Geeden_Of_Arden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Political fanfic

Dr Adam Steer mastodon (AP)
Hey #wildfire fediverse - I'm a qualified forest firefighter currently available for deployment. Based in Australia, open to anywhere.

I do need to get paid for my work, and need someone to fund a chainsaw ticket refresher (last done in 2007). Otherwise I still have a valid arduous medical (until late November), 4wd, FFMV PPE, valid passport.

Not sure how much difference one extra pair of hands can make, I'm sure there are other people in the same position.

#fire #emergencyResponse
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Der Wäller mastodon (AP)
Sachen gibt’s…

Trollarmeen unterstützten #AfD und #BSW.

„Ein Netzwerk, das offenbar aus Russland gesteuert wurde, trommelte nach SPIEGEL-Informationen in den sozialen Medien für die AfD und für Sahra Wagenknecht. Tausende Accounts auf X waren involviert.“

Patrick Breyer mastodon (AP)
🇩🇪Ohne uns zu fragen und undurchsichtig sammelt Mozilla's Firefox-Browser jetzt Daten für die Werbeindustrie.

Ich stelle Fragen dazu und erwäge Beschwerde.

Unser Internetnutzungsverhalten ist hochsensibel und geht niemanden etwas an, auch nicht den Browserhersteller!


Dear Sir/Madam,

could you please answer my following questions concerning the above-mentioned "experiment" rolled out with the latest release of Mozilla's Firefox web browser, depending on which I may decide to request review by a data protection authority:
1) Who is the data processor for the data collected and processed by the "aggregation system"/server?
2) If the processor is not based in the EU, which legal basis in the GDPR do you rely on for the non-EU processing of personal data?
3) Which data exactly is being collected and processed by the "aggregation system"/server? For example, does it include a browser identifier?
4) Which metadata exactly is being collected and processed by the "aggregation system"/server? For example, are IP addresses being logged?
5) Is a privacy policy on these operations, compliant with the GDPR, available concerning the "aggregation system"/server, and where?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Patrick Breyer mastodon (AP)
🇬🇧Mozilla's Firefox browser now collects data for the advertising industry without asking us.

I am asking questions and am considering lodging a complaint.

The user's personal browsing behaviour is highly sensitive and nobody's business, including Mozilla!


Dear Sir/Madam,

could you please answer my following questions concerning the above-mentioned "experiment" rolled out with the latest release of Mozilla's Firefox web browser, depending on which I may decide to request review by a data protection authority:
1) Who is the data processor for the data collected and processed by the "aggregation system"/server?
2) If the processor is not based in the EU, which legal basis in the GDPR do you rely on for the non-EU processing of personal data?
3) Which data exactly is being collected and processed by the "aggregation system"/server? For example, does it include a browser identifier?
4) Which metadata exactly is being collected and processed by the "aggregation system"/server? For example, are IP addresses being logged?
5) Is a privacy policy on these operations, compliant with the GDPR, available concerning the "aggregation system"/server, and where?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Patrick Breyer mastodon (AP)
🇩🇪Mozilla antwortet mir schlicht bisher würden von Browsern keine PPA-Daten ausgeleitet. Wenn ihr anderes beobachtet, sagt gern Bescheid. #Piraten

🇬🇧Mozilla simply replies so far no data is being sent by browsers. If you observe otherwise, please let me know. #Pirates
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your message. While a setting associated with the “system” you reference is present globally in Firefox 128, the underlying technology is in a prototype stage currently undergoing internal testing within Mozilla. Firefox has not sent any data from a user's device to servers for attribution or ads measurement in connection with this feature. We hope this helps alleviate your concerns.



Open Source JobHub mastodon (AP)
Is your organization looking for open source talent? Post your positions on #OSJH and connect with top #OpenSource pros.
#jobs #hiring #career #Tech #OpenSource #engineer #developer #sales #marketing #FOSS
(illustration of different people in cogs) Looking for open source talent?

Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Good Friday morning! The rain is in our rear view mirror and the humidity is dropping. The cats are celebrating with a round of zoomies around the house.

The granddaughter will be coming over later for a sleepover. We may have to celebrate by going out for ice cream. It’s a rare day this summer that’s cool enough the ice cream won’t melt before we can finish it.

Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead. Find something to celebrate!

Happy Funday Friday Sharon. Sounds like you’re going to abide. Enjoy your granddaughter and ice cream.
Hugs to the furbabies.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)

Thank you! She's getting ready to play me a clarinet concert, aka practicing, then we'll head out for ice cream.

I got bonus weeding done this morning before she was dropped off, so the ice cream is guilt free. 😊

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
Record-breaking Zoom supporting Harris mobilizes white female voters

Nonilex mastodon (AP)
It's weird that #Trump's team refuses to provide the public w/ information about his #medical care in the wake of Saturday's shooting.

