taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Unesco hat entschieden: Herrnhut wird Teil einer Weltkulturerbestätte. Die Organisation würdigt damit eine Freikirche, die eine solidarische Idee des Christentums vertritt. Ein Ortsbesuch.#Unesco-Welterbe #Unesco-Kulturerbe #Görlitz #EvangelischeKirche #LandtagswahlSachsen2024 #ReportageundRecherche #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt

taz mastodon (AP)
In Papua-Neuguinea wurden mindestens 26 Menschen massakriert und drei Dörfer niedergebrannt. Es ist schon der zweite derartige Angriff in diesem Jahr.!6022802

Great British Energy .. Great British Railways .. Could there have been a sadder way to show to the world how pathetically needy our nation’s political psyche has become? Still, if they create a vehicle to take over and manage the criminally greedy water companies I will expect them to call it Great British Shit.
Cloud Quinn mastodon (AP)
we need a debate about whether Britain should get to self ID as “great”.
@cloudquinn Constantly. In The Times, the Telegraph, the Mail and in the Observer on Sundays, at least a hundred times a week for seven years.
@kiwi2002 Nothing wrong with a national body including the nation’s name — think Electricité de France or Deutsche Bahn. Put Grande or Grosse in front and it gets silly.

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Jahrelang hat ein falscher Doktor und Professor für die NRW-Landesregierung gearbeitet. Nun hat ihn das Amtsgericht Duisburg wegen Betrugs verurteilt.#Duisburg #NRW #Hochschule #Universität #Betrug #Prozess #Landesregierung #Deutschland #Politik

redj 18 diaspora

End of an Era: Sony Cuts Production Of Writable Optical Media


#featured #interest #news #originalart #bluray #cd #cdr #dvd #dvdr #opticalmedia #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

mc diaspora
Great. Now I have the last Sony DVDs in the world.
redj 18 diaspora
I'll try to put my hands on a good pack 😀

Europe Says mastodon (AP) »Unverhohlene Lügen vor Millionen Menschen« Elon Musks trans Tochter wehrt sich gegen Queerfeindlichkeit ihres Vaters #DE #Deutschsprechenden
»Unverhohlene Lügen vor Millionen Menschen« Elon Musks trans Tochter wehrt sich gegen Queerfeindlichkeit ihres Vaters

M. Ní Sídach mastodon (AP)
You've Been Lied to About Inflation I 10 Economic Myths Debunked #9
Robert Reich
#EconomicJustice #Neoliberalism #LaissezFaire #Capitalism

Pauline mastodon (AP)
Was ist eigentlich das Ziel des Vorstandes der #deutschebahn und des #bmdv? Völlige Einstellung des Nah- und Fernverkehrs und Stilllegung des Schienennetzes? Ich verstehe es einfach nicht.
Mina mastodon (AP)
Wenn man den Betrieb einstellt und die Immobilien verkauft, bringt man die Bahn ruckzuck in die schwarzen Zahlen.
@mina und es gibt keine Verspätungen mehr wenn nichts mehr fährt 😂

Elon Musk’s trans daughter speaks out. And it is glorious.

@vivllainous • There’s a lot of stuff I need to debunk which I will get to don’t worry, but I want to start ... • Threads
Toni Aittoniemi mastodon (AP)
Such a scared little boy Musk. Wants to retreat to simple world where rules are fixed and imposed from above.

FragDenStaat mastodon (AP)
Unser Quartalsbericht ist da🎉📊
Historische Urteile des Europäischen Gerichts, die Umgestaltung unserer Website und investigative Recherchen zur EM.

Dank Euch haben wir 49% unseres Spendenziels für 2024 erreicht!💪🏽
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

UK: Teacher banned over misgendering pupil loses High Court appeal (being reported in a few places ... )

"Joshua Sutcliffe claimed a prohibition order against him was an ‘unjustified interference’ with his rights to freedom of speech and religion"
For those interested, here is a link to the appeal court judgement which can be summarized as 'we agree the original judgment that you're a dick, case dismissed'

#UK #Trans #LGBTQ
Estarriol, WU Dragon reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Сeasefire would leave 25% of Ukraine under Russian control, ambassador says #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Сeasefire would leave 25% of Ukraine under Russian control, ambassador says

b20_JPN mastodon (AP)


