Each of my boosts is my favorite post or reply among all posts and replies I found submitted during the prior month (with no boost for any such month unless active enough to credibly have a favorite). See, I'm hoping to balance three goals:

• Promote good stuff.

• Ensure quality by limiting it to fixed intervals.

• Help those who explore my original content to do so without too many distractions.

NB — Not all of one's boosts can be found at all times on all instances that show one's boosts.

B Kahn mastodon (AP)
I wonder about many things. One is the percentage of plastic our bodies can contain before some key organ--heart, brain, or lungs for example--stops working.

Not just us, of course. Everything in the biosphere is undergoing plastification. You'd think companies killing their customers might have second thoughts, but apparently not.

Future alien visitors will find bones imbedded in layers of plastic and wonder what strange religious beliefs led to our odd entombment.

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
26 July 1920 | German Jewish woman, Johanna Proskauer, was born in Berlin. She emigrated to the Czechoslovakia.

On 27 July 1942, she was deported to Theresienstadt ghetto and on 15 December 1943 to Auschwitz. She perished in Stutthof on 20 August 1944.
Black and white portrait of a woman with a calm expression, looking slightly to the right

Housekeeping notes:

• My content is often Quiet Public or Unlisted, but might be Public if it: (a) is a boost or original post, (b) is a reply on some level to one of my original posts, or (c) is a reply on some level to a Public post naming me.

• I may edit words repeatedly for clarity or style. I enjoy the writing practice; I should do it more.

• Sometimes there's a fearsome image hidden in my banner pic—it's simultaneously copy protection and a challenge for folks who want to look for it.

Phil Sturgeon mastodon (AP)
🌳 Scientists at University of Birmingham have discovered that trees help remove methane from the atmosphere, not just the carbon dioxide we normally think about!

This is huge news, as methane is 80x more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 over 20 years, and is responsible for 30% of global warming.

#reforestation #ClimateCrisis #BiodiversityCrisis
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

ResearchBuzz wordpress (AP)
TechCrunch: Apple Maps launches on the web to challenge Google Maps. “Apple announced on Wednesday that Apple Maps is now available on the web via a public beta, which means you can now access the service directly from your browser. The launch puts Apple Maps in direct competition with Google Maps, which has long been available on the […]

LM Little mastodon (AP)
#Wildfires near #Yellowknife released a "significant" amount of #arsenic into the air and #water according to a recent study – a finding one researcher says should be treated as a "wake up call."

#ClimateBreakdown #ecosystems #publicHealth #mining #NWT #Canada

eie akkoma (AP)
this chess shit is getting crazy

Matt Round mastodon (AP)
For THIRTY YEARS now it's made sense for creative people to have their own site as the 'hub' of their online presence, but most still go "nah, I'll just keep shovelling everything into the most popular platforms even though it disappears in minutes & they'll do bad things with it"

Ben Gleason mastodon (AP)
RIP #JohnMayall. It seems he was rather underappreciated for his contributions to #blues and #rock #music.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
A judge appointed by #Trump is allowing a #Texas woman to sue local authorities after she was charged with murder for an #abortion.
Marv Clowder reshared this.

Please help fight a horrible injustice that the Australian Government has allowed to happen.

U.S. doctors demand an arms embargo to stop Israel's relentless killing.

פְּרִי mastodon (AP)
Waiting patiently to see if the J's pool will be closed due to weather this afternoon...

⚠️⛔️War Crime: Russian invader’s attacks against Ukraine kill 3 civilians, injure 20, target civilian energy infrastructure facilities (more) #Ukraine #Press #ICC #ICJ #Hague #Mastodon #ECHR #OSCE #CoE #PACE #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Shasta Willson - Grace
Interesting Times

Thinkst Canary mastodon (AP)
We’ve revamped

A new interface, new functionality, and the results of our latest security assessment¹

You can read more at:

¹ Still completely free

Kroc Camen mastodon (AP)
Just wow, what a nice aesthetic! #retrocomputing #retrogaming
A very nice looking tower PC with LCD speed display for the speed reading "66 MHz"

RealJournalism mastodon (AP)
In #Illinois, a police officer shot Sonya Massey and killed her. He has been charged with murder. The facts will come out at trial, but the choice for the election is clear. Kamala #Harris wants to hold cops accountable when they break the law. Donald #Trump wants to give them immunity from prosecution. A decision to stay home means you're OK with letting the cop who killed Sonya Massey stay home. Silence means consent.

