Eugen Rochko mastodon (AP)
Windermere after sunset.

📷 Pentax 6x7
🎞️ Kodak Portra 400
🔭 Super Takumar 105mm/2.4
⚗ Come Through Lab

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #MediumFormat #Cumbria #LakeDistrict #TheLakes
Two sailboats on a lake framed by trees on either side and a rock at the bottom.
"Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry
I'm setting off, but not without my muse"
MadeInDex mastodon (AP)
Very peaceful!

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that in 1923, a jockey died mid-race, but his horse finished and won the race, making him the only jockey to win a race after death.
#til #todayilearned

Christoph S diaspora
The moral bankruptcy of Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz - The Verge
Two of Silicon Valley’s famous venture capitalists make the case for backing Trump: that their ability to make money is the only value that matters.

Crypto and AI bros. Of course it's money that counts

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that newborns can sleep up to 16-17 hours a day, but in short bursts.
#til #todayilearned
Antanicus mastodon (AP)
given the chance, I would too

France TV Info
Huit militants d’Extinction Rébellion placés en garde à vue pour avoir collé des stickers anti JO dans le métro à Paris
#JO2024 #extinctionRebellion #repression

Phil diaspora
ah mais c'est bien sûr ! ce qui compte c'est le sens que l'on donne a son action et le plaisir qu'on y prend.
Et ce que j'ai toujours constaté c'est qu'une graine semée peut mettre une décennie ou deux à germer, surtout si elle est semée sur du béton.
et elle peut même germer tout à fait ailleurs qu'on pensait !

Guido Kühn mastodon (AP)
Olaf Scholz hinterlässt ein Land, welches gespaltener ist als zuvor. Er half die Abschiebedebatte zu befeuern, Arme statt Armut zu bekämpfen, die Reichen zu schützen, setzt auf Härte, ignoriert die Demokratiebewegung, lässt die Klimabewegung verfolgen und „scheitert“ wo immer es ihm opportun erscheint an der 2-5% Partei FDP.

Und er will nochmal als Kanzler antreten.
Illustration zweier Menschen, die an einem Olaf Scholz Plakat vorbei ins Schwarze gehen. Das Plakat ist mit Grafitti übersät. Dort steht Ausländer raus, Scheiss Arme, Härter Abschieben, Bürgergeldbetrüger.
Der eine Mensch sagt: Scholz will nochmal als Kanzler antreten
Der andere entgegnet: Warum? Ist ihm die soziale Härte nich nicht
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
läuft doch aus seiner persönlichen Sicht - oder wer dachte es ginge irgendwie auch nur im entferntesten um 'uns'?

Matthew Sheffield mastodon (AP)
New: JD Vance wrote the foreword to a book by the Project 2025 executive who recently threatened opponents of Donald Trump with violence.

The book is "incredible" and "contains a bold new vision" according to Vance. The original subtitle of the screed was "Burning Down Washington to Save America."

Lots more here:
A screenshot from a Jun 19, 2024 social media post by JD Vance. It reads: "Dawn's Early Light by 
 is available for pre-order now!

I was thrilled to write the foreword for this incredible book, which contains a bold new vision for the future of conservatism in America.

Get your copy here >>
A screenshot of a June 19, 2024 social media post from Andrew Beck that reads as follows: "And we're happy to have designed the cover. The gauntlet has been thrown. Look forward to seeing the debate and action that comes from this book."

Below the text is a book cover image that reads: "Dawn's Early Light: Burning Down Washington to Save America"

taz diaspora
+++ Nachrichten im Nahost-Krieg +++

Harris und Biden treffen Netanjahu

US-Präsident Biden betont die Notwendigkeit einer schnellen Einigung zur Geisel-Freilassung. Harris unterstützt das Recht auf israelische Selbstverteidigung.

