Quote of the Day

Cat Ladies

Black cat sitting on a shelf in a kitchen reaching for a knife in block on the counter below.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) slams JD Vance for denigrating voters:

“My God, they went after ‘cat people,’ good luck with that! Turn on the internet and see what cat people do when you go after ‘em.”

“It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.”

— Heartland Signal (@HeartlandSignal) July 25, 2024

Word-up! Muffin and her littermates are an army, and cats and their people do not take prisoners.

This guy is really good, btw:

The more you watch @Tim_Walz the more you like him. I think he would be an incredible VP. Watch him destroy Republicans talking points below ⬇️

— David Hogg 🟧 (@davidhogg111) July 26, 2024

Seriously! “Nobody unsubscribes to”

people running into JD Vance in public from now on
jay and silent bob screenshot where jay says "wait a second aren't you that guy that fucked the pie?" to jason biggs, but it says "couch" instead of pie because JD vance fucked a couch
OtownKim mastodon (AP)

John Gordon mastodon (AP)
So the answer to home users never doing backup was to make local data a cached version of cloud data with a patchwork of application specific versioning.

Someone probably predicted that. I want to know what other predictions they made.

katharine mastodon (AP)
In the Covid is not over hashtag, there’s been an uptick in people using it to announce their infections. For a long time, it was mostly being used for sharing Covid studies and reports (which is why I follow it).

Seeing the various ways people are catching it and dealing with it, my stance on people in general remains unchanged.

Brian Jopek mastodon (AP)
Nikki Haley gets told again to stick it. This is epic.

Haley Voters for Harris PAC has told Haley to have several seats.

“We have formally responded to @NikkiHaley's cease and desist letter.

We have deep respect for Ambassador Haley's patriotism and sacrifices.

We also believe that @KamalaHarris will be better for the country than Trump.”
OtownKim reshared this.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
Nimrata is a Sellout TRUNT!

stefani mastodon (AP)
Interactive Map of US Road Fatalities


Massive Covid spikes. When will Biden and Harris admit we still have a problem and the federal government has a role in responding?

DieVera mastodon (AP)
Morgen wieder Critical Mass. Kommt vorbei! ✊🚲

#criticalmass #criticalmassleipzig #cmleipzig #cmlpz #leipzig
Critical Mass Leipzig, Freitag 26.Juli 2024, 18 Uhr Augustusplatz

Alexander Roth mastodon (AP)
"Die Demokratie stirbt, wenn sich nicht mehr genügend Demokraten finden, die politische Ämter mit Leben füllen", schreibt Ann-Katrin Müller (S+) zum Rücktritt des Landrats Dirk Neubauer. Warum jetzt alle auf diesen Fall schauen sollten. (1/8)
Alexander Roth mastodon (AP)
Wenn ich eines bei meinen Recherchen gelernt habe, dann das vor allem anderen Solidarität hilft, gegen solche Angriffe bestehen zu können [Abo-Text]. Und Widerstand gegen den Terror. Beides hat in diesem Fall offenkundig gefehlt.

Frank mastodon (AP)
In diesem Kontext ist die Veröffentlichung der nicht anonymisierten RKI-Protokolle durch eine verschwörungsgläubige Querdenkerin besonders kritisch zu sehen. Denn jetzt sind Klarnamen in der Welt von Menschen, die zu Zielen gewaltbereiter Querdenker werden könnten*. Das wird viel zu wenig thematisiert, während die Querdenkerin als "Journalistin" geadelt wird.

* Edit: "schutzbedürftig" ersetzt. Eigentlich wäre niemand schutzbedürftig, wenn Coronaleugner nicht gewalttätig wären
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Flock of Nazguls mastodon (AP)
What, currently, is your *preferred* way of listening to recorded music?

  • Streaming (Spotify, YT, Tidal, etc) (45%, 5 votes)
  • Physical media (vinyl, CDs, etc) (27%, 3 votes)
  • Digital downloads (Bandcamp, HDTracks, etc) (18%, 2 votes)
  • Other (please specify) (9%, 1 vote)
11 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Flock of Nazguls mastodon (AP)
To answer my own poll, I find myself mostly gravitating towards digital downloads - lots of good stuff bought on #Bandcamp.

The artists get more compensation and I don't have to worry about some corporation pulling an album or track due to licensing.
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unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
72% of US upper-income, 42% of middle-income and 25% of lower-income Americans rate their current financial situation as excellent or good.

All these values are less than 2021, per Gallup.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

@occupydemocrats have been fact-checked too often for me to boost or share.

