⚠️☢️IAEA confirms shutdown of power unit at South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant last week due to malfunction (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Nonilex mastodon (AP)
Coordinated #arson attacks disrupted service on 3 high-speed #train lines in #France on Fri, causing #travel chaos across the nation on the day of the #OpeningCeremony of the #ParisOlympics. Train service is expected to be affected through the weekend, interrupting plans for >1M people, including French vacationers, Olympic athletes & tourists.

#geopolitics #Paris #Olympics #terrorism #security
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
The whole thing that these anti-USA/Israel cretins don't seem to understand, which really, really makes me question their actual interest in the well-being of Palestinians, is that protests need to garner support for your cause rather than to decrease it.

Desecrating memorials does NOT make you popular except among your own tribe which should already be supporting the cause you want more people to care about.

#Gaza #Israel #Protest
Radical Graffiti 

seen on the Vietnam memorial Canberra, referring to the fact that World War 1 graves of Australian soldiers have been destroyed by Israeli bombs during the ongoing (alleged ed.) genocide in Gaza.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Those videos for sure, but the pictures of them supporting terrorists which can just be those Hamas headbands and then the rightwing trolls can associate all sorts of stuff to organizations that literally are calling for the death and destruction of Americans are the very worst since they can just go viral so easily for them.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Of course, I entirely acknowledge that it is well within their rights to burn an American flag just like it's legal to fly Nazi flags, but all patriotic Americans should denounce it.

We rightfully call out their side when they carry tiki torches waving swastikas so we also need to call out the people from our side that are taking the side of the terrorists calling for the death of America.

I agree with MVP Kamala Harris!


 July 25, 2024 

Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris 

Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric. 

I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. 

I condemn the burning of the American flag, That flag s a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way. 

I support the right to peacefully protest, but let's be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Jay Bryant diaspora
John Scalzi (my favorite living author) commented on this today, too:

As I said in the comments on his post, it's way past time for the Ds to hit back, and I'm happy to see it. I hope the Harris campaign continues this approach.

Xavier mastodon (AP)
Went to the grocery store before work and saw someone with a magnificent ass wearing tight pants. My ability to focus is already shot for the day.

⚠️🇺🇦Assassination of former Ukrainian MP Farion: law enforcement check suspect's involvement in Russian neo-Nazi movement (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

I invited the amazing Lynda Carter to address the crowd on tonight’s LGBTQ+ community call, OUT FOR KAMALA HARRIS! And she agreed! Oh myyy.

Lynda is a Wonder Woman for our community and a true ally. Please join us tonight on the call, 9PM ET / 6PM PT. I’ll drop a link in the replies!
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
this has been so good so far!
Kyle mastodon (AP)
I joined the call last night but hopped off before the end, where did we end up? Curious about the number of people who joined the call and total funds raised.

My sister sent me this. It me.
A two panel cartoon. A man with folded arms is in the top panel with a speech bubble “if you don’t lower your standards, you will end up alone, chugging wine, with a bunch of cats.”  In the panel below a woman is reclining on a green chaise lounge with orange cushions. She is wearing a green low cut top and flowing red pants. There are two grey cats, one in front of the lounge and one standing near her feet. Her speech bubble says “don’t threaten me with a good time”

Hadas Weiss mastodon (AP)
the french are going all out for the olympics opening ceremony
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

ResearchBuzz mastodon (AP)
#cars #driving #privacy #DataBrokers #GeneralMotors #GiftArticle

'If you drive a car made by General Motors and it has an internet connection, your car’s movements and exact location are being collected and shared anonymously with a data broker.'

Israeli tourists in Tokyo attacked a pro-Palestine demonstration organized by local residents. They called the protesters "Nazis" and expressed hopes that their families would be raped and murdered.

#Gaza #WarCrimes #FreePalestine #IsraelApartheid #StopGenocideNow #CeaseFireNow #CeaseFireNowPermanently
#EndTheArmsTrade #BoycottBoeing #BoeingKills Hopefully the #Tokyo #Police introduced those Israeli's to the #Japanese #JudicialSystem. Which does not fuck around. Also, what goes around comes around. Here's hoping those Israeli's receive the same "#CollectivePunishment" that they so brazenly wish on others. #Israel #Gaza #genocide

Israeli tourists in Tokyo attacked a pro-Palestine demonstration organized by local residents. They called the protesters "Nazis" and expressed hopes that their families would be raped and murdered.

#Gaza #WarCrimes #FreePalestine #IsraelApartheid #StopGenocideNow #CeaseFireNow #CeaseFireNowPermanently
#EndTheArmsTrade #BoycottBoeing #BoeingKills

#AfDnee #Faktencheck


„Zu einer mündigen Demokratie gehört Faktenwissen. Denn Fakten sind die Grundlage für den Austausch über Politik. Wir wollen in diesem Faktencheck AfD-Positionen auf ihre inhaltlichen Aussagen hin überprüfen und Widersprüche offenlegen. Die jeweiligen AfD-Positionen sind verlinkt, so dass diese leicht überprüft werden können:
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Schwierig weil:
'Wir' wissen es größtenteils längst, und die anderen schert's nicht.

Ende Faktengelände.

⛔️⚠️War crime: Russian terrorists strike on elderly retiree accommodation building in Chernihiv Oblast: number of injured grows to 15 (more) #Ukraine #ICC #ICJ #Hague #Mastodon #ECHR #OSCE #CoE #PACE #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

kinda wanna make the top navigation bar on my site a dropdown so i can add as much crap in there as i want
@shellsharks yeah I feel like there’s no point having a navbar if you want to have more than like 2 pages lol
shellsharks mastodon (AP)
Right. My nav bar is currently three things - Hamburger menu | My site title/logo and then a search icon button. That's it. I could see the use (for some people) to have like their social profile logo or something up there but I think it looks nice to have it as clean as possible.