Schwerpunkt: Nahost-Konflikt
Schwerpunkt: US-Wahl 2024

#taz #tageszeitung #Benjamin #Netanjahu #Kamala #Harris #Joe #Biden #Geisel #Geiselnahme #Hamas

FBI director suggests Donald Trump may not have been struck by bullet during assassination attempt at rally

Not so much of a hero, eh?

We can add splinter ear to bone spurs….

California is ordering state agencies to start clearing out homeless encampments

Gov. Newsom is encouraging cities and counties to do the same. The move comes a month after a Supreme Court ruling made it easier to force people to move even if they have nowhere else to go.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Muse diaspora
Technically, this is illegal. It goes against our international agreements concerning human rights. However, I doubt the courts care.

Michael mastodon (AP)
That's just insane! Why would make up such utter nonsense!

And then people complain about PHP 🙄 😆

Just discovered in amazement that in Bash scripts, any variable named `SECONDS` will automatically increment every second. Bash is bonkers

Rupert Curwen mastodon (AP)
I'm excited because the first full day of the #cambridge folk festival is today!

Bess Atwell, Robin Adams and Nora Brown+Stephanie Coleman are on my list. Plus ending stage 1 with Talisk, if my aging knees can take it.

#CFF24 #folk #FolkMusic

Holger Hellinger mastodon (AP)
Und die deutschen Autobauer so. Lass uns mal einen Kleinwagen für 25.000€ planen. Die haben alle den Schuss nicht gehört. Oder halt wie die #fahrDochPorsche und die #IdenDesMerz lass uns weiterhin das "brummbrumm" fahren...

> Preis unter 25.000 Euro: BYD stellt E-Auto mit 7 Sitzen und Blade-Akku vor
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Den Dacia Sandero gab es bereits für 7990 Euro - was war nochmal die Frage?

ups, korrigiere: 6990 Euro
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
mag sein, dennoch GAB es ihn für 7990,- Wie das jetzt aussieht, weiß ich nicht.

Obwohl wir selber einen Zoe fahren, würde ich aktuell auf Grund der überzogenen Preispolitik und fehlender Förderung kein E-Auto kaufen.

Drecksverbrenner hin oder her.

Matthew Sheffield mastodon (AP)
Rupert Murdoch, the king of right-wing disinformation, is suing his own children to forcibly control what they can do with his media empire after his death.

He is so committed to reactionary bullshit that he's trying to run his companies from beyond the grave.

If only people on the center-left were this passionate about media and democracy!

Alt link for NYT story:
Mr. Murdoch, 93, set the drama in motion late last year, when he made a surprise move to change the terms of the Murdochs’ irrevocable family trust to ensure that his eldest son and chosen successor, Lachlan, would remain in charge of his vast collection of television networks and newspapers.

The trust currently hands control of the family business to the four oldest children when Mr. Murdoch dies. But he is arguing in court that only by empowering Lachlan to run the company without interference from his more politically moderate siblings can he preserve its conservative editorial bent, and thus protect its commercial value for all his heirs.

Those three siblings — James, Elisabeth and Prudence — were caught completely off-guard by their father’s effort to rewrite what was supposed to be an inviolable trust and have united to stop him. Remarkably, the ensuing battle has been playing out entirely out of public view.

Paul Morris mastodon (AP)
I'm not sure why moderates are all shocked that both the Reform lot and the GB News lot are celebrating police kicking in people's heads and giving them cysts on the brain, and urging for more of the same, when they've been agitating for this for the past three years.

Also, unlike what they all tell you, they love the state's apparatus as much if not more than moderates do - but they believe they've been corrupted by their long list of boogeymen.

#ReformUK #GBNews #police

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
$500K “Republicans for Kamala Harris” Campaign Launches in Swing States - Republican Voters Against Trump

#Harris #Harris2024
Nyolc mastodon (AP)
‘He’s a historically unfit candidate,” said Sarah Longwell, Executive Director of Republican Voters Against Trump. “The anti-Trump coalition is energized. Now it’s time to speak directly to swing voters with the message that Donald Trump is unfit to be president, and doesn’t deserve their support in November. That’s exactly what we’re doing.”’

