Not gonna lie, I'm feeling "We're not going back" as the slogan for this election.
2 people reshared this
moondog548 mastodon (AP)
It's something we can all agree too, despite all on which we don't.

It's catchy, but it's also *actionable*

In retrospect, it's probably exactly what we needed!
Will :toad: mastodon (AP)
The people's choice. You could see it happen in real time on day one.

Bitwarden mastodon (AP)
Join us NOW for our version of office hours for an open discussion about Bitwarden, security, passwords, and anything else.
✨ Vault Hours 42 - crowdcast ✨

tk mastodon (AP)
Om noen i #Tønsberg eller #Færder skulle ha lyst på kompostjord, si i fra. Bingen er i ferd med å renne over, og jeg klarer ikke bruke alt.

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
💣💣 “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race” - NY Times Editorial Board
Locksmith mastodon (AP)
@TheDarcBird The new headline is:
"President Biden left the race to serve his country. How that spells bad news to Democrats in November."

Läuft. 👍
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
War doch absehbar...
SAP 10k
DB 30k
Postbank 1k

Es geht bergab.
@gondo Jupp. Jetzt müssen die letzten Gewinne auf Leichen garantiert werden. Wird sportlich dann in der Gesellschaft.
TheRiver2010 mastodon (AP)
Schon mal 55K auf dem Weg zur Bezahlkarte, der Rest muss halt länger für lau arbeiten...

M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
Huh. #TIL a galleon wrecked on the Oregon Coast in the 1600s. Historians finally figured out which one it was because indigenous people kept bringing huge blocks of beeswax to Astoria to trade, and "[o]nly the Spanish traded beeswax across the Pacific in large quantities, which was needed to make candles for churches in their colonies in the Americas."
Beeswax shipwreck:

Lee Petersen mastodon (AP)
Western arctic shootingstar (Primula frigida) in the Nome Creek Valley of the White Mountain National Recreation Area, Alaska.

In my Alaska Wildflower Guide:

Prints and Wall Art:

#BloomScrolling #wildflowers #Alaska
A close-up photograph of Western Arctic Shootingstar (Primula frigida) flowers in the Nome Creek Valley of the White Mountain National Recreation Area, Alaska. The flowers have vibrant magenta petals that curve backward, exposing the dark, pointed stamens. They are set against a blurred, natural background, with bright green leaves visible at the base of the tall, slender stems. The sunlight highlights the delicate texture of the petals and the lush green foliage.
Rick Thoman reshared this.

#TRANSFORMERS ONE | Official Trailer 2
I'm not expecting the most out of this, but it could be fun.
#Animation #TransformersOne #cinemastodon

We Should Bury This mastodon (AP)
god I hate Denver so fucking much

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
NASA announces Perseverance rover on Mars “has found a fascinating rock that has some indications it may have hosted microbial life billions of years ago…”
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
bhahne mastodon (AP)
Just don't bring a sample back to Earth and incubate it in a lab. "Don't worry, it's perfectly safe!" 😮

**- Vous pratiquez des sports extrêmes ?
  • De temps en temps, je contredis ma femme !**

TheDarcBird mastodon (AP)
It wasn't until I started reading the article that I realised that this was actually the government protecting universities from undue pressure and financial constraints.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
U.S PCE price index (MoM) actual: 0.1% vs 0.0% previous; est 0.1%

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

EarthMomma mastodon (AP)
Mr Scaredshitless is attempting to make everyone skeered.

But evidently doesnt understand that Ms Harris is not yet the POTUS.

Im sure all Don the Con has to do is pick up the phone and demand Putin and Xi stop it right now,

C'est quand le moustique se pose sur tes testicules que tu comprends que la violence ne résout rien dans la vie.

Shoq mastodon (AP)
You mean the “feta-verse?” Or was it the “fedee-verse?” or the “federated universe?” There are probably a dozen people on the planet who know what “federated messaging” is. Imagine if the “Internet” has been called, “TCP/IP Net.” The only people I meet who like the term are the early pioneers, and many of their peers dislike it, too. But it’s probably far too late to change it.

In reply to…

What ;'s wrong with "fediverse" as a name?

I like "Fediverse". Maybe it just needs a flag. [insert Eddie Izzard joke here].
Flag of the organization "The United Federation of Planets" as seen in Star Trek.

Lisa Kalayji mastodon (AP)
"These “true crime” shows describe women like Olivia, victims of domestic violence who kill their abusers in self-defense as evil, manipulative, promiscuous, insane, and monsters. The prison staff who watched the episode recounted how the prosecutor called the actor portraying Olivia a violent psychopath.

In 2015, nine years after my conviction for killing my abusive boyfriend, I was contacted by a production company... When I didn’t reply, the next set of letters was menacing: We’re going to do the show with or without you. You should want to help others avoid your fate."

The goal of women’s “true crime” shows is to make us look like violent monsters instead of victims of violence. This media operates as the carceral state’s cultural minister—it manipulates viewers into believing we, as survivors of abuse, should be punished for being alive."

#PrisonIndustrialComplex #VAWG #VAW #Media #TV #Film #Patriarchy #Misogyny #StateViolence #Abolition #AbolishPrisons #Capitalism

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Besitzen UnternehmenserbInnen mehr als 26 Millionen Euro, müssen sie eigentlich Steuern zahlen. Ein Schlupfloch erlaubt ihnen, das zu umgehen.#Erbschaftssteuer #Milliardäre #Bundesverfassungsgericht #Steuerpolitik #SozialeGerechtigkeit #KolumneErnsthaft? #Deutschland #Politik #Serie
eeepee reshared this.
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Und das hat ihnen vermutlich wie immer ein hohes Tier aus der Finanzverwaltung gesteckt?!

