Europe Says mastodon (AP) How do you eat Christmas dinner in space? Ask the stuck astronauts #space
How do you eat Christmas dinner in space? Ask the stuck astronauts

damon mastodon (AP)
Accidentally bought $150 of cheese. Though it is to tide us over between Christmas and New Year when all cheese shops will be closed.
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
joke’s on you, it won’t make it to the 28th

🇺🇦 haxadecimal mastodon (AP)
I want desiccan, not desiccan't.
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
go on

Taste it

Kyrylys mastodon (AP)

Chris Hubbs mastodon (AP)
Time for night #2 singing in the Orchestra Iowa Chorus holiday concert!
A selfie of a bald, bearded man in a black suit with a red bow tie

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Iran recruits minors for attacks on Jews, Israelis in Europe – Bloomberg #Conflicts #europe #Iran #IranIsrael #Israel #israelis

PBS News unkn (AP)
Major takeaways from this week’s chaotic, last-minute funding deal in Congress

Posted into Nation @nation-PBSNewsHour

Anathema Device mastodon (AP)
so we are not having turkey and ham picnic pie for xmas

we are having “turkay ham and pastry scraped back into the springform pan after the bottom fell out when I tried to take it out to cut a hole in the top” pie
Cooked 'pie' and two mini pies in baking tins using up the left overs, as per post
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
It still looks like good eating.
Anathema Device mastodon (AP)
I'm hoping so - that's a lot of food that will be wasted otherwise!

Europe Says mastodon (AP) North Korea Likely Transferred KN-15 Missile Systems to Russia #Conflicts #NorthKorea #армія #війна #обороннапромисловість.Новинитааналітика.Хронікадеокупаціїтаперемоги.Інформаційнапередоваз2009року.
North Korea Likely Transferred KN-15 Missile Systems to Russia

dansup mastodon (AP)
Experimenting with BYOD (bring your own domain) in Loops, to allow users to use their domain as a username and easily migrate to their own server.

Interesting times at @pixelfed HQ 👀
2 people reshared this
Kaleb 📝 mastodon (AP)
so am I understanding you correctly that BYOD would allow me to use my own domain on a account, or a account?

This would be amazing if I ever decide to let her migrate to my own server!!

#PixelFed #Loops #BYOD
dansup mastodon (AP)
@kaleb Yes, for loops

dansup mastodon (AP)
Another interesting Pixelfed R&D program is our vision reality or VR which is building filters for the Pixelfed and Loops cameras, applying Snapchat like filters in real time, using face tracking and everything

It's really cool, and I'm working out a plan to share these in ActivityPub so you can have a library of AR filters.

There are so many aspects of a platform like Loops and Pixelfed like this you may not be aware of, so it may look like I'm not working, but I really am, on stuff like this
Michael Bishop ☕ mastodon (AP)
I would advise against filters. I will leave Pixelfed and Loops if they are added.
dansup mastodon (AP)
@MichaelBishop You can already upload videos of AR filtered content to mastodon, pixelfed and other platforms, what is the diff?
Michael Bishop ☕ mastodon (AP)
True but having filters built in only makes filter manipulated content more common.
dansup mastodon (AP)
@MichaelBishop every camera already has these though, even the stock android and iOS cameras allow you to adjust them. Should we ban ICC profiles too?
taye mastodon (AP)
Federated libraries of filters would be 🔥

I've done some work on AR filters for the Web and I'm gonna release a demo in a couple of months. I'll keep you posted 😁

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Lara Trump withdraws name from consideration for Florida Senate seat #america #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USTopics #USA #USANews
Lara Trump withdraws name from consideration for Florida Senate seat

Josepzin mastodon (AP)
Para estas fechas nada mejor que unas tarjetas navideñas...

Extrañas e inquietantes tarjetas navideñas de la Era Victoriana

@thepoliticalcat I may have woken up on the silly side of the bed this afternoon. LoL
thepoliticalcat mastodon (AP)
Anything for a pic of Fred, baybee! Even nudged the spouse into checking out his picture.
It was so sweet. I could feel him snuggling in behind me. 🥰 How are you?

Jcmacomber mastodon (AP)

#society #media

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Sudan’s Zamzam camp in Darfur is under attack while facing famine : NPR #News #world #WorldNews #WorldTopics
Sudan's Zamzam camp in Darfur is under attack while facing famine : NPR

Mary Hilton mastodon (AP)
The diplomatic clown car show will be on full display with Trump's nominees for ambassadorships.
All unqualified, all big boosters, donors, in-laws or would be inlaws.
Cronyism, nepotism and oligarchy on disgusting display.
It helps if you have money:
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Klaus Stein mastodon (AP)
Damit, daß die gesamte deutsche Presse die politischen Aussagen eines Multi-Milliardärs für berichtenswert hält, erkennt sie das Offensichtliche an: Reichtum bedeutet politische Macht.

