Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
VP Harris tells teachers union she’s ‘fighting for the future,’ blasts Project 2025 • Oklahoma Voice

Kim Perales mastodon (AP)
Cheering a known war criminal is an indictment on some Sens.
& Reps. Defending IL shouldn't incl. this PM:

A dazzled Congress gave #Netanyahu 58 standing ovations, lasting ~1/2 of the speech’s duration & marking a record in US history -at >400% -number KJU receives in NK. After a long, torturous hour -lawmakers scrambled on the HSE floor to shake the PM's hand.

Tlaib held a protest sign -rest of the crowd stood & cheered. (Not Murphey/Warnock) ~1/2 Dems didn't attend.

⚠️🇺🇦Ex-lawmaker Farion's assassination suspect‘s links to Russian far-right movement being investigated (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
In long-sought change, states must consider tribal rights when crafting water rules • Oklahoma Voice


Thierry Crouzet mastodon (AP)
Vulcania bikepacking tour Je vous partage la trace et ses variantes. Je me suis inspiré de la GTMC, de mon P27, de traces FFC, du tour des Combrailles et d’un GravelMan Auvergne 2022 ainsi que de nombreuses improvisations grâce à la heatmap Strava.
Je ne vais pas vous raconter en détail le voyage (je compte garder ce récit pour le roman hybride auquel je travaille), mais vous le résumer avec des photos et quelques commenta
ploum mastodon (AP)
: oui, je confirme, c’était la partie que j’avais préféré. Le meilleur souvenir. J’espère y retourner 😉
Combrailles Ninja mastodon (AP)
Ravi de voir que votre passage dans ma région vous a donné l'envie d'y revenir ! J'avais lu votre aventure sur la gtmc avec beaucoup de plaisir et ai même fini par me lancer dans le bikepacking après ça.
Étant natif du coin, je comprends que la chaîne des puy attire tous les regards, mais la chaîne de montagne de l'autre côté de la Limagne : de la Montagne Bourbonnaise au Forez est un terrain de jeu qui vaut le détour et mériterait d'être plus connu !
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Laffy mastodon (AP)
Musk is despicable.

#Transgender daughter of #Musk: he was an absent father who was cruel to her as a child for being queer & feminine...Musk said she was “not a girl” & was figuratively “dead,” & alleged he’d been “tricked” into authorizing trans-related med treatment for her… #LGBTQ
2 people reshared this
moggie mastodon (AP)
In this case, being absent was probably a good thing.

TheDarcBird mastodon (AP)
That's what I want to say.

Tomas Ekeli firefish (AP)
do other countries have the concept of "saturday sweets"?


AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Global News: Jasper wildfire: Rain, cooler weather limiting spread of wildfires in national park #Jasper #ABfires #ABwildfires #ABwx #JasperNationalPark

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
48 states told CNN they see no impediment to Harris being on their ballots. Florida and Montana did not respond to CNN's query, but the laws in those states clearly suggest there should not be problems there either.

Diane mastodon (AP)
You know what helps reduce economic inequality and the disgusting political power of the rich?


Taxing the ever loving shit out of the super rich, and their investments.

Make them actually do some work beyond siting around, yelling at people, snorting drugs, and pretending to be geniuses while they secretly know they are incompetents who only made it because of their ancestors wealth.

Steve Thompson mastodon (AP)
Harris needs to do her homework. There are aspects to this that are disturbing; she may be good at detecting liars in court, but doubt her expertise when it comes to falling for media propaganda, something she may not even be looking for.

Have brought this up before, her stance on Israel, and Gaza, will be a primary ballot box issue. For Independents she needs to win.

"US Vice-President Kamala Harris presses Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu over Gaza humanitarian crisis"

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
Buttigieg Taunts Trump for ‘Backpedaling’ on Kamala Harris Debate: ‘Extraordinary Show of Weakness’

Worryingly, the article doesn't elaborate on any details regarding what these species are doing with the robots they are using. 🫣

Home / World News / UK / UK researchers discove...

Updated July 27th, 2022 at 11:32 IST

UK researchers discover over 30 potential new species at ocean's bottom using robots

In what can be considered to be a breakthrough scientific development, over 30 potentially new species have been discovered by UK scientists at ocean's bottom.