1 2 Chess! mastodon (AP)
White to play and win: Shukhman, Anna vs Krush, Irina. Swiss Queens Wed #24 2024 2024.07.10 #chess

Mastodon Statistics hubzilla (via ActivityPub)
#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-07-26 10:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 989
Number of users: 8 889 950
Number of statuses: 1 076 264 033
Number of users last 4h: 485
Number of statuses last 4h: 107 139
Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL in 1980, Kevin Peter Hall starred in the movie Without Warning, where he plays an alien that comes to Earth to hunt humans for sport. Seven years later, Hall would also play the Predator.
#til #todayilearned

CarveHerName mastodon (AP)
#OnThisDay, 26 July 1913, around 50,000 people - mostly women - rally in Hyde Park, London as part of campaigning for votes for women in Britain.

Some of the marchers had set out from Cornwall or Scotland six weeks earlier. Many of them had faced abuse and assault along the way.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #VotesForWomen #BritishHistory #Histodons
Millicent Fawcett addressing the crowd at Hyde Park. The banner behind her highlights that her National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies are "law abiding suffragists". All the women on the speaking platform are white.

Scott Lucas mastodon (AP)
#UkraineWar, Day 884: Defenders Blunt Large #Russia Assault in #Donetsk

Scott Lucas mastodon (AP)
#EU transfers €1.5bn of profits from frozen #Russia assets to #Ukraine

#VonDerLeyen: "There is no better symbol or use for the #Kremlin’s money than to make Ukraine and all of Europe a safer place to live"


cobalt mastodon (AP)
Getting epidural shot in lower spine today so I’m hopeful to have pain relief on the way. Insurance won’t pay for the nerve ablation again because I have to wait a year. Then this temporary shot was denied and I went battle-mode. Appeal granted. This better help! Medicare Advantage plan is horrible. Flowers from granddaughter who stayed overnight last week so Buddy was not alone.
Large bloom of a bright yellow ganzania (misspelled) with greenery and pink carnations around it. Close view on bouquet.
JamesK mastodon (AP)
Damn. I’m sorry you’re going through it.
Vicky Veritas mastodon (AP)
Fingers crossed!

Space Team Europe for Ariane 6: Ambra Pedrazzini


Video: 00:02:41

After taking an astronomy class in school, Ambra Pedrazzini now works for Arianespace on Europe’s newest rocket, Ariane 6. With past experience on Ariane 5, Ambra is now Fluid and Mechanical Interfaces Functional Assistant for the Ariane 6 upper liquid propulsion module.

Having worked on the development and implementation of the automatic programmes used during Ariane 6 launch campaign tests at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, Ambra was then part of the team in charge of the rocket’s qualification tests. Ambra is responsible for ‘functional testing’ – verifying that the rocket and its associated launch pad are ready for the launch chronology and firing tests.

With many different contributors from CNES, ESA and Arianespace, what is so special about working on Ariane 6 is the team spirit. With something as complex as rocket science, everyone must work together.

Ariane 6 launched from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana at 16:00 local time (20:00 BST, 21:00 CEST), designed to provide more launch power with higher flexibility and at a lower cost than its predecessors. The launcher’s configuration – with an upgraded main stage, a choice of either two or four powerful boosters and a new restartable upper stage – will provide Europe with greater efficiency and a wider range of launch services, including for the launch of multiple payloads into different orbits on a single flight.

Find more videos from Space Team Europe.

#launchers #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Damien Marie AtHope mastodon (AP)
Rock art and archaeological record reveal man's complex relationship with Amazonian animals

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL of Hannie Schaft, a Dutch resistance fighter known as "the girl with the red hair" during WWII. She committed assassinations and sabotage but refused to kidnap a Nazi official's children. During her execution, she was shot and injured, challenging her killers by saying, "I shoot better."
#til #todayilearned

Mina mastodon (AP)
London, South Bank on a cloudy day.

a modern facade in glass, aluminium and white stone with the reflection of some people at the south bank of the river Thames, the arcs of Southwark bridge in green and yellow and behind the roof of St. Paul's Cathedral.
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
I spent so much of my life working in those buildings 😞
Mina mastodon (AP)

I used to work at the other side of the river.

