Unbekannte spannen Drahtseile über Radwege in #Erkrath
Bereits sechsmal wurden in Erkrath gefährliche Fallen für Radfahrer entdeckt. Die Polizei bittet um Hinweise, Anwohner sind besorgt.

Marta Threadbare mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Mierdas de Elon, milagrosamente no fachas

Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Mierdas de Elon, milagrosamente no fachas

Hans Wurst diaspora

Nach Böhmermann-Affäre: Schönbohm legt ZDF-Intendant Himmler Rücktritt nahe

Auf der Nachrichtenplattform Mastodon hatte Böhmermann die Entscheidung des Landgerichts München mit den Worten kommentiert, die „Recherche“ seines Magazins stehe, alle Fakten stimmten, „unsere Meinung zur mangelnden Eignung als BSI-Präsident bleibt unverändert und ist gut begründet“. Zwei Formulierungen habe das Gericht als „unzulässig mehrdeutig“ bewertet (zwei weitere stammten vom ZDF). Schönbohms Schadenersatzansprüche seien zurückgewiesen worde, er trage einen Großteil der Gerichtskosten. „Alles andere ist Schaum bzw. Quatsch bzw. Clickbait.“

Das ZDF betonte, die Einschätzung, „die Cybersicherheit in Deutschland ist in Gefahr, und zwar durch den Chef der Cybersicherheit in Deutschland“, sei als zulässige Meinungsäußerung bewertet worden. In der Sendung seien bewusste Kontakte Schönbohms zur russischen Diensten „gar nicht – weder direkt noch indirekt – behauptet worden“.

Tatsächlich hat die 26. Zivilkammer am Landgericht München dem ZDF und Böhmermann vier Äußerungen untersagt, die dem früheren BSI-Chef Schönbohm, - unbewusste oder fahrlässige - Kontakte zu russischen Nachrichtendiensten unterstellten (Az. 26 O 12612/23). Diesen Eindruck rief das „ZDF Magazin Royale“ auch durch geschickte Weglassungen hervor. So war Schönbohm aus dem „Cyber-Sicherheitsrats Deutschland e. V.“, in dem eine im ZDF als russlandkontaminiert bezeichnete Firma Mitglied war, vier Jahre vorher ausgetreten, bevor das besagte Unternehmen dort Mitglied wurde. Eine Rede auf einer Jubiläumsfeier des „Cyber-Sicherheitsrats Deutschland“ hatte Schönbohm erst gehalten, nachdem ihm das Bundesinnenministerium diese ausdrücklich genehmigt hatte. Die Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) berief Schönbohm gleichwohl kurz nach der Böhmermann-Show von seinem Posten ab.

Was Böhmermann, dessen Sendungen wiederholt vor Gericht landen, dem ZDF wert ist, hatte die „Welt am Sonntag“ im September des vergangenen Jahres herausgefunden: Der Sender habe mit dem Komiker einen mit jährlich 651.000 Euro plus Mehrwertsteuer dotierten Vertrag abgeschlossen. Bis 2025 solle die Summe auf 713.000 Euro pro Jahr steigen

Das Landgericht München habe nun klargestellt, sagte Arne Schönbohm nach der Verhandlung am vergangenen Donnerstag, dass das ZDF „falsche Tatsachen“ verbreitet habe. Die „mediale Hinrichtung“ habe für ihn und seine Familie massive Folgen gehabt. Seine Kinder seien auf der Straße gefragt worden, ob ihr Vater ein russischer Spion sei. Und er habe Morddrohungen erhalten.

Die Gerichtsentscheidung ist noch nicht rechtskräftig. #zdf #bsi #Cyber #Sicherheit alles russische ist Böse und kontaminiert unsere makellose Demokratie, da muss man sich erstmal auf Kosten der Beitragszahler auf dem eigenem Eiland erholen 😂

adrinux mastodon (AP)
Nice. But why have I not heard of mapserver? Still using the old minetestmapper. Thanks for the informative page.

Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
Folks, you don’t need URL shorteners here like buff•ly, bit•ly, etc.

In fact, I am *far* less likely to click a link using a shortener. It’s a signal that you are tracking clicks, that the content is just marketing chaff.

Share it because you see value, not for the engagement farming.
Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
No idea.

But as a reader, I also don’t care. I’m still unlikely to follow the link.

BlindHedgehogStew hometown (AP)
I do one better: Via Brave, I only offer 'clean' links.

Ioannes Ensis mastodon (AP)
Al menos tengo una camiseta del Mazinger.
Eso es la suerte.
Auto foto. 
No se me ve la cara. 
Llevo una camiseta negra con la cabeza del robot, debajo pone "Mazinger Z".
Esta bajo una camisa de cuadros desabrochada.
Pacogens :cli: mastodon (AP)
tope molona!

Twra Sun mastodon (AP)
Die, die zu feige waren in der Diktatur, rebellieren jetzt ohne Risiko gegen die Demokratie.

Wolf Biermann
Optimist mastodon (AP)
Biermann , einer der wenigen Zonis mit Hirn und Gonaden.

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
History time! Gather around, kids. Back in the late ‘90s, SEGA had a wild idea: “Let’s do PC games!” Enter SegaSoft, their short-lived PC-specific label – an attempt to convince PC gamers that SEGA wasn’t just about blue hedgehogs and arcade cabinets. Among their releases was Flesh Feast for Windows 95.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Oh cool, a zombie survival horror game like Resident Evil?!” Well, not exactly. SEGA said, “Let’s take survival horror and mash it up with real-time tactics… kind of.” In practice, this is a zombie apocalypse where you’re managing a squad and wrestling with a control scheme so clunky, it feels like a mini-boss.

Here’s the setup: you control one main character directly via arrow keys (because WASD was apparently too futuristic), while issuing orders to “helpers” in strategic mode. Switching modes requires slamming the <Enter> key. Sound intuitive? Well, it’s not.

The controls are so convoluted they make your keyboard feel like a Sudoku puzzle. By contrast, RTT games like Myth and Commandos knew what was up: point, click, done. Meanwhile, Flesh Feast asks you to juggle two control scheme like a circus act.

That said, it’s not all bad! Scavenging for gear and unloading a satisfying barrage of bullets into a horde of zombies? Catharsis incarnate. The big maps are a joy to explore – airports, graveyards, you name it.

The graphics? Pure low-poly, 1998 jank. Back then, we called it “3D” with reverence, but today it’s more “3D, and we really need the quotation marks”. As for the pre-rendered cutscenes, they’re campy, over-the-top nonsense – a good laugh.

The sound is… well, let’s just say it’s unique.There’s no music, so it’s eerily quiet, except for the zombies. And when you beat them up, they sound oddly… pleased. Like, disturbingly pleased. They’re practically begging for whips and chains.

Ingames Interactive developed this game, then promptly vanished into the void like a one-hit-wonder band that didn’t even score a hit.

Generally, I love SEGA. I really do. But Flesh Feast? Can’t recommend it. The game has its moments of fun, sure, but those controls? They’ll haunt you more than the zombies. Flesh Feast is an amusing little relic, but it’s just not worth playing. This one should stay in the past.
Flesh Feast for Windows 95

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
You don’t know pain until you try running an old, obscure Windows 9x game on modern Windows.

Linux is better for this, but even then, it’s a crapshoot.

And running it on my actual Windows 98 rig? Good, but anything that requires more than a Pentium MMX 233Mhz ain’t happening.

I wonder if I should invest in a WinXP laptop because I sure as hell don’t want another tower.
Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
@jberg No, it has to be the PC version. 😆

Keith the Human rights lawyer! Wants to waste taxpayers hard earned cash (no it's not grifting or donors!) just hard graft!

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said if offenders could not be monitored in the community electronically, they would be returned to prison even if it was no fault of their own.

"We know this is cruel, and totally unnecessary. We know there are alternatives to the tag," her supporters said in a statement.

"Gaie is absolutely no threat to the community.

"This recall to prison is a ridiculous waste of resources and money, and will cost the taxpayer £12,000 to keep Gaie in prison.

Say thanks to Keith! OH! Not sure if he does Christmas just like Scrooge!
Paul 💙 reshared this.
Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
Oh he is an animated corpse because only one of his children in a racist fascist in his mould, and he lost the court case to stop the others get his empire. Think of him as Davros....

You wonder when his "times" are up he really looks like he's on life support?

