Shonin mastodon (AP)
The media is already failing in its duty to fairly cover Kamala Harris | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian

Joe Ferguson mastodon (AP)
@GIMP Something is up with your macOS downloads. Both intel and silicon link 403, but windows does not.
GIMP mastodon (AP)
Yeah something was broken with folder symlinks on the web server. It got fixed by the admins.

Thanks for the notification in any case! 🙂
Joe Ferguson mastodon (AP)
Cheers! and thanks for the amazing app

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die drei Luxuskaufhäuser der KaDeWe-Gruppe sollen erhalten bleiben. Doch rund 100 Beschäftigte verlieren mit dem neuen Eigentümer ihren Job.#Immobilienspekulation #RenéBenko #Insolvenz #Berlin #Arbeitnehmer #Arbeit #Öko

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
CarbonBlue, an Israeli company that claims to have a potentially game-changing way of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, announced Monday that it had raised more than $10 million from its first seed funding round.

They're taking advantage of higher [CO2] in water.

Frontier Climate has evaluated their technology and business plan and already made a modest purchase of 400 tons of carbon dioxide from this young company founded by young engineers.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Pamela :yell: mastodon (AP)
Carbon capture gives me hope for posterity.

I am thrilled by the innovation and possibilities that have come to my attention over the last few years.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Six U.S. senators, including Senate banking committee member Elizabeth Warren, penned a letter to JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, demanding clarification on the bank's climate commitments. Concerns regarding the bank's intentions started to arise in early 2024 when Dimon announced a policy shift that suggested a weakening of environmental goals.

"If JPMorgan Chase has misled investors and the public, both Congress and regulators have a range of tools to respond as necessary," Senator Warren said.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Trump backs out on previously agreed September debate.
Badscrew mastodon (AP)

taz mastodon (AP)
Im Landtagswahlkampf hängt eine Kandidatin der CDU mit ihrer Familie Wahlplakate in Cottbus auf. Dann wird sie rassistisch beleidigt und angegriffen.!6026171

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
Capture of El Mayo, head of Sinaloa Cartel, which has four factions that share trafficking of fentanyl and methamphetamines to the US
#YesWeKam #Harris2024 #Fentanyl #Meth #DrugTrafficking #USBorder #MexicoBorder via @elpaisinenglish

We have contacted Youtube, who has pointed the finger at Mastodon for blocking the shortcut links to their content. Please help us by contacting @Gargron and help us determine whether Mastodon has begun blocking our content. If so, please help us restore our ability to provide you with Youtube based news and information. Thank you for your help. #Ukraine #Press #Mastodon #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
Tulsa Public Schools to provide free meals to all students

#Tulsa #Oklahoma #OKEd #oklaed

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
An advertisement for a McCrispy next to a Crematorium.
Charlton Heston in Soylent Green.
2 people reshared this
diesUndDas mastodon (AP)
soylent brown is made from burnt chicken
Kristen mastodon (AP)
Soylent Green is people!!

Laffy mastodon (AP)
Kevin Roberts, architect of #Project2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei

Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from group and his policy goals align with its teachings
Shonin reshared this.

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Republicans are so weird and completely lacking any empathy that they picked “Laughing Kamala” as derogatory nickname.

Laughing, widely known as an alarming warning sign that only the most sinister people exhibit.
ECHAEA mastodon (AP)
Good to know they're desperate 👌
Justin 🌻 mastodon (AP)
this being in contrast to their favorite people who have no sense of humor except for harming others.

‼️🇺🇦AFU strikes Russian airfield in temporarily occupied Crimea, General Staff confirms (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

#bullshitjobs mastodon (AP)
<10% of our jobs create all of our wealth.

>90% of our jobs exist to fight over money. Or to support entities that fight over money. Wasting most of our time, resources, energy and fossil fuels in the process.

Houston, we have a problem ...

#RemoveThomasBach #InvestigateThomasBach #BoycottTheParaOlympics
#InvestigateTheIOC #BoycottTheOlympics #BoycottTheParisGames
⛔️🇫🇷7 of the 487 Ukrainian athletes who will never have a chance to compete at the Olympics due to invading Russian terrorism (PHOTOS and more) #Ukraine #France #Olympics #Paris #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar

John V Willshire mastodon (AP)
A piece of wonderful news; I'm going to be on @gwandshows tonight with a wee film I made about rewilding our new-build garden, and what housing developers could & should do to help communities do this more easily.

