Richard Murphy mastodon (AP)
Starmer’s choice: to facilitate an apartheid state, or not? Israel has found to be an apartheid state by the International Criminal Court. What will Starmer do in response? He has to make up his mind now. Does he still back it, or not?

Richard Murphy mastodon (AP)
Labour could end no-fault evictions The Tories said they would end no-fault evictions from private-sector accommodation but failed to deliver. Labour could deliver this reform now, and end this threat hanging over millions of people. They have said they will, but will they do it properly?

Richard Murphy mastodon (AP)
Wes Streting can’t blame the NHS for its failings: that’s all down to political choice and he’s now responsible for them Wes Streeting is saying the NHS has failed. But that's not true. Tory decision-making on the NHS failed. Now, he has to show he can make better decisions, and not blame NHS staff if he can't.

taz diaspora

Scholz hat die Symbolik umgekehrt

Von Cem-Odos Güler

Wo Merkel einst ihren berühmten Satz sagte, kündigt der Kanzler nun Abschiebungen nach Syrien an – und hat damit den Anschluss zur Mitte verloren.

#taz #tageszeitung #Olaf #Scholz #Gaza #SPD #Ampel-Koalition #Abschiebung
Und Gernot Hassknecht hatte noch so über seine Nominierung gelacht:

taz mastodon (AP)
Ein Gericht entscheidet, dass ein abgeschobener Marokkaner doch nicht zurückgeholt wird. Gleichzeitig gestehen Behörden erstmals Fehler ein.!6025971

muıııo mastodon (AP)
I was just in a morning call in Spanish and I was told my Spanish has improved a lot recently, so YAY!

Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
What a day. We are still fundraising fiercely at I took time to set up #MastodonBlueWave at But what has kept me busiest - apart from getting ready for out-of-town visitors - is that I’m starting to make modest inroads with people in and adjacent to the #HarrisForPresident campaign. This is a painstaking process, lots of emails, calls, texts, everybody sounding each other out. 1/
2 people reshared this
Chuck mastodon (AP)
There was a weird glitch with it but I think the agent got it sorted out. Worst case it got doubled. 😃
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
@ChuckMcManis Act Blue will refund if the agent didn’t fix it.

U.S. military urged to embrace smallsat revolution


Mitchell Institute report: Now is the time for the United States to fully leverage the unique attributes of small satellites

The post U.S. military urged to embrace smallsat revolution appeared first on SpaceNews.

Alex Psmith mastodon (AP)
I was cycling on the road and was catcalled by a car full of women, and when they got closer, I heard one of them exclaim, "Ewwww, it's a girl!"

Just in case you folks were wondering where my love life's at.

it now seems clear that GB Energy, to be set up in the next few months by the Labour Govt. will focus on expanding the provision of off-shore wind power generation, by working closely with the Crown Estates (already doing well from the sector) and seeking to de-risk investment in the sector.

Of course, off-shore wind in many ways is more expensive than its onshore version, but does side-step the planning friction(s) often encountered... but interconnection issues remain!

#energy #wind
h/t FT
One thing I’ve often wondered about, but not seen data on, is whether offshore wind is more reliable than onshore? That could be a good reason to support the option.
Reliable in terms of wind being there to power the turbines, or reliable as in uptime/MTBF and frequency of maintenance? Wind is easier to model over expanses of sea as there is little to block it, cause turbulence or take the energy out. On land you need to factor the topology far more carefully, whether you’re placing turbines on the coast at sea level or inland on hills and moors. Putting turbines on hilly land does have the advantage of..
..raising the turbine blades into the faster and more reliable wind flow above 100 meters, whereas offshore turbines have at least part of their swept area close to sea level. Power output varies with the cube of incident wind velocity so tapping into faster wind flow really matters for power factors. allows you to see separate wind layers and I’ve found that very instructive. It’s worth noting that a great deal of Scotland’s wind output..
..comes from onshore installations in the northern highlands. The highlands benefit over the rest of the UK mainland in that prevailing westerlies come straight from the Atlantic whereas, further south, the English west coast is sheltered by Ireland being in the way. We get the best winds from the south west, barrelling up the Irish Sea. The south west peninsula is similarly blessed but wind (offshore and onshore) has been held back there by NIMBYism.
The crown estates have also been slow to auction sea bed in the south west, perhaps anticipating the outcry, but there is also the problem of getting power out of the peninsula and onto the core grid. Notice that a whole new grid connection has had to be built for the 3.5GW coming out of Hinkley.
Hen Gymro Heb Wlad mastodon (AP)
I'm all for more wind power but the Bristol Channel remains one of the best UK locations for reliable tidal energy.

