Rechtsruck Stoppen mastodon (AP)
📢 Einladung zum Plenum! 🚫👣 #RechtsruckStoppen

🗓️ 31.07.
🕕 18:00 Uhr
📍 Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, Hörsaal 4, #Jena

🌟 Newcomer? Kommt um 🕟17:30!
👥Bringt gern Freunde mit!

Vor den Landtagswahlen in Thüringen: Lasst uns für ein solidarisches Thüringen stark machen! Treffen, austauschen, Aktionen planen – wie das bevorstehende System Change Camp (5.-11. August, Erfurt).

#wirsinddiebrandmauer #afdverbotjetzt
Ein Bild mit Informationen zu einer Veranstaltung. Der Hintergrund ist ein Farbverlauf von Blau zu Lila. Der Haupttext lautet "RECHTSRUCK STOPPEN!" in großen weißen Buchstaben. Darunter steht "Großes Plenum am 31.07". Rechts ist eine einfache weiße Linienzeichnung von zwei Händen, die sich fest umklammern, als Symbol für Zusammenhalt. Weitere Informationen:

- "Du kommst zum ersten Mal dazu oder brauchst nochmal einen ersten Überblick? Dann komm zum Newcomer-Treffen um 17:30!"
- Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr (angezeigt durch ein Uhr-Symbol)
- Ort: Hörsaal 4 | Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3, 07743 Jena (angezeigt durch ein Standort-Symbol)

Das Design ist schlicht und informativ, mit klaren Kontrasten.
Ein quadratisches Bild mit einem Verlauf von Dunkelblau zu Lila im Hintergrund. Oben in großen, weißen Buchstaben steht "WIR BRAUCHEN DICH!". Es folgt der Text: "In 37 Tagen sind Landtagswahlen in Thüringen: In den letzten Monaten wurden für den August super viele verschiedene Veranstaltungen/Camps/Demos/Socializings etc. gegen den Rechtsruck organisiert. Damit diese jetzt stattfinden  können, braucht es ganz viele Menschen, die mit dabei sind, also es braucht genau dich! Komm zum Plenum, unterstütze uns bei unseren vielfältigen Aktionen und sei Teil des antifaschistischen Augusts!" Am unteren Rand des Bildes ist das Symbol "rechtsruck stoppen" mit zwei ineinander greifenden Händen abgebildet.
⚠️🇺🇦AFU defenders repel major Russian mechanized assault in Donetsk Oblast. The ISW reports that Russian invaders launched its largest mechanized assault since October 2023 in western Donetsk Oblast, which was blunted by AFU defenses. #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Tony the Mechanic mastodon (AP)
This is another win-win from the Biden-Harris administration made possible by the administration’s 2021 Infrastructure Law.

#CleanEnergy #Harris2024

Clean energy element needs could help clean up Appalachian coal mines | 90.5 WESA:

Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
“Adobe exec compared Creative Cloud cancellation fees to ‘heroin’”

This excuse is rich. Apparently simple math is too hard for Adobe.

So glad I canceled my Adobe subscription.
I asked Rao why the order screen doesn’t just clearly display the termination fee, which would solve a lot of the FTC’s problems, and his explanation was that calculating and displaying that price isn’t easy since the fee is 50 percent of a customer’s remaining term. “It will always depend on when you cancel. That’s how the fee is determined.”
Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
@starbreaker Maybe the attorney meant the LLM chatbot Adobe used to replace humans could not do it?

Tony the Mechanic mastodon (AP)
Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration for providing this funding to help protect and strengthen coastal communities from the effects of climate change, including flooding and extreme weather.

Republicans and Project 2025 plan to completely ignore climate change and eliminate our agencies that help us deal with it. #ElectHarris2024

Biden puts $575 million toward making coastal communities more resilient to climate change:
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

⛔️🇫🇮”No Clear Intent” Will Be NATO’s Claim Not To Act: Russian Vessel Violates Finish Territorial Waters (more) #Ukraine #Finland #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Steve Silberman mastodon (AP)
If anyone thinks Trump's statement to his nephew that disabled people should "just die" (actual quote) is just empty talk, the GOP's Project 2025 will put it into action by framing the deficit as a "Medicare and Medicaid problem" instead of a GOP billionaire donor problem. If you want the disabled people in your life to "just die," vote red.
KalleMP mastodon (AP)
Both parties are captured by the same exact corporate interests. By design. The only hope for America and the rest of the world is to vote independent and vote for rational solutions that do not require half of the citizens to be wrong. A country should fix everything and anything possible where all people are in agreement and keep discussing those things that people are in disagreement until a universally fair solution is found.

Using the bully power of 51% of the media indoctrinated people to force the 49% to do what the media wants is horrible. If the media is taken out of the equation then most people want to do the right thing and be left alone and will leave others alone. The mainstream media in the hands of just few billionaires is used to divide people on mostly irrational, irrelevant, non political and emotional grounds into opposing caps that think they have nothing in common with each other.

