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libramoon diaspora
lunar ramblings

It is exactly wrong to speak of government
as some monolithic them that gives and takes,
Government, when rightly understood,
is us doing as we decide,
projects to meet our goals
as organized society.


I have clear prejudice against
those I feel disrespect me,
salving my perceived wounds
with nasty names and stories
to castigate them in
my private square.


The salient feature of "conservative" humanity
is ownership of property.
People with no property have no value,
and therefore no entitlement
to rights.


drenched in liminality


Can you look at your moment to moment and laugh with the cosmic humor of trying to make it happen faster? It can take a very long time, all that resistance to serious change. We get used to thinking of how it should be, what is expected, looking to improve to be better. It can be the hardest thing to accept, smile, smell the ambient air, taste the moment, and enjoy the dance. Not saying I’ve got it anywhere near down. Just, you know, bit by bit, easing the attention from some goal or guilt to simply feeling into a gentler frame.


If we can go beyond the everyday conditioning and experience reality directly, we discover that ALL is a state of bliss. We can move into that place any and all times, or not, as our individual consciousness feels directed (or our mind allows). This is the essence of all of the great spiritual teachings. It is what many traditions have named "God" or "God consciousness". When we understand "God" not as some big old guy in the sky, but as essence, this is the essence we are heir to for the price of simply becoming aware.

It is easier to explain in poetry; but it seems people are afraid of poetry as well as bliss.


Isn't that the point, to be self-aware physical manifestation rather than merely undifferentiated merging molecules? Isn't it a dance, a story, poetry, philosophy, love, compassion, all the "virtues" and "arts" that we discover, immerse in, enjoy, carry forward, learn to share?

People get so caught up in their own mythologies that they miss the actual point of trying to have better lives.


It would seem that what was "wanted" is "happiness" -- any intermediate desire being merely on the way. Change? Of course -- otherwise how would we ever get to a state of acquisition of what was previously "wanted"? Or, then, we could realize that happiness or that which we thought would bring it are not the true desire. So wanting helps us move along the continuum to find our true desire. Is that suffering? Perhaps. But then, suffering is a signal to tell us that something is not appropriately balanced. Suffering too is our ally. Enjoy the ride.


The root cause of pain is imbalance within a system thus that it is unable to function optimally.

Suffering is not punishment. It may lead to compassion, or not. Suffering is a warning, a signal, a siren, telling us that we are inappropriately out of balance. The sane response is to figure out what is "wrong" and how to create a new balance.


I feel we are all insulted by the myth of happy childhood. Childhood is not meant to be some fantasy playland. Children are not pre-adults. At all ages we are people, learning how to survive until survival is no longer an option. Parents, "professionals" too are (just?) people, struggling along. We would do better, I believe, to be honest with the young among us, as well as more generally.


There are ever so much better therapies than drugs for depression. Mindful meditation is found to be quite effective in many cases, as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Expressive Therapies. Spontaneous remission happens all the time, especially when the system hasn't been confused or compromised with pharmaceuticals.

depression is another of those catch-all we don't know what's wrong with you so it must be all in your mind diagnoses. I am lately theorizing that "depression" is a symptom of mind/body/spirit issues that cause chronic pain.


We obviously are a society that condones, celebrates, enjoys, and employs drug use. There is a big mixed message. Law in general is much too complicated to be a means of making a clear message. If we had sane laws, based on getting along together, locking up those who commit acts of violence until they prove it would be safe to let them back on our common ground, giving assurance to those ill-treated that restitution would be made, that kind of thing, we could have an intelligent discussion about law. In too many instances laws are used as bludgeons against those not in favor by those in charge.

When drugs were legal, used in patent medicines, available to any and all in this country, there were a small percentage of people who became addicted or otherwise suffered adverse effects. There was no funding of terrorism from huge drug profits or gangs of murderous profiteers. Often those who were addicted could still lead basically normal and productive lives. There is always a small percentage of people whom, for whatever reasons of nature and nurture (or lack thereof) become helpless, hopeless wastoids -- on drugs or off. Of course there are often impurities or unknown dosage issues in street drugs that add significantly to the danger of fatal events. If we were a sane society, we would legalize, regulate, tax, and open the market to a vast variety rehab modalities.

Taking drugs may well say "I am interested in finding out what this experience will tell me." or, probably most often "I am uncomfortable and would like to feel differently for awhile." Taking a drug for a purpose in a specific time/space is not rejecting any "consciousness". It is only when we have a desperate perceived need to reject our own natural being (or temporary situational but perceived as natural responses) or "find enlightenment" that any of your "subtle point" obtains. Thus, it is not use of drugs, but misuse in desperation that is of concern in this context. This, of course, can be said of any of those habituations we immerse in to avoid our selves, or what we mistakenly believe ourselves to be.