I recall there were plans to build relatively low-impact tidal lagoons with smaller turbines, which would have been delivering energy fairly quickly, while the network could be extended over time depending on resources/requirements.

Not sure why the plan was dropped - Tory hostility to "green crap"? Instead they're still building another nuke.
Likewise Morecambe Bay, up here - tidal power in both would be a major thing.... but seems like a pipe dream
And then there’s the Menai Straits and the body of water between Scrabster and Orkney in the far north of Scotland.
the lack of action on these plans is deliberate, it is what huge fossil fuel profits can buy with bribes....

Ways to keep the money flow running. Of course no planet to spend it on....
The failure to tap into the absolutely predictable twice-a-day movement of water in the Severn estuary is shocking.
Hen Gymro Heb Wlad mastodon (AP)
I think one problem was the fixation on a massively environmentally damaging and colossally expensive barrage that would take decades to deliver any benefit to anyone except the contractors, if ever.

The idea of building smaller tidal lagoons that could deliver energy sooner with far less cost and damage, plus flexibility for growth and upgrades over time, seemed like a winner to me.

But perhaps not so tempting to the big contractors and their Tory mates?
Crikey, Christine that was a much fully & more detailed repose than I expected this morning - really interesting - thanks (and boosted)
MarjorieR mastodon (AP)
not sure how much can be mopped up by local demand. At the moment it's mostly coming into the penisula.
Steve Woods mastodon (AP)
The connection to which all of N. Somerset objected...
beemoh mastodon (AP)
Windy looks interesting.

Seems to be a bit much for mobile, but I'll be giving that a look later on.
There’s a mobile app which is a delight to us3 on iPad.
Quixoticgeek mastodon (AP)
do we have data on the MTBF of onshore Vs offshore? Operating something with moving parts in a salty environment is an engineering challenge. Personally I don't understand why we aren't filling the north sea with 20mw giant wind turbines. It avoids the eyesore objections. And we need all the wind we can get.
I don’t know what the MTBFs are. All I’ve seen are descriptions of how each turbine is closely managed from shore. I believe the emphasis is on timely intervention to deal with any sign of degradation before failure occurs. The height of the newest 13-15MW units is such that spray is less likely to reach the hub and the insides of the nacelle. YouTube features maintenance visits a lot. The great thing is that, whereas repairs..
..on a thermal generating plant (coal or gas or nuclear) can take a large slice of it offline for months, the distributed nature of wind farms means that maintenance can be done on a rolling basis. Losing 13MW out of 1500MW is a mere blip. In the very worst case you can send in a ship, pop off the blades and nacelle, and have it back in action in days.
The Penguin of Evil mastodon (AP)
Ukraine is the worked example. They are building huge wind farms because their distributed nature makes them far less vulnerable

Home solar and batteries is even better for this but would require the UK put sensible amounts of solar on roofs not the G98 regulation driven 3.68KW (by comparison sunny Australia averages 9KW)
An onshore wind farm is also a lot quicker to build than a replacement coal or gas fired power station. And, yes, it’s interesting to speculate how the UK’s power system would look if a more significant number of homes and small business units had solar and batteries. A sizeable chunk of demand would ‘disappear’ on the DNO side of the meter and, with surpluses exported, grid demand would change.
The other thing we shouldn’t lose sight of is that further out in the North Sea, eg on Dogger Bank, wind is much more of an international effort. Big chunks of the North Sea are being turned over to wind farms and the companies operating them have the choice how to balance where they send the power and, indeed, how they distribute between adjacent wind farms. Outside national jurisdictions they are far less controllable by states.
Something else to add: All this wind farm rollout is proving beneficial to marine species. Fish benefit because trawlers aren’t allowed within the boundary of a wind farm. That gives them space to recover their numbers from over-fishing. Shellfish are also rather liking the piles on which turbines are built.

Should I be surprised that Microsoft's ChatGPT is broken with #Firefox ?

Tried twice to create an account and failed twice when the confirmation URL ended up in nowhere. No error, just a blank page.
Michal Vyskočil mastodon (AP)
can't confirm - my signup attempt I did right now ended up with and I was able to access a chat.

Firefox 128 from a flathub.