If you actually want the medical system to be fixed the only small chance is going to be RFK Jr.

Check his policies, and decide which other candidate has the same priorities.

ethergear mastodon (AP)
Never mind the brain worm, RFK Jr was behind the worst measles outbreak in Samoa. 5700+ sickened, 83 dead, mostly children. He's never apologized.

To protect children around the world from disease, vote for Kamala Harris.

#kennedy24 #antivax #mastodonforharris #MicrobeTV

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Zhang Shuhong was a Chinese businessman who committed suicide after toys made at his factory for Fisher-Price (a division of Mattel) were found to contain lead paint
#til #todayilearned

Joerg Fliege diaspora
The owls are not what they seem, and David Lynch has brought a new album out:

Bedeutende Herrscherinnen: Katharina von Medici
Wenige Wochen nach ihrer Geburt ist Katharina von #Medici eine wohlhabende Vollwaise. Sie wächst als Schützling des Papstes Leo X. auf, der gleichzeitig ihr Großonkel Giovanni von Medici ist. Durch ihre Heirat mit Heinrich II., dem späteren französischen König, gewinnt sie an Macht und Einfluss.
Ja, eine faszinierende Frau.

Wenn ich #AlternateHistory schreiben würde, dann hätte ich Caterina dé Medici dort mit Machiavelli verheiraten; wäre eine explosive Mischung gewesen. 😉

Paradigm shift: Evolution is not as random as we thought

The researchers have essentially discovered an invisible ecosystem where genes can cooperate or can be in conflict with one another.

Tucson Sentinel mastodon (AP)
Racist, misogynist online disinformation already being used against Kamala Harris’ campaign
Vice President Kamala Harris has long been the target of racist and misogynistic attacks online, and in the days since President Biden endorsed Harris to be his successor, right-wing media and others have primarily focused on sexualized and racist narratives about Harris.
#Tucson #Arizona

Joerg Fliege diaspora
Perhaps the new UK government is not that interested in this "war on woke":

Government delays university free-speech fines
Controversial new powers for universities and student unions to be fined for failing to uphold freedom of speech have been put on hold by the government. Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said that would allow time to consider whether the law, which was due to come into force next week, would be repealed.

It also included a new complaints scheme for students, staff and visiting speakers, who could seek compensation if they suffer from a breach of a university's free- speech obligations. But a government source told the BBC the legislation would have opened the way for Holocaust deniers to be allowed on campus, and was an “anti-semite charter”.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Oooh, cool, you can write videogames which will cause a processor bug, which will permanently damage your Intel processor!

"The bug causes irreversible degradation of the impacted processors. We're told that the microcode patch will not repair processors already experiencing crashes, but it is expected to prevent issues on processors that aren't currently impacted by the issue."

#bugs #hardware #Intel

Anna Kennard mastodon (AP)
"What freaks conservatives out about Harris’ laugh is that it’s real. When she laughs she’s not enacting a performance of mirth; her laugh is genuine. What they really mean when they complain about it is How dare she! A woman? Thinking she has the right to just laugh whenever she wants to? What is the world coming to? This is what Trump and others on the right hate about Harris’s laugh: She thinks she has the right to laugh whether they like it or not, and with real joy."

D C Fitzgerald mastodon (AP)
🤔🇺🇸🇺🇦#humor #history #ethics #maga #hypocrisy
Looks like Cupp finally came to Woke County.

LionelB mastodon (AP)
A great relief to find this, for the first time this year. It was out enjoying the sun. It is a female Common Blue butterfly (Polyommatus Icarus).

Several blues have complicated but near identical markings.

#butterflies #insects
This butterfly has folded wings, with blue fluff bleeding in from the head.

It carries a very stylised pattern of black spots, with a fan of orange splashes

Lee mastodon (AP)
Doomald Trumpe
Last Chance Vance. #Veterans
DP0 mastodon (AP)
"When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power [...] more of an ability to speak your voice [...] than people who don't have kids."

That is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard. This would actually come down to parents voting of behalf of their children ... and automatically that what the parents vote for (rebellious teenagers will certainly love that 🙄).

Brought to you by the party that lives in constant fear of dead people voting.

kolya mastodon (AP)
Don't know or care, but that's a nice illustration there.
slightly higher res:

stefani mastodon (AP)
Neutron Star Matter:
a dilute solution of Protons in Neutrons

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Maaarbol Bisous du soir, espoir 😘😘😘😘

Frank Sonderborg mastodon (AP)
Daddy said so. So it must be true;-O
Image shows a fat business man sitting by the fire smoking a cigar and drinking Champagne. His little daughter is standing looking at her Dad the business man.
The Business man is saying to his daughter:
"When you say it is responsible for environmental destruction,  climate change, and the erosion of the middle class, it hurts Daddy's corporations feelings."
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

John Socks mastodon (AP)
How did I get on this mailing list?