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Ein AfD-Parlamentarier sorgt für diplomatische Spannungen. Der namibische Botschafter beschwert sich, der NRW-Landtagspräsident distanziert sich.#Namibia #DeutscherKolonialismus #AfDNordrhein-Westfalen #Völkermord #Geschichtsrevisionismus #VölkermordandenHereroundNama #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
BerlinFokus mastodon (AP)
Irgendwas zwischen §130 StGB und Art. 26 GG (ohne Angriffskrieg).

Bissi Lücke im Deutschen Strafrecht, aber wenn es ein Linker mit was anderem gewesen wäre, hätten'se schon ne Möglichkeit gefunden ihn zu betrafen.

So kann man leider nix machen (außer Finger heben).

Jaime Robertson mastodon (AP)
He’s the only one who thinks he’s clever.
Jette mastodon (AP)
I'm sure Ms Harris sleeps well. Not so sure about Russell

kim_harding ✅ mastodon (AP)
Non-Google search engines blocked from showing recent Reddit results
Updated robots.txt file hits Bing and others without a Reddit deal.
#SearchEngines #Legal #Advertising

Sounds to me as if this is a case for the FTC, the EU's Competion Comissioner, and other #AntiTrust agencies around the globe.

Kim Scheinberg mastodon (AP)
Are there any astrophotographers among the Mastodon hive mind? I have some incredibly basic (like, beyond naive) questions about how to put together a beginner's setup.

Thanks in advance for any help
Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.
DopeGhoti mastodon (AP)
Putting some tags like #Space, #Photography, or specifically #Astrophotography in your inquiry will make it a lot more likely to find an answer.

Flipboard Tech Desk mastodon (AP)
The Affordable Connectivity Program started during the pandemic, and helped low-income families in the U.S. pay for the internet — but in May, it ran out of money. Now 23 million households are having to adapt, with 3 million cancelling their service completely once the ACP stopped. The other 20 million are trying to find up to $75 a month to pay for a service they now can’t be without. From reducing groceries to cutting back on heating, @cnet spoke to some of them to find out how they’re adjusting.

#Internet #Online #Tech

Anomnomnomaly mastodon (AP)
I read an article about 100 things to do before you die.

Calling for help wasn't even on it, let alone at number 1.

luelista mastodon (AP)
Hat jemand Interesse an einer Wohnung in Darmstadt Nord?

Ich suche Nachmieter*innen für 3ZKB(+Balkon,Abstellraum,Keller), 1255€ warm, frei ab 1.9.

weitere Infos:

Foto aus dem Wohnzimmer auf den Balkon raus

Maj1 🌶️🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Hi Peeps we found this little guy struggling to cross the road (they were ½ way across & not making much progress.

I’ve given him some cat biscuits & there is a bowl of water in the box .

Can I just release them into our rewilded garden & put food out of an evening ?

Any advice gratefully accepted.


First thanks to everyone who responded!

We have found a Hedgehog Rescue Peep about 20 minutes drive from our house.
A lovely lady named Anne has taken Henri in to check for parasites etc & then feed up.
Henri is a tiny thing weighing in at just 184g! His/her (yet to be determined - our Henri is very shy ! ) target weight is 500g .

We have plans to get a proper hog-house (since my wood working skills are limited to shelving & minor repairs) & then Henri can enjoy our re-wilded garden!

Expect updates on the Hashtag #HenriHog once we get more info.

@weirdfolks #WeirdFolks #Hedgehogs #Today
Picture a little hedgehog in an amazon box with a bowl of food .
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Good afternoon lovely 🐿️🐿️
I hope yon little 🦔🦔gets checked over is found to be ok, and can come back to you!
He/she is very small so will need feeding up if they come back to you. If you keep seeing him in the daytime there's definitely something wrong with him 😔
A feeding station will need to be cat proof or Sophie will get extra food 🤣🤣
As far as h'pig house I wouldn't spend too much money, as they tend to favour piles of twigs and sticks! Constructed by hoomins to be waterproof. If you have a wildish area that would be a good area 👍!
Maj1 🌶️🐿️ mastodon (AP)
Henri will be kept by the Hog Whisperer we tracked down until he/she is strong enough & fed’d up enough to cope. The Hog Whisperer has a ‘man who can’ who builds her the hog houses that she uses - £60 & they look really solid & well made. I ‘m temped to support a local carpenter who is doing good works for the hedgehogs.

