Son of a Sailor mastodon (AP)
Snug as the proverbial bug. (AKA, roly-poly mode.)
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Photo of a gray tabby cat curled up like a ball in a plush, light green cat bed. She is tucked into one end of the bed, leaving a third of it unused. She's rolled up so tightly you can see no trace of paws or tail. So sweet.
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Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.

Oh nein, eine Cousine hat sich in einem Adventsgesteck verheddert 🙈
Entschuldigt mich, da muss ich helfen!

*packt Bastelschere und Schutzbrille brille brille brille ein*
Den Rettungsfaden nicht vergessen!☝️🥹🧶

Deniz Opal mastodon (AP)
When we tell children that Santa will distribute presents based on how "good" or "bad" they are, then the kids witness that presents are distributed based on which economic situation they happen to have been born into, what are we really teaching kids about "good" and "bad".
Sad kid looks out the window
3 people reshared this
"If you behave, you'll get a nice present!"

Then you did everything right, and got socks and underwear for Christmas.

As an adult, I understand those gifts now, but as a kid I hated them with a passion.
Chuck Taine mastodon (AP)
They are learning the lesson their parents already know. It's not good vs. bad, democrat vs. republican; rather poor vs. rich.


Jamie Knight mastodon (AP)
Out a couple of evenings ago, and walking through the cemetery I encounter my other friend, Mr Black Cat. He’s fairly tame for a stray, and ate some kibble as long as I kept a respectable distance away. Unfortunately he’d left when I got back from the shop and missed out on a proper meal.

#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon
A black cat investigating a tray of kibble in a grassy cemetery. It’s night, and the scene is lit by my head torch. There are gravestones in the background, some decorated with flowers.
Marion Donnelly reshared this.

Keiner folgt mir. Der Vorteil von X:
Man kriegt Follower und das nicht wenig.
Hier folgt kaum einer dem Anderen.
Basti mastodon (AP)
Dankeschön und frohes Tröten auch unterm Weihnachtsbaum
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p6 mastodon (AP)
ebenso!! 😃

To all those who are on a narrow piece of land connecting two larger areas across an expanse of water, we wish you a Merry Isthmus.

Jeri Dansky mastodon (AP)
The red and green in this dahlia photo seem to go along with the Christmas season.

I wonder if I have any photos of blue and white ones for Chanukah. I'll need to look!

#Bloomscrolling #flowers
Bright red dahlia blooms along with buds that provide a pop of bright green.

Musk worshipper, Wilders superfan and AfD sympathizer commits an extreme-right act of terror, one day after Musk’s call to action. A, sadly, all too comon example of stochastic nazi terrorism.

Journos: “HE’S A SAUDI!!!!”

Do. Better.
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almondtree reshared this.

“The Elder’s family probably believed that she’d be safe within the land. And for a very long time, she was.”

Best of 2024: Darcie Little Badger traces the journey an elder took before being restored to the Lipan Apache people more than 750 years after her death.

#Indigenous #history #culture #science #HumanRights #Texas

NotImpressed mastodon (AP)
#us #StudentsProtest

Whilst the US is busy installing an Al Qaeda 2.0 led "democracy" in what used to be known as Syria, the US is also busy repressing and criminalising students who demonstrate against genocide in Gaza, thus suppressing democracy at home ... makes sense.
Surveillance, retaliation or job losses affect not just students, but the entire university workforce if they join the protests or teach pro-Palestine content.
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David Revoy mastodon (AP)
"When World Collides : the new and improved Pepper&Carrot website"
Blog post:
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
Great work!!
the spanish web section is the only one that also translates the names Pepper and Carrot.

I think that should keep the name in English (just my opinion)
Even in Mexican spanish page keeps the untranslated names...
David Revoy mastodon (AP)
@victorhck Thank you :blobcatheart:
Yes, I let each translators choose their 'art direction' for translating the names or not.
The current maintainer is , if you want you can open an issue on and discuss this with him (quote his nickname with a @ in front in your text, so he receives a notification).

