Lisa Stranger diaspora
trying to keep him quiet about the diapers and drugs on set?

Trump taps 'Apprentice' producer, Mark Burnett, as special envoy to the United Kingdom
Tom Grzybow diaspora
Excellent choice. Now he can fabricate some more fictional situations in Britain.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Can microgrids be an interim solution to grid congestion?

Spoiler, yes they can. Anyways, here's a nice ten minute video that can be used to convince most businesses to at least look into taking control of their own electricity production imo.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
That kind of approach makes economists tear their hair out since it's not the most "efficient" approach to decarbonize, but at this point time is our enemy and so we just have to spend whatever it takes to decarbonize as quickly as we possibly can.
JackieM mastodon (AP)
yea I mean the most efficient way to decarbonize is way in the rear view mirror.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Patricia Tablado mastodon (AP)
Soy yo literal esta entrevista de Lalachús:
¿Sigue viviendo en Fuenlabrada? ¿No le dicen sus colegas que eso es el Más Allá?
Sí. Parece que para la gente que vive en el centro salir de la M-30 es como si fuera a carbonizarse. Y tienen el cuajo de decirte que no vienen a tu casa porque tienen que coger el tren. ¿Y yo tengo que venir aquí a verte la cara, estando a la misma distancia? A veces te preguntan por qué no te mudas, pero allí está mi gente, mi familia y yo vivo muy a gustico.

sith lemmy (AP)

Should South Korea launch a preemptive attack on North Korea?

The Nato chief is saying that North Korea is getting access to Russian missile and nuclear technology, in exchange for troops. If this is true, should South Korea launch a preemptive attack on North Korea before these new technologies are properly integrated and utilized?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
newbeni doesn't like this.
HobbitFoot lemmy (AP)
No. As belligerent as North Korea sounds, it has generally abided by the armistice with South Korea.

Javier :mastodon: mastodon (AP)
Primer día con 40 años, estoy cumpliendo 40.

#cumpleanos #queviejoestoy
rikylinux mastodon (AP)
Felicidades ahora empieza lo bueno

Flaming Cheeto mastodon (AP)
what kind of lens do you use to record a vampire? This is vampire propaganda

Icarosity mastodon (AP)
She's the best. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!
I was raised in a non-Christian household but we still loved Christmas with all the trimmings. Fond memories.
Judy Garland "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"

Rachel Reeves wants to encourage China to use the UK as a manufacturing hub;

this seems to follow the earlier relationship with Japanese car firms that saw new manufacturing established in the UK (led by Nissan).

But, while the Japanese could use the UK as an initial market for cars with the same configuration of steering to start off with before moving into seamless (unrestricted) exports to the EU, neither of these advantages can now help the Chinese

#Brexit #China
I know, its not as if the UK's domestic market for EVs is (currently at least) likely a big enough draw either...
I dunno… The new car market in the UK is about 2 million vehicles. This year about 360,000 of those are pure battery electric but fossil fuelled cars won’t be saleable in five and a bit years and hybrids have a limited life beyond 2030. That’s a heck of a lot of cars and a country with the capability to undercut the whole of the rest of the market can clean up AND export to other RHD markets from here.
SMMT breakdown of UK vehicle sales in the year to November. You can add another 150,000 vehicles for December and somewhat over 30,000 EVs. That should bring total EV deliveries in 2024 to just short of 400,000.
I’d also add that a company like BYD (which is doing famously selling electric buses here) could have a route into Europe if it manufactures the batteries here too.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
@christineburns @HarriettMB

There, a lot will depend on how the EU looks at cross channel supply chains & their tax treatment, but I can see the logic in cortina circumstances
@christineburns @HarriettMB

Hmmm.... well I suppose if MG & other Chinese firms managed to corner that market (especially at the cheaper end) then setting up on an isolated island (in market terms) might make sense - but they still won't get the trade base advantages the Japanese exploited in the last C20th
@HarriettMB They have a model already in the form of LEVC, which makes the EV black cabs. That’s essentially a Chinese technology going into a British-looking product.
Kevin Rigotti mastodon (AP)
@christineburns @HarriettMB
The market for RHD cars is an interesting one geographically, and one reason I suppose for the UK joining the trans pacific partnership.

