It’s time for a special holiday
Bridgy Fed status update!
Since last time, we’ve been working mostly on getting
A New Social off the ground and on Bridgy Fed internals. Specifically, my development focus for a while now has been
cost cutting. I fund Bridgy Fed myself right now, which I’m happy to do, but it costs more to run than it should, probably by 2-3x or so.
(We do plan to fundraise for A New Social eventually and fund Bridgy Fed there instead! Including individual donations, among other sources.
Stay tuned for more news when we have it.)
In the meantime, I’ve been pushing the optimization boulder uphill, making slow progress. I’m currently struggling with one big issue: getting caching working in
ndb, our ORM.
ndb can cache both
in memory and
in memcache. We configure it to do both, but
it doesn’t seem to be using memcache in production, and I’m not even sure it’s caching in memory there either. If you have experience with ndb,
Google Cloud Datastore,
Memorystore, or related tools, please
take a look and let me know if you see anything obviously wrong!
This also means that I haven’t had much time to spend on features, bug fixes, or other user-visible updates. I’m the only developer on Bridgy Fed right now, and I’m only part time. I’d love help! It’s
entirely open source, so if you’re interested, check out the
open issues, feel free to dive in, and
ping me on GitHub if you have any questions!
Having said that, I have done a bit besides cost cutting
since last time:
As usual, feel free to ping us with feedback, questions, and
bug reports. You can follow the
now label on GitHub to see what we’re currently focusing on. See you on the bridge!
Don't want to draw attention to this, I've been looking at it mostly behind the scenes, but I'd like to start tracking at least the investigation and work more publicly. I expect there's plenty of ...