Maybe it's some extension that breaks the process?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Oil Kills International Uprising continues in Canada with redecoration of Montreal Airport #Climate
Oil Kills International Uprising continues in Canada with redecoration of Montreal Airport

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL The word "man" was originally gender-neutral, hence "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind". In Old English "wæpman" = male, "wifman" = female, "man" = gender-neutral
#til #todayilearned

muıııo mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Literal thirst trap, look away

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
US-Präsident Biden betont die Notwendigkeit einer schnellen Einigung zur Geisel-Freilassung. Harris unterstützt das Recht auf israelische Selbstverteidigung.#BenjaminNetanjahu #KamalaHarris #JoeBiden #Geisel #Geiselnahme #Hamas #Nahost-Konflikt #Nahost #Politik #Schwerpunkt

COVID is having a summer wave. Here's what it means for older people

What's with the uptick in COVID cases? There's a pattern that's been repeated each year since COVID started -- a late summer wave. Older people and those who are immuno-compromised should be careful.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
libramoon reshared this.

The Register mastodon (AP)
Customer bricked a phone – and threatened to brick techie's face with it

There's a difference between a warranty and insurance. In this story the latter could fight back On Call Friday is the day the working week goes to die for most people – unless, like many a Reg reader, they're on call to provide tech support at all hours. Which is why we use this day to celebrate those hardy souls with a fresh instal…
#theregister #IT

Tony Novak mastodon (AP)
Most of the people in my life who I love, enjoy being with, and admire have the opposite beliefs from mine on almost every issue ranging from religion, politics, education, and human rights. That includes my family, friends, neighbors, work peers, and clients. I love, respect and support them all.

But this support and respect is not reciprocal. I follow a simple and clear Acceptable Public Behavior Policy in all public and business dealings to avoid overt bigotry. I have received death threats and been physically attacked for my public advocacy of beliefs. I have been rejected for work and community leadership positions because of my fundamental beliefs. I am scared for our future.

I'm here for 6 months of Dark Brandon

'Major prongs of Project 2025 have already been enacted': legal expert

Although Joe Biden on Sunday, July 21 dropped his bid for reelection, the president has promised to implement US Supreme Court reform during his final six months in office.

Last week, The Washington Post reported that Biden urged the Congressional Progressive Caucus on a phone call to "back his Court reform plan, which he hinted would soon be made public."

The president said, "I’m going to need your help on the Supreme Court, because I’m about to come out — I don’t want to prematurely announce it — but I’m about to come out with a major initiative on limiting the court … I’ve been working with constitutional scholars for the last three months, and I need some help."


Hans mastodon (AP)
Der Baccardi steht auch nur noch im Schrank Rum. 🤔 #nurmalso
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
Dito. Ist das Alter.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
The Life and Death of the ‘Biden Is Dead’ Conspiracy Theory
Skip Lacaze mastodon (AP)
“Can we demand some proof of life from Boebert’s brain?”

Claas Gefroi mastodon (AP)
Das geht leider gerade völlig unter: Die Frankfurter Polizist*innen, die in einer Chatgruppe übelsten Rassismus und Volksverhetzung teilten, werden nicht strafrechtlich belangt, weil es in einer geschlossenen Gruppe passierte und der "Belustigung" diente.
Um ein Verbreiten im strafrechtlichen Sinn handele es sich erst, wenn die „konkrete, durch tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte belegbare Gefahr vorliegt, dass der Inhalt an eine unbestimmte Anzahl von Personen weitergegeben wird und der Täter dies billigend in Kauf nimmt“. Dass eine Whatsapp-Nachricht leicht weitergeleitet werden kann, reicht dem Gericht zufolge „unter Berücksichtigung verfassungsrechtlicher Anforderungen“ nicht aus, um ein „Verbreiten“ beim Einstellen von inkriminierten Inhalten in eine Whatsapp-Gruppe anzunehmen. Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes, der die Meinungsfreiheit garantiere, erfordere vielmehr konkrete Anhaltspunkte dafür, dass der Empfänger den Inhalt weitergebe und der Sender dies billigend in Kauf nehme.

Im Fall der Polizeichats hingegen lägen keine konkreten Anhaltspunkte dafür vor, dass die Chatgruppenmitglieder damit gerechnet und es billigend in Kauf genommen hätten, dass die Inhalte weitergegeben und damit einer „nicht mehr überschaubaren Anzahl von Personen“ übermittelt werden würden, argumentierte das Gericht. Im Gegenteil: Ihnen sei bewusst gewesen, dass eine Weiterleitung vor allem der nationalsozialistischen und ausländerfeindlichen Inhalte dienstrechtliche Konsequenzen hätte haben können. Zweck der Gruppe sei es gewesen, durch Einstellen schockierender Inhalte die Chatmitglieder zu „belustigen“, führte der Senat aus. Darauf weise bereits der Gruppenname „Itiotentreff“ hin.
Gondoliere mastodon (AP)
@vatolin @silbaer @EngelMichelmann als ob eine Krähe der anderen ein Auge ausmacht...
silbaer mastodon (AP)
@vatolin @EngelMichelmann Wenn Rassismus in einer geschlossen Gruppe (strafrechtlich) nicht verboten ist, dann ist es erlaubt. Dass das in keinem Fall ok ist, steht leider auf einen anderen Blatt. Und das an Beamte da strengere Maßstäbe angesetzt werden sollten ist eigentlich keine Frage. IMO hat jeder Polizist der sich an solch einer Chatgruppe beteiligt seine Eignung zum Staatsdienst verwirkt.
Ändert aber nichts an meiner Aussage. Laut Artikel hat das OLG Frankfurt entschieden.