Australia, Brunei, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Singapore are all CPTPP members who drive on the left.

Like the wind... lemmy (AP)

What are some of the worst obscure games?

Prove me wrong that there is something worse than "Learn & Discover Home"
Phen lemmy (AP)
Fantasya Final Definitiva Remake.
SadSadSatellite ActivityPub
So I don't have a habit of playing terrible games, but I can say the worst games I've played are sneaky. They trick you into thinking they might have something going for them, only to never go anywhere or get better.

Husk is the first one that jumps out at me. It announces itself as a silent hill inspired horror game based on domestic violence themes. After three hours of painfully slow controls and enemies that don't make any sense to the story, it just suddenly ends with a cliche, tacked on, "you're the asshole here" monologed conclusion with no explanations whatsoever.

Another category of absolute butt-trash I've fallen for is games that appeal to edgy teenagers, and so have stellar reviews regardless of how they in fact suck shit.

Lust for darkness is a prime example. It's a horror game with nothing remotely scary in it about a sex cult full of people with British accents in America who refer to themselves as cult members, and whose outrageous taboo sex acts are really just regular shit but they wear masks. It's like a wet dream fantasy for a 13 year old incel. It's not scary, it's not clever, it's not even just porn, and it's most of all not fun.

A game that fits in both of these categories, that I played to completion just hoping I'd click with whatever coolaid the reviewers drank, was The Cat Lady. Reviews made it sound so deep and emotional, and it seemed like it was going somewhere for a minute, but at the end, it was just a cringefest hidden object sidescroller with weird voice acting that was targeted at angsty children who romantisize depression and death.

Years after leaving my negative steam reviews I still catch flak on occasion from superfans of these dogshit time sinks who have never read a book in their lives.

Lisa Stranger diaspora

Nikki Haley, Jesus Christ, Mickey Mouse, Giant Meteor? Florida’s write-in votes for president

If Florida only counted write-in votes for president, former UN ambassador and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley likely would have won at least the Central Florida area.

A News 6 analysis of write-in votes from five counties showed Haley won the vast majority of write-in votes. We counted 708 write-in votes for Haley.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followed with 403 votes, then Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with 399 votes. Jesus Christ got 309 votes, and “None of the Above” got 288 votes.

Mickey Mouse was the top vote-getter among cartoon characters with 83 votes.

luiseme ⁂ mastodon (AP)
@wolfmond ha desarrollado #Fedikarte, un #mapa interactivo compartido en el que les usuaries del #fediverso pueden compartir su localización fácilmente. #OSM #OpenStreetMap
Captura de pantalla de la web de Fedikarte mostrando la localización de usuaries del fediverso sobre un mapa de OpenStreetMap.

Albin Meyer mastodon (AP)
Im Verhältnis zum Lohn sind Lebensmittel heute fünfmal günstiger als 1945 (Beispiel Schweiz), dank Überdüngung, Pestiziden, Subventionen, Massentierhaltung, Billigimporten.

Dafür schlagen andere Dinge mehr zu Buche, weshalb sich viele Menschen trotzdem keine Bio-Produkte leisten können.
Zusammensetzung der Haushaltsausgaben Schweiz, 1945 und 2012.
Mina mastodon (AP)
Tatsächlich müssten Bio-Lebensmittel kaum teurer sein, wenn der Handel sich mit den gleichen Profiten pro Stück zufrieden gäbe.

Darum empfinde ich es als so verlogen, wenn z.B. die Migros von vielen Gemüsen nur noch die Bio-Variante anbietet.

Das hat genau gar nichts mit Umweltbewusstsein, aber alles mit fetten Renditen zu tun.

