Целый день ходьбы, хрен знает сколько выпято кофе. Этому челу ставят гипертонию. Время на 21:22. Охуенные врачи в России.

Klowder mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Warning: reality. Also COVID.

me·ta·phil, der mastodon (AP)
Das ist auf so vielen Ebenen eine Meldung aus einem komplett verrückten Paralleluniversum. 🤯 *schreit ins Sitzkissen im Ruheabteil*

„#DeutscheBahn: Stellenstreichungen und Ausgabenkürzungen nach Milliardenverlust“
Das Wissing dreist genug ist da überhaupt was zu kritisieren seit er die Politik seiner Vorgänger fortführt…
EbruKash mastodon (AP)
Das sind wahrscheinlich die Vorgaben, des Vorstandes, um sich Boni auszahlen zu lassen.

Snowshadow mastodon (AP)
⚠️ 🚨

Please report this account below because it is spamming this every few seconds-and nothing else.

Thank you.


Italian Godfathers of Orchestral Pop

FITNESS FOREVER – L'Anarchica Pugliese (The Apulian Anarchist)

#Indie #Pop #music from #Italy

Derick Rethans mastodon (AP)
📷 Atlantic Puffins

🚩 Sumburgh Head, Shetland, United Kingdom

#Photography #Birds #Aves #Shetland
Two Atlantic Puffins sitting on the grass, with pink flowers around them. The background is a blue body of water.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The Register mastodon (AP)
Intel nabs Micron exec to oversee foundry business ambitions

Memory veteran to help Gelsinger and co with longstanding internal/external contract manufacturing plans Intel is set to hire an executive from memory chipmaker Micron to head its foundry biz as the company pursues its strategy of turning its former internal manufacturing operations into a money-spinning concern.…
#theregister #IT

SpaceX to bounce back from Falcon 9 failure with Starlink launch early on July 27

SpaceX plans to launch 23 of its Starlink broadband satellites early Saturday morning (July 27), on the company's first mission since a July 11 failure.
A rocket launch carves an orange arc into a dark night sky in this long-exposure photo.

Astroscale's space debris removal demo mission funded for 2026 launch

Astroscale's ELSA-M demo space junk collector will remove a defunct OneWeb satellite from orbit in 2027.
Two cube-shaped satellites rendezvous is black space. A visualization of the ELSA-M space junk collector and its target%2D a satellite from the OneWeb megaconstellation.

Megawatt charging stations able to re-power electric trucks within regulatory rest breaks
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is working with industry partners and research institutions to develop a megawatt charging system that would enable battery-powered trucks to perform long-distance cargo transport.

The first prototypes of a charging post capable of delivering peak power of 1 megawatt (MW) was presented to the public on 19 July. The new charging posts will make it possible to sufficiently charge electric trucks for 4.5 hours of operation within the regulatory rest period, with no additional waiting time, said the university.

“The necessary infrastructure for the effective use of electric trucks is still lacking along the main transport routes,” Markus Lienkamp, TUM’s chair of automotive technology, said. He is leading the research consortium NEFTON, which is developing the required technical and infrastructure solutions.

“The technology for megawatt charging represents an enormous step forward.” Lienkamp added that battery-powered trucks have an efficiency of around 75 per cent, much higher than alternatives such as trucks powered by fuel cells with a 26 percent efficiency, and eFuels with a 14 per cent efficiency.

Frederik Zohm, executive board member for research and development at Man Truck & Bus, said that the project has demonstrated that electric trucks and megawatt charging are “the perfect combination for comprehensive decarbonisation of road-based freight transport.”

Sam Levine mastodon (AP)
Number of landscaping trucks I had to deal with this morning that decided a bike lane was a perfectly fine place to park as long as they put a cone or sign behind their truck to warn people: 2

Sam Levine mastodon (AP)
Number of total fools who did a weird partial stop to make a right on red looked to their left WHERE I WAS COMING FROM and proceeded to almost hit me: 1

I ended up almost on the left center line because I had been picking up speed coming out of a red light and there is a slight downhill at that intersection and I didn't want to slam on the brakes in case someone was closer than I thought behind me.

