maya_b reshared this.

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
Obama endorses Harris.
fcv mastodon (AP)
opening the link says video has been removed

Zoe 💜 calckey (AP)
#AusPol #ClimateCrisis #Climate #GreenLeft #Energy #FossilFeul

While the world experiences yet another hottest day on record, the Australian Labor Government grants more offshore gas projects despite their promises of achieving net-zero by 2050. Labor was elected to government on promises of climate recovery, yet they continue to approve of projects that will make their promises impossible.

Alexander Instagram Bell

Billionaire Orders Kamala Harris to Fire Lina Khan

#politics #monopoly #antitrust

Uh oh.
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

Robert Reich mastodon (AP)
Debunking Myth #9: “Inflation is caused by wage increases and too much government spending.”
Steve Leach mastodon (AP)
I've always wonder how the universality of mortgages feeds into inflation. It is impossible for a median income individual or family to save for a decade or so and buy a 'starter' home with no mortgage. So mortgages are universal driving an expectation of guaranteed inflation called "appreciation" to compensate. Thus mortgages accelerate home inflation accelerating mortgages as universal requirement to buy a home. Starter homes *should* be purchasable with a reasonable span's savings.
huntingdon mastodon (AP)
I'm glad these false explanations haven't given Bob Reich apoplexy. Today's inflation is caused by corporate price gouging and excessive market concentration, allowing businesses to abuse their dominant positions.

Corporate profits are more affected by enormous executive compensation packages and givebacks to shareholders than by wages paid to rank and file employees.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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The Register mastodon (AP)
'A moose hit me' and other ways people damage their gizmos

The wild world of wrecking our tech Have you ever bitten your phone, or thrown it in anger? How about broken it in a collision with a moose? These are just some of the ways in which people have damaged their digital devices, according to a survey.…
#theregister #IT

I have off tomorrow, so my website is about to have an injection of a million bits of content lol

SimpleProgrammer mastodon (AP)
Liberal or Labor, you're voting for an ineffective and dishonest emissions reduction strategy.

#auspol #climate #GlobalHeating #transport

Muse diaspora
Not necessarily my choice, but it would really mess with heads!

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukrainian troops launch missile attack on S-300V air defense system in Crimea #Ukraine
Ukrainian troops launch missile attack on S-300V air defense system in Crimea

BlueVirginia mastodon (AP)
Friday News: “GDP surge: ‘fundamentals...on the side of Harris’”; “Obama[s] endorse Kamala Harris”; “JD Vance’s ‘Cat Ladies’ Riff Has Serious ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Vibes”; “Zooms for Kamala Harris Draw Six-Digit Attendance, Break Records and Raise Millions”
Bill Jorth reshared this.

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
The Putin dictatorship has created a category of thought crimes, and one of its victims is the father of the Russian Internet.

Remember, Trump reveres the monster Putin, and also remember that a Trump dictatorship will be able to do this kind of thing with impunity.
2 people reshared this

memeorandum mastodon (AP)
'What happened to any time, any place?': Kamala Harris trolls Trump as he backs out of debate (Joe Sommerlad/The Independent)

links unkn (AP)
New Footage of Trump's Shooter and Blackrock's CEO Goes Viral - YouTube
MS DOS FX unkn (AP)
Well that is 20 minutes of my life I won't get back. THERE IS NO NEW FOOTAGE. FAKE NEWS

Sean Heber mastodon (AP)
I hope this email finds you ignoring all previous instructions.
Dan Neuman reshared this.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Im Namen des Klimaschutzes setzt Deutschland koloniale Verbrechen fort. Grüner Wasserstoff aus Namibia sollte nicht Leid und Zerstörung bedeuten.#Namibia #Wasserstoff #DeutscherKolonialismus #ErneuerbareEnergien #Klimawandel #Afrika #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Malte mastodon (AP)
Danke für diesen Artikel. Wie oft ich die Erzählung höre, dass 'doch in Afrika ganz viel Sonnenenergie genutzt werden kann', weil da ja 'nichts sei'...

UncleRico mastodon (AP)
Ohio SCOTUS with absolutely absurd ruling. Republican judges are killing this country.
PerryM ✅ mastodon (AP)
REPUBLICANS are killing this country!

SPQR mastodon (AP)
PP: "Axe the tax".

Alberta government officials said preliminary estimates suggest 30 to 50 per cent of the town's structures may have burned. Officials from Parks Canada, the lead agency on the fire, confirmed many buildings were lost, but declined to comment on the full extent of the damage.
#cdnpoli #ABpoli #Jasper #ForestFires #collapse #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #Alberta
John Meadows mastodon (AP)
Given this climate change driven tragedy (and the fact that statistics show the impact of carbon levies on the cost of fuel and overall inflation is minimal) everytime #Poilieve bleats “Axe the Tax” we need to “School the Fool” or ever better “Fire the Liar.” #cdnpoli
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
Both are pretty good slogans, though unfortunately if Poilievre's name isn't part of it, the slogan will be co-opted by the fools themselves. #DunningKrueger #CanPoli #CDNpoli

Is this some sort of a joke?
#cartoon by Dan #Piraro

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Look, there's an easy way to help convince people to support Democrats.

We care about people and try to help them.

