Jayson1985 mastodon (AP)
#Europa #Schweiz #StGallen #Rheintal

#Bahnen #Halbstundentakt #Ausbauten

Schweiz -

Bahn frei für den Halbstundentakt im St. Galler Rheintal:
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Who are some of your favorite fictional hackers? (Any media)

Personally, I'm a big fan of Radical Ed (Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV).

EarthMomma mastodon (AP)

SoydelBierzo ⁂ mastodon (AP)
Que no vea Aldama a su guardaespaldas huyendo y cayendo por el suelo por una mierda de piedra...

Vaya con el valiente luchador...
juananpaez 🔻 mastodon (AP)
os ha caído alguna pedrada del gordo? Sé que es difícil, pero no hay que perder la ilusión.

Nach laaaaaaaaaanger Zeit folgt heute mal wieder eine neue Folge von #marquitoKocht

Lange musstet ihr warten, aber es ist mal wieder an der Zeit für den König der Kohlgerichte: #Apfelrotkohl

In Kürze hier auf diesem Kanal. Stay tuned!
Die Zutaten für den Apfelrotkohl:

säuerliche Äpfel 
Da das Fediverse immer noch keine "Geruchsanhänge" für Beiträge erfunden hat, müsst ihr euch den fantastischen Duft von Rotkohl, Nelken, Lorbeer und Rotwein einfach selbst vorstellen!

#Apfelrotkohl #marquitoKocht
Kochender Apfelrotkohl in einem riesigen Topf

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Hugz & xXx
Looking up from the ground though the maple tree
Medea Vanamonde mastodon (AP)
sure that’s not just being a dizzy dame?
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Nope, unfortunately ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx

tultican mastodon (AP)
Biden Announces $4.28 Billion in Student Loan Forgiveness - Young people were trapped into this terrible crisis. Some have paid off their loans but most of them cannot. via @dianeravitch #Politics

Frankly, I'm surprised the US has a credit rating at all with these kind of shenanigans happening regularly.

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katharine mastodon (AP)
Ballet is equal parts boring and intensely distracting male buttock.
I think the front of the men is often distracting as well. 😳
Chris Johnson mastodon (AP)
Heh. I used to think that (except for my preference for the female form). But in researching ballet for a story, I came away both incredibly impressed with ballet dancers, and horrified at the damage they do to themselves.

NotImpressed mastodon (AP)

"Israelis are not only bombing residential areas and killing unarmed civilians, but they are also preventing the injured from being rescued and the dead from an honorable burial"
“Due to the rising Israeli bombings and killings in northern Gaza, we have run out of body bags to bury the dead, and now we resort to using any piece of clothing or a blanket for their burial.”

Buffy the Psych Prof mastodon (AP)
So can Pritzker forgive student loans owed by Illinoisans? 🤔
LEADI Leading Report • @LeadingReport • • • BREAKING: Trump's pick to lead the Department of Education, Linda McMahon, says the administration will return control of education to the states.

Medea Vanamonde mastodon (AP)
Saturday Shopping was a study in frustration . Starting finding the driver side tire flat
It’s left me mildly flustrated.
Should eat something and watch something silly
Medea Vanamonde mastodon (AP)
@Melissabeartrix the day was going great until i went outside
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Sounds like you need a do over ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx
Jingle Fuzz mastodon (AP)
@Melissabeartrix Try again under your own terms?
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Don't forget to kick it before you try again ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
Medea Vanamonde mastodon (AP)
@Melissabeartrix i’d rather take the cash prize

Decorar cajas de comida con imágenes de bichos...

Cajas de plátano de canarias decoradas con dibujos de un insecto.

A ver... si me parece genial todo eso, y que las mariquitas sean útiles para cultivar fruta y tal y cual, pero no me parece que quien va a comer un plátano quiera pensar en bichos. Tambien abonar las plataneras es útil pero no se me ocurriría ilustrar las cajas de plátanos con mierdas de vaca.
LLOBU 🐺 mastodon (AP)
Dios y el cucho faen mucho… sobre todo el cucho.

Cucho = Estiércol

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Kenny Chaffin diaspora
Having Your Tonsils Out as a Child May Have a Drastic Impact on Your Life
Christoph S reshared this.
Christoph S diaspora
Correlation is not Causation
Karl Auerbach diaspora
My father would always tell us that the hospitals feed the removed tonsils to stray cats.

Watch MikeMateiLive with me on Twitch!

Content warning: It links to a naughty website

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Magdeburg Attack Suspect Said Elon Musk, Alex Jones 'Telling Truth': Report - Newsweek
Tess diaspora
Straight up delusional !!!
"...A child was believed to be among the dead, and dozens were seriously injured."

Karl Auerbach mastodon (AP)
Did you know that one of James Bond's most evil of villain - Rosa Kleb (played by Lotte Lenya in the film From Russia With Love) - was a singer?

Here's Rosa Kleb singing one of her husband/writer's songs...

And did you know that Donovan wrote a song about Lotte Lenya, titled Lalena?

We got 4” of snow overnight and feel pretty fortunate, as it will be staying cold enough for it to stick around for Christmas.