Sam Levine mastodon (AP)
The fool then kept trying to pass me on my right (I think?) but got stuck hovering nearly in my blind spot on because see: downhill and I picked up speed. *Finally* takes the first right turn. Because heaven forbid anyone in a car stop and let a bike with right of way actually have that right of way when you can get to the parking lot you are headed into 10 seconds faster.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
tse, Snoop Dog läuft mit ner Riesen-Fackel durch Paris.
Snoop Dog mit der olympischen Fackel.
Ja! Sollte aber besser ein Riesen Joint sein. Dit wär Stilecht.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
sieht mir eher nach ner Bong aus :blobcatsunglasses:

(btw.: 'Fackel' bedeutet aber auch dasselbe wie Joint)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

ADisorderlyFashion mastodon (AP)
America: home of the political party that will shame you for what you do with whatever set of genitals you have, as well as secondary sex characteristics, and then pick a VP candidate who fucked a couch and looks at dolphin/human porn

Tykayn mastodon (AP)
j'ai pu faire marcher #lynx mais j'arrive pas à voir des pages avec #offpunk.

ploum mastodon (AP)
: n’hésite pas à poster sur la liste utilisateurs en décrivant ton problème

oh no the cats working in the ramen shop are acting like normal cats
a girl with short brown hair is looking at a lunch counter in a restaurant where various cartoon cats are lounging 

she shouts "what happened?"
oh well that explains it
An orange cartoon tabby wearing a blue headband with it's arms crossed is talking to a silver haired xat wearing a blue jacket

the tabby says "where have you been?" you're even wearing clothes"
the silver cat replies "I was over at the chamber of commerce"

Be sure to check who you follow or read.

“I am a Black American female woman who would never vote for Kamala Harris.”

#TrumpCriminalCartel #TrumpCrimeCartelOperations
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #Yourlyinposts
Dan Neuman reshared this.

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Lewd, USPol, couch, blasphemy

Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.

One political branch in Washington is in awe of a war criminal

#cartoon by Shahid #Atiqullah (Afghanistan)


#cartoon by Osama #Hajjaj (Jordan)


#cartoon by Mohammed #Afefa (Occupied Palestine)
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

Paul Hudson mastodon (AP)
Bought myself a new kitchen clock as a treat. Apparently my family are Philistines because they don’t appreciate the importance of this design, so I’m sharing this with you, my fellow geeks 🙂
A Mondaine clock, which is the official Swiss Railways clock design.

The excitement for Kamala Harris is real! Now let's bring that energy to our neighborhoods. Use our All In For Harris toolkit to host events and show your community why the VP is the leader we need. Let's make history together:

muıııo mastodon (AP)
As my mom would say, I sharpened my face.

NOH8 Campaign mastodon (AP)
#Prop3 gives California voters a chance to repeal the Prop 8 same-sex marriage ban & enshrine marriage equality into the state constitution #LoveWins #NOH8
#Prop3 gives California voters a chance to repeal the Prop 8 same-sex marriage ban & enshrine marriage equality into the state constitution #LoveWins #NOH8

Jamie Teh mastodon (AP)
iOS 18 braille screen input command mode is cool and all, but um... how do I do the equivalent of double tap? On a braille display, I'd normally use the routing keys for that. I don't think there's an equivalent chord command unless I'm missing it?
Doug Lawlor hometown (AP)
You can also do a two finger scrub to the right on most controls. If you are focused in an edit box the 3 6 chord must be used.
Kevin R Jones mastodon (AP)
Double tap as a braille command are dots 3 6 chord.

Don't roll your third eye on me

#cartoon by Maria #Scrivan
Tony diaspora
So funny 😁

Tonight, President Joe Biden said “We are a great nation because we are a good people.”

