It blows my mind that, in 2024, there are men younger than me who think all women want is to bag a man and start a family. AND any woman that didn't do this from the jump is miserable, and the cure for that is to bag a man and start a family. Get fucking real, man.
OtownKim reshared this.
I wonder what gain those that brownpill those poor saps expect.
Are facistonaires really so simple minded they expect "more poor people, more profit, for infinity" to continue working? Or is it smaller leeches sending their preprogrammed message on repeat, like a sos beacon next to a decaying corpse?
CynAq🤘 mastodon (AP)
@admitsWrongIfProven rich people and their fans don’t expect it to go on forever. They just believe they’re shielded enough from the real world that they will still come out on top (and alive) when all hell breaks loose.

They’re betting on everyone killing each other to bring the population down to manageable numbers, after which they will achieve sustainability without changing a dang thing about their lifestyles, if not improve upon what they have now.

That’s the reason for things like the AI push and cryptocurrencies before that. They envision themselves the rulers of a post-apocalyptic tech dystopia where traditional governments don’t exist.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Saskia unkn (AP)
I went back to X this week with @newsmast

It's fallen further than expected but you can read more in my latest blog post:

If you'd like to keep up with my thoughts on social media, X, and the future of the Fediverse and wider Social Web - please subscribe. It's free!

#Twitter #X #Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialMedia #Masculinity #Blog #Barbie
Newsmast unkn (AP)

We'll give them a follow!

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Russische Zentralbank erhöht Leitzins auf 18% angesichts „beschleunigter“ Inflation #Nachrichten #News #WorldNews
Russische Zentralbank erhöht Leitzins auf 18% angesichts „beschleunigter“ Inflation

Original Post von Mario Sixtus auf Bluesky (

Seltsam, gemessen an dem, was so in der Öffentlichkeit am lautesten debattiert wird, könnte man auf die Idee kommen, dass Klima-Aktivisti die größte Gewalt ausüben. Dabei sind es — Surprise! — Faschisten!

Gewaltbereite noAFD-Fans

Frog and Toad Bot mastodon (AP)
‘I am not hungry now,’ said the Dark Frog. ‘I have eaten too many tasty frog children. But after I jump rope one hundred times, I will be hungry again. Then I will eat YOU!'

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Feel very vindicated that finally pointing out GOP opinions, actions & behavior is socially unacceptable is becoming a thing.

These people and their voters (clearly) do not respond to reason. They will respond to social pressure.

Point your figurative and literal fingers at them and laugh and call them out.
ADisorderlyFashion mastodon (AP)
Sure does seem like it's been a hot minute since I've seem a conservative person use the term "facts don't care about your feelings"

levels checker mastodon (AP)
beatlemania levels are 83% and falling

(83%) ■■■■■■■■□□

Birne Helene diaspora

Wahlkampf in Cottbus

Schwarze CDU-Politikerin attackiert

Im Landtagswahlkampf hängt eine Kandidatin der CDU mit ihrer Familie Wahlplakate in Cottbus auf. Dann wird sie rassistisch beleidigt und angegriffen.

Schwerpunkt: Wahlen in Ostdeutschland 2024

#taz #tageszeitung #CDU #Brandenburg #Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus #Staatsschutz

eeepee diaspora

Wahlkampf in Cottbus

Schwarze CDU-Politikerin attackiert

Im Landtagswahlkampf hängt eine Kandidatin der CDU mit ihrer Familie Wahlplakate in Cottbus auf. Dann wird sie rassistisch beleidigt und angegriffen.

Schwerpunkt: Wahlen in Ostdeutschland 2024

#taz #tageszeitung #CDU #Brandenburg #Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus #Staatsschutz

UrbanEdm mastodon (AP)
Heat pump question for #yeg residents. Do you have a heat pump? If so, were you able to fully electrify, or just supplement gas heating? If fully electrified, was this in a retrofitted house, or brand new super-insulated house?

Called a recommended provider who didn't seem to think my hopes of full electrification were realistic. Want some feedback from the community.
My understanding is that supplementary heat is still a necessity in #yeg, but that’s not really the catastrophic flaw that it’s often made out to be…
If the heat pump is adequate in -15C (to heat your house to 20C), then when we have -25C, your gas furnace only needs to provide an additional 10C worth of heat, not the full 45C difference. Essentially the heat pump transports your home to a different ‘climate’ where only minimal heating is required from your ‘traditional’ source.

dbx mastodon (AP)
Prioritäten, so wichtig.. 🙄

Zeitungskasten der Abendzeitung in München. Schlagzeile 
"Große Kontroll-Aktion
Kampf gegen Radl-Rambos"
Daneben zwei Polizisten, die eine Radfahrerin kontrollieren. 
Darunter zwei Polizisten, die mit einer Schablone ein "Warnschild" auf einen Radweg sprühen: "Stopp, falsche Seite"

He’s No. 2! He’s No. 2! (See what I did there?!)