So, the old, half-blind, arthritic, or young mother, or honor student scared of gangs in the neighborhood is going to what? Hold off a gang with a because legal somehow super gun? My point is that having a gun in such a situation is false security. It won't help. It may well exacerbate a situation. No, I am not counting on police. I am saying that without the false security of a gun, people might find real security in acting together, or learning the various tricks of staying out of harm's way, or finding long-term solutions to complicated issues.


Perhaps the very violence of violent revolution reduces the impact in terms of creating a more benevolent system. When the people can be persuaded of the benefit to them of systemic change, when there is a real plan with dedicated leadership, there is a greater chance that the change will be meaningful.


Yes, protection of the rights of the people is an ideal directive for governmental controls, rules of law, peace officers who actually protect; but this is not even close to the government we have. Even if it were, there would be a clear conflict of interests involved -- not just the interest of the innocent fetus, but the interest of the woman who needs to be seen as much more than a biological incubator. This is not the classic protection of the innocent from the powerful, but really (no matter your position on religion) interfering with a sacred relationship. Because of the nature of mammalian biology, we have a newly forming creature growing within the body of a more mature creature of its kind. When that relationship is desired by the mother, it is wonderful and fulfilling. When that relationship is not desired, it is horrendous, nightmarish. Then, of course, there are the situations when the pregnancy is actually dangerous to the health of the mother, when she has to choose, or to the health and well-being of her other children, or when the fetus is malformed to the point of surviving, if it does, in a horrendous nightmarish state which the mother would need to endure with the child. These are not the kinds of choices that government should have to make. These are issues much too personal to belong to the impersonal state.

I have no argument with teaching responsibility. I have no argument with honoring life. My point is these are not issues appropriately adjudicated by government. These issues are far too personal.
  • SCJ Louis Brandeis famously espoused that the cure for bad speech is more speech. Yes, protest the false stories, make noise, make more speech. Let those who lie or misapply or simply don't understand make their case, then you make yours, we make ours, he/she/it make theirs -- somewhere along the line if we are all very lucky communication will occur.
Never argue with a bigot. It does no good; and it makes the bigot feel important.


Cast opening eyes into vast days,
All that is to be, brightly arrayed
as grand parades
All possibilities,
waiting to be played
as you are ready

Who's the doddering old guy now?

My money's on the Kremlin having a big book on James Donald Bowman, aka James David Bowman, aka Jimmy Hamel nka JD Vance. Kremlin thinks Trump made a critical mistake nominating him for VP.

Callalily reshared this.
With the requirement of the GOP in many states to address a person by their birth name, the press must use his birth name when discussing the candidate when being aired in those states.

The domestic terrorists have been pissing the dogs off again

They brought a pig with them

Doc Holliday mastodon (AP)
Back in 1984, you could see Prince for under $20. And Sheila E!
A picture showing graphics featuring Prince’s world tour 1984-85 and showing price levels below $20

Doc Holliday mastodon (AP)
Netanyahu is a yahoo. He’s the Israeli version of DJT. Elect the🍊 bastard again and see what happens.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

pzmyers 🦑 mastodon (AP)
AAAAH! OpenAI software engineers are paid HOW MUCH?
Sam Altman looking stupid

Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
I'm very snappy today. If I've taken that out on anyone here, I'm sorry.
Wil James hometown (AP)
you are human. Be yourself and everything will be all right.
Bruce Toews hometown (AP)
@wiljames Yeah, I know, but I'd rather be perfect now. It would make things a whole lot easier.

Souterrains and brochs are some of the earliest examples of drystone walling (around 2000 years old) that we can see here in Scotland. As drystone wallers, its hard to pass up the opportunity to see such early examples of our craft.

Check out our visit to Carlungie Earth House in Angus, Scotland.

#Scotland #History #Souterrain #Ancient #Angus #Drystone
A colpur photograph of a series of drystone walls set into a grassy area. In the distance a man stands beside a sign and behind him a field of barley.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Joey BoughtACola mastodon (AP)
Trump gets zero percent of black voters in a recent Michigan poll.

So the sneakers and the stereotyping aren't working.

Go figure.

Terrific. He should get zero percent nationwide.

NBC: Air tanker plane goes missing while fighting Oregon wildfire

"...the plane went missing shortly before 7 p.m. Thursday night and there was one pilot on board. The Oregon National Guard was deployed to assist in the search..."

#aviation #Oregon #ORfire #wildfire
LabSpokane mastodon (AP)
@douglasvb The question we should all be asking is: WHY IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, 2024, ARE EMERGENCY LOCATING TRANSMITTERS STILL SHIT?! They are unreliable garbage, have been since inception, and we spend hours and days looking for downed aircraft in an era where my phone is a satellite communicator.
Douglas VB mastodon (AP)
@LabSpokane it's also possible they found the plane right away and are waiting to release more info until next of kin is notified. Or they couldn't get a chopper into the area to pluck the pilot out yet.

Robert B. mastodon (AP)
Die #Zukunftsklage
#Sammelklage für mehr #Klimaschutz

Dan Morgan :ksu: mastodon (AP)
I’m being managed by ChatGTP

My boss met with me today to discuss a new initiative to improve and drive employee usage of our intranet.

