Me/cfs ist gerade wieder sehr anstrengend. Einen Spaziergang mit dem Hund schaffe ich, das war es dann. Malen oder schreiben geht gar nicht, kochen auch nicht. Ab Nachmittag nur noch Sofa, jetzt bin ich schon im Bett.

#chronisch #welcometomylife
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Ich drück dich, liebe Karin, und wünsche dir, dass es bald etwas besser wird! 🧡 🙏 🍀

chesheer mastodon (AP)
Is there a way to disable touchpad while typing in #OpenBSD ? wsmouse(4) doesn't seem to contain such option. I can think of disabling tapping, but that's not the best solution...
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

stefani reshared this.

GertrudeZane mastodon (AP)
Peck doesn't realize he's outgrown his kitten-sized cat tower. 😄

Happy #Caturday everyone!

#Peck #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Cat #Catstodon #CatsOfFediverse #Animals #Pets #Cute #FediCats #MastoCats #Gatos #Katzen #Chat #AdoptDontShop
A big, three year old black cat has squeezed himself into the top of a small cat tower that is meant for kittens.  One front paw and a long black hind leg are hanging over the edge of the cat tower.  The cat's big yellow eyes are looking towards the left.
Callalily reshared this.
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
😂 He takes up the whole spot so there's no room for any other cat. This way he doesn't have to share.
GertrudeZane mastodon (AP)
😂🤣😂 You understand him so well!

mk30 mastodon (AP)
In case you were wondering what the endgame of mass incarceration is, here is its purest form:

"No state has a longer, more profit-driven history of contracting prisoners out to private companies than Alabama. With a sprawling labor system that dates back more than 150 years — including the brutal convict leasing era that replaced slavery — it has constructed a template for the commercialization of mass incarceration.

Best Western, Bama Budweiser and Burger King are among the more than 500 businesses to lease incarcerated workers from one of the most violent, overcrowded and unruly prison systems in the U.S. in the past five years alone, The Associated Press found as part of a two-year investigation into prison labor. The cheap, reliable labor force has generated more than $250 million for the state since 2000 through money garnished from prisoners’ paychecks."


#alabama #labor #prison #work #incarceration

Brooke unkn (AP)
I haven't hauled out my old D90 workhorse in years, but today seemed like a good day for it

libramoon mastodon (AP)

Samuel Friedrich Capricornus was born on 21 December 1628

Muse diaspora
Wow! I'm impressed!
Khurram Wadee diaspora
Four to a Mini.

Texas Observer mastodon (AP)
The controversial LNG plant is replacing 984 acres of wetlands northeast of Brownsville in the sensitive Laguna Madre area, a crucial habitat for migratory birds and ocelots separated from the Gulf by the Padre barrier island.

#environment #ClimateChange #energy #OilAndGas #politics #USpol #Texas #news #GulfCoast

Global Museum mastodon (AP)
A 4th Century AD, Roman Glass Jug with a smaller glass jug inside; a so called joke jar that shows the skill of the glassmaker. Probably made in workshop in Cologne, found in burial in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland.

#archaeohistories #glass
A 4th Century AD, Roman Glass Jug with a smaller glass jug inside; a so called joke jar that shows the skill of the glassmaker

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Tja, auf einmal kann man die Tat nicht mehr politisch ausschlachten #DeutscheMemes #Memes
Tja, auf einmal kann man die Tat nicht mehr politisch ausschlachten

Chris :freebsd: mastodon (AP)
Somewhere in this picture is our galaxy. Do you know where?

When I see images like this in relation to the Cosmos, it always makes me think of Carl Sagan’s beautiful words of “The Pale Blue Dot”.

We should do EVERYTHING in our power to protect Earth, this wonderful planet we have the good fortune to live on, the pale blue dot - where EVERYONE we have ever known has lived on!!!!

Wowzer! Map of cosmic flows, by yours truly, makes it to the cover of the Nature Astronomy journal.

"Galaxies from
wherever flock

I'm no poet, but could this be a Haiku?

Image: Daniel Pomarède, Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay.
Cover design: Bethany Vukomanovic.

#Cosmology #Galaxies #Astronomy #Astrodon #Astrophysics #Cosmography #Cartography #Map #Cosmicflows #science #STEM #news #space
A cover of the Nature Astronomy journal, dated December 2024, Volume 8, issue number 12, featuring a three-dimensional visualization of the cosmic velocity field inferred from the Cosmicflows-4 catalog of galaxies' distances and velocities. This map spans two billion lightyears from top to bottom. The velocity field is mapped by means of tens of thousands of very thin streamlines, seeded at the positions of the catalog's galaxies. Streamlines are shown white and semi-transparent, against a black background. They exhibit a very complex pattern with multiple attractors, seen as points of convergence of the lines. A text reads Galaxies from wherever flock together.

Alice 🐝 hometown (AP)
Happy Winter Cat Solstice!