More here:

#gardens #rewilding #housing

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Someone sabotaging the French high speed train network ahead of the Olympics opening ceremony. #France #Olympics

In 2020, I was not a fan of Kamala Harris during her run for President. Her history as California AG, particularly with respect to a certain transgender felon, struck me as highly negative. I bought into the hype.

I’ll bottom line it. I’ve changed my mind. I know now that she was doing her job, and not expressing a personal animus toward people like me. Last night, I attended the Out For Kamala Harris Call (link to YouTube recording). That call raised around $300,000 for the Harris campaign in just over 90 minutes. There were many “out” celebrities speaking for her. More than 9000 people were listening by the time I got sleepy and dropped out.

As I have learned more about her over her time as VP, and have seen her as the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, I’ve become hopeful again about the future. Don’t get me wrong. It’s still going to be a hard fought battle against authoritarianism and bigotry. That’s really all the Republicans have to offer in their vision of the future. Project 2025 is basically a roadmap to The Handmaid’s Tale. That’s what they want – a nation that is essentially an oligarchy run by Christian Nationalists.

Please, get out and vote on November 5. The fate of our nation truly hangs in the balance. If you care about being able to vote in 2028, you must vote in 2024. You must vote Kamala Harris for President (Instagram). Donate to her campaign, if you can. Knock on doors if it’s safe. Talk to your friends. Make sure they know what Project 2025 is about.

I know, I don’t usually get political on this blog. But we face a truly existential moment in this nation. Our very existence as a decent people depends on our actions in the next 100+ days.

The journey continues.

#KamalaHarris2024 #politics #USPol

The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic'

Republicans Really Wish Trump Hadn’t Picked J.D. Vance

Andrew Guilford mastodon (AP)
The UK Government has dropped its opposition to an international arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu

#UKPol #Labour #BenjaminNetanyahu #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #InternationalCriminalCourt

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
A grad student I am co-advising is about to defend his awesome dissertation and I am so excited for him!

The Register mastodon (AP)
Progress discloses second critical flaw in Telerik Report Server in as many months

These are the kinds of bugs APTs thrive on, just ask the Feds Progress Software's latest security advisory warns customers about the second critical vulnerability targeting its Telerik Report Server in as many months.…
#theregister #IT

JonChevreau mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Making sense of the markets this week, via @MoneySense

26 Jul 2024: “Eyes of the Muse” by King Tuff - Found this one about a decade ago on my cousin-in-laws Discover Daily via Shazam. #SongOfTheDay #AdamsSongOfTheDay

LGBTQ Nation unkn (AP)
Elon Musk's trans daughter epically slams her dad for not knowing her at all - LGBTQ Nation

Posted into LGBTQ Nation @lgbtq-nation-LGBTQNation

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@switch Bisous du vendredi 😘😘😘😘

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
It absolutely does not have to be the case that the USA has to still be producing the amount of oil and gas that we are now in 2026, but it's up to all of us to stop it from happening by stopping to buy their polluting products.

#ElectrifyEverything #VoteClimate #VoteBlue #WeAreNotGoingBack
 Markets Insider + Follow . 5h

The US will be an oil production powerhouse through at least 2026,..
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Many experts believe that the clean energy transition has reached the point where emissions will stabilize and then begin to decline. The critical milestone of peak climate pollution might be happening right now.

The total global climate pollution released between February and May 2024 declined slightly from the amount released during the same period in 2023.
2 people reshared this

BlueVirginia mastodon (AP)
Following @RepSpanberger Push, President Biden Makes Final Nominations to Fill USPS Board of Governors (“Virginians have suffered some of the worst consequences of the detrimental policy changes made by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy")

Shonin reshared this.

Spocks Fist mastodon (AP)
Please boost and donate to democracy. It’s only logical. 👊🖖


Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Some of my arrowheads could be older, but I'd have to say that this is the favorite stone age tool I own.

Do you know what it is?
Image of a stone tool that kind of looks like an elf boot I suppose
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@bici So, that stone age tool seems to me to be a mano, a tool used with a metate to grind grains.

I assume that it's old just based on how much of the stone has been worn off by generations of hands holding it on the handle pointed up in that picture.