Tom Grzybow diaspora
Did you know that Plant Butter is margarine!
Adam Hunt diaspora
better than "migraine"

JuneSim63 mastodon (AP)
Great good news story on how giant rats have been trained inTanzania to detect tuberculosis (TB) in sputum samples, with an 82%success rate, and at a fraction of the cost of equivalent lab tests.

#TB #Tuberculosis #Tanzania #Microbiology #PublicHealth

Cheap, smart and efficient: how giant rats are transforming the fight against TB | Global development | The Guardian

Jay Bryant diaspora
Board game night just ended. I won one game (Fromage) and lost the other (Stone Age). 🙂

PKPs Powerfromspace1 mastodon (AP)
Excellent by CBS:
1. JD Vance is an authoritarian: He opposes freedom.
2. Vance wants state control of all US colleges, also the private ones.
3. He approves of Viktor Orban who has slashed the standard of Hungary's previously decent universities.
What a corpse!

Carmen Zedler mastodon (AP)
Als #corona unsere Welt 🗺 für immer veränderte. Und wir es immer noch nicht begreifen.
#Gesellschaften #weltpolitik #merz #cdu #trump #musk #putin #china #europa #volkischenetzwerke #politik #coronaaufarbeitung #spd #fdp #grune #afdverbot @bpb
Reiner mastodon (AP)
Vielen Dank für diesen Hinweis!
Da schaue ich gerne rein.

@bpb @gemeinsinn

Tom Grzybow diaspora
No I did not have plastic surgery. But you know, when you wander into a hospital, then sometimes you come out looking a little different. It's been known to happen.
Tom Grzybow diaspora
You don't even know what happened to you until you realize that your cheekbones are more prominent than they ever were before, while your forehead seems oddly tight. Of course I never had crow's feet.
HernanLG diaspora
I wanted to think my upright but was the result of hard work in the gym, but I think I might have gotten an accidental BBL

Having some fun with plagiarising 1960s US National Safety Council posters, for a carbon reporting thing.

A scan of the original is at
A 2-colour screenprint illustration of a woman glancing to her left and behind. Overprinted in a condensed sans serif font are the words “Foresight avoids capital flight”. 

Her red hair and lips extend into the red background. Her smiling face in profile is formed from the negative space of the unprinted paper. She wears green glasses and has geen eyes.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
…Don’t rely on tech bros, treasure the atmosphere.

National Safety Council poster 6019-A originally said “Don’t rely on your nose, test atmosphere”:

(Fonts used: Acumin Variable Concept Extra Condensed Black and Greyhound Bold)

Illustration on a dark grey ground: an implied smell in the form of a serpentine curved yellow shape wafts in and out of a man’s face in profile, filled with a mustard yellow halftone dot pattern. Overlaid above the brow of the face in almost white sans-serif text is “Don’t rely on tech bros”. And beneath in dark grey text “Treasure the atmosphere”.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Jonathan Schofield mastodon (AP)
…Hard carbon cap, no good unless you’re under it!

National Safety Council poster 4942-A originally said “Hard hat, no good unless you’re under it!”:

A large block of orangey-yellow with white bold sans-serif text reversed out at the top saying “hard carbon cap” and black text in the same font beneath saying “no good unless you’re under it!” 

Between the two texts is a graphic outline of a white hard hat with thick black outline.

The design is surrounded by a generous white margin with “National Safety Council, Chicago, printed in USA, 4942-A” in small text at the base.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#Gaza #PickingOlives #SomethingNormal

"It's Bisan From Gaza, And We're Picking Olives In A Genocide" [10:53 min]
by AJ+

Quote by aj+
"Nov 21, 2024 [And every day I wonder if she still alive}
Olives are a powerful symbol of identity and resilience for Palestinians. This is why missing the olive season was not an option for Bisan, who has been displaced from her home in the north for over a year. Despite the destruction that has wiped out 75% of Gaza’s 1.3 million olive trees, and reduced this year’s harvest to less than 20% of its usual yield, she joins the community in Khan Younis. There, people young and old – family, friends and neighbors – risk their lives to continue this cherished tradition and pick what remains in their devastated groves."