World News • 3 min read

Reported by: Anwesha Majumdar
JB 🐎 :neuro: mastodon (AP)
I am literally alone giggling to myself like an idiot… OMG so funny! Thank you for that! I needed a good laugh!! 🤣

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
Disparity in Oklahoma minimum wage rates prompts calls for statewide increase • Oklahoma Voice


Jess👾 mastodon (AP)
Sometimes I still sit here and think about how 4 years ago, scientists pulled off a fucking miracle of developing 3 brand new vaccines for a novel virus that had never had a vaccine for it before in like 6 months, scaled it out to produce billions of doses, and then like 40% of the country just said "nah".
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
3 people reshared this
Doeshecook🌴🥥 Private Message mastodon (AP)
the rest of us texted each other of locations where we could go get the vaccine. I knew people that drove to the next state because they were more available. We knew it was not a Hoax.
Doeshecook🌴🥥 Private Message mastodon (AP)
@timrichards @ajsadauskas did you have the head of your country encouraging everyone to not take it seriously?

פְּרִי mastodon (AP)
The bodies of five Israelis killed and taken hostage by terrorists on October 7 were recovered by troops operating in the southern Gaza Strip and brought back to Israel on Wednesday, officials said.

Ravid Katz, 51, Oren Goldin, 33, Maya Goren, 56, Sgt. Kiril Brodski, 19, and Staff Sgt. Tomer Yaakov Ahimas, 20, were all previously declared dead by the Israel Defense Forces, though their bodies continued to be held in Gaza until Wednesday.

All five were killed on October 7 and their bodies were dragged into Gaza by Hamas-led terrorists.

⛔️🇪🇺EU Chaos As More Proof emerges that Hungary is already a member of the Axis of Evil: Hungary secretly takes record $1 billion loan from Chinese banks (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
Women’s health care in Oklahoma ranked one of the worst in the nation • Oklahoma Voice


GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
Breaking News:

The Christian God, The Buddha, Odin, Thor, Zeus, Zoroaster and the Muslim Prophet himself apparated at the latest Harris rally and fully endorsed her for the job of President.

TFG immediately called it Fake News, right before his location was struck by multiple bolts of lighting, earthquakes, a flood, and a rain of fish. JD Vance was not available for comment as he has been turned into a sectional.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Jonathan Schofield mastodon (AP)
I never cease to be astonished when people rigidly align their identity to a disparate anthology of storytellers who might have known someone who knew someone, who knew jack shit about the complexity of biology, and had highly motivated reasons for writing down some dogmatic guidance thousands of years ago, instead of everything we have learned since
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
cobalt reshared this. Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'

Daniel Hampton

July 25, 2024 11:23PM ET
Peter mastodon (AP)
OK, so Trump wants to cancel the debate because Obama hadn't come out in support of Harris.

What now, now that Obama HAS backed her? Still not interested? Or just a coward, knowing that Harris would wipe the floor with him?

#USPol #Harris #Trump #Obama

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL there's a music piece called "As Slow as Possible" that has a duration of 639 years. It can take years for a single note to be played.
#til #todayilearned
GraniteGeek mastodon (AP)
99 Percent Invisible had a big piece on it receently - it's very good:

@Gargron @Mastodon
We need tech support. Youtube video shortcuts are being overwritten with a banner in German, which some members report blocks the shortcuts. Youtube claims this is a Mastodon generated block. Would you please check my channel and determine if this attack is coming from inside Mastodon, or is Mastodon generated? Thank you.
Your videos are not blocked for me. But ALL YouTube descriptions are in German for me. It’s terribly annoying.

Helen Branswell mastodon (AP)
Colorado, which has now reported 10 human #H5 cases and more #birdflu in cows than any other state, will post human case counts on this website. The promised table is not yet up, but will apparently be updated every Tues/Thurs by 4 pm local. Bravo.
Gail Waldby reshared this.