I really don’t like a brown Christmas.

#snow #december #myphotos
The snow was so fluffy I was able to use a higher gear in the snowblower and get the driveway done faster than usual. The sun is doing a good job of melting the remains. 😀
Love the fluffy stuff.

Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Musik zur Nacht zum Träumen 🧡

If You Could Read My Mind, Gordon Lightfoot

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Shopping completed ... I think I got all I need ... Way too much Christmas at the shopping centre ... Yes it's pretty but people are sad ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx
sortius mastodon (AP)
and this is why I brave the craziness of the market, and stick to high street shopping. People just seem happier outdoors, in the sun

You guys, it's not suffering unless corporate media acknowledges it's 'suffering' - anything else is 'sparkling misery.'

Jayson1985 mastodon (AP)
#Europa #Österreich #SeekirchenStadt

#Haltestellen #Westbahn #SBahnZüge

Österreich -

Erster Zug hielt in der neuen Haltestelle Seekirchen Stadt:
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Chuck mastodon (AP)
ROFL. Just need to put in there "If maggie smith wanted to cast aquaman 2 with engineering plastic here is a quick 15 minute discussion of how she would do it." 😉

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Winter solstice has come and almost gone. It will only get colder now until the equinox.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Yes, the brakes work well on this bus ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx
Hi MBT, I have a lovely friend who uses a bus ride metaphor for our journey in life. Many a saying but his most oft quip,

'we're all on the same bus, it's just some of us get off early, some get on the wrong one & some sit in the wrong spot'.

Merry Christmas from my wife & I, (BTW, I often tell her of your toots) & Happy New Year & stay special.
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Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Hugz ... I love that saying ... So true ... Hugz

Hugz to you and your wife ... 💋

Merry Christmas

Hugz & xXx

Los Centrocnemidinae son una subfamilia de insectos con abdomen amplio, cuerpo plano y espinoso, hasta el punto que a veces hay ninfas que parecen infectadas por hongos, pero no, solo tienen púas y prolongaciones largas por todo el cuerpo. Viven siempre sobre las cortezas de los árboles, donde se camuflan. Este ejemplar es un Neocentrocnemis palawanica de Filipinas. 📷Albert Kang #insectos #insects
Insecto con abdomen ancho pero plano. Su cuerpo, especialmente en los bordes laterales, está lleno de protuberancias puntiagudas. Sus colores se mimetizan con el entorno.

Here are 13 environmental sources we use, that exclusively report on the wider #Environment and #ClimateChange

@atpfm One of my two cinema displays finally died in my work office. So after waiting as long as I could, I went with the Samsung ViewFinity S9. Got two.

Long story short, I returned them. They're terrible. Cheap but terrible, even at sub-$1400 for two. Here's my short review - 1/x
1. As you mentioned, WOBBLY AS HELL. Even just typing, wobbly
2. Takes FOREVER to wake up from sleep
3. Every single time it woke up, it moved my Dock to the other monitor
4. Power brick the size of Kansas
5. Needs the internet for most functions, otherwise you have a much longer process (eg firmware update). I don't want it online!
6. Mac keyboard brightness control not supported!
7. Camera is mediocre
8. Remote is stupid and unnecessary

Anyway, returned both. Got Studio Displays.

Jennifer Slack mastodon (AP)
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received over $4,700,000 since 1991 in unreported gifts and travel.

This, according to a report issued after a two-year investigation by a U.S. Senate ethics committee.

Clarence Thomas needs to be removed for tax evasion, being compromised, and for unethical behavior .
2 people reshared this

Jayson1985 mastodon (AP)
#Europa #Tschechien #Eisenbahnen #Brno

#ZastávkauBrna #Zweigleisigkeit #Bahnen

Tschechien -

Strecke zwischen Brno und Zastávka u Brna zweigleisig elektrifiziert:
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ProPublica mastodon (AP)
Are #Abortion Bans Across America Causing Deaths? The States That Passed Them Are Doing Little to Find Out.

The same political leaders who enacted abortion bans oversee the state committees that review maternal deaths. These committees haven’t tracked the laws’ impacts, and most haven’t finished examining cases from the year the bans went into effect.

#News #Law #USPolitics #Health #Healthcare #Doctors #ReproductiveRights #Pregnancy
5 people reshared this
Impish4249 mastodon (AP)
Since the states that passed the bans don't really care about women's health and don't want to set themselves up for liability I'm not all that surprised.
Ponygirl mastodon (AP)
Yes, Paxton the Terrible is quashing data (evidence).

Desde las últimas décadas del siglo XIX hasta mediados del siglo XX, los sombreros femeninos de alta costura podían estar adornados con un animal disecado, normalmente un ave. Aquí muestra a la actriz Marie-Louise Deval (1884-1965) en 1908, pero Angela Lansbury lo llevó en El retrato de Dorian Gray (1945). #moda #fashion
Marie-Louise Deval con un ave en el gorro.
Angela Lansbury en El retrato de Dorian Grey, también con un ave en el gorro.
newer older

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