Mat B mastodon (AP)
Just the idea/suggestion. What if birds aren't singing, they're screaming? Totally fascinates and freaks me out.

There's more than a grain of truth in it. We communicate different things through speech, birds are no different. Birds songs are warnings, check ins, territorial announcements, sexual intentions etc. but the term screaming suggests an angst, a trauma, so removed from the pretty song of a Blackbird for instance, that when viewed like that, take on a horrific alternative narrative.

It's just words and concepts, but it tickles my brain, accompanied by a lullaby soundtrack.

This was my Ted talk, goodnight and don't have nightmares.
Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
Maybe woodpeckers don't really care about bugs or whatever. They just need to bang their heads on wood out of sheer rage.

Rae mastodon (AP)
I can do this...only another bus, some RAM, and an FPGA to go...
KiCad schematic showing a 16-bir ISA bus, and 9 level shifters bussed together
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
looks pretty shifty to me
Rae mastodon (AP)
@jpm Very shifty indeed!

ShredderLivesOn mastodon (AP)
Just when I thought the Manchester Airport incident couldn't get any worse...

30p Leenoch has joined his deputy leader Richard Tice in praising a police officer both kicking and stamping on someone's head, as well hitting another person in the back of the head while holding a taser, and pepper spraying someone for filming what happened.
He also went further, and said that the police should receive a medal.
ShredderLivesOn mastodon (AP)
@Thebratdragon They unfortunately didn't come off that badly.

If this had been someone in the media openly defending Jimmy Savile, or Rolf Harris, then the odds are their careers would have been finished.

Both Vine and Johnson still work at the Daily Mail and LBC respectively.
Estarriol, WU Dragon reshared this.
helps that both are tories.

Remember the biggest protector of Saville (and Leon Britten) was Margaret Thatcher....

Otari Wilton's Bush #Wellington
Looking out over dense native forest from a raised platform. Tall podocarps, tree ferns and broadleaf.

Sabrina✨ mastodon (AP)
Should I start making content again when the musical is done? I have so much I was in the middle of but idk who wants it
Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
If the voice is alive inside, create whatever will manifest it outside.

Don't create because others want it. That's backwards.

Create because it wants to exist.

And find your people. They will want it.
2 people reshared this

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
Appreciation toot for everyone on #Mastodon following, interacting, and being awesome on this platform and helping grow the federated community.

You get one wool heart each.

Mike [SEC=OFFICIAL] mastodon (AP)
I have three options in front of me and in need to make a pretty huge choice next week. I'm not currently at liberty to discuss the details and I don't know which one I'll pick. Let's see what you all reckon!

This isn't binding of course. I'm not having you lot tell me what to do.

I'll tell you if you were right someday though.

  • Option A (15%, 6 votes)
  • Option B (41%, 16 votes)
  • Option C (43%, 17 votes)
39 voters. Poll end: 6 months ago

Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
option C is definitely the “do nothing / keep going” option

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Getur einhver útskýrt þetta fyrir mér #iceland
Getur einhver útskýrt þetta fyrir mér

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL that sloths only poop once a week. Their metabolism is so slow that they can digest food over several days and only need to defecate occasionally.
#til #todayilearned

BushHut mastodon (AP)
What causes, triggers, people who are oppressed, put upon, harassed, to rise up against those in power oppressing them?

I imagine that the first criterion is the recognition of oppression.

As long as people accept their treatment by their government, then obviously they see no need to even consider fighting back.

As long as people have the opportunity to vote in a supposedly democratic process, they assume that they have democracy & whatever they think that means.

The fact that whichever "side" they elect is in no significant way different to the other "side" is blurred over by the propaganda mass media conducting a charade of opposition between the two "sides". That they are both owned by the same people who would conduct them as puppets for their fascist, neofeudal purposes, serfdom, slavery in whatever form it would take in this age of the oligarchs.

Not Fascist as in Italy or Germany, not Feudal as in the Middle Ages, but whatever allows the modern oligarch autocrats to rule their fiefdom, obtained by their willing purchase of the corrupt politicians & their parties who have access as elected governments to an unconstrained flow of national currency & all the brute physical power of State.

