Christian Ramirez mastodon (AP)
Now that Barack Obama has publicly endorsed Kamala Harris, Donald Trump has no choice but to debate her. He is scared of her, that much we know.

7sleepersmusic mastodon (AP)
Much respect to #JoeBiden for tolerating the narcissistic wanker. Much sympathy for #KamalaHarris who may soon have the same responsibility.

Is this the peak of self-important access journalism?

From the New York Times' Tom Friedman, who campaigned for Biden to drop out of the race:

"As I watched and listened [to Biden's address to the nation], I remembered a lunch I had with him in May 2022 in the dining room next to the Oval Office. After we were done and he was walking me past the Resolute Desk..."

(No link from me...)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump Encouraged His Own Daughter Ivanka to Release a Sex Tape, and She Was Horrified – #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews
Trump Encouraged His Own Daughter Ivanka to Release a Sex Tape, and She Was Horrified -

Doc Holliday mastodon (AP)
The Obamas endorse Kamala for President

Check out this video on YouTube:

The government have illegally incarcerated me in my home
with their Covid Cull disease

And the junky scum are using my yard as a toilet
so their drugs dont get traced back to their homes

Dottun has junkys eyes
Anyone ever drug tested that pig scum?

The insane terrorist women brought thier policewomen to help them terrorise people?
Did they?
Why are they their with then?

Should be a long night again
Last nights 5am terrorism wasted today
Nothing got done again

Time wasting twats

Deborah Sampson mastodon (AP)
Anyone else worried about folks like “The New Apostolic Reformation”…
Their “cheese” has slipped of their “cracker”.
No seriously, it’s hella worrying!

“The #NAR are “really #Trump ’s folks,” said Anthea Butler, author of White Evangelical Racism & chair of the University of Penn Religious Studies Dept, to The Nation recently. “All the talk you hear about #demonic stuff, about #violent stuff—people should take that very seriously.” #kamala #jezebel

Сломался зонт, к сожалению ремонт бессмысленен. Пошёл смотреть дождевик, написано 150 мк и цвет жёлтый. Если подойдёт надо брать. С другой стороны 580 рублей не очень дёшево.

Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
#pennedpossibilities 387 — MC POV: When was the last time someone truly listened to you?

"B'y if that ever happened we wouldn't be here."

it's kat! 🍉✊ mastodon (AP)
the british veterinary association announces that nutritionally-complete, plant-based diets are safe for dogs.
#dogs #BVA #plantbased #vegan
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Sometimes, when I don't know what to do, l'll get this out my pocket and pretend it knows the answer
Open palm containing a paperclip with googly eyes that looks like Microsoft virtual assistant Mr Clippy

Baloo Uriza mastodon (AP)
#50sMusicTaughtMe that everybody has heard about the bird.

Ben Bloodworth mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Wordle Solution Spoiler

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
Whoa... your AI's first word is CRANE? Mine always uses PLATE! And, yeah, it solved in 3.

Tek aEvl friendica (via ActivityPub)
I dont show my face, cause my lover told me it looked like it was always resting. Im like ok, why bother disturbing it. So, I wear a mask everywhere I go now!
#joke #humor #aEvl us

This is the sort of thing that makes me smile. I love #XCOM2 modding.

Heldenhafte Aktivisten legen eklatante Sicherheitsmängel an deutschen Flughäfen offen

Ihnen gebührt ewiger Dank

Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln, München (dpo) - Ihnen gebührt ewiger Dank: Heldenhafte Aktivisten der Gruppierung "Letzte Generation" sind in den vergangenen Wochen auf die Rollfelder verschiedener deutscher Flughäfen vorgedrungen und haben damit auf die eklatanten Sicherheitsmängel vor Ort hingewiesen.

#LetzteGeneration #dank #heldenhaft #Aktivist #aktivisteInnen

dogzilla mastodon (AP)
This is the drinks menu from a recent fundraiser for the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. Go ahead and read the descriptions and let them sink in.

I always knew Libertarians were just quislings, but my question is: is punching a Libertarian functionally equivalent to punching a Nazi? If not, why not?
It is literally punching a Nazi but you don't want to waste your life going to jail for such trash.

Heldenhafte Aktivisten legen eklatante Sicherheitsmängel an deutschen Flughäfen offen

Ihnen gebührt ewiger Dank

Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln, München (dpo) - Ihnen gebührt ewiger Dank: Heldenhafte Aktivisten der Gruppierung "Letzte Generation" sind in den vergangenen Wochen auf die Rollfelder verschiedener deutscher Flughäfen vorgedrungen und haben damit auf die eklatanten Sicherheitsmängel vor Ort hingewiesen.