Hal-5700X lemmy (AP), a Mastodon instance, has been killed by the Taliban

The admin stated they won't be renewing the domain because .af is now controlled by the Taliban.

Link to post:
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Cyber Yuki lemmy (AP)
New domain name proposal: 🤭
BilboBargains lemmy (AP)
Booooo misleading title
3 people don't like this

Querides mastodones, información importante: os recuerdo que tenéis hasta el 24 de marzo de 2025 para cobrar vuestros décimos premiados.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
*24 de marzo de 2025

Bugspriet mastodon (AP)
Urheberrecht ist manchmal auch ein wenig kompliziert.

Wenn man einfach ne seltsame Buchstabenkombination* und seinen Namen unter ein Bild klatscht. In einer Präsentation.

"Du musst schon angeben, woher du das Bild hast"

"Aus meiner Kamera".

*) creative commons CC BY

Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
The #BSDCafe #snac instance has been updated to 2.67

#BSDCafeServices #BSDCafeAnnouncements #BSDCafeUpdates

Hans Wurst diaspora

Justiz-Skandal in der Türkei: IS-Terroristen nach Terroranschlag in Istanbul freigelassen

Es war eines der schlimmsten Massaker im Vorfeld des Putschversuchs am 15. Juli 2016 in der Türkei. Am 26. Juni desselben Jahres hatten mehrere bewaffnete Mitglieder der Terrormiliz IS den Atatürk-Flughafen in Istanbul gestürmt und dabei ein Blutbad angerichtet. 45 Menschen wurden dabei ermordet und 239 weitere verletzt. Das oberste türkische Berufungsgericht hat am 12. Dezember allerdings die Freilassung von 6 Männern angeordnet, die in diesem Zusammenhang zu 46-facher lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wurden, meldet NOW HABER.
Dagegen ist die Empörung besonders in der Opposition groß, die fürchtet, dass die freigelassenen Männer sich nach Syrien absetzen. Der Abgeordnete Murat Emir (CHP) hat die Entlassung der Männer bei seiner Rede im Parlament angesprochen. „Wir sind durch den Bericht erschüttert“, sagt Emir dabei. Die IS-Terroristen seien entlassen worden. „Wenn das stimmt, ist das ein Justiz-Skandal“.

Das Ganze erinnert an die Entlassung von verurteilten Mitgliedern der Terrororganisation Türkische Hisbollah unter der Erdogan-Regierung, die ebenfalls zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt waren. 273 von ihnen seien zwischen 2018 und 2021 entlassen worden, schrieb die türkische Zeitung Sözcü. Darauf hatte die Hüd Par, der politische Arm der Türkischen Hisbollah gedrängt. Als Gegenleistung sei Recep Tayyip Erdogan bei den Wahlen als Präsidentschaftskandidat unterstützt worden. (erpe) #Türkei #chp #is #hisbollah
Hans Wurst diaspora
Wer wahllos einsperrt muss auch wahllos begnadigen ^^

CharLES ☭ H mastodon (AP)
I met an activist who told me that she looks at the news every morning and sometimes can't do anything else with her day.

Obviously, I don't want to tell someone who is obviously suffering that they're doing things wrong, but friends, I can tell you that this is not an ideal way to live.

You, an activist, don't need to know every detail, every morning. You can go for a rough outline. You can fill in the details less often. You and some comrades can divide up news duty, so one of you does the reading and passes the must-know stuff to the other.

Making yourself miserable does not help your cause. It often reduces effectiveness. There is no liberation project that requires your misery. Love your comrades but also look out for yourself.

Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
One of the Woodland Utopia guard geese is having an existential crisis.

#WU #WoodlandUtopia #GinAndKittens

Alt text will be added when not on a tablet.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
The Tepid Emperor mastodon (AP)
Try the IceCubes app. It can generate Alt Text for your images. Works surprisingly well! And from your phone or tablet @IceCubesApp
Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
@TheTepidEmperor @IceCubesApp the problem was that everytime I tried to add alt text mastodon crashed. And I was not in the mood to hunt down the issue at the time.

jackhutton 🇺🇸 mastodon (AP)
[The American Prospect]: The Government Is Shutting Down Because Elon Musk Has Factories in China
There’s a mundane reason for the late-term chaos, and it’s called a conflict of interest. By David Dayen December 20, 2024

#elonmusk #CR #china

Vas mastodon (AP)
Elon Musk Wants to Pay for His Tax Cuts With Your Social Security and Medicare
The point of Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy’s DOGE is to cut entitlement programs so Trump can give tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy and corporations..#ElonMusk..#GOP..#oligarch

Vidar unkn (AP)

Step Into the Illusion: Mind-Blowing 3D Street Art by Joe and Max

A composite image showcasing two incredible 3D street art pieces by Joe and Max. On the left, a playful yeti is bursting out of a golden picture frame, with its large blue feet extending into the viewer's space, while a woman interacts with the artwork, pretending to shield herself. On the right, an illusion reveals a Roman-style underground temple beneath a pedestrian street, complete with tall columns and vibrant mosaic tiles. Both artworks highlight Joe and Max's skill in creating interactive and visually stunning optical illusions.

Take a look at the exciting world of 3D street art made by Joe and Max. They have a special way of turning regular streets into fun and interactive spaces.

Joe and Max create amazing optical illusions that play tricks on your eyes and make you want to join in. Their art can make you feel like you’re walking over a deep hole or finding a hidden world under your feet.

In this post, we’ll show some of their coolest works and how they turn normal places into something really special. Get ready to see street art in a whole new way!

More: 14 Street Art 3D Masterpieces You Won’t Believe Are Real


A mesmerizing 3D street art piece by Joe and Max that creates the illusion of a towering stack of books reaching into a magical library. Two women stand at the top of the book tower, balancing precariously while interacting with the artwork. The scene includes vibrant details such as a red bird in flight, mythical creatures like a green dragon, and shelves filled with books extending into the depths of the artwork. This stunning piece transforms an urban street into a whimsical, fantasy-inspired world.


A trompe-l'oeil 3D street art piece by Joe and Max that transforms a wall into the illusion of a basement room. The artwork features a rustic staircase, cracked walls, and scattered tools like a pitchfork and bucket. A man in a blue jacket stands in front of the piece, marveling at its depth and realistic details, as though he could step into the scene. This clever mural plays with perspective and invites interaction with passersby.


A thrilling 3D street art illusion by Joe and Max, featuring a deep vortex labeled "ZeroSpace," with swirling lights and a futuristic doorway at the edge. Slices of pizza and other objects appear to be falling into the abyss, adding a playful touch. Two people pose at the edge, pretending to balance precariously above the chasm, while a bustling city street and curious onlookers serve as the backdrop. This artwork captivates viewers with its blend of humor and immersive design.


A vivid 3D street art mural by Joe and Max depicting a life-sized hippo bursting through a wall. The artwork gives the impression of the animal emerging from a jungle scene into an urban alleyway, complete with realistic cracks around the wall's edges. Located under a "Ship Inn Yard" street sign, the piece blends humor and hyper-realism, surprising passersby with its striking detail.


A playful 3D street art mural by Joe and Max featuring a yeti breaking out of a picture frame. The yeti's oversized blue feet appear to extend into the viewer's space, creating a striking illusion of depth. A woman crouches nearby, pretending to shield herself from the enormous feet, adding to the interactive and humorous nature of the artwork. Icicles hanging from the frame enhance the chilly, whimsical atmosphere.


A breathtaking 3D street art installation by Joe and Max, depicting an icy canyon with towering blue pillars and a cascading waterfall. The illusion is painted on snow, with a man standing confidently in the center and a red SUV parked at the edge, as though balanced above the abyss. A teepee in the snowy background adds a serene, wintery atmosphere to this visually stunning and immersive artwork.


A powerful 3D street art piece by Joe and Max showing a crowded inflatable boat navigating through rough waves, painted directly on a riverside promenade. The realistic artwork captures the sense of motion and urgency as water splashes around the boat. A man interacts with the piece, appearing to climb onto the boat. The London skyline, with iconic landmarks and a sunny sky, forms the backdrop, grounding this thought-provoking artwork in a contemporary urban setting.