#politics #auspol #ukpol #uspol #fascism #neofeudalism #Neoliberalism

Julie Hughes mastodon (AP)
Ok White dudes...your turn to show up! "White Men Against #MAGA"

Eniko Fox mastodon (AP)
japanese localizers: hey so do you want us to use the english title of your game or the katakana you have in the subtitle in the store page text?

me: ... good question. i'll just look at what final fantasy does!

final fantasy xiv: katakana
final fantasy x|x2 remasters: english
final fantasy dawntrail: BOTH, SOMEHOW???
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Make an animated splash screen which switches between big latin with smol kana on top, and big kana with smol latin on top.

Make sure the animation starts at a random point in the loop whenever it starts up.

Just refuse to choose.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Nejmenší obce v ČR se dřív nebo později budou muset sloučit do větších celků. Nebo alespoň spolu zajišťovat některé služby – vzdělávání, sociální služby, zdravotnictví. Nebo je tradice jednotlivých malých obcí důležitější než efektivnější financování státu (např. více než 4 tisíc základních škol)? #CzechRepublic
Nejmenší obce v ČR se dřív nebo později budou muset sloučit do větších celků. Nebo alespoň spolu zajišťovat některé služby - vzdělávání, sociální služby, zdravotnictví. Nebo je tradice jednotlivých malých obcí důležitější než efektivnější financování státu (např. více než 4 tisíc základních škol)?

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Dragonflies Reveal Path of Mercury Pollution - Yale E360


Helianthus mastodon (AP)
#JDVance and #MAGA hate this 😭, so please don't re-toot or share it in any other way! 🤣

Credit where credit is due:
xitter . com / MarshSongs/status/1814682124693217698
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Der Präsident der serbischen Teilrepublik, Milorad Dodik, wollte mit einem eigenen Wahlgesetz Fakten schaffen. Jetzt stoppt ihn das Verfassungsgericht.#BosnienundHerzegowina #MiloradDodik #RepublikaSrpska #Europa #Politik

Hanse Mina mastodon (AP)
The #US Defense Department has identified another $2 billion worth of accounting errors in its estimations of military aid sent to #Ukraine, a U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealed.

Due to the errors, the Defense Department can send a further $2 billion in weapons to Ukraine to cover the amount already approved by U.S. President Joe #Biden.

Tony Novak reshared this.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL Birds aren't actually blue, but appear to be due to an optical illusion caused by light interacting with the 3D structure of their feathers.
#til #todayilearned
tintinaujapon ActivityPub
this is how human perception of colour operates.

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
I prefer indexes and do not invest in individual stocks.

But what I know is that, for a mature company, a P/E ratio between 5-20 is generally a fair valuation.

For a “growth” company, you can afford a higher P/E but only if the revenue growth potential is realistic—otherwise we enter into euphoria and the multiple represents risk.

If we are to believe the P/E ratio, Tesla has greater potential for growth than Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.

And I have to ask, based on what?

Personally, I don’t believe Tesla is a technology company in the same vein as the other companies I mentioned. All those tech companies have monopoly power in their respective industries, and have used their monopoly power to leverage growth in new industries.

Tesla has no monopoly power and yet it has a higher P/E ratio.

And because it’s a megacap, it puts the greater market at risk when—not if—its share price plummets to a saner valuation.

You may say the market is always forward looking, and this is true. But “forward looking” is often just a fancy way of saying “wishful thinking”.
"#Tesla...puts the greater market at risk when—not if—its share price plummets to a saner valuation."

My question is: can this insane valuation be traced back to some "leader of the pack," trendsetting investors?

I prefer indexes and do not invest in individual stocks.

But what I know is that, for a mature company, a P/E ratio between 5-20 is generally a fair valuation.

For a “growth” company, you can afford a higher P/E but only if the revenue growth potential is realistic—otherwise we enter into euphoria and the multiple represents risk.

If we are to believe the P/E ratio, Tesla has greater potential for growth than Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.

And I have to ask, based on what?

Personally, I don’t believe Tesla is a technology company in the same vein as the other companies I mentioned. All those tech companies have monopoly power in their respective industries, and have used their monopoly power to leverage growth in new industries.

Tesla has no monopoly power and yet it has a higher P/E ratio.

And because it’s a megacap, it puts the greater market at risk when—not if—its share price plummets to a saner valuation.

You may say the market is always forward looking, and this is true. But “forward looking” is often just a fancy way of saying “wishful thinking”.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Oh, nice.

They're making a sequel of that recent game.

Very recent game.