I asked a couple of archaeologists based on the photo, but they wouldn't confirm my "guess".
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @Snowshadow @bici
I'm pretty darn certain that it's authentic.

My mother told me she found in the dunes on one of the Caribbean islands that she lived on, but I don't want to assume which one regrettably.

I wish that she had of tried to find some local officials to have given it to, but now I don't know what will end up happening to it. Perhaps see if Smithsonian is interested?
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@Snowshadow @temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici
I took this to the Smithsonian and they were gracious enough to explain what it is.

Want to take a guess what this is? I can only narrow down it's date of origination to between 1757 to about the maybe half-way through the 20th century.

Anyways the Smithsonian is one of our best national treasures imo.

This ball of lead is the size of a softball:
Lead ball the size of a softball
spiegelmama mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Guess

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Guess

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@Snowshadow @temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici
I'm going to give y'all a huge clue.

This tool would not have been used prior to probably a few hundred years after 1450.
SLCW💥 mastodon (AP) @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici

Some sort of weight for fishing? Or maybe a ball used in the milling of Cannon balls? I found a similar ball /egg in my searches.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
mmalc mastodon (AP)
@Snowshadow @temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici @slcw

Something to do with typesetting, then; given some of the indentations, perhaps roll over letters etc. to ensure they're properly embedded in the form?
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@mmalc @Snowshadow @temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici @slcw

Museum curator told me that he suspected it was used to CLEAN the iron type on the printing presses. The reason that I gave the date as a few hundred years after @gutenberg_org press patent was because in 1450 they didn't use iron type in the presses yet.

The ink would build up on the iron type and so they would press this lead ball down onto it. Since Pb is softer than Fe off came ink.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@mmalc @Snowshadow @temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici @slcw @gutenberg_org
So, this was a personal find. Where I lived during middle school had a creek in subdivision. I was walking in the creek and found this cool lead ball.

It's a Civil War town so of course I thought cannon ball until trip to D.C. museum with it.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@mmalc @Snowshadow @temptoetiam @alienghic @Ash_Crow @akamran @spiegelmama @bici @slcw @gutenberg_org
So, upstream maybe a mile is the newspaper's offices and sometime between 1757 and I don't when I picture some dude saying f-this damn thing and tossing it into creek. I'd like to think it was one of their slaves, but anyways?

So, it slowly rolled downstream until I found it. I've reached out to newspaper, but no response back.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Master of Crevettes mastodon (AP)
it looks a lot like a walking stick handle 😅

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
"If books could kill" podcast takes on JD Vance's book Hillbilly Elegy.

You'll love it.
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
@qotca Same. Going through their previous episodes now.
Brian David mastodon (AP)
@qotca The entirely of this podcast is amazing. The previous episode on Richard Hanania was gut bustingly funny.

shift/reset mastodon (AP)
I really wish people would stop making multi-part forms where I need to fill in required feeds to see all the questions. Especially when they validate them so I need to put in valid fake data.

I just want to see all the questions being asked so I know if it's going to require me having to go hunt down some random fucking document / see if I fail some eligibility requirement before I fill it in.

Adrian Roselli reshared this.
NatalyaD mastodon (AP)
@f11xter @weirdwriter yeah, the list of info needed in advance is a good option. Reminds people who may not think to get info to do it.

Gov.UK specifically designs for the widest accessibility, and tries to avoid overload or too long forms and for lowest power devices.
NatalyaD mastodon (AP)

I was very cynical about GOV.UK when it started in about 2011 cos its predecessor was horrific, but I was pleasantly surprised. There was top-level support and while it's petered out a bit now and some departments like the tax department avoided improvements (they're bastards), 90% of government departments were forced into the new accessible regime.

They had people who believed in it, researched, listened, improved & promoted it.

@f11xter @shift_reset

Kevin Cianfarini mastodon (AP)
Hot damn, kudos to #answerthecall2024 for raising over $2 million last night in small dollar donors for Kamala Harris. It's encouraging to see efforts like this and #mastodonforharris supporting a candidate who will stand up for our rights.
Shannon Watts 

Closing tonight with @mPinoe and Sue Bird to announce we've passed two million in donations!!! #AnswerTheCall2024. 

10:38 PM Jul 25, 2024

Hugh Shanahan mastodon (AP)
If you still have a Xitter account even if it's just there lurking you might like to update a setting (from bluesky).
newer older

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