Earlier today, Donald Trump said: “We are a stupid country that’s led by stupid people.”

Who do you think we are?

And who do you want to be?

#quote by #JoJoFromJerz
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

2 people reshared this

Perfect High Winds...

#cartoon by Christopher #Weyant
N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

His chickens came home to roost
#cartoon by John #Deering
Joyce Donahue reshared this.

Roel Griffioen mastodon (AP)
Het kabinet dacht: kom we gaan eens het personeelstekort verergeren, de bestaanszekerheid verslechteren en de arbeidsmigratie verder aanjagen, met 1 besluit, knap he?

“Kabinet-Schoof bezuinigt op kinderopvang”
Dat zal goed zijn voor de personeelstekorten.

En maar mopperen dat zoveel vrouwen part-time werken.

He sure thinks about sex with anything a lot

J.D. Vance ridiculed for accidentally revealing explicit dolphin-based search history

Dhavide Aruliah mastodon (AP)
The pearl-clutching is so hypocritical.

After all, history shows us the RNC would not flinch if she'd said, "You have to grab that door by the p*ssy."
Darwin Woodka mastodon (AP)
I was all thrilled with Elissa Slotkin on the call last night cause she said "shit ton" ;^)

Michael mastodon (AP)
Imagine opening the facebook app and being greeted by #facebook ‘s ‘memory’, only to realise that this post, which clearly no one has looked at for 15 years, has a glaring typo.

I would’ve remained blissfully unaware of this, but now?! What do I do?! What an embarrassing typo to be haunted by 15 full years after the fact! I will never be able to let that go!

Why did you have to show this to me, facebook?! Why?!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Sander Meijer mastodon (AP)
had a "oh, now I understand moment" when I moved to the German speaking part of Switzerland. Back in the Netherlands you were used to the nice understandable grouping of ctrl-x, ctrl-c and ctrl-v for copy/pasting. Working with SAP there is also ctrl-y as part of copying from SAPGUI. Only in Switzerland it hit me why a Germany company came up with ctrl-y.
Michael mastodon (AP)
@spiezmaestro keyboard layouts are a funny thing, aren’t they?

I’m just glad I don’t have to work with a French keyboard. I had to use one once to type out an email, and boy was it painful…

Cosima Meyer mastodon (AP)
When I heard that there was going to be a book about software engineering and data science by Catherine Nelson, I was excited! I think it's a perfect combination, and as data scientists we can learn so much from software engineers about how to build reliable and good products.


#python #datascience #pyladies

Musk risks political fallout by endorsing Trump. Few CEOs are following.

Posted into POLITICS @politics-csmonitor

OpenNet mastodon (AP)
В 806 моделях материнских плат выявлен тестовый ключ, позволяющий обойти UEFI Secure Boot

Исследователи безопасности из компании Binarly выявили возможность обхода режима верифицированной загрузки UEFI Secure Boot на более чем 800 моделях материнских плат, выпущенных компаниями Acer, Dell, Fujitsu, Gigabyte, HP, Intel, Lenovo и Supermicro. Проблема получила кодовое имя PKfail и связана с использованием в прошивках не заслуживающего доверия ключа платформы (PK, Platform Key), сгенерированного компанией AMI (American Megatrends International) и поставляемого в качестве тестового примера. Наиболее старые прошивки, в которых использовался тестовый ключ, выпущены в 2012 году, а самые новые датированы июнем 2024 года. По данным исследователей проблеме подвержены более 10% всех проверенных прошивок.

micropainter mastodon (AP)
Why is Danielle Smith making evacuees traumatized by the Jasper wildfire wait for seven days for any financial assistance? Has she offered any towns and cities (including in BC) any funding to support the evacuees?

Also, what tears? Didn't see any tissues.

#ableg #Jasper #JasperFire #yyc #yeg
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