A large tabby and white cat sleeping next to her blue telescopic fishing rod toy, the handle is next to her paws so it sort of looks like she’s fishing. Her tail is curled back behind her kinda like a squirrel

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Home Alone’s Daniel Stern Says ‘Stepping Away’ from Hollywood Led to ‘Living My Real Life’ Creating Art on His Ranch #Entertainment #UnitedStates
Home Alone's Daniel Stern Says 'Stepping Away' from Hollywood Led to 'Living My Real Life' Creating Art on His Ranch

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The Republican Party Is Out of Control | An ungovernable party is about to run the government. #Politics #U.S.Politics #UnitedStates
The Republican Party Is Out of Control | An ungovernable party is about to run the government.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukraine drone hits Russian high-rise 1,000km from frontline #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Ukraine drone hits Russian high-rise 1,000km from frontline

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Don’t Believe Putin’s Lies. Ukraine’s Economy Outperforms Russia’s in Almost Every Metric #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Don't Believe Putin's Lies. Ukraine's Economy Outperforms Russia's in Almost Every Metric

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Zelenskyy: We will continue strikes on Russian military facilities, increasingly relying on domestically produced weapons #News #WorldNews
Zelenskyy: We will continue strikes on Russian military facilities, increasingly relying on domestically produced weapons

subnetspider mastodon (AP)
Today I've upgraded all my #FreeBSD VMs running my Tor relay jails from 14.1 to 14.2, which only required running freebsd-update, rebooting, editing the fstabs of the bastille jails, and then running freebsd-update again with another reboot.

In the last 7 weeks, they have all relayed a total of 212TB, which is almost exactly 10MB/s of 24/7 traffic.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Christophe Castaner travaille dorénavant avec Shein, entreprise textile chinoise controversée #Actualités #france #LActualitéAuQuotidien #L'actualitéAuQuotidien
Christophe Castaner travaille dorénavant avec Shein, entreprise textile chinoise controversée

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Countdown crowns first female champion in 26 years #CasualUK #UnitedKingdom
Countdown crowns first female champion in 26 years

Europe Says mastodon (AP) C’est min langage d’amour. #france #Memes #rance
C'est min langage d'amour.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) SNP warn of Labour’s festive ghosts | SNP MSP Stuart McMillan has warned of Labour’s ghosts of past, present and future this Christmas: “The Labour Party is nothing if not consistent — repeatedly letting down Scotland and acting against our best interests” #Scotland #UnitedKingdom
SNP warn of Labour's festive ghosts | SNP MSP Stuart McMillan has warned of Labour’s ghosts of past, present and future this Christmas: “The Labour Party is nothing if not consistent — repeatedly letting down Scotland and acting against our best interests”

Rufus T Firefly mastodon (AP)
I’m wondering if I should care that every time I take a bath I’m soaking in my old dead skin.

Li ~ Crystal System mastodon (AP)
Noticing how my family will respect the name changes of soulless corporations but not of their own fucking children,

I love being respected less than a fucking grocery store chain..
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Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
or social media

Marilla C. mastodon (AP)
It's raining Zen ! ! ! #Hallelujah
A painting of the Buddha in meditation.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Plico virtual power plant activates 2,500 home batteries to counter Western Australia heatwave #Energy
Plico virtual power plant activates 2,500 home batteries to counter Western Australia heatwave

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Walmart Says to Miss Climate Targets as Green Challenges Mount #Environment
Walmart Says to Miss Climate Targets as Green Challenges Mount

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Spending Mark Zuckerberg’s money #Economy
Spending Mark Zuckerberg’s money

Europe Says mastodon (AP) You’re not crazy. We’re in a drought and it’s pouring rain #Climate
You're not crazy. We're in a drought and it's pouring rain

Liebe Rüsseltierchen. Das Singen im Dachs war sehr schön. Englische und deutsche Weihnachtslieder mit Klavierbegleitung, teils im Kanon gesungen. Und nun trinke ich noxh ein alkfreies dunkles Bier, dazu habe ich einen Käseteller gehabt.

Lansam gehe ich nach Hause. Es regnet. Euch allen wünsche ich eine gute Nacht mit schönen Träumen. 😴🥱💤😊😘🎄🕯️🕯️🕯️🙋👋🤗🐘🦣

Joyce Lionarons hometown (AP)
Well, I knew I had to rearrange the parts of the end of my new Cordwainer novel and that the new arrangement would require some major rewriting. Today I finally got into it, cutting and pasting and writing a whole new scene. I haven't finished yet, but I think I'm finished for today. I just hope I don't look at it tomorrow and see that I've made a mess of it.
#Writing #Today
Sharonbw mastodon (AP)
Fingers crossed it'll look good tomorrow, and you can finish smoothly.

In the carpark near the beach in CT I discovered a group of isopods up to no good.

The pill bugs had formed a pentagram of beach trash, mostly delicate bones of birds & fish. It was about the size of a quarter. They kept adjusting it and adding to it as I watched, horrified, yet fascinated.

I was so engrossed in the mysterious antics of the little woodlice that I didn't even notice the man who'd joined me watching, until he spoke.

"Amazing aren't they?" He said, his voice deep, but warm. 1/18
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
M.S. Bellows, Jr. reshared this.

Hugues Ross mastodon (AP)
Very specific accessibility-related question for screen reader users.

There's this thing I do in my apps where I display the keyboard shortcut at the end of every relevant tooltip. I personally find this extremely useful, and am wondering if I should replicate it in the screen reader description.

My concern is that on average it'll probably add 3 to 5 extra words to the end of button and menu item this fine, or would it be super annoying?

#accessibility #screenreader #blind
Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
Does it exactly correlate with the shortcut a screen reader would use across platforms? Does the screen reader already provide interaction instructions as a function of the role?

This may be helpful:
Adrian Roselli mastodon (AP)
Ah, yeah, that is useful context.

And since you can see the full set of JAWS hotkeys and know the others will have same, there is some risk of overlap.

That being said, look at pass-through commands. If this is targeted at trained users, then you can remind them of pass-through keys in the documentation. And then use whatever combo you want. Because they will know how to pass it through. Maybe.
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