A fun visitor this morning, an adult Redheaded Woodpecker! I only ever had an immature here before. I love these guys, they are one of the prettiest woodpeckers we have. He/she was #CaughtonBirdfy but also visited the pond. I hope they stick around for a bit. Happy #Fridayvibes here! #birds #Ostdrossel

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Wood pellets production boomed to feed EU demand. But it's come at a cost for Blacks in the South | AP News

Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
Good reporting on Harris’s work on medical debt. Gift access at

Zack Labe mastodon (AP)
Friday ice update - #Arctic sea ice extent is currently the 3rd lowest on record (JAXA data)

• about 370,000 km² below the 2010s mean
• about 1,260,000 km² below the 2000s mean
• about 2,080,000 km² below the 1990s mean
• about 2,840,000 km² below the 1980s mean

Line graph time series of 2024's daily Arctic sea ice extent compared to decadal averages from the 1980s to the 2010s. The decadal averages are shown with different colored lines with white for the 1980s, green for the 1990s, blue for the 2000s, and purple for the 2010s. Thin white lines are also shown for each year from 2002 to 2022. 2024 is shown with a thick gold line. There is a long-term decreasing trend in ice extent for every day of the year shown on this graph between May and August by looking at the decadal average line positions.
3 people reshared this

Crooks&Liars mastodon (AP)
Great posts from @TheBradBlog, @Tengrain and @nomoremister.

Yay! @driftglass linked to my blog in the round-up this morning! (the link, however, is broken, so here’s the right url)
driftglass mastodon (AP)
Fixed. Management apologizes. And the damnfool who was responsible has been sacked!
Ya gave that bum the traditional cheese sandwich and a roadmap, right?

(Thank you for the link!)
driftglass mastodon (AP)
Fixed. And those responsible have been sacked. Many apologies.

Photos of the front-line town of New York in the Donetsk region show that Russian forces have destroyed a significant portion of the city.
2 people reshared this
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Thankfully, the majority of Americans support preserving democracy in Ukraine and saving as many Ukrainian lives as possible which is why the USA has been able to provide so much vital financial, military, and humanitarian aid to them while Joe Biden has been our POTUS.
…and to all and every supporter ukrainians are truly grateful! it means a lot. i'm sorry if my previous comment looked ungrateful.

however, the bottom line is (and it's not just my impression): the collective west, let alone the majority of individual citizens, just don't fully understand that a ww3 can be waged and lost (!) without a single shot fired by a nato soldier.

thus, people tend to get tired of ukrainian photos.
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rateexportpilot mastodon (AP)
Imagine the utter contempt these folk must have for their readers.

Edit: h/t to Parker Molloy's substack, "The Present Age"
Article in the WSJ from Jason L Riley on 7/9/24 titled "Kamala Harris would be the best democratic choice"
Article in the WSJ from Jason L Riley on 7/23/24 titled "Kamala Harris Isn't the Change Democrats Need"
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Are we even sure that those opinion pieces were even written by a human? I wouldn't be surprised if the NYT just didn't feel bullet points into ChatGPT and told it to spit out an editorial.

How spaceflight’s 'parastronaut program' could improve health-care practices here on Earth

ESA reserve astronaut John McFall's story inspired a study suggesting that the space community's inclusion efforts should be used in other fields, especially medicine.
an astronaut in flight suit floats in front of the camera during a parabolic flight. in behind are numerous other astronauts in flight suits spinning in different directions

@blk_intellect mastodon (AP)
France’s high-speed train lines disrupted by ‘coordinated sabotage’ ahead of Paris Olympics opening ceremony |

Russia would lose up to 1.8 million troops and take 5 years to capture the 4 Ukrainian regions it wants: UK army chief

I am afraid Putin will see this as a bargain.
Gen. Sir Roly Walker said he'd based his estimation on the "current rate of attrition of dead and wounded" faced by Moscow's forces in Ukraine, according to UK media. [...] "If they carry on as they are, it would probably take the Russians five years to grind their way to their minimum objectives of the four oblasts," he added, referring to Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
The otherwise hapless Moscow Mike Johnson was able to pass one of their appropriations bills this week. It would cut EPA’s base budget by 20 percent, the Smithsonian by 12 percent and the National Park Service would take a 6 percent hit.

The relatively tiny Council on Environmental Quality would see its funding cut by nearly 80 percent, down to just $1 million.

The GOP wants us to breath dirty air, drink polluted water, and to die of cancer from their donors' products!

The Act Blue small donations heat map is pretty much what you'd expect in most places. States like California, New York, and even Washington lit up in the major Democrat cities.

What's LESS expected is to see Florida all lit up like a goddamn Christmas tree. Y'all. Are my eyes deceiving me or is Florida flipping blue?
Act Blue small donations heat map
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Tim Chambers reshared this.
Tim Chambers mastodon (AP)
Bet we see that this map just tracks larger population centers and the blank spots are mostly areas with fewer folks living there, farm space, forests, deserts, etc.