8. Before and after we filled it with water:

A stunning 3D street art illusion by Joe and Max depicting the interior of an ancient temple with grand marble columns and intricately tiled floors. The artwork creates the illusion of a massive hole in the concrete floor, revealing a hidden underground structure. Natural light and realistic shadows enhance the depth and architectural details, making it appear as though the viewer could step into this subterranean world.9058582

Follow Joe and Max on Instagram

Want to see more of Joe and Max’s incredible art? Follow them on Instagram!
More: Breathtaking Transformations: Odeith’s 3D Art in Abandoned Spaces

#3dArt #3dStreetArt #amazingStreetArt #Art #artIllusions #creativeStreetArt #graffiti #interactiveArt #JoeAndMax #mural #opticalIllusions #publicArt #sidewalkArt #StreetArt #travel #UrbanArt

23 Masterpieces By CHEONE That Blur the Line Between Art and Reality


Introduction: The Magic of Cosimo Cheone Caiffa’s 3D Street Art

Cosimo Cheone Caiffa is a master of illusion, bringing urban walls and ordinary structures to life with his inspiring 3D street art. Known for his skill in trompe-l’œil, Cheone creates hyper-realistic murals that interact with their surroundings, blurring the line between art and reality. From lifelike animals and playful characters to profound human expressions, his works transform everyday spaces into awe-inspiring experiences.

In this collection, we explore some of Cheone’s most iconic murals, showcasing his ability to merge painted elements with physical environments seamlessly. Whether it’s a child reaching for the moon, a man emerging from a wall, or a vibrant underwater scene, each piece tells a unique story, inviting viewers to step into a world of creativity and imagination.

Dive into this visual journey and discover the genius of Cheone’s art. Let the magic unfold before your eyes as walls, streets, and even containers become dynamic canvases in his hands.


A hyper-realistic mural by 3D street artist Cheone in Porto Viro, Italy, depicting a young child wearing a blue cap adorned with small daisies and reflective sunglasses. The child reaches out of the painted frame, holding a delicate white daisy, creating an interactive 3D illusion. The vibrant colors and lifelike details make the artwork blend seamlessly with the surrounding architecture and natural greenery.

I give you a flower – By Cheone in Porto Viro, Italy.


A stunning trompe-l'œil mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Milano, Italy, featuring a surreal, distorted building facade. The painted architecture appears to warp and ripple as if melted, with windows and balconies bending in impossible directions. Vibrant blue skies are reflected in the windows, while greenery spills from some of the balconies, adding a touch of realism to the fantastical design. The mural seamlessly transforms the ordinary structure into an imaginative work of art, captivating viewers with its optical illusion and creative mastery.

By Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Milano, Italy.

Follow Cosimo Cheone on Instagram

Want to see more of Cosimo Cheone Caiffa’s incredible 3D street art? Follow him on Instagram at @cosimocheone1 for a front-row seat to his latest street art.


A captivating 3D mural titled Out of the Tunnel by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Nerviano, Milan, Italy. The artwork depicts a bearded man in a green cap and hoodie appearing to crawl out of a concrete underpass, with his hand gripping the edge of the wall. The hyper-realistic details and clever use of the structure's dimensions create a stunning optical illusion, making it seem as if the man is breaking through the urban environment. The mural's interaction with its surroundings adds a dynamic and immersive quality to the piece.

Out of the tunnel – By Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Nerviano, Milan, Italy


A striking mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa, featuring a hyper-realistic portrait of a woman wearing a red polka-dot blouse. The woman gazes thoughtfully upward at a lamppost that appears to be part of the artwork, seamlessly integrating the real-world structure into the painting. Her hand is depicted as holding the lamppost, enhancing the illusion. The mural's detailed shading and lifelike features, combined with a patterned golden backdrop, create a visually stunning and immersive scene, transforming the urban setting into a captivating work of art.


A brilliant 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Trezzano sul Naviglio, Milan, Italy, depicting a man holding a paint roller. The artwork cleverly interacts with its surroundings as the painted roller appears to extend onto the road, creating a striking illusion of the man painting the pedestrian crossing. The hyper-realistic style, combined with the integration of the urban environment, blurs the line between art and reality, showcasing Cheone's mastery in creating immersive, site-specific street art.

By Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Trezzano sul Naviglio, Milan, Italy.




A striking 3D mural collaboration by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa and Mor Pavone in Nerviano, Italy, featuring a powerful figure emerging from under a concrete bridge. The figure, depicted with tattooed arms outstretched, appears to be gripping the sides of the bridge, creating a dramatic illusion of breaking free. A child sits on the ground in front of the mural, further enhancing the interaction between the artwork and its surroundings. The meticulous details in the tattoos, facial expression, and hand positioning add depth and realism to this captivating piece of street art.

By Cosimo Cheone Caiffa with Mor Pavone in Nerviano, Italy


A heartwarming 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa featuring a lifelike depiction of a baby fox lying on its side. The fox's soft fur and expressive eyes create a tender and realistic scene, blending beautifully with the forest-inspired backdrop of green trees painted on the wall. The artwork is perfectly integrated into the urban environment, transforming the ordinary setting into a whimsical and serene moment of nature. The attention to detail and warm tones evoke a sense of connection between the viewer and the depicted animal.


A playful 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa, depicting a hyper-realistic man holding a pencil and appearing to draw a sun on a nearby wall. The artwork cleverly integrates the surrounding environment, using the road as part of the composition to create the illusion of the sun's rays extending beyond the mural. The man's focused expression and detailed features, combined with the whimsical interaction between the painted and real-world elements, make this piece a stunning example of Cheone's imaginative and interactive street art.


A vibrant 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a strikingly realistic blue poison dart frog on a brown garage door. The frog's intricate patterns and lifelike details create the illusion that it is perched on the surface, blending seamlessly with the textured background. The bright blue and black coloration contrasts sharply with the muted tones of the door, making the artwork stand out as a playful and eye-catching piece of urban street art.


A hyper-realistic 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa featuring a young boy extending his arm to touch a yellow-black bollard, seamlessly integrating the real-world object into the artwork. The boy's delicate features, rosy cheeks, and focused gaze create a tender and lifelike scene that blurs the boundary between the mural and its surroundings. The artwork's interplay between painted elements and physical objects showcases Cheone's mastery in creating immersive and interactive street art.

By Cosimo Cheone in Nerviano, Italy.


A humorous and creative 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a relaxed man lounging in a confined space painted on a wall. The man, wearing a camouflage cap and casual attire, leans back with his feet extended outwards, creating a striking illusion that his legs are protruding into the viewer's space. The oversized feet, complete with realistic textures and shadows, amplify the playful nature of the artwork. This clever piece blurs the line between two-dimensional art and reality, showcasing Cheone's exceptional skill in perspective and trompe-l'œil techniques.


A detailed 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a woman sewing, with a red thread extending from her needle onto the ground. The hyper-realistic artwork shows the woman wearing glasses, deeply focused as she pulls the thread through a needle, creating an intricate design that flows seamlessly into the real-world pavement. The green background contrasts with the lifelike portrayal, emphasizing her hands and the fine details of the thread. This clever integration of painted and physical elements transforms the space into an engaging and immersive piece of street art.


A powerful 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a man with an intense expression, wearing a dark hood. The man appears to be gripping the edge of the wall with his fingers, his teeth clenched and his eyes glaring with a mix of determination and ferocity. The hyper-realistic details in his face, including the texture of his skin and the dirt under his nails, create a striking and lifelike scene. The contrasting golden background enhances the dramatic effect of the mural, which seamlessly integrates with the ground to amplify its realism.


A joyful and heartwarming 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa featuring two elderly individuals in wheelchairs enjoying a ride on a colorful swing carousel. The man in the foreground throws his arms up in delight, while the woman behind him holds onto the swing, smiling widely. The vibrant blue sky and the dynamic motion of the carousel create an uplifting scene that celebrates freedom and happiness. The mural’s incredible attention to detail and vibrant colors bring the moment to life, inspiring a sense of positivity and joy.


A mesmerizing 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa, depicting a woman with a focused expression as she extends her hand to touch the pavement. Her painted finger appears to create ripples on the ground, seamlessly blending the mural with the physical street to produce a stunning illusion. The intricate details in her hand, including a shiny ring and vivid red nails, enhance the realism. The swirling water effect on the pavement adds depth and motion, making this artwork a perfect example of Cheone's skill in interactive and immersive street art.