MrC mastodon (AP)
Another summer, another bunch of rich twats in Malibu putting up fake "Private Property" signs on the public beaches

Universal Hub mastodon (AP)
Legal question from a (perpetually) befuddled reporter. X sues Y on four specific counts. Under each count, X concludes Y is "liable to
Plaintiff for damages in an amount to be determined but in no case less than $5,000,000."

So when writing my story, do I say X is suing Y for $5 million or $20 million? Or should I just take the easy way out and say X is suing for millions of dollars?
Alex Feinman mastodon (AP)
"four counts for $5mil each"?
Pollux mastodon (AP)
How about “X is suing Y. X's lawsuit has 4 separate claims with X looking for up to $5m in damages per each claim. If X is successful with each claim, total damages could be up to $20m.”

⚠️🇺🇦Russian invaders target Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi civilians with aerial bombs, wounding two people (PHOTOS and more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

earthquake friendica (via ActivityPub)

tomgrzybow diaspora
"This only shows the limits of fact checking." Good point.
wow this one is savage

😂🇷🇴Regan’s courage NATO does not have: ”Strong protests” is all Romania is left with as NATO’s new “must have intent”
policy seeks to alleviate alliance of actually honoring treaty (more) #Ukraine #Press #Romania #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

That Israeli charm offensive at work again.....

#FreePalestine #Gaza #Japan #Israel
Video of confrontation on a Japanese street

"Israeli tourists in Tokyo attacked a pro-Palestine demonstration. They called the protesters "Nazis" and expressed hopes that their families would be raped and murdered"
Japan Mulls Recognition Of Palestinian State

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
look at these cool-ass people. the GOP is **so mad** that they are not this cool, just fucking hopping up and down in their little shoes.

8t3v3n mastodon (AP)
Typhoon Chaos: Barges Collide with Bridge in Philippines #Gaemi #TyphoonGaemi
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Updates are hard to find.

Anni Bürkl Autorin mastodon (AP)
Mag noch wer bald eine #Leseprobe lesen können?

Historischer Krimi, 1848, "Die Spionin in Wien".

Dann ab in meinen Autorinnen-#Newsletter

#Buch #schreiben #lesen #Literatur
Buchcover mit historischem Bild aus der Revolution 1848
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Eine Gruppe Jugendlicher hat zwei Männer am Spreeufer angegriffen. Nachdem es nicht gelang, ihnen eine Regenbogenfahne zu entreißen, schlug sie zu.#ChristopherStreetDayCSD #Homophobie #Angriff #GewaltgegenMänner #LGBTQIA-Community #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt

Laffy mastodon (AP)
To those of you who are into polls, via Kyle Griffin:

New NYT-Siena national poll:

Likely voters
#Trump 47%
#Harris 46%

Registered voters
Trump 48%
Harris 46%

Compare to early July NYT-Siena poll:

Likely voters
Trump 49%
Biden 43%

Registered voters
Trump 49%
Biden 41%
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
@philip_cardella I opened with "To those..." for a reason.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
@philip_cardella Totally missed the NFL

Bill Witte mastodon (AP)
Light rain ~1:30am last night about 0.01” accumulation on Keystone Ridge. 58°F overcast with fog at 6:30am. #MyAlaskaWx

In einem Abteil voller Jugendlicher, von denen einige husten, fragt mich der Mann neben mir, ob ich eine ansteckende Krankheit hätte, er sei nämlich vulnerabel.
Ich habe ihm dann gesagt, dass ich hier die letzte bin, von der er sich anstecken kann, und dass.ich noch nie Covid hatte. Habe ihm eine Maske angeboten, weil ich immer Ersatzmasken dabei haben, aber die wollte er auch nicht. Da wollte ich einmal einem Mann meine Maskensammlung zeigen... 🌶️
@energisch_ Ich habe kürz überlegt, wollte aber nicht so übergriffig sein wie er es war.

i'll have to continue looking at this in 9 hours lol but in here somewhere is the code that let's me make the top navigation menu just always be a hamburger menu
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
my best guess since it turns to a hamburger on mobile: everything in the media screen section (from line 8 down)
shellsharks mastodon (AP)
Yep, you’ll just want to remove the @media screen max-width stuff as that is the dynamic mobile CSS stuff

abadidea mastodon (AP)
this is my six month old baby Odin

#dogs #dogsofmastodon
photo of Odin, a six month old newfoundlander puppy, who is colossal, sitting on the couch with me
selfie of me with Odin sticking out his tongue. his head is like three times the size of mine. I am not a small person

There's a perfectly plausible explanation that JD wanted to see if his idea for an action hero named "Dolphin Woman" had already been done. Yah. That's the ticket. "Dolphin Woman".
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Fesshole 🧻 mastodon (AP)
Not my fess but my boyfriend loves peeing in the sea to the point that when we go to the beach, he holds it rather than going to an actual toilet so that he's guaranteed a piss in the sea. It's really off putting and I am thinking of breaking up with him.
Log 🪵 mastodon (AP)
Methinks the piss thing is not the main reason fesser's boyfriend is getting tossed out.

But also, what's the problem with pissing in the ocean? No poos, please, but urine in the brine seems just fine.
Cy unkn (AP)
pee in the sea
urine in the brine
piss in the abyss
watersports on the—(shot)
newer older

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