“4 days after a gunman’s attempt to assassinate …Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, the public is still in the dark over the extent of his injuries, what treatment the #Republican presidential nominee received in the hospital, & whether there may be any long-term effects on his health.

#transparency #BidenHarris2024
Nonilex reshared this.
Big Head Tales mastodon (AP)
The only thing that hit #Trump was a WWE brand blood packet used by wrestlers.

It appears the GOP was willing to sacrifice supporters for a photo op.
pcbeard mastodon (AP)
not weird at all. Par for the course. Transparency was never their strong suit, “DENY DENY DENY” being their mantra.

:kafeneio: Fou mastodon (AP)
@foufoutos χώρες στη τελετή εναρξης

Leilah Lilienruh mastodon (AP)
Ich glaube, Leute lieben das Wort #Skandal. Irgendwas scheint das mit der Hirn-Chemie zu machen.

Ich bin der Sache noch auf der Spur, aber irgendwann kriege ich's raus und dann gibt das einen mächtigen Skandaaaaal... 🤣

Carmen Zedler mastodon (AP)
Geh in ein Gefängnis voller perverser schwerverbrecherInnen & #krimineller, such dir random ein paar 100 raus und lass sie eine Partei gründen…
#afd #fckafd #noafd #Krah #weidel #deutschland #afdverbot #demokratie #gesellschaft #showdown #marvel

Proton mastodon (AP)
Due to attempts by local ISPs to block Proton VPN ahead of Venezuela's #election on July 28, we've added additional free Smart Routing #VPN servers.
We want to ensure everyone has free access to information.

If you experience issues connecting to #ProtonVPN, make sure to follow the instructions provided below.
Please share this with your friends and family in #venezuela: 🧵

1 / 3
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Alors que revoilà la sous-préfète

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Yeesh (new start, Paradise, CA) #wildfires #CAwx #ClarkFire

Why Is Trump Urging His Supporters Not to Vote This Election?

Zelenskyis evening speech

I had a very detailed and long conversation with Minister for Strategic Industries Oleksandr Kamyshin. We analyzed the work of the ministry and the relevant enterprises in our defense sector—what has been achieved and what is planned. There are good results. Many different aspects were discussed, including our armored vehicles, drones, and artillery....

Pixels / Le Monde mastodon (AP)
Aimez-vous LinkedIn ? Votre utilisation de ce réseau social a-t-elle changé ? Racontez-nous

In the Chelyabinsk region, a dam at the Kialim Reservoir has burst, causing flooding. Approximately 200 people are in the affected area, and the floodwaters are threatening four villages.


#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
N.Y. Judge Will Uphold Trump’s New York Felony Conviction, Expert Predicts

Commander Deuterium mastodon (AP)
Eigene Ernte. Super Ertrag für den zweiten Versuch. Letztes Jahr war Mist. Sind 33%... die anderen dürfen noch
Hellgelbe Kartoffeln mit schwarzem Erdanhaftungen in einer weißen Schüssel
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Kamala Harris crushes Donald Trump among Gen Z voters: new poll

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Bei Olympia geht es neben Sport auch um lächerliche Rituale und natürlich den Weltfrieden. Es ist erstaunlich, wie ernst das Schauspiel genommen wird.#ThomasBach #Rituale #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt

Woke just after 5 am, but unlike when I was in the hospital, I'd slept for almost 8 hours. It was glorious 🙂

Just about the first thing I do every morning is open the living room shades. Today, I got to see the gardens for the first time in over a week. Sunflowers over 6 feet tall. One potato is at least 3 feet tall. I can't tell if those really tall plants in the middle are beans or tomatoes from inside the house. So much growth in all the plants!

Sunflowers over 6 feet tall. Borage working on a garden takeover, given that there's at least one plant in most of the beds. Bright orange marigolds blooming. A cucumber plant that's now about 5 feet long (I have to go work on that!) 

I have to go rescue my rhubarb and Brussels sprouts from the borage. Strawberry plants have come back and should be new growth, so there might be some berries.

I'm guessing the carrots and beets can be harvested. One potato plant is about 3 feet tall, so I might have potatoes. And I have to sort through the various squash plants to see if we have any more.

Jim harvested a dozen zucchini while I was gone (and he made zucchini bread!), and I'm guessing there are more.

Tall plants in the middle of the photo ae either tomatoes or beans (or both). I'll figure that out, too, when I get out there.

I also have to find the beets and onions that I planted in various beds.

James Sayer mastodon (AP)
Giving credit where it is due. Thank you, President Biden.