A clever and dynamic 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a man in a green cap leaning forward to draw a white line that extends from the mural onto the ground. The painted figure is rendered in stunning realism, creating the illusion that he is actively interacting with the real environment. The white line seamlessly connects the wall and the ground, guiding the viewer's eye through the artwork and the natural surroundings. This piece exemplifies Cheone's ability to blend painted and physical elements, transforming an ordinary space into an immersive art experience.


A vibrant and lifelike mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa featuring two dolphins painted on a portable container. The artwork uses realistic shading and aquatic tones to create the illusion of dolphins swimming gracefully in a bright blue underwater scene. The surrounding elements of the container, such as pipes and edges, are seamlessly incorporated into the design, enhancing the sense of depth and motion. This imaginative transformation of an industrial structure into a marine-themed artwork highlights Cheone’s talent for bringing life to unexpected urban surfaces.


A stunning 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a lifelike snake coiled along a wall. The snake's intricate scales, featuring black, white, and yellow patterns, create a realistic texture that makes it appear as though the reptile is emerging from the structure. The snake's head, with its forked tongue extended, interacts with the viewer, amplifying the illusion of depth and presence. The bold yellow-green accents of the wall frame add to the dramatic effect, showcasing Cheone's incredible skill in transforming urban environments into captivating works of art.


A playful 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a man wearing sunglasses and appearing to reach out of the wall to pinch a piece of white fabric. The illusion is enhanced by an actual person walking by, with the fabric seemingly pulling their shirt, creating an interactive and humorous scene. The mural’s realistic hand and the precise integration of the artwork with the physical environment highlight Cheone’s talent for blending art and reality, making the piece both engaging and memorable.


A charming 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a realistic snail climbing a wall under a street sign for "Via Piave." The snail's intricate shell patterns and detailed body texture make it appear lifelike, casting a painted shadow that adds depth to the illusion. The mural blends seamlessly with the urban environment, drawing attention to the otherwise plain wall and creating a delightful and unexpected visual in this quiet street corner.


A hyper-realistic 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa showing a man intensely focused on using a red hammer. The man’s hand, adorned with a detailed wristwatch and silver rings, appears to emerge from the wall, creating the illusion of breaking into the viewer’s space. The vivid details, including the texture of his skin and the reflective surfaces of the hammer, blend seamlessly with the environment. The inclusion of the pavement in the composition enhances the trompe-l'œil effect, making this a remarkable example of Cheone's mastery in optical illusion art.
More like this: 14 Street Art 3D Masterpieces You Won’t Believe Are Real


A whimsical 3D mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa depicting a young boy reaching out to touch a glowing moon, set against a starry night sky. The boy's wide-eyed expression and outstretched hand convey a sense of wonder and curiosity, while a playful depiction of Mickey Mouse is featured prominently on his shirt. The combination of realism in the boy's features and the fantastical elements of the moon and night scene creates an enchanting and dreamlike composition. The mural transforms the urban wall into a heartwarming and magical piece of art.

Why do you love Cosimo CHEONE Caiffa’s work? Do you have a favorite?

#3DMurals #3dStreetArt #Cheone #contemporaryArt #CosimoCheoneCaiffa #creativeMurals #graffiti #interactiveArt #ItalianStreetArtist #ItalyStreetArt #muralArtist #murals #opticalIllusionArt #opticalIllusions #publicArt #StreetArt #streetArtist #TrompeLœil #UrbanArt #urbanLandscapes

14 Street Art 3D Masterpieces You Won’t Believe Are Real

Compilation of two 3D street art pieces: on the left, a 3D chalk mural by Nikolaj Arndt in Neustadt, Germany, depicting a realistic horse standing in a pond, with a woman reaching out to touch its face, creating a lifelike illusion of interaction. On the right, a mural by Odeith that transforms a blank wall into a lifelike, decaying bus in an abandoned indoor setting, with the artist sitting on top of the painted bus. The bottom right image shows the wall before the mural was added, highlighting the artist’s skill in creating immersive 3D illusions from plain surfaces.

Get ready to be mesmerized by the fascinating world of 3D street art!

In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into the mind-bending realm of anamorphic masterpieces, as we explore how these optical illusions are created and what makes them so captivating. So, buckle up and let’s dive into the intriguing world of 3D street art!

It’s all about perspective! The Art of Anamorphosis:

Creating Illusions Anamorphosis, the technique behind 3D street art, involves creating distorted images that only appear in their correct proportions when viewed from a specific angle or through a reflective device. This mind-blowing technique has been around since the Renaissance, but it wasn’t until the late 20th century that artists began applying it to the streets, transforming ordinary pavements into magical wonderlands.


Street art illusion by Odeith depicting a lifelike, rusted bus in an abandoned indoor space. The artist skillfully uses shadows and perspective to make the bus appear three-dimensional and decaying, blending seamlessly with the surrounding neglected environment. Odeith himself is sitting on top of the painted bus, adding a sense of realism to the trompe-l'œil piece. The comparison with a photo of the empty, blank wall beforehand highlights the transformation and creativity behind the artwork.

By 3D-Master Odeith

More by Odeith: 19 Jaw-Dropping 3D Graffiti Pieces by Odeith


Optical illusion mural by artist Shozy transforming a blank building wall into a realistic, three-dimensional facade with extended balconies and windows. The artwork creates a striking perspective effect, making the wall appear as part of a complex, layered structure. In the first image, the plain wall is shown before the mural, while the completed work in the second image demonstrates Shozy’s skill in depth and dimension, seamlessly blending with the surrounding architecture to deceive the viewer’s eye.

By Shozy in Solnechnogorsk, Russia.

See how it is made and from other points of view: Stunning Optical Illusion Mural by Shozy

The Pioneers: Kurt Wenner and Julian Beever

We can’t talk about 3D street art without mentioning its pioneers, Kurt Wenner and Julian Beever. Both artists started creating anamorphic illusions on the streets of Europe in the 1980s, revolutionizing the street art scene. Their innovative works have inspired a new generation of artists to experiment with perspective and create their own jaw-dropping 3D masterpieces.


3D pavement art by Kurt Wenner, illustrating a dramatic scene of tormented figures descending into a fiery chasm. The artwork, set in a public square with dining tables in the background, creates a stunning optical illusion of depth, as if the cobblestone ground has cracked open to reveal a pit filled with distressed, human-like figures reaching and writhing in agony. A man leans in to observe the illusion closely, enhancing the interactive effect. The phrase 'Dies Irae' (Day of Wrath) is inscribed on the ground, adding a thematic layer to the powerful, immersive artwork.By Kurt Wenner


3D pavement art by Julian Beever, creating an illusion of a deep icy chasm on a flat surface near a waterfront. The artwork depicts a massive, vertical drop with sharp, frozen cliffs, as if the ground has cracked open to reveal an icy abyss. A person stands precariously at the edge of the artwork, adding a sense of danger and realism to the scene. Spectators watch from a safe distance, enhancing the interactive and immersive nature of Beever's illusion.By Julian Beever

The Process: From Sketch to Lifelike Artwork

Creating 3D street art is a labor-intensive process that begins with a detailed sketch of the desired illusion. Artists then use mathematical calculations and perspective techniques to determine the correct proportions for the final piece. Once the groundwork is done, they meticulously apply chalk or paint to the pavement, using shading and highlights to bring the illusion to life.


3D chalk art by artists Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik, and Peter Westerink at the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, USA. The artwork features a group of LEGO-like characters drawn on the pavement, appearing to stand in formation with weapons and armor, resembling a medieval or fantasy army. The outlines and shading create a layered effect that gives depth and dimension to each figure. One of the artists is seen in the process of drawing, adding intricate details to bring the illusion to life, while spectators observe the work in progress.By Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik and Peter Westerink during the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida USArtists Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik, and Peter Westerink working on a 3D chalk mural at the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, USA. The artwork depicts a procession of LEGO figures dressed as knights, soldiers, and adventurers, some already colored in shades of brown and gold, giving the illusion of three-dimensional plastic figures standing on the street. Two artists are seated within the artwork, meticulously adding color and detail to each character, enhancing the sense of depth and realism, while onlookers observe the creative process.By Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik and Peter Westerink during the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida USFinished 3D chalk art by artists Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik, and Peter Westerink at the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, USA. The artwork depicts an army of LEGO figures, including knights, soldiers, and adventurers, standing in a sunken pit drawn onto the street. The illusion of depth and shading makes it appear as though the characters are within a carved-out trench, with detailed textures on each figure. Spectators gather around to view the immersive piece, which captivates with its impressive realism and playful use of childhood imagery in a large-scale street mural.By Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik and Peter Westerink during the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida US

The Impact: Engaging and Interactive Art

One of the most captivating aspects of 3D street art is its interactive nature. Viewers are encouraged to engage with the artwork, often becoming a part of the scene themselves. This immersive quality allows people to connect with art on a deeper level, sparking curiosity and inspiring creativity.