(oder umgekehrt, aber was macht das schon für einen Unterschied)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
In new major poll, 89% (!) of Americans agree with Biden's decision to end his run for another presidential term.
CORRUPT mastodon (AP)
Mass panic.

So, a guy got out his gun and shot a tree-trimmer because he was angry about the noise

#guns #guncrazy #somepeopleskids #murica
Then there was a SWAT team and a 6-hour standoff.
People with guns are like bees with singers. Most are ok, but it's the one in the many thousands that will cause an avalanche of terror and chaos. And we have no licensing, insurance, or certification requirements.

I've been formally trained by law enforcement to maintain and operate firearms, but I do not own one because liability exceeds my need to have one. Unfortunately, we have way too many aggressive Barney Fife simpletons out there with guns
Illinois has pretty strict gun laws... but illegal guns are still out there - and this guy probably did have a permit. If he bought it within the last few years, he would even have to have had safety training.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
One way bee escape box - attempt to extract bees from a travel trailer without losing the hive or spraying chemicals. End of the tube will be affixed to the current exit hole for the hive. Bees will crawl through tube to red bee escape (one way, they can leave but not return). They end up in a hive nuc with wax and hopefully will assume it an extension to the hive. Eventually all the brood and rhe queen in original hive will move out into the new box. Maybe. #beekeeping
Vacuum tube screwed and gorilla taped to an ugly lime green box. Top view of back of box showing cone and tube and a frame
Red cone inside a box, taped in place with gorilla tape.
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
@msbellows @me_valentijn Not yet set up. The box is ready, need to go drive over and connect it tonight when it's dark!

Newsmast unkn (AP)
We're logging off now.

If you have any issues over the weekend feel free to drop us a message, we'll pick it up on Monday.

You can also check out our website here:

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Y'all thought I might be kidding but my quarterly review is due next week, which I'm doing on time for the 1st time in decades simply because I want to smite people, included the following priority:

Non-value-added training
• Engage up to 5% of weekly time to non-value-added trainings so that another may claim organizational building success without sufficient measure.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
• Sacrifice work/life balance to enable arbitrary training checkboxes

I'll be honest, the equally weighted endorsements on this headline gave me a bit of a giggle. The Obamas AND RuPaul!!?? 😉

Christopher Baker mastodon (AP)
#Wordle 1,133 2/6*

Wonderful! 🎉🎉🎉
Christopher Baker mastodon (AP)
Thank you 🙏👍

Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
“In the past, communists marched in the streets waving red flags. Today, they march through HR [Human Resources], college campuses, and courtrooms to wage lawfare against good, honest people. In Unhumans, Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec reveal their plans and show us what to do to fight back.”

J.D Vance

Yup that’s right, anyone with a progressive mindset is ‘unhuman’ in the eyes of #Vance.
Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)
“On a base level, unhumans seek the death of the successful and the desecration of the beautiful.”

Let’s just remind ourselves that Unhuman has a forward by Steve #Bannon who is currently sporting some rather fetching prison overalls last I heard…

This is so incredibly stupid and I cannot stop laughing
The hole in a guitar is traditionally used to store soft cheeses and dried meats which are fed to the drummer when he does a good job

Newsmast unkn (AP)
"On X, you can say transphobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic slurs with very little consequence."

@saskia went back to Twitter / X this week as part of our mission to help the people who are still over there join better alternatives.

She put her findings into a blog but we warn you, it's not good news.

#Twitter #Mastodon #Fediverse #ElonMusk #TwitterIsDead
almondtree reshared this.
Maddy :verifiedp2: mastodon (AP)
I know plenty of people who are aware of Mastodon but don't leave Twitter either because they either think it's complicated, or think others think it's complicated and it won't ever catch on.

I understand that concern when it comes to those who make their living on and through Twitter. But it does need to be made clear, making an account on a Mastodon instance doesn't make your Twitter account disappear into the ether. (yet.)
Newsmast unkn (AP)

100% we'd love to see more people drop Twitter completely and move to the decentralised alternatives, but a lot of people (especially nonprofit orgs we hope to work with) can't do that.

Until then, we'll be encouraging them to try it out so making the move comes easier later.

earthquake friendica (via ActivityPub)

bon, ils disent pas encore "des solutions qui fonctionnent comme annoncé" ou des "véritables systemes d exploitation" ou encore des "solutions éthiques et collectives " , le vocabulaire est encore trop absorbant et résigné.. mais on avance un peu .. ils ne parlent pas non plus des modes de rémunération ni des licences, et font au plus prés du user lambda qui, traumatisés par les produits microsofts a un reflexe de rejet de l economie qui est associée au numérique et qui se construit encore, avec des pistes sérieuses d avenir, sur un terrain miné par bill gates et tous ces sbires. bref, c est pas vu sur framasoft ok, mais l info y est.
Magdoz diaspora
Voir mon commentaire sous le post original.


flexghost. mastodon (AP)
I laughed so hard coffee came out my nose ☕️

No, fascist loving New York Times, he hid like a coward. Donald Trump is hiding from debating Kamala like a coward

…Why don’t you go post another article about how he was a brave little soldier with his ear owie from a glass fragment

Headline Now Facing Harris, Trump Backs Off Commitment to Debate in September
The former president suggested moving a debate from ABC News to Fox.

Can the New York Times and maga Haberman Take Trump’s 3 inch dick out out of their mouth for like three minutes?

Madame President mastodon (AP)
You are up guys!!
I was on the Zoom breaking call last night.
Small donation until payday...
Guys for Harris are up on Monday.
Zoom call , please register and be ready.

newer older

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