Robert Reich mastodon (AP)
You've Been Lied to About Inflation I 10 Economic Myths Debunked #9

Liz or Aliz mastodon (AP)
It was hard for me, when she first became VP. (( might be some undiagnosed learning disabilities - back then, they would just say “ oh, they’re dumb “ hardly ! Now, I just visualize the graphic that she had provided back then; , la
Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
@Aliz66_75 Randy Rainbow did a video where he bounced off the theme from stuck in my mind and helped.

(I'm a nut about King Arthur stories, and Camelot has many meaningful memories for me)
Skip Lacaze mastodon (AP)
Rightwingers like to call names. They have often referred to the “Democrat Party” for the past 100 years just to tick us off. It took off with McCarthy, Goldwater, and, I think, Reagan. It was official since Gingrich. Since they are now officially opposed to democracy in general, maybe they could start using “Democratic Party,” since it sounds like an insult anyway.

Eugen Rochko mastodon (AP)
A view on the Langdale valley.

📷 Pentax 6x7
🎞️ Kodak Portra 400
🔭 Super Takumar 105mm/2.4
⚗ Come Through Lab

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #MediumFormat #Cumbria #LakeDistrict #TheLakes
Under a cloudy sky, a patch of green fellside is illuminated brighter than the rest. Up closer, a dirt path with ferns all around.
Eugen Rochko reshared this.

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)

Emelia 👸🏻 mastodon (AP)
LMFAO: imagine trying to paint Kamala Harris as "not good for women & girls" because she won't support your transphobic views — it's implying indirectly that Trump would be good for women & girls, when he'd absolutely not be, sending us back decades.

@Flipboard I think you're really going to need to improve curation because in the last week you've sent me push notifications for a scam and now transphobic bullshit.

Sometimes I read a toot and I can sense the Earth vibrating as reply guys clamor over each other to correct an obvious but meaningless goof.

Chris Rodgers mastodon (AP)
I love being "thanked for my cooperation"
Like it's always either a weird quasi-threat, or the person is actually asking me not to have a meltdown
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
Regarding the hit-by-bullet assumption:

"It seems quite likely that the story Trump has been telling constantly over the last two weeks simply isn’t true, that he and his campaign know it’s not true or at least that there’s no evidence for it. And the press has too."

As Josh Marshall makes clear, this is another willful failure of Big Journalism. Refusing to do the basic stuff is the norm now.

(Free link)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
I was questioning this shortly after the shooting and complaining about the lack of press analysis. The press is failing to due diligence of the truth. I have always called this an alleged shooting.
Jeff Craig mastodon (AP)
@tmstreet I mean, it's absolutely a shooting, and appears to be a legitimate assassination attempt, but shrapnel doesn't make his survival seem nearly as lucky/miraculous, so he lied.

I mean, the fact that I also can't reject the idea that he had a razor blade in his pocket and bladed himself for the sudden photo op is also a reason that something more official should be said.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) We knew Trump would do this! Pathetic! #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #UsPolitics
We knew Trump would do this! Pathetic!

Reticent Turnip mastodon (AP)
Hell yeah I go dancing at a young people's dance club. You may know it. It's called Romper Room

Axios mastodon (AP)
Scoop: Dolores Huerta, the labor activist who co-founded the United Farm Workers with Cesar Chavez, has formally endorsed Kamala Harris for president.
2 people reshared this

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

reverend wordpress (AP)

We gonna stomp all over you!

Content warning: [...]

The FSF believes every computer user deserves freedom and tirelessly demonstrates how to do almost everything with #freesoftware. Not only do we provide resources and information on how to realize #softwarefreedom in your daily life, the FSF itself also runs entirely on free software. Support the FSF and help us reach our goal of 200 new associate members by July 26: #BecomeAnFSFAssociateMember
A girl writing a text in LibreOffice Writer. Paper flying around her.
corrado937 mastodon (AP)
#haveBeenUsingLinuxSince say openSuse 8, since the last time I installed #winzozz on a computer of mines, it decided, on its own, to mess up with the second HDD, which used to store lots of my backups...

And... I saw Richard, he's a real human being:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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