3D pedestrian crossing in Iceland designed to reduce speeding by creating an optical illusion of floating white blocks. Painted on the street, the crosswalk appears three-dimensional, with each white stripe looking like it hovers above the ground. A man in a yellow safety vest walks across, adding to the illusion's effectiveness and highlighting the creative approach to traffic safety. The surrounding street is framed by small buildings and a mountainous backdrop, emphasizing the quiet, small-town setting of this innovative design.3D Pedestrian Crossings Are Slowing Down Speeding Drivers in Iceland


Mural by Braga Last1, also known as Tom Bragado Blanco, transforming an old gas tank into a striking 3D illusion of a sphynx cat. The artwork features a hyper-realistic sphynx cat crouching and gazing intently, as if ready to pounce, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. A person walking a dog nearby adds scale, emphasizing the mural’s impressive size and realism. In the second image, the gas tank is shown before the transformation, illustrating the artist’s creative vision in bringing this industrial object to life.Braga Last1, also known as Tom Bragado Blanco Brings Old Gas Tank to Life with Stunning Sphynx Cat Illusion.

Where to See 3D Street Art: Festivals and Events

Eager to experience these incredible optical illusions for yourself? Keep an eye out for street art festivals and events, where many 3D artists showcase their talents. Some popular events include the Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, also in Florida, and the Fiera delle Grazie in Italy.


Charming mural of a sleeping kitten by artist WA in Lima, Peru, painted on a worn concrete pillar. The artwork depicts a black and white kitten with closed eyes and pink paw pads, curled up in a cozy pose, adding a touch of warmth and softness to the urban setting. A person stands nearby, leaning against the pillar, giving a sense of scale and emphasizing the lifelike quality of the mural. The artist’s choice of colors and the detailed depiction of the kitten's fur and paws create an endearing and realistic image.

Sleeping kitten by WA in Lima, Peru.


Mural titled ‘Knowledge speaks – Wisdom listens’ by artist WD (Wilddrawing) in Athens, Greece. The artwork covers the corner of a building, transforming it into a massive, realistic owl face with intense, bright orange eyes that seem to follow passersby. Intricate gold and brown decorative elements surround the owl, blending classical architectural motifs with street art. The mural’s detailed textures and striking gaze create a powerful visual effect, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge in the heart of the city. A pedestrian walking by gives a sense of scale to the imposing owl mural.

‘Knowledge speaks – Wisdom listens’ – Mural in by WD (Wilddrawing) in Athens, Greece.


Land art mural titled 'The Sleeping Beauty' by Made in Graffiti, located on a hillside in Picardie, France. The artwork depicts a serene black-and-white portrait of a woman sleeping, nestled against the natural contours of the hill, blending art with the landscape. In the distance, a statue stands on a concrete structure, adding a sense of scale and depth. Sheep graze in the foreground, enhancing the peaceful rural setting. The mural’s simplicity and integration into the environment evoke a sense of tranquility and harmony with nature.

By Made in Graffiti: The sleeping beauty – In Picardie, France.


3D mural by artist Peeta on a residential building in Mannheim, Germany. The artwork uses shades of blue and white to create the illusion of twisting, ribbon-like shapes that appear to wrap around and cut into the building’s facade. The intricate design gives the impression of depth and movement, transforming the flat walls into a dynamic, sculptural form. The realistic shadows and contours enhance the optical illusion, making the structure appear as if it’s deconstructed and reformed into abstract shapes. The surrounding street and signage add context to the urban setting.

By Peeta in Mannheim, Germany.

To understand the 3D effect better, see more photos of the mural here.


3D street art by Nikolaj Arndt in Neustadt, Germany, depicting a realistic horse standing in a shallow pond, creating an illusion that the horse is emerging from the water onto the pathway. The artist’s detailed work with shadows and reflections gives the horse a lifelike appearance. A woman sits beside the artwork, reaching out to touch the horse’s face, adding to the interactive illusion and highlighting the depth and realism of the piece within the park setting.

Horse by Nikolaj Arndt in Neustadt, Germany.


Mural titled 'Giraffe Eating the Plants' in Utrecht, Netherlands, depicting a realistic giraffe reaching up to nibble on plants growing on the balcony of a residential building. The artwork covers the corner of the building, creating an optical illusion that integrates the giraffe seamlessly with the architectural structure. The background of the mural shows lush greenery, blending urban and natural elements in a playful way. Cyclists and pedestrians in the foreground add to the urban setting, while the towering giraffe mural adds whimsy and charm to the neighborhood.

Giraffe Eating the Plants by Jan Is De Man in Utrecht, Netherlands.

More by Jan Is De Man: Transforming Cityscapes with Playful 3D Street Art


Mural by artist Cosimo Cheone Caiffa on a building facade in Milan, Italy, featuring a surreal, distorted architectural illusion. The artwork depicts a traditional building facade that appears to melt and warp, with windows and balconies bending in unusual directions. The vibrant blue windows and exaggerated curves create an optical illusion, as if the building's structure is fluid and bending under pressure. The surrounding buildings with standard facades emphasize the striking effect of the mural, adding a playful and whimsical touch to the urban landscape.

Mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Milano, Italy.

More: 27 Masterpieces By CHEONE

We hope this exploration has left you with a newfound appreciation for this unique art form

And there you have it – a closer look at the fascinating world of 3D street art and the anamorphic masterpieces that have captivated viewers around the globe. We hope this exploration has left you with a newfound appreciation for this unique art form and the talented artists who bring it to life. Don’t forget to share your favorite 3D street art experiences in the comments below, and keep exploring!

Do you have a favorite?

#3dArt #3DStreetArt #AnamorphicArt #anamorphosis #architectureArt #artInPublicSpaces #artInstallations #ArtEvents #buildingMural #ChalkArt #cityscapeMurals #CosimoCheoneCaiffa #creativeMurals #CreativeInspiration #distortedBuilding #eyeCatchingMurals #giraffeMural #InteractiveArt #ItalyStreetArt #JulianBeever #KurtWenner #MilanMural #mindBendingMurals #muralArt #netherlandsStreetArt #opticalIllusion #OpticalIllusions #outdoorArt #PavementArt #PerspectiveArt #publicArt #PublicArtEngagement #StreetArt #StreetArtFestivals #surrealArt #UrbanArt #urbanCreativity #UrbanMasterpieces #UtrechtMural #whimsicalArt

John Dal mastodon (AP)
1970 Massey Ferguson tractor still working and owned by the farmer who bought it new. Kentmere 400. Pentax P30m
#Film #BelieveInFilm #BlackAndWhite #B&W #BelieveInFilmCameras #Photography #Rothbury #Farming #MasseyFerguson #Tractor #VintageTractor
Black and white shot of an old Massey Ferguson tractor parked in a street

14 Street Art 3D Masterpieces You Won’t Believe Are Real

Compilation of two 3D street art pieces: on the left, a 3D chalk mural by Nikolaj Arndt in Neustadt, Germany, depicting a realistic horse standing in a pond, with a woman reaching out to touch its face, creating a lifelike illusion of interaction. On the right, a mural by Odeith that transforms a blank wall into a lifelike, decaying bus in an abandoned indoor setting, with the artist sitting on top of the painted bus. The bottom right image shows the wall before the mural was added, highlighting the artist’s skill in creating immersive 3D illusions from plain surfaces.

Get ready to be mesmerized by the fascinating world of 3D street art!

In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into the mind-bending realm of anamorphic masterpieces, as we explore how these optical illusions are created and what makes them so captivating. So, buckle up and let’s dive into the intriguing world of 3D street art!

It’s all about perspective! The Art of Anamorphosis:

Creating Illusions Anamorphosis, the technique behind 3D street art, involves creating distorted images that only appear in their correct proportions when viewed from a specific angle or through a reflective device. This mind-blowing technique has been around since the Renaissance, but it wasn’t until the late 20th century that artists began applying it to the streets, transforming ordinary pavements into magical wonderlands.