Rewilding: Back to the future with aurochs

Aurochs are the ancient ancestors of cattle. On a recent trip to France, I saw them depicted in ancient cave paintings. Unlike woolly mammoths, they … Rewilding: Back to the future with aurochs

MSNBC unkn (AP)
Biden signs bill funding government until March 2025

Posted into Alex Witt Reports @alex-witt-reports-msnbc

Rewilding: Back to the future with aurochs

Aurochs are the ancient ancestors of cattle. On a recent trip to France, I saw them depicted in ancient cave paintings. Unlike woolly mammoths, they …

Rewilding: Back to the future with aurochs

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#art #history: voici my unabashed gisele pelicot fan art. may her courage reverberate across the globe & create positive changes for women & the oppressed wherever they may be.
she's taught us to stand tall & be unflinching in the face of the bastards of the world.
#giselePelicot #france #feminism #justice #illustration
digital pencil & ink illustration of fierce fighter, gisele pelicot, who waived her anonymity so that her abusers would be brought to justice in full view of the public.
she looks directly at you, in 3/4 profile, her hair alight with fiery tones. 
behind her is a circle intersected by three lines emanating from the left. inside the circle, in handwritten uppercase, it reads 'merci, gisele'.
colours are french blue, pumpkin & pale peach.

Zaphod Beeblebrox reshared this.

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
#kungfusat Oh my god, he's dead, just take off the beaded veil so we can see who it is!
Sesame Squirrel mastodon (AP)
And yet he is up and fighting again 🤷🏻‍♀️ #KungFuSat ⚔️ #TheLastDuel1981

"How Nantes is Rapidly Becoming a Model for Non-Driver Mobility" #Accessibility #Transportation #France

Emily finds new ways to be an odd sleeper, but this version is at least snuggly. #caturday #catsOfMastodon #cats
A very fluffy tabby lays belly up on a blanket with her paws crossed above her head

impfmilf mastodon (AP)
#caturday #cats #dogs #dogsofmastodon #catsofmastodon
#Hunderunde mal wieder mit samtpfotiger Begleitung
Ein kleiner, heller Mischlingshund und eine getigerte Katze von hinten auf einer kleinen Straße. Es ist Winter, die Bäume rechts und links sind kahl, Laub liegt neben der Straße im Gras.

Beatrix Potter’s Quiet Rebellion
The writer’s tales for children helped her claim the independence she longed for

By Hannah Stamler

Books by Beatrix Potter at PG:

#books #literature
Spectacled Mouse Reading a Newspaper

The illustration features a small, anthropomorphic mouse sitting in a wooden chair. The mouse is holding and attentively reading a newspaper, adding a sense of humor and personality to the scene.

The mouse's glasses, perched on its tiny nose, enhance the anthropomorphic charm and convey a scholarly demeanor.

The artwork is a delicate pen and ink drawing, accompanied by soft watercolor details.

sam mastodon (AP)
pretty sure that ones gonna be a hard no ... Canada passed in 1777 when the origin US constitution offered to accept them into the union if and whenever they wanted to join. Just for fun here's Article 11 .. 'Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the united states, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this union: but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states.'
Starry Dynamo mastodon (AP)
obviously it would be 10 more states - one for each Canadian province. But actually 9 because we'll invite British Columbia to secede and join us in the progressive Republic of Pacifica when California, Oregon, and Washington State secede. Hopefully Baja will join us.

in Magdeburg demonstrieren heute Rechtsextreme gegen … *checks notes* - Rechtsextreme - also sich selbst. oder?

Lulu · לולו mastodon (AP)

Content warning: mh+

Surprise Saturday video! I want to rant about the crappy hydroxychloroquine study that finally got retracted after nearly FIVE YEARS
almondtree reshared this.

🤔 Here is a good question: Has Evolution Ended?

What if evolution as we know it is no longer biological but technological?

In this episode of the Redefining Society & Technology Podcast, I had the pleasure of diving into this profound topic with J.J. Jerome, award-winning engineer, futurist, and author of Evolution Ended: The Next Stage of American Society.

Together we explore questions that could reshape how we think about humanity’s future:

🔹 Has biological evolution stalled in the face of technological advances?

🔹 What happens when AI becomes indistinguishable from human intelligence?

🔹 How do the three types of brains—reptile, mammal, and human—play into our decision-making in this digital age?

J.J. sheds light on how technology isn’t just aiding humanity—it’s becoming part of us. From social media exploiting the emotional mammal brain to the cultural implications of treating AI as beings, this conversation will leave you questioning everything you know about evolution, technology, and society.

Remeber that 🎙️ Redefining Society & Technology isn’t just a podcast—it’s a platform for exploring the profound impact of #technology on #humanity. Each episode challenges conventional thinking, bringing bold ideas and fascinating stories from thought leaders around the world.

