From what I hear about the Navy I'm sure he would fit right inby ChrisMMatthewsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
First time ever got TfL refund without requesting oneby Medium_Willow_3727EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Russia's propaganda machine is in overdrive, but the truth tells a different story! Assad’s regime collapses, leaving Putin humiliated on the global stage. S...YouTube
TAURUS missiles for Ukraine, social assistance and a way out of the economic crisis. These are the topics of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Germany....YouTube
Arguing and fighting with a french guy is what makes her fully europeanby D4B34EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
The now 27-member European Union has been repeating the mantra since the 2003 EU summit in Thessaloniki, Greece: TheEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Les stations de ski des Alpes se battent pour défendre leur patrimoine architectural. ce sont des immeubles recouvertsEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)