Totally not old.

taz mastodon (AP)
Minderjährige in der Bundeswehr dürfen den Bundestag nicht wählen, aber Töten lernen – das ist absurd. Sie sind nichts anderes als Kindersoldat:innen.!6022795

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Judoka Anna-Maria Wagner wird als weiblicher Part die deutsche Fahne in Paris tragen. Sie hat Medaillen im Blick – und kennt sich mit Krisen aus.#Judo #Paris #Eröffnungsfeier #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt

Bruce Mirken mastodon (AP)
#ElonMusk's #trans daughter has had enough: "Calling me dead on a podcast with JORDAN PETERSON of all people while basically admitting you have zero reading comprehension by saying you were 'tricked' into signing documents that you read over multiple times is basically a parody of itself... This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there..."
thepoliticalcat mastodon (AP)
If Elon Musk had one fucking GRAIN of decency in his entire body, he would leave his child alone. A parent is supposed to love and protect their children. This dumb, obnoxious, vile piece of shit reveals that he is incapable of parenting. In a just world, he would be imprisoned for putting his child in danger by siccing his vile sycophants on her.
xs4me2 mastodon (AP)
Well, he does not… a vile bastard incapabel of love…
Bruce Mirken mastodon (AP)
@xs4me2 @thepoliticalcat A classic malignant narcissist.
Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
Elon Musk likes to deposit his sperm into any willing woman and then leave them when they get pregnant.
He's a deadbeat dad at heart.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Losses of the Russian military to 26.7.2024 #Ukraine
Losses of the Russian military to 26.7.2024

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Breaking News: “Massiver Angriff” auf Schnellzugnetz in Frankreich #DE #Deutschsprechenden
Breaking News: "Massiver Angriff" auf Schnellzugnetz in Frankreich

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Nikki Haley: Republican 'DEI' comments of Kamala Harris 'not helpful’
WesDym mastodon (AP)
This is the same windsock who opposed and publicly mocked Trump, then backed him, even against her own supporters, right?

Why don't you sit this one out, Nikki. I think pretty much everyone's done listening to you for awhile.

Julio Ojea diaspora
Oleo y arena sobre tabla. 60x50 cm
#oilpainting and #sand on #canvas
#beach #hightide #cangas #Galicia #riadevigo #materic #painting #matericart #figuration #myart #mywork #JulioOjea

Tom Grzybow diaspora
About 2/3 to 3/4 done. Then a round of editing begins.

Sustainable Community Consciousness

Intentional sustainable communities are to be based upon a behavioral norm I’m calling the “Community Transaction”. The Community Transaction would be the basis of the economy here - not the abstract “market”. There would indeed be market-places, but these would be the places where Community Transactions are conducted.

The accelerating enormity of human impact upon earth’s systems is understood and evidenced to be unsustainable for continuing human progress. Here we explore important aspects of human living which may describe the kind of community where people can continue to lead a joyful, sustainable lifestyle.

Of course this is not a novel endeavor. Many people have argued that the most important element of social organization we can put in place is the distributed, common ownership of property. However, looking at historical experience we can also see that the practical results of a more egalitarian, shared distribution of property would be at best tangential to the environmental crisis we face. Reasonably, any society which is focused upon property would continue to live in pursuit of more property, wealth, and power, thus driven to increasingly pollute the living environment. We maintain here that the focus must be upon what we do, not what we have. Understanding how the root causes of our existential crisis lie in our behaviors, our individual and social behaviors — we move to address the all-important role of culture. In order to minister to the heart of our destructive relationship with our environment we must proceed to identify and employ the arts of habilitating a sustainable life-structure supported by a robust yet evolving culture. Recognize also that the required structures of informed interdependence may not be possible on a wide scale.

Somewhat like an insurance company, the active resources of the living community deal with individual contingency while maintaining a bank of process knowledge – the community consciousness. Employing some of the analytical language of Lewin (citation), stimuli acting upon, between, and from within the interacting life-spaces of community participants push changes within this field of community consciousness (that is the enclosing field of information for the active set of habitus fields). Community consciousness functions as the primary medium carrying community forward.

Examining individual behavior within the context of this framework, our notion of a “sustainable community” reveals a pervasive tension between each individual’s motivation to prosper (concordant with the community values attached to practices and objects expressed within their life-space) versus the actual behaviors which would contribute to the health of the community body. In the pursuit of stability and sustainability these tensions must be resolved. However, the tension between individuals’ behaviors in carrying out internal motivations consistent within their personal life-space(citation) and the behaviors which could actually contribute to the health of the community body is largely fueled by the values instilled into each participant’s life-space by the living community itself!