Uncle Harvey mastodon (AP)
Hey, y'all 👋. Happy #TGIF Friday and all that good stuff. 👍

So, guess what I woke up to find starting #myday this morning. I'll give a hint. SOS-DD. 😏

Yup. Another muggy, misty, cloudy, damp morning. But #today it's a cool, 71deg, with a nice, though wet feeling breeze and no rain to #joinin yet. The weather folks are thinking the weather gods are gonna take a breather #today and hold off to muster there resourses to continue their soggy effort later this evening. ⛈️

So, I'm kinda hoping the wet n soggy will have a chance to seep away some and dry up enough to let me get out and whack some of those high n heavy weeds in my jungle like lawn #today. 🤞
THAT would probably be a fun way to shower #today, and wash n rise the clothes I'd wearing too. 💦🚿
"Grab that bar of soap on your way out the door, buddy!"😁 😆

1/2 👇 just a bit...
Uncle Harvey mastodon (AP)
Oh heck. No sun here today. But I did get out to retrieve the trash bin from the road. So there was that. 💪

Lemme tell ya, it was a soggy trip in the muggy air, and not at all refreshing. But at least I wasn't rained on. 👍

So been spending my morning doing my usual morning walking around and exercising to prepare for my Friday of Honey-doins inside and holding out a little hope things dry out some this afternoon and let me cut some jungle growth.🤞
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
It's gotten a bit humid now, but this morning it was cool enough to get all my weeding done, as well as a walk.

At least you got the trash bin moved! I hope you're able to get something done outside!

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump Upset That Misogynistic And Racist Attacks On VP Harris Are Backfiring #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews
Trump Upset That Misogynistic And Racist Attacks On VP Harris Are Backfiring

fivestone mastodon (AP)
卧槽,在 gym 瞄了一眼奥运开幕式,刺客信条逛 LV?

eeepee diaspora

Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Ach, hat der #martin_sonneborn sich mit Schwurblern verstärkt?
Gondoliere Private Message mastodon (AP)
@yours_truly sehr gerne lieber René - ich war zugegebenermaßen nicht so sonderlich überrascht nach dem Abgang von Nico Semsrott.
Sibylle Berg mastodon (AP)

„Viele Menschen in #Sachsen sind unzufrieden und das zurecht, vor allem wenn man sich vor Augen führt, dass gute #Bildung, #Gesundheitsversorgung und Infrastruktur das absolute Minimum darstellen, welches von einem modernen Staat erwartet werden kann. Es scheint, als wäre die bisherige politische Führungsriege nicht in der Lage oder nicht willens, diese Probleme zu lösen.“

Natürlich können auch wir diese Probleme nicht wie durch Zauberhand lösen. „Allerdings haben wir den Gestaltungswillen, all diese Krisen anzugehen. Darum haben wir uns für den Slogan ‚Schluss mit Krisenstimmung‘ entschieden. Denn leider gibt es viel zu viele Parteien, die von der Unzufriedenheit in der Bevölkerung zehren und darum kein wirkliches Interesse daran haben, die Probleme unserer Gesellschaft zu lösen.“

Ein Ausschnitt mit Zitaten von mir zu unseren Plakaten für die #Landtagswahl.

Mehr im Blog:

#Piraten #ltw24 #ltw2024 #ltwsn24 #Pflege #Gesundheit #Demokratie #Umwelt #Klima
2 Personen stehen auf einer Straße und halten lächelnd Plakate in die Kamera.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Veröffentlichte RKI-Dokumente bringen den Ex-Gesundheitsminister unter Rechtfertigungsdruck. Wie war das mit der „Pandemie der Ungeimpften“ gemeint?#Pandemie #KarlLauterbach #BundesministeriumfürGesundheit #JensSpahn #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
im rahmen der transparenz hätte ich gerne alle daten über benedict, inklusive wohnanschrift und kontonummer
dr hydro diaspora
Und wenn die Attacken im AfD Country passieren, bleibt es sogar straffrei.

Jaden mastodon (AP)
Shit my uncle told me he voting trump 🤦🏾always knew he was a goofy ass mf 🤣
Ben Rosengart mastodon (AP)
Did he say why?
Jaden mastodon (AP)
@DoubleTreble hey DT how you doing good I hope 🙏🏿 nah he ain't got anything against kamala he just an idiot believes everything he reads on Facebook 🤣

AaronDavid mastodon (AP)

Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
I’m settling in to watch the Olympics opening ceremony while drinking chocolate milkshake. I bet you wish you were me.

stux⚡ mastodon (AP)
Sometimes, Washy thinks he’s a dinosaur. A ‘Needy Saurus Rex’ to be precise :dino22:
BT mastodon (AP)
I hear that all too well...

My wife isn't allowed to have anything on her lap while she works aside from Dr. Zoidberg 😅

Matthew mastodon (AP)
more than 160,000 people on a zoom call is just wild
helgenug mastodon (AP)
context pls.
Matthew mastodon (AP)
@helgenug sorry i realise that was quite vague - there was a fundraising for K H zoom call last night that i saw people talking about, i was just shocked at the size of it.

(reposting with her initials only because you may have filtered her name to avoid politics but didn't want you to think i was ignoring your question if so)
newer older

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