Jason Leopold mastodon (AP)
NEW FOIA Files newsletter: 7 years ago, I requested memos then CIA Director Mike Pompeo sent to agency personnel. CIA finally turned over the docs. The cache included one memo that contained Pompeo's mother's fudge recipe, which CIA completely redacted
Memo CIA Director Mike Pompeo sent to staff wishing them a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. reshared this.
Jason Leopold mastodon (AP)
This week's newsletter is dedicated to all of the docs I've received lately that has taken govt agencies 7 yrs to process. Such as this one that DIA sent to Michael Flynn notifying him that his security clearance was suspended and the talking points that the agency used to answer Q's about it
Letter to Flynn advising him his security clearance was suspended
Talking points about Flynn's security clearance being suspended

Gerard mastodon (AP)
2 people reshared this
LGsMom mastodon (AP)
Absolutely monstrously insane.
LGsMom mastodon (AP)
“This event has been utterly devastating for the residents of Jasper,” Smith said today in a news conference. “All any of us can do in the face of such horrifying destruction is hold tight to what really matters. And the only thing that matters in this province is the ability of fossil fuel producers to continue to do their work mostly unhindered by the effects of the extreme weather that has become increasingly common during this century for some reason.”

#SevenYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff

July 26, 2017 – The Trump administration began the process of rolling back an Obama-era rule that would have allowed 4.2 million more people to qualify for overtime pay. Obama’s legislation lowered the salary threshold at which employees would be eligible for overtime pay.


#NeverAgainTrump #TrumpMustLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlue #GOP #Project2025 #Agenda47 #HeritageFoundation #KevinDRoberts
2 people reshared this
#SevenYearsAgoToday #AreYouBetterOff

Under the original proposal, any worker making $23,660 per year and working over 40 hours would either have to have their hours cut or their salary raised. The state of Texas awarded a temporary injunction, so Obama’s policy never took full effect. Trump eliminated that possibility.


#NeverAgainTrump #TrumpMustLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlue #GOP #Project2025 #Agenda47 #HeritageFoundation #KevinDRoberts

⛔️🇫🇮Because NATO never responds,invaders incursions become more bold: Russian vessel enters Finnish territorial waters (more) #Ukraine #Finland #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Quit paying attention to Colorado River water policy and pay attention to *ME!* #cat #CatsOfMastodon
A dilute orange tabby sits atop a desk, directly in front of a TV screen displaying Glen Canyon Dam.

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
you ever think about if there was another US civil war because of everything, the Wikipedia page belligerents section would have stuff like “Catturd” in it?

Helen Czerski mastodon (AP)
While it's very funny to watch The Metals Company whine about the deep ocean oxygen discovery they helped fund, I worry that this only the start. Climate tech startups want science to support their business case, but many are going to discover that science is about reality, not their bottom line
2 people reshared this

Lukas VF Novak mastodon (AP)
The #Biden-#Harris admin is putting $575 million toward making coastal and Great Lake communities more resilient to #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Harris2024 #ExtremeWeather #Climate

The projects are aimed at helping 15 states (as well as the US #VirginIslands and #Micronesia) assess their risks and build their workforces, acquire land, bolster resilience of public #infrastructure, and building natural infrastructure.
A view of massive waves at a beach in California
Nazani mastodon (AP)
We need mangroves.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
In Dnipro wird die Leiche eines Aktivisten gefunden. Auch im Zusammenhang mit dem Mord an der Nationalistin Iryna Farion gab es eine Festnahme.#Kriminalität #Dnipropetrowsk #KrieginderUkraine #Europa #Politik #Schwerpunkt

NOH8 Campaign mastodon (AP)
In landmark ruling, South Korea's top court recognizes rights of same-sex couples #NOH8

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
Rs are a threat🚨
X influencer today:

"Obamas endorsed Harris -thought they were going to hold their guns on Kamala -but going to go full throttle.
SO FAR LEFT -have to be a considered a literal Communist to throw your support behind her -NOTHING moderate about her policies & approach -Isn’t particularly “smart”. Could lose them a TON of votes if they fail to sell her RADICAL MARXIST agenda -Harris Presidency would be the END of America -should take her -candidacy VERY SERIOUSLY."
#Harris #USPol
VP Harris & TFG:
Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
I'm just posting what's happening on the right. I'm not a doomsdayer. We're in the majority, so I believe that Harris will win & that Dems will take the majority in the House, & maybe the Senate. But we can't take it for granted, so we have to work hard from now until Nov.

Admiral Byrd’s snow cruiser (designed to explore Antarctica) drives through traffic. Massachusetts, 1939.

What do you get when you win the competition for fewest muscles used?

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