#CeaseFireNow #JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant

Tom Grzybow diaspora
Inherited wealth becomes a problem - especially as the disparities between people become greater and greater. At some point, correction becomes necessary.

DeRochier mastodon (AP)
When Apollo wants attention, he lays across my mousing arm. 😸
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats
A long-haired tan and black tabby cat with white paws and a white streak down the center of his face draped across a man’s forearm on a desk
caseyjonesed reshared this.

50+ Music mastodon (AP)
Give Me Just A Little More Time 🩸

50+ Music mastodon (AP)
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down 👴

saraaaaargh mastodon (AP)
Just telling my gf about the time I worked Christmas at Dunfermline Asda, and a lady came up to me and asked "ken the party, hen?"
I led her to the party hats and things but turns out she wanted to know when the Patè was. I apologised and explained that I was English and therefore a fucking idiot.

But I always think fondly about Ken, the Party Hen
Estarriol, WU Dragon reshared this.

I don't know if it is a good idea or not, but I just subscribed to the #Github Sponsor program. I was curious both to see how it works, and if people would actually donate.

Probably not the best timing while everyone is asking for money before the end of the year, but as I have literally no expectation, I guess I can't be disappointed haha

Check there, if you want to support my work:

(Or if you prefer)

#donation #supportFreeSoftwareDevelopers

Steve Woods mastodon (AP)
When Nissan set up here, part of the attraction was that the Untied Kingdom was an EU member state.

That option is not available to Lego Thatcher.
Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
and after the brexit vote the tories had to bribe them not to eave.

Kenny Chaffin diaspora
How to cope with food anxiety during the festive season

Col mastodon (AP)
Do you ever think about what life would be like if you didn't overthink everything?
I think about it all the time.

Radkolumne mastodon (AP)
"Ich bin ja für die Bahn, aber halt nicht hier bei uns".
Andi Barth mastodon (AP)
Ich seh schon die zusätzlichen »Rollenden Landstraßen« von Kufstein Süd bis Brennersee, sobald Kapazität auf der Bestandsstrecke durch den Tunnel frei wird. Und dann wundern sich wieder alle, wenn das passiert, und die Tiroler vom LKW-Verkehr entlastet sind, aber nicht die Deutschen.
xlf42 mastodon (AP)
in Deutschland wird Lärm durch Straßenverkehr ja als Wirtschaftswunder empfunden. Bahnverkehr dagegen als störend.
jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ reshared this.

Janehansen mastodon (AP)
I wish you a wonderful festive season and peaceful, relaxing days between the years ❤️ 🎄 💫

My deer was animated by @animalmotion , an animator from Hamburg.
She is #NewHere
She makes magical and funny animations! Have a look! :artpeek: 😍

#MastoArt #Illustration #Animation #Christmas #Christmastime #Deer #SilentSunday

Col mastodon (AP)
There’s a constant ticking sound in my street.
I think it's the neighbourhood watch.

Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
I am truly impressed with the Georgian people. Night after night after night they fight for what is right.

May this become their democratic revolution.

Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
The crowds of protesters in Georgia are huge!


Aubrey mastodon (AP)

Col mastodon (AP)
“Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
Mark Twain

Lenchen mastodon (AP)
Es gibt kaum ein Geschenk,dass so still und gleichzeitig so mächtig ist. Der Moment,in dem Du erkennst,dass aus dem kleinen Kind mit den großen Augen,ein Mensch geworden ist,der die Welt heller macht. Ein Mensch der Mitgefühl lebt,der Gerechtigkeit spürt,der Stärke einer lauten Welt,leise Wunder zu wirken.

Und dann stehst Du unten und wartest auf den Fahrdienst..
"Schön wieder daheim zu sein Mama"..Worte voller Berührung eines ganz besonderen Kindes🥰
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Ich drück dich ganz fest, liebe Lenchen, und wünsche euch eine wunderbare Zeit miteinander! 🥰
Lenchen mastodon (AP)
Vielen lieben Dank,die werden wir haben🥰
newer older

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