"Wenn wir an einer progressiven #Wasserpolitik arbeiten wollen, müssen wir Wasser aber noch besser verstehen. #Wasser ist nicht einfach ein Commons, ein #Gemeingut, sondern es ist Leben. Als lebenserhaltende Grundlage kann es als #Menschenrecht verstanden werden, auch wenn dieses Recht in der Realität weit davon entfernt ist, durchgesetzt zu werden. Wasser kann durch eine entsprechende kooperative Handhabe zu einem Commons werden. Das würde es ermöglichen, das #Menschenrecht auf einen Zugang zu #Wasser zu verwirklichen." Vorschläge dazu: #right2water

Großveranstaltungen in unsicheren Zeiten? Auch darum #NOlympia #Paris2024 #NOlympia2024

Harry Göhde diaspora

Schwan fliegt Kanadagänsen hinterher / Swan Flies After Canadian Geese

am Rheinufer neben dem Naturschutzgebiet »De Roos« in Friemersheim (Rheinhausen), Mai 2024

Schwan fliegt Kanadagans hinterher

Schwan fliegt Kanadagans hinterher

#Vögel #Schwäne #Rheinhausen #Niederrhein #Friemersheim #Duisburg #foto #photo #fotografie #photography
#animals #birds #anatidae #swans

Anne Roth mastodon (AP)
Auswärtiges Amt und BMI verweigerten Visum für 32 Kinder + Familienmitglied:

"Das Ergebnis ist niederschmetternd, wir sind fassungslos. Von sieben Kindern wissen wir, dass sie derweil verstorben sind. Ein Bein musste amputiert werden, das in Deutschland vermutlich hätte gerettet werden können.",UIyxGhb
Walter C. Smith mastodon (AP)
Dann lieber nicht zuviel, schau dir mal das Profil an!
Btw: Tja, einzige Möglichkeit wäre, aus der Regierung raus. Und dann? Doof nur dass das Stimmvieh es nicht rafft und lieber die 🙈🙈🙈 Parteien wählt, von den rote über die gelben, schwarzen bis hin zu den braunen!
Was wir brauchen ist mal ein/e grüne/n BundeskanzlerIn!
Und eine Überarbeitung der Verfassung, mich 🤮 dieser "tolle" Föderalismus an! 🥴
Walter C. Smith mastodon (AP)
Und in welcher Trollfabrik bist du unter dem Teppich her gekrochen? 🤦🏼‍♂️
Shut up! 💩

@energisch_ @Geigerulrich @anneroth

Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
France now requires groceries to give unsold food to people who are hungry.
#environment #FoodInsecurity
I had voted this up, and then noticed it gave the disclaimer that it was AI generated, and might contain errors.

Sorry, that's a hard NO GO. I want actual human generated news. Human opinions. I don't need a string of words a computer generates for content. This is a way to kill accurate information in favor of pop information to fit a mold.
Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
the site says the transcript is machine and human generated. Here is another link from NPR
@DTJackson When I had chickens, I tried to get old veggies from the local supermarket that I suspected were being thrown out to feed my chickens. I was told they went to a food bank. (I hope they weren’t giving those folks veggies that were gross enough to feed my chickens.)

#OtD 26 Jul 1950 the No Gun Ri massacre took place, when US military murdered 100-400 South Korean civilians, in one of the biggest mass killings by US ground forces
well apart from the Indian wars that is, places like wounded knee.....

Michael mastodon (AP)
Israel Is Running Out of Road

It ran out of road many years ago. It's taken one of the world's worst atrocities and genocides to finally drive this home

Daniel Supernault mastodon (AP)
Pixelfed Stories will soon support the sound library, post embeds, polls, reactions and optional push notifications reminders!

We’re going all in on Stories, but will make it easy to hide them if you want 😎
Pixelfed stories

The National Weather Service issued a hazardous weather outlook for Cobb and other metro Atlanta counties for Friday, July 26 #CobbCounty #Weather
A cartoon-like color drawing of thunderclouds and three bolts of lightning

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Um eine Klage der Stadt Seattle beizulegen, zahlt die Bayer-Tochter Monsanto 160 Millionen Dollar. Der Vorwurf der Umweltverschmutzung wiegt schwer.#Chemikalien #Umweltverschmutzung #Seattle #Rechtsstreit #Monsanto #Ökologie #Öko #Schwerpunkt
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