Street art illusion by Odeith depicting a lifelike, rusted bus in an abandoned indoor space. The artist skillfully uses shadows and perspective to make the bus appear three-dimensional and decaying, blending seamlessly with the surrounding neglected environment. Odeith himself is sitting on top of the painted bus, adding a sense of realism to the trompe-l'œil piece. The comparison with a photo of the empty, blank wall beforehand highlights the transformation and creativity behind the artwork.

By 3D-Master Odeith

More by Odeith: 19 Jaw-Dropping 3D Graffiti Pieces by Odeith


Optical illusion mural by artist Shozy transforming a blank building wall into a realistic, three-dimensional facade with extended balconies and windows. The artwork creates a striking perspective effect, making the wall appear as part of a complex, layered structure. In the first image, the plain wall is shown before the mural, while the completed work in the second image demonstrates Shozy’s skill in depth and dimension, seamlessly blending with the surrounding architecture to deceive the viewer’s eye.

By Shozy in Solnechnogorsk, Russia.

See how it is made and from other points of view: Stunning Optical Illusion Mural by Shozy

The Pioneers: Kurt Wenner and Julian Beever

We can’t talk about 3D street art without mentioning its pioneers, Kurt Wenner and Julian Beever. Both artists started creating anamorphic illusions on the streets of Europe in the 1980s, revolutionizing the street art scene. Their innovative works have inspired a new generation of artists to experiment with perspective and create their own jaw-dropping 3D masterpieces.


3D pavement art by Kurt Wenner, illustrating a dramatic scene of tormented figures descending into a fiery chasm. The artwork, set in a public square with dining tables in the background, creates a stunning optical illusion of depth, as if the cobblestone ground has cracked open to reveal a pit filled with distressed, human-like figures reaching and writhing in agony. A man leans in to observe the illusion closely, enhancing the interactive effect. The phrase 'Dies Irae' (Day of Wrath) is inscribed on the ground, adding a thematic layer to the powerful, immersive artwork.By Kurt Wenner


3D pavement art by Julian Beever, creating an illusion of a deep icy chasm on a flat surface near a waterfront. The artwork depicts a massive, vertical drop with sharp, frozen cliffs, as if the ground has cracked open to reveal an icy abyss. A person stands precariously at the edge of the artwork, adding a sense of danger and realism to the scene. Spectators watch from a safe distance, enhancing the interactive and immersive nature of Beever's illusion.By Julian Beever

The Process: From Sketch to Lifelike Artwork

Creating 3D street art is a labor-intensive process that begins with a detailed sketch of the desired illusion. Artists then use mathematical calculations and perspective techniques to determine the correct proportions for the final piece. Once the groundwork is done, they meticulously apply chalk or paint to the pavement, using shading and highlights to bring the illusion to life.


3D chalk art by artists Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik, and Peter Westerink at the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, USA. The artwork features a group of LEGO-like characters drawn on the pavement, appearing to stand in formation with weapons and armor, resembling a medieval or fantasy army. The outlines and shading create a layered effect that gives depth and dimension to each figure. One of the artists is seen in the process of drawing, adding intricate details to bring the illusion to life, while spectators observe the work in progress.By Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik and Peter Westerink during the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida USArtists Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik, and Peter Westerink working on a 3D chalk mural at the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, USA. The artwork depicts a procession of LEGO figures dressed as knights, soldiers, and adventurers, some already colored in shades of brown and gold, giving the illusion of three-dimensional plastic figures standing on the street. Two artists are seated within the artwork, meticulously adding color and detail to each character, enhancing the sense of depth and realism, while onlookers observe the creative process.By Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik and Peter Westerink during the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida USFinished 3D chalk art by artists Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik, and Peter Westerink at the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, USA. The artwork depicts an army of LEGO figures, including knights, soldiers, and adventurers, standing in a sunken pit drawn onto the street. The illusion of depth and shading makes it appear as though the characters are within a carved-out trench, with detailed textures on each figure. Spectators gather around to view the immersive piece, which captivates with its impressive realism and playful use of childhood imagery in a large-scale street mural.By Leon Keer, Ruben Poncia, Remko van Schaik and Peter Westerink during the 4th Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida US

The Impact: Engaging and Interactive Art

One of the most captivating aspects of 3D street art is its interactive nature. Viewers are encouraged to engage with the artwork, often becoming a part of the scene themselves. This immersive quality allows people to connect with art on a deeper level, sparking curiosity and inspiring creativity.


3D pedestrian crossing in Iceland designed to reduce speeding by creating an optical illusion of floating white blocks. Painted on the street, the crosswalk appears three-dimensional, with each white stripe looking like it hovers above the ground. A man in a yellow safety vest walks across, adding to the illusion's effectiveness and highlighting the creative approach to traffic safety. The surrounding street is framed by small buildings and a mountainous backdrop, emphasizing the quiet, small-town setting of this innovative design.3D Pedestrian Crossings Are Slowing Down Speeding Drivers in Iceland


Mural by Braga Last1, also known as Tom Bragado Blanco, transforming an old gas tank into a striking 3D illusion of a sphynx cat. The artwork features a hyper-realistic sphynx cat crouching and gazing intently, as if ready to pounce, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. A person walking a dog nearby adds scale, emphasizing the mural’s impressive size and realism. In the second image, the gas tank is shown before the transformation, illustrating the artist’s creative vision in bringing this industrial object to life.Braga Last1, also known as Tom Bragado Blanco Brings Old Gas Tank to Life with Stunning Sphynx Cat Illusion.

Where to See 3D Street Art: Festivals and Events

Eager to experience these incredible optical illusions for yourself? Keep an eye out for street art festivals and events, where many 3D artists showcase their talents. Some popular events include the Sarasota Chalk Festival in Florida, the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, also in Florida, and the Fiera delle Grazie in Italy.


Charming mural of a sleeping kitten by artist WA in Lima, Peru, painted on a worn concrete pillar. The artwork depicts a black and white kitten with closed eyes and pink paw pads, curled up in a cozy pose, adding a touch of warmth and softness to the urban setting. A person stands nearby, leaning against the pillar, giving a sense of scale and emphasizing the lifelike quality of the mural. The artist’s choice of colors and the detailed depiction of the kitten's fur and paws create an endearing and realistic image.

Sleeping kitten by WA in Lima, Peru.


Mural titled ‘Knowledge speaks – Wisdom listens’ by artist WD (Wilddrawing) in Athens, Greece. The artwork covers the corner of a building, transforming it into a massive, realistic owl face with intense, bright orange eyes that seem to follow passersby. Intricate gold and brown decorative elements surround the owl, blending classical architectural motifs with street art. The mural’s detailed textures and striking gaze create a powerful visual effect, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge in the heart of the city. A pedestrian walking by gives a sense of scale to the imposing owl mural.

‘Knowledge speaks – Wisdom listens’ – Mural in by WD (Wilddrawing) in Athens, Greece.


Land art mural titled 'The Sleeping Beauty' by Made in Graffiti, located on a hillside in Picardie, France. The artwork depicts a serene black-and-white portrait of a woman sleeping, nestled against the natural contours of the hill, blending art with the landscape. In the distance, a statue stands on a concrete structure, adding a sense of scale and depth. Sheep graze in the foreground, enhancing the peaceful rural setting. The mural’s simplicity and integration into the environment evoke a sense of tranquility and harmony with nature.

By Made in Graffiti: The sleeping beauty – In Picardie, France.


3D mural by artist Peeta on a residential building in Mannheim, Germany. The artwork uses shades of blue and white to create the illusion of twisting, ribbon-like shapes that appear to wrap around and cut into the building’s facade. The intricate design gives the impression of depth and movement, transforming the flat walls into a dynamic, sculptural form. The realistic shadows and contours enhance the optical illusion, making the structure appear as if it’s deconstructed and reformed into abstract shapes. The surrounding street and signage add context to the urban setting.

By Peeta in Mannheim, Germany.

To understand the 3D effect better, see more photos of the mural here.


3D street art by Nikolaj Arndt in Neustadt, Germany, depicting a realistic horse standing in a shallow pond, creating an illusion that the horse is emerging from the water onto the pathway. The artist’s detailed work with shadows and reflections gives the horse a lifelike appearance. A woman sits beside the artwork, reaching out to touch the horse’s face, adding to the interactive illusion and highlighting the depth and realism of the piece within the park setting.