Was nicht passiert: diskutieren, daß dieser Zustand inhärent undemokratisch ist, nicht erst bei Parteispenden anfängt, beim Besitz und der direkten Beeinflussung journalistischer Medien noch lange nicht aufhört, und ein Problem darstellt.
Thijs Lucas reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) US Removes Bounty on New Syrian Leader Who Got His Start With Al-Qaeda #Conflicts #InternationalAffairs #Iran #ISIS #MiddleEast #StateDepartment #Syria #terrorism #terrorists #U.S.ForeignPolicy #U.S.StateDepartment
Sharaa Golani Syrian Government Assad

Lisa Stranger diaspora
there's more there, but this one just struck me the funniest
#GetOffMyLawn 🤣

"My Adult Children Didn't Believe Me": 26 Normal Practices And Routines From The Past That Have Gen Z'ers Confused, Perplexed, And Puzzled

10."My boss blew my young coworker's mind the other day when she explained that there is a special kind of black paper that you can put between two regular pieces of paper, and when you write on the top page, it also shows up on the bottom page."

Bob Lai diaspora
There wasn't a lot of 'fast food' - you cooked at home, had a Swanson TV Dinner, or you went to a restaurant.

(As opposed to a stretch in Vallejo where there's a Chicken Express, Five-Star Burger, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Burger King, El Pollo Loco, Popeyes, McDonald's, and Nation's within a mile of each other.)
Tom Grzybow diaspora
haz disappoint that they didn’t mention the DINGDING with the gas story

Oh, I miss that ding ding. Now, horribly, there are gas-pumps which (loudly) try advertise things.

libramoon diaspora

Ukraine’s weapons #industry presses #government to allow #arms exports

“Imagine what it would look like? #Ukraine #exports its #weapons during the war while asking partners for #military #aid. Ukrainians would not understand, partners would not understand,” said a senior Ukrainian foreign ministry

Ukraine is currently one of the best places to test modern #warfare #equipment against a confirmed #enemy under real conditions at low cost. Just imagine if the war were to end, an entire #business model would collapse. Surely nobody could want that to happen when the arms industry is doing so well.

#politics #problem #war #terror #economy #export #weapon #future #criticism #fail #ethics #news #militaryIndustrialComplex #nwo #dystopia

Gay Old Time mastodon (AP)
Scientists have long debated what makes someone gay. Turns out it's plastic tape.
#vintageAd #gay #Christmas
Vintage ad for Texcel adhesive tape. An illustration of Santa Claus on his sleigh, pulled by reindeer. Images of packages of plastic tape. The tape is decorated with holiday motifs such as stars and poinsettias. Headline reads: "Make your presents gay!"
almondtree reshared this.

earthling mastodon (AP)
#Gliders via marinella-ela


CP93 mastodon (AP)
Kid: “Fewer.”
Jeff Grigg mastodon (AP)
... Yelling at clouds.
Simpsons cartoon of newspaper clipping titled "old man yells at cloud." with image of Bart's grandfather, Abraham Simpson.

libramoon diaspora

Unmanned booby-trapped robots and drones surround Kamal Adwan Hospital

Remember when Israel and their apologist were claiming that Israel would never attack hospitals and they were only attacking Hamas fighters who cowardly hiding there.

Now that they have killed all the reporters cut the internet access and media have moved on, they kill ANYONE who walks or crawls around.

But no one cares. We are watching one of the most gruesome mass murderer and state sponsored genocide in front of our eyes..

Short video is available on telegram:

What happened to us?

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #Genocide #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

#Magdeburg wird heute wohl zum Aufmarschgebiet extrem rechter Szene. Bundesweite Aufrufe aus gesamten Spektrum. #AfD, #NPD,militante #Neonazistrukturen, #Rechtsrock-Szene, #EinProzent,Umfeld #Knockout51, #Compact…Hoffe, Zuständige in Sicherheitsbehörden haben es im Blick #md2112

dansup mastodon (AP)
The Loops api docs are almost ready and I look forward to seeing more 3rd party Loops clients! ✨

3rd party platforms that want to ingest Loops apis on behalf of users will also be supported

I'm also working on an atom feed for profiles, and embeds!

Exciting times for the fediverse and the upcoming TikTok ban, Loops could be perfectly positioned, but it will need your help.

Join and help make history 🚀

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Tehran’s oil revenues should compensate its victims #Conflicts #Iran
Tehran's oil revenues should compensate its victims

neville park hometown (AP)
Solstice is the holiday that the most hard-nosed scientific types, the most mystical pagans, and the extremely seasonal affective disorder dead inside can all agree on and i think that's beautiful
2 people reshared this

ADFC Karlsruhe mastodon (AP)
Der Strafbefehl gegen den 78-jährigen Autofahrer, der am 30. Januar 2024 #Natenom mit mehr als 80 km/h ungebremst gerammt und getötet hatte, ist rechtskräftig geworden. Der Beschuldigte hat seinen Einspruch dagegen zurückgezogen. #Fahrrad #Fahrradbubble #rasentotet
Thijs Lucas mastodon (AP)
@fasnix @flns