He admitted his three phase, 13 point outline was generated by ChatGTP.

I can’t say I disagree with what the toaster 🤖 kicked out for him, but if I AM the one doing the work, just send me the prompt! We don’t need that layer of management, now do we?

I’m not threatened by the toasters 🤖 yet, but management should for their own sakes.

impfmilf mastodon (AP)
#caturday #cats #catsodon #catsofmastodon
'Los, Frauchen helfen!'
Ein Besen lehnt auf einem Gartenweg an einer Schubkarre. Neben den Borsten liegt eine Katze. Eine weitere nähert sich von hinten, eine andere von vorne.

Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
Finally the flame!!! #Paris2024 #ParisOlympics

Shout-out to the Zoom SRE and DevOps teams, who had no idea that they were about to become critical voting infrastructure. 🤷🏿‍♂️

44,000 Black women on a Zoom call for future President Kamala Harris

45,000 Black men on a Zoom call for future President Kamala Harris

136,000 White women on a Zoom call for future President Kamala Harris

And yes, the White women call is the largest call in Zoom history.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Jason Martens mastodon (AP)
damning there was no white men for Kamala zoom call.
csh mastodon (AP)
This one's scheduled for Monday.
Black and white gimme cap with WHITE DUDES for HARRIS written on the front. 
Underneath is the text:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Callalily reshared this.

Kristie mastodon (AP)
A lovely cycle to visit a burial ground, a bronze age chambered cairn, and a huge, drystone sheep stell that was rebuilt by a local shepherd to celebrate the Millennium. All set in the beautiful surroundings of Glenalmond, Perthshire.

More photos and info at the link.

#Perthshire #History #Ancient #BronzeAge #Drystone #Cycling #Scotland
A colour photograph of a circular drystone wall. There is a small gap at the front with wooden posts on either side and all around it hills.

5⭐️ex-wife Review!
Her 'step-kids' call her Mamala 🥰

Kerstin Emhoff:

"For over 10 years, since Cole and Ella were teenagers, Kamala has been a co-parent with Doug and I. She is loving, nurturing, fiercely protective, and always present. I love our blended family, and am grateful to have her in it.
Beverley mastodon (AP)
I don't think anyone can have received a better reference.

How wonderful to know she is as beautiful inside as out.

(I am British, but we all - the whole world - has 'skin in this game'!)


Ben Werdmuller mastodon (AP)
"Flipboard has worked with local papers and websites since its inception. Now, as part of the gradual federation of our platform, we’re bringing some of those publications to the fediverse." Oh hell yes. #Fediverse
Shonin reshared this.

saraaaaargh mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Olympics

Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)
We honestly need #OhioForHarris and #FloridaForHarris to be the focus. Trump is ahead but not by a lead that can't be closed and overcome.
Callalily reshared this.

JR mastodon (AP)
Gotta love the French and their weird af opening ceremony.

#Olympics #OpeningCeremony
An actress is dressed like Marie Antoinette in a bright red dress. She is beheaded and holding her own head.
Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
Here's me thinking the #French had no sense of humour given their obsession with Jerry Lewis.

If you don't watch anything else please catch the first 5 minutes of the #OpeningCeremony fresh delightful and hilarious.

And the swimming robot horse was awesome!


J mastodon (AP)
Callalily reshared this.

Encoding Killer! #olympics

Oh Canada!!! Really rooting for a good Olympics for this wonderful team. #Olympics #Paris2024 #Today #Olympics2024
A picture of Canadian athletes on their boat going down the Seine.

eiffel tower looking like when godzilla about to explode from within

damn they LED'd the tower up


Alexander Müller mastodon (AP)
Der Regen gehört die ganze Zeit zur Show!

#Paris2024 #olympics

Q: Elon rate limited future President Kamala Harris' campaign account? He can do that and so much worse! He can mess with the visibility of her posts! Why is she using Twitter anyway? Why isn't she using Mastodon?

A: Remember how she had a Zoom call for Black women and 40,000 people joined?

Q: Yeah? What's your point?

A: Those women were on Twitter.

Q: But why are those Black women on Twitter? Why aren't they here on Mastodon? It would be better for me if they were here!

A: *deep sigh*


This is what happens when you don't have enough inspectors. Contamination and other shit isn't caught early until a big mess happens.

Longing for the day I can step outside without feeling like I’m walking into a hot spring with no water

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
CALLING ALL CAT LADIES! Join us Tuesday, July 30 at 8:30 ET for a Cats and Dogs Unite for Kamala Harris call!
#CatLadiesForKamala #YesWeKam #WeChooseKamala #DemCast #BlueWaveRising

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Some local drama. Within a day's walk of here. Spouse spent the morning at a nearby bakery and brought me treats >>


34300 Block Stewart Hills Lane, Cottage Grove
Lane County, OR
Acres 4

Watch Duty Wildfire Map

tomgrzybow diaspora
Now there is a meme which cannot be defeated,
newer older

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