Stay on course.

We will not go back.
Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
"Elon Musk’s Daughter Fires Back at Father Over ‘Dead’ Comments: ‘Desperate For Attention’ From ‘Degenerate Red-Pilled Incels’"
rood mastodon (AP)
typical astroturf childhood 🙃

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Stupid George Lucas squatted "Clone Wars" as a term and now it's hard to find information about the real clone wars
"Commodore Joins the Clone Wars"

(Byte Magazine, April 1987)

Commodore International has started selling its two
IBM PC XT clones in the
U.S. Introduced in Europe last year, the PC10-1 and PCI0-2 are shipped with standard equipment that includes an RS-232C serial port, a parallel printer port, and a multifunction col-or/monochrome graphics card that's compatible with IBM monochrome and CGA modes, as well as with Hercules and Planatronics modes.
Both units use the 8088 microprocessor running at
4.77 MHz. Each machine has five full-length expansion slots and space for two half-height floppy disk drives and a hard disk drive, with a power supply large enough to handle the complete system.
The PC10-1 includes a single 5¼-inch floppy disk drive and 512K bytes of
RAM, which can be expanded to 640K bytes on the motherboard. The PCI0-2 includes two 5¼-inch floppy disk drives and 640K bytes of RAM.
Both units come with MS-DOS 3.2 and GW-BASIC 3.2.
Price: $999 (PC10-1); $1199
Contact: Commodore
Business Machines, 1200
Wilson Dr., West Chester, PA
19380, (215) 431-9100.
Inquiry 593.
A photo of the Commodore PC10 computer, it looks like sort of if a IBM AT and an Amiga 1000 had a baby.
...LOL - but the "Clone Wars" was mentioned in Star Wars 1977 already so it surely predates these?
@drmambobob After watching half of it, I'm happy to say that I'm too young to remember this.

It feels so anti-Apple
Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
@xgebi @drmambobob it was Apple employees doing it, no idea if there was repercussions
James Holden mastodon (AP)
That’s a pretty good spec for $999 at the time. I had a Sirius 1 (aka Victor 9000) that my brother brought home from work. It was quite an upgrade from my Acorn Electron, but no games for it though. Had GW Basic to play with instead.

David Ho mastodon (AP)
This is someone calling me a “chink”. 🥲
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Frau Herbst mastodon (AP)
Die arme junge Frau, die den Schirm halten muss. Geht bestimmt schwer in den Arm und da die Haltung und den Schirm bewahren, während die ganze Welt auf sie schaut. 👍🏻
Susanne Schneider mastodon (AP)
Hab ich auch gedacht. Chapeau! 💪

Introduction To Housing Co-ops

With the housing affordability crisis lapping onto the shores of every desirable city in the world, it was only a matter of time before it arrived in Montreal. But unlike other places we may have a weapon, a large movement centered in Montreal has been seeing a huge resurgence: Housing Cooperatives.

Learn how cities could be saved from the anxiety of our times, from its background in the squatters movement and unions, to a one stop shop for public housing and community building. Do we have a solution to both the housing crisis and a better city in one, or are we doomed to become the next Toronto?

Help Out by sharing on Facebook/Reddit. It helps immensely!
Extra Content:
References & Resources
[5] (pg42)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Kathleen mastodon (AP)
In jedem Menschen ist Sonne.
Man muss sie nur zum Leuchten bringen.
- Sokrates-
Für heute knips ich mein Licht aus. Wir lesen uns morgen wieder.
Sonnenuntergang über dem Meer. Rechts hinten ein kleiner Leuchtturm. Vorne läuft jemand über eine Steinmauer, welche von Sträuchern verdeckt wird, so dass es aussieht, als würde er auf einem Strauch stehen.

Darius Kazemi hometown (AP)
Anyone going to be in Portland, Oregon USA for FOSSY next week? I'm speaking about the Fediverse governance research I did with Erin Kissane (not @-ing so she doesn't get @-ed, as you do)

I am also available for recommendations for things to do around town, such as: oscilloscope museum


Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
Just found out this game isn't single player and now I’m panicking.
Very awkward woman with glasses holding a board game called you&me. There is a tag line that says "a game that teaches social skills and social

Im Park des Pflegeheims brachte eine Kollegin kürzlich eine Zwergentür an einem Baum an. Die sorgt bei Spaziergängen mit den Bewohner*innen immer wieder für Spaß. Ich habe dann heute unter Aufsicht zweier betagter Damen eine passende Leiter gebaut.

Falls die Zwerge schon ein bisschen gebrechlich sind.

Man weiß ja nie ...

Am Fuß eines Baumstamms befindet sich eine kleine blaue Tür. Schräg darunter ist eine Leiter aus Ästen, die zusammengebunden wurden, angebracht. Ringsherum wachsen Blätter, z. B. Ahorn und Efeu.
elbtalpomeranze mastodon (AP)
Die Zwergentür verfügt inzwischen über eine Klingel. Außerdem steht ein kleiner Besen vor der Tür ... 😍 [Foto folgt demnächst]
elbtalpomeranze mastodon (AP)
Die #Zwergentür im Park des Pflegeheims hat unterstützende Besucher. So gibt es nun eine Klingel & einen Besen. Oder ist gar eine Hexe zu Besuch??

Es bleibt zauberhaft & spannend.
Und zu Spaziergängen motivierend.😃
Blaue Tür am Fuß eines Baums. Daneben eine Leiter. An der Tür hängt ein Glöckchen an rotem Band. Bei der Leiter lehnt ein Reisigbesten am Baumstamm.

⚠️🇺🇦Former Ukrainian MP Farion's assassin claims he 'didn't do anything to her' (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Harris to Lean on Tight Team

#Harris #Harris2024

⛔️🇷🇴Nothing like exposing a national security weakness openly: Romania has no way to shoot down Russian UAVs over Ukraine, they went down without help, claims Romanian officials (more) #Ukraine #Romania #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow
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