In Deutschland können sich Unfallmuster im Verkehr an immer gleicher Stelle wiederholen, ohne das daraus Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung abgeleitet werden müssten und so kommt es hier vor, dass immer wieder gleiche Weise Menschen schwer verletzt werden. Teils auch getötet, ohne das gehandelt wird. Kaum vorstellbar in den Niederlanden.
Thijs Lucas mastodon (AP)
@fasnix @flns

Letztendlich ist alles, dass wir vorhersehen können, auch durch uns verhinderbar. Die allermeisten Muster des menschlichen Versagens kennen wir. Ebenso deren Ursachen und wie Infrastruktur sie beeinflusst und wie wir Infrastruktur entsprechend gestalten bzw anpassen können.
Nur allein wir tun es nicht und haben uns bzw. unseren Behörden Strukturen gegeben, die Untätigkeit fördern und Maßnahmen für Sicherheit bis zur Unmöglichkeit erschweren.

Grounded as soon as I stop laughing.
Mycams mastodon (AP)
until the menopause?

Non-stop brutal Israeli strikes in the northern Gaza Strip.

No fucking reaction from the EU or anyone else ..
.#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #Genocide #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow

It is now lunchtime and my day is so far out of whack
I haven't had breakfast
and it is nearly time for lunch

I am a disabled pensioner

I do not need the insane people the government's purposely made homeless terrorising me for a rental property

at 4am in the morning

every fucking morning

insane paedophile women the government released from the insane asylums knowing they had no homes to go to


Europe Says mastodon (AP) Princess of Wales asked Lady Gabriella Windsor to help with Christmas carol service | UK News #BritishRoyalFamily #catherine #CatherineMiddleton #KateMiddleton #PrinceOfWales #PrinceWilliam #PrincessOfWales #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #William
Lady Gabriella of Windsor arrives for the Together At Christmas carol service. Pic: PA

Multimillionaire public servants?
That stole a little from everyone to make their selfish greedy fortunes

The police are the stupid ones
for still working for the thieving scum

Instead of kicking them up the bum
and locking the arseholes up

they are also stealing from the police people's families and their children's future

Negative gearing
is political bullshit for TAX Evasion
Real estate mongrels impersonating politicians

your stupid police people


Futzle Fiction mastodon (AP)
First contact has been going well. It’s their turn to ask questions. The biped’s face moves and my translator squawks, “Are you <unintelligible>-based life forms too?”

The human and translator converse for a bit. “Element 6,” the translator clarifies.

I laugh, startling the human. “Do you name all the elements? Adorable! Next you’ll be telling me you name the stars.”

The human shifts uncomfortably.


AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Construction of the new 34m antenna DSS-23 at NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) site at Goldstone, CA, is progressing well. On Dec 18, the 34-meter-wide 133-ton steel framework for the Deep Space Station 23 (DSS-23) reflector dish was installed on a 20-meter-high alidade – a platform above the antenna's pedestal that will steer the reflector during operations.

The new antenna is expected to be operational in 2026.
#NASA #DSN #Space
A crane lowers the steel reflector framework for Deep Space Station 23 into position Dec. 18, 2024. Panels will be affixed to the structure create a curved surface to collect radio frequency signals. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
DSS-23 will be the 5th of 6 new beam-waveguide (BWG) antennas to join the network, following the addition of DSS-53 in Madrid in 2022.

In a BWG antenna, radio waves collected by the primary dish are reflected by the secondary dish and Radio Freq mirrors through the waveguide structure to the base of the antenna. This design allows sensitive electronics to be placed in a climate-controlled equipment room instead of outdoors hanging in front of the antenna dish.
Drawing of a beam waveguide antenna, a type of parabolic antenna used in large radio telescopes and satellite ground stations. In the beam waveguide antenna, the incoming radio waves collected by the large primary reflector dish are reflected by secondary reflectors in a long path through the structure (red) to the base of the antenna, where they are received by a small feed antenna in a "feed house" at ground level. This design is an alternative to the common design used in small dish antennas called "front feed", in which the feed antenna itself is suspended in front of the dish. Beam waveguide antennas are used in high gain antennas for use in space communication, where the feed electronics is too bulky and delicate to be mounted on the boom in front of the antenna, or must be serviced often, as with low-noise cryogenic amplifiers which require frequent filling with liquid nitrogen.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Here is a fascinating time-lapse video of the full construction, assembly and installation of NASA’s Deep Space Station 53 (DSS-53) at the Deep Space Network’s Madrid complex in Spain.

The video covers the period from November 2018 to March 2020. The antenna became fully operational in late February 2022.

See for a longer video taken from a different angle.

#NASA #dsn

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Prince Harry & Meghan ‘Tipped Over The Edge’ By Royal Christmas Snub #BritishRoyalFamily #DuchessOfSussex #DukeOfSussex #Harry #LatestNews #Meghan #MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #ROYALREBELS
Prince Harry & Meghan 'Tipped Over The Edge' By Royal Christmas Snub
newer older

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