Horse by Nikolaj Arndt in Neustadt, Germany.


Mural titled 'Giraffe Eating the Plants' in Utrecht, Netherlands, depicting a realistic giraffe reaching up to nibble on plants growing on the balcony of a residential building. The artwork covers the corner of the building, creating an optical illusion that integrates the giraffe seamlessly with the architectural structure. The background of the mural shows lush greenery, blending urban and natural elements in a playful way. Cyclists and pedestrians in the foreground add to the urban setting, while the towering giraffe mural adds whimsy and charm to the neighborhood.

Giraffe Eating the Plants by Jan Is De Man in Utrecht, Netherlands.

More by Jan Is De Man: Transforming Cityscapes with Playful 3D Street Art


Mural by artist Cosimo Cheone Caiffa on a building facade in Milan, Italy, featuring a surreal, distorted architectural illusion. The artwork depicts a traditional building facade that appears to melt and warp, with windows and balconies bending in unusual directions. The vibrant blue windows and exaggerated curves create an optical illusion, as if the building's structure is fluid and bending under pressure. The surrounding buildings with standard facades emphasize the striking effect of the mural, adding a playful and whimsical touch to the urban landscape.

Mural by Cosimo Cheone Caiffa in Milano, Italy.

More: 27 Masterpieces By CHEONE

We hope this exploration has left you with a newfound appreciation for this unique art form

And there you have it – a closer look at the fascinating world of 3D street art and the anamorphic masterpieces that have captivated viewers around the globe. We hope this exploration has left you with a newfound appreciation for this unique art form and the talented artists who bring it to life. Don’t forget to share your favorite 3D street art experiences in the comments below, and keep exploring!

Do you have a favorite?

#3dArt #3DStreetArt #AnamorphicArt #anamorphosis #architectureArt #artInPublicSpaces #artInstallations #ArtEvents #buildingMural #ChalkArt #cityscapeMurals #CosimoCheoneCaiffa #creativeMurals #CreativeInspiration #distortedBuilding #eyeCatchingMurals #giraffeMural #InteractiveArt #ItalyStreetArt #JulianBeever #KurtWenner #MilanMural #mindBendingMurals #muralArt #netherlandsStreetArt #opticalIllusion #OpticalIllusions #outdoorArt #PavementArt #PerspectiveArt #publicArt #PublicArtEngagement #StreetArt #StreetArtFestivals #surrealArt #UrbanArt #urbanCreativity #UrbanMasterpieces #UtrechtMural #whimsicalArt


Diving Into the World of Odeith’s Anamorphic Graffiti

Portuguese street artist Odeith, also known as Sérgio Odeith, has gained international recognition for his jaw-dropping 3D graffiti pieces that defy the limits of perception. In this blog post, we’ll explore 19 of his most astonishing works and delve into the world of this master of illusion.

Odeith’s Background and Style

Odeith began his graffiti career in the 1980s, honing his skills on the streets of Lisbon. Over the years, he has refined his technique and developed his signature style, characterized by bold colors, intricate details, and mind-bending optical illusions (read more about him later in this post).

The Art of Creating 3D Graffiti

Odeith’s 3D graffiti art is a perfect blend of skill, perspective, and creativity. By employing anamorphic techniques and masterful shading, he transforms ordinary walls and objects into realistic three-dimensional scenes that appear to leap off the surface.

Odeith’s Signature Subject Matter

Odeith is known for tackling a wide range of subject matter in his work, from animals and insects to urban landscapes and fantastical creatures. His pieces often feature a sense of movement and depth, drawing viewers into his vivid, illusionary world.

Exploring Odeith’s Most Astonishing Works

Among Odeith’s most remarkable pieces are his larger-than-life murals of animals, including a majestic lion, a menacing crocodile, and an otherworldly praying mantis. These works not only showcase his technical prowess but also highlight his ability to breathe life into his subjects.

Odeith’s Impact on the Street Art Scene

Odeith’s innovative 3D graffiti art has earned him a reputation as one of the most talented and influential artists in the street art world. His work has inspired countless other artists and raised the bar for what is possible with spray paint and a blank canvas.

Odeith’s Background and Style: A Deeper Dive

Born in Damaia, Portugal, in 1976, Sérgio ‘Odeith’ first picked up a spray can in the mid-1980s, painting signatures and doodles on his neighborhood walls. It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that he encountered graffiti artists in Carcavelos, where the movement was gaining momentum. This sparked a passion for graffiti that led him to paint illegally on street walls and railway lines in and around Lisbon.
Odeith’s impressive evolution as an artist is due in part to his dedication to painting large-scale murals in various neighborhoods throughout Damaia, Carcavelos, and Amadora. Although he dropped out of school at the age of 15 and never received any formal art training, Odeith’s talent for drawing and his relentless self-taught approach to his craft led him to become the renowned artist he is today.
In 2003, Odeith adopted his current moniker, and by 2005, his innovative use of the anamorphosis technique began garnering international recognition. This “Somber 3D” style, as he later called it, involves painting on 90-degree corners or flat walls to create authentic, large-scale compositions of insects or objects that give a striking 3D optical illusion effect. Many of these works, painted in abandoned spaces, quickly went viral due to their realism and technique.
Odeith briefly lived in London after closing his tattoo shop in 2008, but he has since returned to Lisbon, where he now focuses exclusively on studio work and walls. Despite his lack of formal training, Odeith has become a pioneering force in the world of street art, with his dark anamorphic style and passion for the craft setting him apart from other artists.

Discovering More of Odeith’s Work

To explore more of Odeith’s incredible 3D graffiti pieces, check out his website and follow him on Instagram. Keep an eye out for his work in your city or during your travels, as you never know where his next masterpiece might appear.

The Lasting Impact of Odeith’s Innovative Street Art

Odeith’s jaw-dropping 3D graffiti art is a testament to the power of creativity, skill, and imagination. These 18 captivating pieces offer just a glimpse into the mind of this master of illusion, whose work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of street art.
More like this: 26 Paintings: 3D Post-Graffiti By SCAF

What do you think about the 3D Graffiti by Odeith?

#3dArt #3DArtTechniques #3dGraffiti #3DMurals #Amadora #anamorphic #anamorphicArt #anamorphosis #Art #Carcavelos #contemporaryStreetArtists #Damaia #graffiti #graffitiArtist #graffitiInLisbon #graffitiMaster #graffitiRealism_ #hyperrealisticGraffiti #illusionStreetArt #largeScaleMurals #lisabon #Lisboa #Lisbon #mural #muralist #objectArt #Odeith #OdeithCollection #opticalIllusion #perspectiveArt #Portugal #publicArt #realism #selfTaught #Somber3D #sprayPaint #SprayPaintArt #StreetArt #streetArtTransformations #StreetArtUtopia #streetArtist #TagsOdeith #travel #UrbanArt

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Presumably that's to boost support for Reform UK given that Elon Musk keeps picking fights with the UK Government.

Merlin mastodon (AP)

Miaumiau, wer noch ein spannendes und lustiges Abenteuer zum Hören oder Lesen sucht, empfehle ich diese Geschichte ⬇️

It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️

Last night was the longest night of the year in Greece, so #Helios had his shortest work day.

"At the winter solstice, the sun would seem to be a little child like that which the Egyptians bring forth from a shrine on the appointed day, since the day is then at its shortest and the god is accordingly shown as a tiny infant."
Macrobius, #Saturnalia

🏛️ Helios, Antalya Museum

#DayOfHelios #GreekRomanArt #mythology #solstice
Terracotta figurine of Helios in the nude. The god is seated, his arms outstretched. The iconic seven-spiked sunray crown identifies him as the sun god.

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Video: "The Israeli Hit List"

"What we need is regime change throughout the Middle East", said Netanyahu in 2002. He listed 7 countries: Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Sudan & Lebanon.

They are the 7 countries the U.S. continues to meddle with:

"Systematically, the US has done Netanyahu's bidding for almost 30 years, going to war with every one of them except for the big one that Netanyahu so much longs for."