#LetzteGeneration #dank #heldenhaft #Aktivist #aktivisteInnen

dogzilla mastodon (AP)
Excellent - now there’s a conduit for malware to jump between Android and Windows


Windows 11 will soon add your Android phone to File Explorer - The Verge
dogzilla mastodon (AP)
@fmhilton Have you tried *not* upgrading to Win11? I refuse to, but the constant upgrade reminders have basically turned the OS into nagware
I have Win 7 and have not upgraded to anything beyond that.
My tech guru has made sure that I don't get that nagware. He supports my stance.
Sure, the risks are worth it. I don't want to support MS any more than I absolutely have to.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
China's yuan, which officials in Beijing have been trying to position as a challenger to the dollar on the world stage, isn't liquid enough to truly disrupt the dominance of the US dollar, per Morgan Stanley, $MS.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

taz mastodon (AP)
Die Deutsche Bahn bietet einen schlechten Service. Die schlechte Infrastruktur sei Schuld daran, nicht die Bahn selbst. Na sowas?!6022792

77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds

Lawrence O'Donnell had a few things to say about Donald Trump the other night.
Blistered the shoes right off the 78 year old criminal and left no doubt about his fitness for being POTUS:

TURQUIE. Les « Femmes pour la démocratie » vont défendre les municipalités populaires et les droits des femmes

TURQUIE – L’initiative « Femmes pour la démocratie » a été fondée pour lutter contre l’usurpation des municipalités kurdes par la nomination des administrateurs aux municipalités kurdes qui détruisent tout d’abord les « réalisations des femmes. »

Les organisations de femmes d’Adana ont lancé l’initiative « Femmes pour la démocratie » contre l’usurpation de la volonté populaire par les administrateurs nommés dans les municipalités de la région kurde et contre les droits des femmes.

L’initiative a fait une déclaration à la presse devant la municipalité métropolitaine d’Adana avec le slogan « Les femmes pour la démocratie s’unissent contre le régime tutélaire ».

#international #turquie

TURQUIE. Les « Femmes pour la démocratie » vont défendre les municipalités populaires et les droits des femmes

TURQUIE – L’initiative « Femmes pour la démocratie » a été fondée pour lutter contre l’usurpation des municipalités kurdes par la nomination des administrateurs aux municipalités kurdes qui détruisent tout d’abord les « réalisations des femmes. »

Les organisations de femmes d’Adana ont lancé l’initiative « Femmes pour la démocratie » contre l’usurpation de la volonté populaire par les administrateurs nommés dans les municipalités de la région kurde et contre les droits des femmes.

L’initiative a fait une déclaration à la presse devant la municipalité métropolitaine d’Adana avec le slogan « Les femmes pour la démocratie s’unissent contre le régime tutélaire ».

#international #turquie
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

HistorySheWrote mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Wordle

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
It is a stupid word!

AppleInsider mastodon (AP)
Video: Apple TV hardware is getting some big improvements with tvOS 18, coming in the fall of 2024. Here are all of the new features and changes spanning from enhanced audio to animation-laden screensavers.

Isaac Kuo diaspora

#harris #usa

Harris secures enough delegate endorsements to win the Democratic presidential nomination!

The Register mastodon (AP)
Google DeepMind's latest models kinda sorta take silver at Math Olympiad

Sure, it took three days to do what teenaged brainiacs do in nine hours – but who's counting? Researchers at Google DeepMind claim they've developed a pair of AI models capable of taking home a silver medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) – although not within the allotted time limit.…
#theregister #IT

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL A study found that more years of education is correlated with higher life satisfaction, better health, and lower divorce rates even when controlling for income.,health%2C%20marriage%2C%20and%20parenting.
#til #todayilearned
Aethelstan mastodon (AP)
hmmm. Correlation is tricky. Does education have that effect, or are those with the patience to succeed academically different to start?

The first rule of programming.
Khurram Wadee reshared this.

Tailscale mastodon (AP)
New: We've rolled out an integration with Control D to let you bring their DNS filtering and threat intelligence features to all the devices in your tailnet
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

caseyjonesed mastodon (AP)
One of my 2 daughters is getting married today. It’s a happy occasion obviously, but it makes me realize my time on this planet is winding down.
That means it’s time to kick in the jams & start doing stuff. Volunteer, get involved, see as many concerts as possible & try to do some good.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Frozen Canuck mastodon (AP)
California's utility battery storage doing it's thing 🔋

#California #CAISO #ClimateChange #Solar

Abysim 🇺🇦🇧🇬 friendica (via ActivityPub)
небо, хмари, сонце, літак, дерево)
Безтурботна сцена сонячного дня з яскравим сонцем, що проглядає крізь хмари, кидаючи на небо тепле сяйво. На передньому плані височіє дерево з зеленим листям, частково затінене сонячними променями. Небо яскраво-блакитне з пухнастими білими хмарами, а вдалині видніється літак, що пролітає

"closures of fire towers has resulted in vast areas of forest & grassland being unmonitored by lookouts. 'There are huge gaps in the forest … Our areas of responsibility have doubled. The problem isn’t the people working to manage the wildfires. It’s politics.'

Aerial patrols … are also less frequent … '[Last week] there was dry lightning where towers are closed & there were hardly any helicopter patrols. We all knew this was going to happen.'” #cdnPoli #wildfires

Amplify this: Straight from the voices of firefighters abandoned by the UCP in #Alberta.


Adrian Segar mastodon (AP)
Four hundred scientists walk into a conference. And perhaps improve the health of the lands and waters on which all our lives depend.

#meetings #EventDesign #ScienceConference #collaboration #PeerConference #eventprofs
Two scientists walk into a conference: An illustration of a neon bar sign that says "Two scientists walk into a bar"

This November, you have the power to make Elon Musk waste 180 million dollars.
Khurram Wadee reshared this.
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