Cap’n Guyliner is Mooselini with a beard (H/T Scissorhead Skinny-D)

Cap’n Guyliner and Hillbilly Effigy JDVance literally wrote the foreword for a new book by former Trump administration staffer and Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts —who is also the architect of fascistic Project 2025. The book, Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America is a rundown of why Project 2025 is such a great thing. Says Cap’n Guyliner:
“Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism,” Vance writes, according to the book’s Amazon page. “We are now all realizing that it’s time to circle the wagons and load the muskets. In the fights that lay ahead, these ideas are an essential weapon.”

What ideas? Like Vance, Roberts is obsessed with the idea that the left controls major American institutions — he lists Ivy League colleges, the FBI, the New York Times, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Department of Education and even the Boy Scouts of America. The book argues that “conservatives need to burn down” these institutions if “we’re to preserve the American way of life.” (Vox has requested a copy of the book, but has not yet received one at the time of this writing.)

As we all know, Our Stable Jenius, the disgraced 78-year old, 34-count convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Donald Trump has tried to distance hisself from Project 2025, which was written by many of his closest allies and the nazis who are likely to staff his next administration and will administer Project 2025.

Despite Hair Füror’s denials, Trump = Project 2025. That’s the truth, and that is the message.

So back to Cap’n Guyliner, he’s in the soup. There are many articles and thought pieces up today wondering why Grandpa Sundowner chose him, and of course how long until The Apprentice is You’re Fired’ed, including former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci who wonders “how many Scaramuccis J.D. is going to last?”:
He is not doing well on the stump for Donald Trump. He’s hurting him, the memes on social media are killing him, the net negatives are terrible for the vice president. The vice president on the Trump campaign is supposed to get out of the way, and he has become an issue for Donald Trump. So he could have picked Nikki Haley, or he could have picked somebody, but Trump is such a narcissist he didn’t want anybody taking credit for his electoral success. He didn’t want somebody on CNN saying, “Yeah, he won that and Nikki Haley helped him,” so he picked J.D. Vance and now he’s got to live, at least for now, with this millstone on his neck. I mean, he may or may not make it to November 5th.

The excrescence known as Steve Schmidt is gloating for obvious reasons: someone FINALLY made a worse choice than Sarah Palin!!1!
I always knew it was theoretically possible that Sarah Palin would one day be eclipsed by a candidate more dishonest, fraudulent and weird than her. In the way I know it is possible for aliens to arrive tomorrow, I’ve always known it was possible that one day someone as equally unfit and terrifying could emerge. I just didn’t think I’d live to see it.

Yet, here we are in 2024, and the man who believes Putin is our friend and cat ladies are a threat is poised to be a heartbeat away from the presidency if Donald Trump wins.

Polymarket has a political futures contract on whether Sen. J.D. Vance will remain as Donald Trump’s running mate, if you want to get in on the action.

UPDATE 1: Not that this should be a surprise, but Kevin Roberts is part of Opus Dei.

Nur Fassade

Der NRW-Landeschef der AfD Martin Vincentz (links) und Matthias Helferich
Der NRW-Landeschef der AfD Martin Vincentz (links) und Matthias Helferich © [M] Alexander Hoepfner für ZEIT ONLINE Foto: Thomas Banneyer/​dpa/​dpa

Für ihr exklusives Treffen hat sich die rechte Szene ein Gasthaus im bayerischen Gremheim ausgesucht, ein Ort mit etwa 540 Einwohnern nahe der Donau. Es ist Samstag, der 13. Juli. Im schmucklosen Gastraum mit großem Kruzifix an der Wand wurden Tische zu einer langen Tafel zusammengeschoben, an der hinter Biergläsern einige Männer sitzen, manche von ihnen scharf gescheitelt. Unter den Männern, das zeigt ein Foto, das ZEIT ONLINE vorliegt, befindet sich auch Andreas Kalbitz, Rechtsextremist und ehemalige AfD-Größe aus Brandenburg. Auch zwei Landtagsabgeordnete sind dabei. Einer von ihnen: Daniel Zerbin aus Nordrhein-Westfalen.


#noafd #nrw #gelsenkirchen #landeschef #DanielZerbin #niewiederfaschismus #antifa #widerstand

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Dan Neuman reshared this.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
“Kamala Harris knows exactly what she will do on Jan. 6, 2025” - Election Law Blog

Maddad ☑️ mastodon (AP)
Elon Musks’s trans daughter accuses billionaire of lying about her medical care and being absentee dad

#Elon is an unfit business man and even worse, an unfit father..
He actually told his daughter to lower her voice tone when talking...😡 😡

His cars are junk,
His spacecans blow up on launch,
His chat app has lost $billions
He wants to put chips in your brain....😱
How can such an idiot be so rich, this could only happen in America..
I get the impression he thinks plantation owners were/are always safe.
That's just not true.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
The media is already failing in its duty to fairly cover Kamala Harris | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian

"Sure, Harris deserves scrutiny. But she doesn’t deserve smears and stereotypes amplified by journalists and pundits addicted to clicks"

Call it out when you see it, guys.