As we have seen, reactions to external contingency along with actions originating from within member’s life-spaces can interact with the field of community consciousness to create tensional pressures. These forces may indeed signal internal or external/environmental challenges to be met by the community at large. And we have seen how our personal everyday norms exist and are created within the enactment of our wider social customs, habits, and legal processes while motivated by the given human desire to improve personal living conditions and gain greater community status from within the habitas. The key to creating a sustainable community would include some way to positively alter the wider encompassing field itself . A sustainable community will embody an ongoing ontology of value as it builds a web of communication of normative knowledge. This knowledge of value, for our sustainable community, is the actual living network of knowledge-bearers, each and all behaving with some coherence in beliefs which are constantly fortified and updated within the evolving community. These activities informed with this kind of of knowledge are the very material of sustainable community life. The “Community Transaction” is the concrete mechanism building this material.

Practically, throughout our lives and even throughout recorded history, many of our social interactions revolve around the exchange of things. Economists state that the “price of sale” in transactions strongly implies the “value” as seen by the participants. However, and this is of key importance: with each transaction something born-of and composed of human life itself is transferred. Therefore this exchange is an extremely critical point. It is precisely here that the motivations of the people participating in an exchange within the context of their community (the community field) are brought together such that the relative values the “objects” of human life are expressed: negotiation through transaction describes and defines the value-legitimacy of instantiations of value embedded in the habitas as inculcated from the communal field. So, we focus upon this nexus, “the Community Transaction”. Authentic “reality-based” assessments of value can only come about generatively through interactive life-experience engaged in the ongoing living/transacting process.

Community Transactions are the relational micromechanism which work to align the community with the ever-changing situational macroenvironment. In the earlier essay “Making Community” (citation), it is proposed that the determination of value is brought forth through the relationship between ongoing instantiations of life-space interactions (Community Transactions) and transaction consequences which feed back to the life space(s) in the community such that this information carries aspects of the history, social, “material”, and cultural meaning which inform and influence the community consciousness. The most important task for the sustainable community is to maintain the actual domain for living (or culture) where needed adjustments can take place. Adjustments to the determination of norms is the fundamental means by which the community consciousness shapes itself in response to internal and external forces - culture is the normative and self-transformative “mechanism”. The sustainable community develops and prospers when transactional relationships work cleanly and transparently within the community consciousness to inform the active library of cultural knowledge. did you read Murray Bookchin by any chance?

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
One of the greatest tricks companies use to justify high valuations is to convince potential investors that they’re a tech company.

We saw this with Juicero. We saw this with WeWork.

And I suspect that this is the case – to an obscene degree – with Tesla.

At the end of the day, Tesla is a car company with an energy side hustle.

Elon Musk might be talking about full self-driving, A.I., and robotaxis, but he has yet to deliver a tangible product based on any of those things. Until Tesla makes something that works, it is an automotive company and should be treated as an automotive company.
SuperMoosie ActivityPub

Twra Sun mastodon (AP)
„Gleiches gilt für Wärmepumpen, Photovoltaik und Windräder.“

☑️ ☑️ ☑️


"Elektroautos haben nichts mit den @Die Gruenen zu tun. Es ist die effizienteste und fortschrittlichste Technologie der individuellen Fortbewegung. Ihr kauft euch doch auch das neuste iPhone und nicht ein Nokia 3210."

3:30 nachm. • 24. Juli 2024 • 68.919 I a angezeigt
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Ehm, Nokia stellt wegen hoher Nachfrage eine neue Auflage des 3210 vor.

Totgesagte leben länger - was sagt uns das?
Tino✅ mastodon (AP)
@gondo das sagt uns das der Vergleich hinkt.
So ein 3210 war schon immer ein gutes Telefon , belastet die Umwelt nicht mehr als ein iPhone (obwohl Apple ganz gut beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit ist) und ist auf jeden Fall energieeffizienter als ein iPhone.
Bei Verbrenner Autos vs e-Autos sieht das ganz anders aus.
Ich finde das e-Autos in allem besser sind als Verbrenner.
(bei Reichweite und Lade-Infrastruktur wird sich noch viel tun in den nächsten paar Jahren)

Content warning: transphobia

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Lulu · לולו mastodon (AP)

Content warning: transphobia

Lulu · לולו mastodon (AP)

Content warning: transphobia, harassment

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