I have joined Mastodon how does this work
RaysOfRed mastodon (AP)
dear very real Kamala Harris, plz fix govment plz thank

Montag friendica (via Diaspora)
Stimmt, das ist eigentlich das bessere Framing, sollten die Verteidiger zumindest mal probieren. 😉

#LetzteGeneration #Protest #Klimakakastrophe
Yazumo 🏴🏳️‍🌈 - 2024-07-26 11:50:05 GMT

Heldenhafte Aktivisten legen eklatante Sicherheitsmängel an deutschen Flughäfen offen

Ihnen gebührt ewiger Dank

Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln, München (dpo) - Ihnen gebührt ewiger Dank: Heldenhafte Aktivisten der Gruppierung "Letzte Generation" sind in den vergangenen Wochen auf die Rollfelder verschiedener deutscher Flughäfen vorgedrungen und haben damit auf die eklatanten Sicherheitsmängel vor Ort hingewiesen.

#LetzteGeneration #dank #heldenhaft #Aktivist #aktivisteInnen
Benedikt Bauer reshared this.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Harris' 2024 campaign pitch: Democrats are the party of "freedom"

#Harris #Harris2024
Gail Waldby reshared this.

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
Bird flu detection in dairy cattle sparks rise in state, federal biosecurity and precautions

#Oklahoma #OKAg #Ag

ESA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) In the Developing Field of Climate Psychology, ‘Eco-Anxiety’ Is a Rational Response #Climate
In the Developing Field of Climate Psychology, ‘Eco-Anxiety’ Is a Rational Response

1of 4🧵 "The data in the ice was big, big news: #Greenland was revealing that the #climate changes not only gradually but also “in great leaps.”
"If you’re a cod swimming west of #Iceland, you’re in for an astonishing show. Here the heavy #AMOC water doesn’t merely sink, it plummets nearly 3 kilometers down. (Two miles!) Some 3 million cubic meters of #water fall per second, in what amounts to the world’s most record-smashing, invisible waterfall. This cold river joins up with other falling water—more underwater cataracts—& crawls through the depths of the ocean, following the topography of the seabed, all the way to #Antarctica. The flow intersects other currents, things get messy, & eventually the current rises to the surface near #SouthAmerica and continues its loop."
It gets weirder. Read on...
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
2 people reshared this
3/ "The AMOC transports a staggering amount of energy. Like a million nuclear power plants. It is such a core element of the Earth system that its collapse would radically alter regional weather patterns, the water cycle, the ability of every country to provide food for its inhabitants.
Below the surface of the ocean, the invisible waterfalls near Iceland & Greenland would peter out. That’s horrendous for creatures in the deep who need the oxygen the AMOC delivers to survive. Widespread die-off of marine life: likely. Shutting off the current would also cause the ocean’s surface to smooth out. The flattened water level will be higher than it is now, which will mean almost a meter of sea level rise along the US northeast coast."
Gail Waldby reshared this.
4/ “Regardless of all the uncertainties & all the disagreements,” he ventured, “99.99 percent of my colleagues & I are on the same page—increasing temperatures further increases the likelihood of an AMOC tipping.
That’s because—& we know this for sure—the extra heat in the air has effectively cranked on a tap over the north Atlantic. It’s making more rain pour down on that area. It’s melting more of Greenland’s ice, which then drains into the seas—right on top of the AMOC’s engine, the mega waterfalls. All that lightweight, salt-free water makes it harder for the currents to overturn. Keep running the tap & the trouble compounds. That’s why the threat of tipping seems so real. The waterfalls could indeed trickle to a stop. “And we just really don’t want that to happen,” Boers added.

Besides, there’s another possibility. A remote one, sure, but one that also can’t be ruled out: The AMOC might have already tipped. And we wouldn’t know it for years.”
Gail Waldby reshared this.

millennial falcon mastodon (AP)
ran out of characters at the same time I ran out of fucks to give, truly the ultimate convenience

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Conservatives’ racist and sexist attacks on Kamala Harris show exactly who they are | Judith Levine | The Guardian

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
JD Vance to fundraise in Oklahoma City with high-profile guests | The Journal Record

#Oklahoma #OKC #OKGOP
Trojan Duck mastodon (AP)
Let me guess: Scott Baio? Ted Nugent? Dean Cain? Randy Quaid?
newer older

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