#Harris #Harris2024
nutmeg mastodon (AP)
Good on The Guardian (Sullivan) to call it out, and early.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
The European Union Friday transferred $1.6 billion in frozen Russian assets held by central securities depositories to #Ukraine for military and reconstruction support against Russia's invasion.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
This latest listeria outbreak is the wurst.

"Boar’s Head Provisions Co. recalled its liverwurst because it may be tainted with the listeria bacteria, the U.S. Agriculture Department said. The company is also recalling additional deli meats that were produced on the same line and on the same day as the liverwurst. "

#listeria #outbreak #health
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
USDA Recall Notice: Boar's Head Provisions Co. Recalls Ready-To-Eat Liverwurst And Other Deli Meat Products Due to Possible Listeria Contamination

#boarshead #recall #foodrecall #liverwurst #listeria #outbreak

Voice of America mastodon (AP)
Employees of French national railways SNCF work on railway tracks in Croisilles Friday after arson attacks on the high-speed rail network just hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Arson attacks scrambled France's high-speed rail network for tens of thousands of passengers on Friday, after what officials called premeditated acts of "sabotage" just hours before the Paris Olympics opened.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

lolgop mastodon (AP)
Looks like I'm going to need your arguments for which state we should focus on next now that we've raised more than $20,024 for Arizona.

ploum mastodon (AP)
Suite aux sabotages dont a été victime la #SNCF, Microsoft sort un communiqué à destination des saboteurs :

"Amateurs !"
AngevinVelotaf mastodon (AP)
ça ne me fait pas rire du tout, le sabotage d'installations ferroviaires. Ceux qui ont les moyens d'avoir une bagnole ou un jet privé s'en battent les...

The Register mastodon (AP)
Happy Sysadmin Day, the Bitlocker keys are in a bowl on top of the fridge

Vote below for the best way to celebrate our underappreciated heroes Seven days after CrowdStrike's bad update took down Windows-based computers around the world, System Administrator Appreciation Day has arrived. And what lovely gifts did your employer spoil you with today? Shares in the company? A brand new Cybertruck? A…
#theregister #IT

Dgar mastodon (AP)
Forgot to go to the gym today.

That’s 8 years in a row now…
muıııo reshared this.
RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
wait until, like me, it is over 60 years in a row!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

It's safe to say this election cycle has been turned on its ear.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Why the frack are there earthquakes near Midland Texas?

Oh... never mind.

#Texas #earthquake
M5.0 earthquake to the east of Midland

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@Volibre Bisous du vendredi 😘😘😘😘

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Judge Arthur Engoron says he was ‘accosted’ by lawyer and won’t recuse himself from Trump case | CNN Politics

CUTIE Project EU mastodon (AP)
CUTIE Project WP3 - We keep moving forward! 🌟
Here are the 6 GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF CO-CREATION WITH STUDENTS, ➡️ AND… don’t miss the key elements in Connecting with Students' Voices at:

By co-creating, we focus on:
1. Roles, participation, and perspectives
2. Environment
3. Outcomes and benefits
4. Communication
5. Methods and models
6. Preparation

Students are the main focus of education in HEIs! 🎓
✅ Collaborate with them!

#edtech #digcompedu #teachercommunity
CUTIE Project WP3 - We keep moving forward! 🌟
Here are the 6 GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF CO-CREATION WITH STUDENTS, ➡️ AND… don’t miss the key elements in Connecting with Students' Voices at:

By co-creating, we focus on:
1. Roles, participation, and perspectives
2. Environment
3. Outcomes and benefits
4. Communication
5. Methods and models
6. Preparation

Students are the main focus of education in HEIs! 🎓
✅Collaborate and co-create on the ground with them! 

#edtech #digcompedu #teachercommunity #digitalempowerment
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Chris Nelson mastodon (AP)
Dovetail's ugly sister, pigeon knuckle.
A couple of hand hewn beams held together at a right angle by a primitive wedge joint. One board has a notch, and the other has a matching wedge, and they were driven together and nailed.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
Ouch. More like a "how to eventually split your vertical supports" joint.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Scotland’s Flow Country wins Unesco world heritage listing – BBC News #Scotland #UnitedKingdom
Scotland's Flow Country wins Unesco world heritage listing - BBC News

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Hurricane season forecast: When storms could appear again | CNN

Jay Bryant diaspora
And us childless cat men, too. And men with kids and cats, come to think of it.

I keep hearing about how the Earth had the hottest day ever. Didn't the earth used to be a giant molten ball?

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Kamala Harris: How her warp-speed campaign launch has changed the 2024 race | CNN Politics

#Harris #Harris2024
newer older

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