#USImperialism #Neocons #MiddleEast #Israel #Zionism .
They are just America ‘s foot hold in the Middle East.
DrALJONES mastodon (AP)

Yes indeed.... though the term "just" entails decades of pathologically symbiotic interests & consequent atrocities. All those American invasions, millions of deaths, irretrievable destruction... power for power's sake. 😫

tirasdenaranja mastodon (AP)
Qué opináis vosotres de este artículo? Me genera curiosidad porque...(me reservo mi opinión para luego).
Juan CBS mastodon (AP)
relegar las humanidades no significa relegar el pensamiento, sino relegar conocimiento. Lo que se debería hacer es directamente no diferenciar entre letras y ciencias. De ese modo sería sencillísimo llegado el caso de ir a estudios superiores ir a la carrera que quieras o cambiarte cuando y como quieras. Y de no ir, llevarte conocimiento en la mochila.

jakob 🇦🇹 ✅ friendica (via ActivityPub)
Sebastian Kurz kann doch dem Söder nicht als Minister zu Hilfe kommen:

Tut mir leid Minga,
Bin a Meidlinga.

#schüttelreime @Schüttelreime #münchen #Wien

Robyn :antifa: mastodon (AP)
Welche Wanderrucksäcke könnt ihr empfehlen? ⛰️🏔️

Der Rucksack soll auch als Notfallrucksack dienen können, in welchem stets alles drin ist, falls man plötzlich evakuiert werden muss.
#followerpower #wandern #rucksack #hiking
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
mslphnx mastodon (AP)
@energisch_ @geiststreicher
Ein Erste-Hilfe Set habe ich ausnahmslos dabei sobald es in die Natur geht. Aber am besten Gedanken machen was man individuell benötigt und dann selber zusammenstellen. Auch an etwas denken mit dem man sich bemerkbar machen kann wie zum Beispiel eine Pfeife (an einigen Rucksäcken sogar am Brustgurt verbaut) und hin und wieder mal einen Erste-Hilfe Kurs besuchen😉
mslphnx mastodon (AP)
@energisch_ @geiststreicher
Ja die Pfeife kann sehr wichtig sein alleine schon wenn kein Mobilfunk vorhanden ist oder zum Beispiel das Gerät nach einem Sturz defekt ist.

Street Art Utopia mastodon (AP)
Step Into the Illusion: Mind-Blowing 3D Street Art by Joe and Max:

Step Into the Illusion: Mind-Blowing 3D Street Art by Joe and Max

A composite image showcasing two incredible 3D street art pieces by Joe and Max. On the left, a playful yeti is bursting out of a golden picture frame, with its large blue feet extending into the viewer's space, while a woman interacts with the artwork, pretending to shield herself. On the right, an illusion reveals a Roman-style underground temple beneath a pedestrian street, complete with tall columns and vibrant mosaic tiles. Both artworks highlight Joe and Max's skill in creating interactive and visually stunning optical illusions.

Take a look at the exciting world of 3D street art made by Joe and Max. They have a special way of turning regular streets into fun and interactive spaces.

Joe and Max create amazing optical illusions that play tricks on your eyes and make you want to join in. Their art can make you feel like you’re walking over a deep hole or finding a hidden world under your feet.

In this post, we’ll show some of their coolest works and how they turn normal places into something really special. Get ready to see street art in a whole new way!

More: 14 Street Art 3D Masterpieces You Won’t Believe Are Real


A mesmerizing 3D street art piece by Joe and Max that creates the illusion of a towering stack of books reaching into a magical library. Two women stand at the top of the book tower, balancing precariously while interacting with the artwork. The scene includes vibrant details such as a red bird in flight, mythical creatures like a green dragon, and shelves filled with books extending into the depths of the artwork. This stunning piece transforms an urban street into a whimsical, fantasy-inspired world.


A trompe-l'oeil 3D street art piece by Joe and Max that transforms a wall into the illusion of a basement room. The artwork features a rustic staircase, cracked walls, and scattered tools like a pitchfork and bucket. A man in a blue jacket stands in front of the piece, marveling at its depth and realistic details, as though he could step into the scene. This clever mural plays with perspective and invites interaction with passersby.


A thrilling 3D street art illusion by Joe and Max, featuring a deep vortex labeled "ZeroSpace," with swirling lights and a futuristic doorway at the edge. Slices of pizza and other objects appear to be falling into the abyss, adding a playful touch. Two people pose at the edge, pretending to balance precariously above the chasm, while a bustling city street and curious onlookers serve as the backdrop. This artwork captivates viewers with its blend of humor and immersive design.


A vivid 3D street art mural by Joe and Max depicting a life-sized hippo bursting through a wall. The artwork gives the impression of the animal emerging from a jungle scene into an urban alleyway, complete with realistic cracks around the wall's edges. Located under a "Ship Inn Yard" street sign, the piece blends humor and hyper-realism, surprising passersby with its striking detail.


A playful 3D street art mural by Joe and Max featuring a yeti breaking out of a picture frame. The yeti's oversized blue feet appear to extend into the viewer's space, creating a striking illusion of depth. A woman crouches nearby, pretending to shield herself from the enormous feet, adding to the interactive and humorous nature of the artwork. Icicles hanging from the frame enhance the chilly, whimsical atmosphere.


A breathtaking 3D street art installation by Joe and Max, depicting an icy canyon with towering blue pillars and a cascading waterfall. The illusion is painted on snow, with a man standing confidently in the center and a red SUV parked at the edge, as though balanced above the abyss. A teepee in the snowy background adds a serene, wintery atmosphere to this visually stunning and immersive artwork.


A powerful 3D street art piece by Joe and Max showing a crowded inflatable boat navigating through rough waves, painted directly on a riverside promenade. The realistic artwork captures the sense of motion and urgency as water splashes around the boat. A man interacts with the piece, appearing to climb onto the boat. The London skyline, with iconic landmarks and a sunny sky, forms the backdrop, grounding this thought-provoking artwork in a contemporary urban setting.

8. Before and after we filled it with water:

A stunning 3D street art illusion by Joe and Max depicting the interior of an ancient temple with grand marble columns and intricately tiled floors. The artwork creates the illusion of a massive hole in the concrete floor, revealing a hidden underground structure. Natural light and realistic shadows enhance the depth and architectural details, making it appear as though the viewer could step into this subterranean world.9058582

Follow Joe and Max on Instagram

Want to see more of Joe and Max’s incredible art? Follow them on Instagram!
More: Breathtaking Transformations: Odeith’s 3D Art in Abandoned Spaces

#3dArt #3dStreetArt #amazingStreetArt #Art #artIllusions #creativeStreetArt #graffiti #interactiveArt #JoeAndMax #mural #opticalIllusions #publicArt #sidewalkArt #StreetArt #travel #UrbanArt

A detailed 3D street art illusion by Joe and Max showcasing a hidden Roman-style temple beneath a bustling pedestrian street. The artwork features grand stone columns and vibrant blue mosaic tiles, creating the appearance of an underground chamber. A man stands at the edge of the illusion, appearing as though he is balancing above the chasm. The realistic details blend seamlessly with the urban environment, captivating passersby.
Elsa & Balou reshared this.

Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
I’ve read or listened to 54 books this year, the vast majority fiction. Some of them were absolutely cracking. I also started any number of bad or just plain boring books that I didn’t finish. I’ll do a little end of year roundup after Christmas if anyone’s looking for recommendations #Bookstodon
Callalily mastodon (AP)
I think I've only read 5 this year. I have one I started when my husband had his eye surgery. I haven't picked it back up. I've been too busy with holidays etc.
Charlotte Walker mastodon (AP)
@Callalily You have a very busy life 💜

Glyn Moody mastodon (AP)
NHTSA finally releases new rules for self-driving cars — but there’s a twist - "Regulators say they’ll ease rules allowing for fully driverless cars, but companies need to cough up the data." #privacy #surveillance

Wolfgang Lucht mastodon (AP)
State of the debate: Media network RND has published some statistics on the 303 leading political talk shows that were on public TV in Germany in 2024.

The deep environmental crisis was very rarely discussed: party politics and the government 185 times, the economy 47 times, climate and the environment only 5 times.
A bar graph in German including the statistics mentioned in the toot, along with several other categories.

It's FOSS mastodon (AP)
Simplify your online experience on Linux with AI-powered browsers:
treating weird stuff of the Internet by AI Browsing is like putting out a fire with gasoline 😛
el_haych2024 mastodon (AP)
I don't have a problem with AI in a web browser if it's summaries and fetching relevant information/sources. Putting image generators and voice commands and chatbots that talk like they are human is where I draw the line.
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