Jay Bryant diaspora
The most survivingest cat ever. 🙂

Blog Oklahoma mastodon (AP)
School districts, lawmakers question Bible in classroom mandate

#Oklahoma #OKEd #oklaed

taz mastodon (AP)
💅 „Bauch, Beine, Po“ heißt der neue Hit. Kein Witz. Was wie ein Work-out aus den Urzeiten des Aerobics klingt, ist der Titel eines neuen Songs von Shirin ­David, einer der zurzeit populärsten deutschen Rapperinnen. 👉!6022543/
„Diese Botschaft scheint anzukommen: Ein hotter Body ist geil, Fitness ist geil, Disziplin, Fleiß und Selbstoptimierung für einen hotten Body ist megageil." taz-Autorin Mengna Tan sieht in Shirin Davids neuem Song "Bauch, Beine, Po" keine Satire. Im Hintergrund liegt Shirin David in einem Haufen rosa Teddys.

Stefan Bohacek mastodon (AP)
Some fediverse platforms* let you add links to your profile in dedicated fields, and also verify them. Do you have/use this feature?

* eg: Mastodon:
and Friendica:

#fediverse #mastodon #VerifiedLinks #verified #SocialMedia #poll

  • Yes, I have a few verified links (46%, 27 votes)
  • I have one verified link (36%, 21 votes)
  • I have this feature, but don't use it (13%, 8 votes)
  • I don't have this feature (3%, 2 votes)
58 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Stefan Bohacek mastodon (AP)
Follow-up question. Which approach do you prefer?

#fediverse #mastodon #verification #verified #SocialMedia #poll

  • Verify which domains you own (80%, 8 votes)
  • Let the platform verify who you are (10%, 1 vote)
  • There's a better way! (leave a comment) (10%, 1 vote)
  • Not sure (0%, 0 votes)
10 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Europe Says mastodon (AP) They’re really bummed out about it. #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #UsPolitics
They're really bummed out about it.

⛔️🇱🇹Lithuania preparing evacuation plans in case of invasion (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow


So, the bullies and billionaires in the Democratic party have won. Now, we have no chance against Trump.
no 🤦‍♀️

I hope he enjoys that seat, cuz he's out next time around... I just hope he gets primaried so we don't lose the seat

#environment #fossil #fuels #airlines

270 flights canceled in Frankfurt, Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe

Flying is considered one of the most carbon-intensive activities, but the aviation industry is expected to grow steadily over the coming decades despite efforts to contain the climate crisis.

Dan Hon mastodon (AP)
What is it about LLMs and generative AI that has somehow encouraged people to post the absolute worst and hilarious fanfic* about interacting with computers, seriously what's wrong with you people

* there's nothing inherently bad about fanfic
John Allsopp mastodon (AP)
by ‘fanfic’ you mean ‘marketing’ right?
Dan Hon mastodon (AP)
@johnallsopp oh no, I mean also designer fanfic

⚠️🇺🇦Ukraine downs 20 of 23 Russian aerial targets overnight, Air Force reports (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

popey mastodon (AP)
My 17 year old son calls any kind of Internet connectivity “WiFi”.

I have failed as a parent.
mcSlibinas mastodon (AP)
@BrodieOnLinux that makes sense. You plug wifi cable, then phone gets wifi
Colin Dean mastodon (AP)
@BrodieOnLinux circa May 2006 at my undergrad alma mater, someone came looking for a Wi-Fi cable. They were very displeased that we didn't have any — and wouldn't accept that they didn't exist — so we told them we were out of stock. They got even angrier and said we should put up a sign when we were out of such an important thing during finals week.
A sign on a brick wall outside of the IT help desk at Westminster College says, "Sorry, we are currently out of wireless network cables. Please check back tomorrow."

this is an absolute gem. i love everything: the sound, the aesthetics, the lyrics. am a new fan of the #MarshFamily.

THANK YOU @Heliograph

let's spread this everywhere.
Ricardus mastodon (AP)
I discovered a cute family on youtube recently like these guys, but these guys are way better.

They're kinda killing it here.
Professor_Stevens mastodon (AP)
They are not kinda killing it here.

They are TOTALLY killing it here.

@DoorbellQueen , you gotta put this out to your network. @mmiasma , you too.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Das Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte hat Zahlen zur Arbeitsausbeutung vorgestellt. Es fehle Betroffenen an Unterkünften und Beratung.#Menschenhandel #Arbeitssicherheit #PrekäreArbeit #DeutschesInstitutfürMenschenrechte #Ausbeutung #Deutschland #Politik

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