There is a stick pile at the end of the garden if Henri prefers a rustic location.

Our back garden is so wild that even the elephants go armed !
Our garden has wild bits we once had the local cows, but I draw the line at hefalumps!!
I think the hog whisper is probably the best option, they'll be able to get the little critter fighting fit for winter, but if you think there's more in the area, investing in a little Des Res would be a great idea.
We saw three all at the same time, on our wildlife camera at the feeding station the other evening 🦔🦔🦔
Maj1 🌶️🐿️ mastodon (AP)
I’m telling you one enters the more remote parts i=of our garden at ones own risk these days ! 😜😂

I need to sort out a feeding station if Henri comes to stay.
🦔 +1 on the "brush pile" idea for a shelter.

Fair warning: rodentia will also find such a shelter to their liking. 🐀
Our "small critter shelter" is just a pile of sticks and leaves.

Dgar mastodon (AP)

ESA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
This striking high-resolution image offers an in-depth view of central Paris, allowing you to explore and zoom into the city’s most captivating areas in exceptional detail.

This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 26 – August 3

This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 26 – August 3

Very low in the west in bright twilight, have you picked up Venus yet? Binoculars help. Much tougher will be Mercury and Regulus. Their arrangement changes all week.

The post This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 26 – August 3 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

Samuel mastodon (AP)
Bra förslag av Jonas Sjöstedt (V) att sätta stopp fär Teslas strejkbryteri

"Han föreslog en inskränkning av EU:s utstationeringsdirektiv – en så kallad lex Tesla – som innebär att företag hindras från att flytta runt arbetare mellan olika EU-länder under pågående arbetsmarknadskonflikt."

Sjöstedt (V) kräver att EU-kommissionen stoppar Teslas strejkbryteri - Dagens Arbete

earendil diaspora

Ducks in Hydrangea by primrose

Girl Of The Sea reshared this.

Drew Mochak akkoma (AP)

Content warning: uspol, ableism

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Drew Mochak akkoma (AP)

Content warning: uspol, ableism

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Drew Mochak akkoma (AP)

Content warning: uspol, ableism

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Twra Sun mastodon (AP)


`Stop calling it Twitter' says guy who deadnames his own child
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Richard Murphy mastodon (AP)
Labour is going to announce a budget black hole everyone knew existed In news that will surprise precisely no one, Labour is going to announce on Monday that Jeremy Hunt’s budget forecasts did not add up, even though the Office for Budget Responsibility still signed off on them. The question is, what will Labour do? Is it tax rises, or deficit funding to stimulate the economy?
if the the hole is on 20bn that is chickenfeed in gov circles. I mean Dido got twice that as a gift from Johnson.

@IsabelB @Natasha_Jay Sunday teatime. A flickering fire, hot buttered crumpets and the Clangers. Unbound recently published all the scripts — what the Clangers are purported to have been saying! Proud to have my name in the back as a supporter!
Cover of the book ‘Clangers — the complete scripts 1969-74

Falcon 9 cleared to resume launches


SpaceX is ready to resume launches of its Falcon 9 rocket as soon as July 27 after completing an investigation into an upper stage anomaly two weeks earlier.

The post Falcon 9 cleared to resume launches appeared first on SpaceNews.

taz mastodon (AP)
Bei den Protesten sterben neben Studierenden auch Rikschafahrer, Kinder und Polizisten. Regierungschefin Sheikh Hasina bleibt unversöhnlich.!6022798
newer older

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