Too funny, but also sad that this must be appealing to somebody.
A funding appeal which is framed as a poll says " 2024 national opinion survey on the Marxist hijacking of American education"

Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
Me ten years ago: "My computer is almost three years old. It's getting really old!"

Me today: "My computer is almost three years old! It's practically new!"

#GettingOld #Tech
2 people reshared this
Karl Pettersson mastodon (AP)
Almost 10 years ago, I worked at a school, and we dug up an laptop from about 2000 in order to read some floppies. I thought about that back then: the difference between a 2015 laptop and a 2000 laptop is certainly less significant than between a 2000 laptop and a 1985 laptop.
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
@KarlPettersson true. And I think that in 2030 we will still be able to use a 2015 laptop for normal use

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
No, an emailed code is not a great second factor to use on your VPN.

And no, it’s really not a good idea for that code to be in the subject line of the email.

Jens mastodon (AP)
Me, after being accused by my niece of being cringe challenged Leo, a lion like thing she bought, to the title "king of cringe" (a positive it seems)
Election results are in and Leo won in a landslide mostly because the voting cohorts consisted of me, her dad, her grandma, my husband and a passing neighbour
I tried chanting "stop the vote!" and still consider this an obviously stolen election. Covfefe


#France is raising taxes on flights to pay for trains

Countries affected by #fires should follow this: #Portugal #Spain #Greece #Italy

"If you fly from Paris to Barcelona the #airline not only pays no VAT, but is also exempt from kerosene #tax. If you make the same journey by #train, the rail company will pay an #energy tax and passenger #VAT. This means higher costs for the company which are usually reflected in ticket prices."

#FossilFuelsKill #TaxFlights
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
@AlexanderMars I'd be down with implementing heavy taxes in internal flights between the 3 major mainland airports (Lisbon, Porto, Faro), if that came with heavy investment to make that rail corridor better
@d3x7r0 Europe in general should impose taxes on tourists and direct the funds to infrastructure. Make the EITAS €14 instead of €7, that alone could generate an easy billion euros annually. I’m sure the average American would complain loudly, but that’s probably only what they spend on frappucinos in a single day.
‼️🇺🇦There are a few days left until the end of the fundraising campaign to support the Live: Ukraine project in July. During the day, you have raised money for the salaries of journalists at Live: Ukraine. Thank you very much 💙 (LINKS and More) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Produktionszyklen bei Mode werden immer schneller. Nun steht die Ultra-Fast-Fashion-Plattform Shein in der Kritik: vor allem wegen Schadstoffen.#Verbraucherschutz #Schadstoffe #Kleidung #Chemikalien #Konsum #Öko

Will Phoenix mastodon (AP)
Bumped into @Gargron in @waxandbeans . Good discussion and played a good album.

#vinyl #Mastodon
Mastodon plushy toy on a table infront of records
The Sundays Reading Writing and Arithmetic vinyl of shells on the cover

Síndrome Nicolás Monckeberg: Dícese de aquella afección que sufren personas cuyo principal interés es el dinero que provoca tener una apariencia física mucho mayor a la edad que realmente tienen (a.k.a. echos mierda)

Para muestra, en la imagen Monckeberg a los 48 años / Beto Cuevas a los 51.

ref: @daniel_cl #nx

Mirar al joven Luksic, que sufre del síndrome Nicolas Monckeberg, ayuda a subir el autoestima para nosotros los cuarentones.


Perdón por la frivolidad, pero... ¿Cómo que el niño Luksic que se postula a alcalde por huechuraba tiene 36 años?
Yo le echaba cerca de 50.

Imagínense como estaría si hubiese tenido que trabajar alguna vez
En unos días más cumplo 48 y me veo mil veces más joven que Luksic
Mirar al joven Luksic, que sufre del síndrome Nicolas Monckeberg, ayuda a subir el autoestima para nosotros los cuarentones.

0x1eef mastodon (AP)
I stumbled upon in my stars list. Discovered some nice tricks in the configuration files

Tionisla mastodon (AP)
Just came back from a summer trip for 5 days with some of "our" kids and teenagers at the north sea... Beach, sandcastles, sea, seals, starfishes, sea shells, fishes excited children you get the picture.

Was fun and hard work all at the same time, the accomodation was ok (think of a school trip hostel) and for some of the kids it was their first summer break trip ever. So, home sickness included...

But it was cool but *phew*... now *I* need a holiday...😀

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
People dealing with other people’s holidays need a holiday after their work is done 🙂

Βαρεθηκα, το κλείνω, πάω για ποτο

Wrzlbrnft mastodon (AP)
@tagesschau "SNCF" bitte. Und nicht, wie vor allem unteren Teil des Artikels, "SNFC". Merci beaucoup. 🙂
Tuchowski mastodon (AP)
"Scottish National Flying Club"? 🤔
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