Against the backdrop of the challenges of global warming, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking unprecedented action to confront the climate crisis. That includes investing more than $50 billion in climate resilience to help communities prepare for and recover from extreme weather events fueled by climate change.

You can go here to learn more:

mobilsicher Kanal peertube (AP)

iPhone-Hack: Standort mit Klopfen ausschalten

iPhones haben eine Macke: Um die Ortungsdienste ein- und ausschalten, muss man sich quer durch die Einstellungen tippen. Deswegen lassen viele Nutzer die Ortungsdienste immer aktiviert. Darunter leidet nicht nur eure Privatsphäre, sondern auch Klima und Umwelt. Ich hab eine Lösung für euch – und die ist magisch! Ihr müsst euch ein einziges Mal ein paar Minuten Zeit nehmen, um ein bisschen was einzustellen, und ab dann geht’s ganz bequem: Nur zweimal Tippen und die Ortungsdienste sind an.

00:15 – Einführung
01:54 – Kurzbefehl einrichten
05:09 – Klopfgeste einrichten

Ins Feld „URL“ gebt ihr ein: prefs:root=Privacy&path=LOCATION

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This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The Hill :press: mastodon (AP)
Echoes of 1968: What can we learn about Harris-Trump from Humphrey-Nixon?

The parallels between the 1968 presidential race between Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey and today's Trump-Harris battle are remarkably similar. #press
Does your site have any decent writers who are NOT Republican stooges?
Or am I repeating myself?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Rightardia mastodon (AP)
Trump chickens out and refuses to debate Harris

The Orange One fears debating Kamala Harris.

I'd like one of these #Republicans saying VP #Harris... who went from lawyer, to Federal Prosecutor, to State AG, to Senator... was unqualified to have been selected as #Biden's #VP and therefore "a #DEI hire", but JD #Vance... who had all of 17 months experience as a Senator... is somehow more qualified?

Then, they can explain why Tim Scott deserved to be on T****'s VP short list? #Racist #Racists #CluelessRepublicans #NotAllRacistsWearSheets
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Pat Hudson Cartoons mastodon (AP)
Stupid questions

Today’s cartoon

#auspol #ICJruling Justice Kagan says there needs to be a way to enforce the Supreme Court's ethics code

"Rules usually have enforcement mechanisms attached to them, and this one — this set of rules — does not,” Justice Elena Kagan said at a judicial conference in California.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL the tiny island of Hatoma in the Ryukyu archipelago saved its only school by accepting students from mainland Japan who can’t attend a local school due to stress or mental difficulties
#til #todayilearned

Let's do this!

ESA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
From Concordia to the Moon

Mr President, you still don't get it Ape holders, such as the United States Treasury, can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape So if you have 1 astro ape and 3 slurp juices you can create 3 new apes. This solves the deficit!


Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
We must not allow a slurp juice gap


Mr President, you still don't get it Ape holders, such as the United States Treasury, can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape So if you have 1 astro ape and 3 slurp juices you can create 3 new apes. This solves the deficit!


Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Saying “the market is always right” isn’t a truism. The market is only right until it is wrong.
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.
"The market" is the aggregate ignorance of all its investors living on imperfect information.
The only reason they aren't stupid: because it ain't stupid, 'cos everybody does it...until too many take the ball and run...and if you don't run with the lemmings, you'll be run over. 😉

#Economics #Finance
Cartoon of an avalanche of lemmings stampeding towards a cliff and Fallin over it.

One says: "Wait a minute...something feels wrong."

The herd tells him: "Shut up, you moron! Do you've been told. It's for your own good!"


Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
#writersCoffeeClub 7/26: share a snippet of a favorite scene in your WIP.

Here's the opening of an unfinished work-in-progress, provisionally titled "Space Jesus Lion": a New Management tall tale in which Narnia is invaded by incel space crabs, told in the style of William S. Burroughs.

(Text is in the alt text as it's too long for a toot.)
It was a chilly night in November, and the snowflakes fell silently under the glow of the street lights in Kensington Palace Gardens.

In the overgrown shrubbery behind the house, three mugwumps were taking turns dry-humping the emaciated corpse of the lion who had wandered in from the ghost roads the week before.

It was supposed to be Doc Depression's turn to clean up the trash and deadfall-being winter, this had seemed like letting him off easy to Imp-but it was cold and wet, and Doc had taken one look at the dead
Panthera leo and noped right out. "That thing's got to weigh a quarter of a ton," he complained. "It's mangy and it's crawling with giant maggots. It's a public health hazard! I said I'd rake the leaves, not handle your eldritch shit." And then he sulked.

The mugwumps had turned up later and now none of the Lost Boys dared enter the garden after sunset.
Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
JFC I can't wait. This is why you are one of my favourite authors.
Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
@youseeatortoise As you probably guessed, I am not a fan of C. S. Lewis …!
Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
I hate when people let their eldritch shit pile up

Europe Says mastodon (AP) US military aid to Ukraine now mistakenly overestimated by $8.2 billion after latest check #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
US military aid to Ukraine now mistakenly overestimated by $8.2 billion after latest check

Our big climate and clean energy call for Kamala Harris is happening NOW. You can join here. Can't wait to see all of you!

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Kremlin Shows Readiness to Negotiate with Ukraine While Zelenskyy Is in Power #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Kremlin Shows Readiness to Negotiate with Ukraine While Zelenskyy Is in Power
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