Watch the teaser:
And if you like it go ahead and enjoy the full episode
🎧 Listen to this episode:

🚀 Don’t miss out on future episodes! Subscribe to Redefining Society & Technology to join the conversation and rethink what it means to live in a hybrid analog-digital society:

What do you think? Is evolution over, or are we entering a new chapter shaped by AI and human ingenuity?

Let’s discuss in the comments!

#podcast #technology #AI #evolution #society #storytelling #RedefiningSociety #Tech #genai #evolution #robotics #artificialintelligence #redefiningtechnology #future #philosophy #sociology #anthropology #science #infosec
Chuck mastodon (AP)
Had this discussion (about evolution) at the museum once. Evolution is a 'process' not a 'thing' so it isn't 'over' it is operating on what ever inputs it has available. Also it operates at a time scale that is generally not perceived by people (like plate tectonics, another process that isn't over).

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Well, trust me when I say that I've long admired the achievement of building something as grand as a cathedral, but I just think in light of our climate crisis the resources should have spent elsewhere at this point.

Anyways, anyone who complains about beginning direct air capture of CO2 prior to us stopping to emit GHGs can't also ethically support the rebuilding of #NotreDame

The rebirth of Notre Dame Cathedral

Posted into Latest Headlines @latest-headlines-CBSNews

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Do oppose spending money to build a direct air capture and sequestration industry yet support spending billions of dollars to rebuild an 800-year-old building?

Because to me those seem mutually exclusive based on many arguments I've seen from the climate science deniers saying that DACS is a waste of money before we've stopped emitting GHG gases.
Alex mastodon (AP)
I do not oppose that, I just didn't understand the rhetorical leap you were making with the notre dame cathedral at the time. I think I get what you're saying now.

Petition (500 more signatures needed): An independent evaluation of the Cass review on child gender services

At 10k the Government will give a written response (it’s currently at ~9.5k)

✍🏼 Please sign (even if it’s simply to keep the pressure/visibility on)

#trans #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights :BoostOK:

Autoverbotszonen in Innenstädten

Nach dem Anschlag von Magdeburg–schon der zweite dieser Art!–wird immer klarer, daß wir analog zu den Messerverboten auch Autoverbotszonen in Innenstädten brauchen werden.

Niemand rast mit einem Leatherman 400 Meter durch einen Weihnachtsmarktund hinterläßt 200 Verletzte und 4 Tote.

Bisherige Sicherheitsmaßnahmen waren unwirksam:
Bei dem Wagen handelt es sich um einen schwarzen BMW. Trotz Absicherung des Marktes mit Betonklötzen habe der Fahrer eine Sicherheitslücke gefunden, berichtet mdr-Reporter Dan Hirschfeld.

Parken am Ortsschild und dann weiter mit Bus und Bahn, das ist die einzige Lösung, die unsere körperliche Unversehrheit und unser aller Leben garantiert.

Für "Tempo 0" innerorts – Park and Ride!
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
Jayson1985 reshared this.
Oh, und AfD-Verbot jetzt.

Der Täter war "Islamkritiker", ein Codewort für glühender Rassist und Nazi, und AfD-Verehrer, teilte auf sozialen Medien immer wieder Hetze der AfD.

AfD ausweisen! Zum Beispiel Madagaskar, das wär es doch gewesen.

Deutsche Behörden inzwischen:
A. soll den deutschen Behörden vor der Tat nicht bekannt gewesen sein

Ein Insider aus Saudi-Arabien sagte laut der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass Saudi-Arabien die deutschen Behörden vor dem Angreifer gewarnt habe.

Der Artikel weiter:
Gibt es Informationen über ein Motiv?
Konkret nicht.

Mysteriös. Der Mann, der laufend Hetzpropaganda einer gesichert verfassungsfeindlichen Partei teilt, vermutlich ein Irrer und ganz sicher ein Einzeltäter und kein Nazi:
Sachsen-Anhalts Ministerpräsident Reiner Haseloff sagte in den tagesthemen, es handele sich nach jetzigem Ermittlungsstand um einen Einzeltäter.

und weiter
Für die Stadt gehe nach aktuellem Ermessen keine weitere Gefahr aus.

An dieser Stelle eine Einblendung aus dem Film "They Live": Eine Werbetabel mit der Aufschrift "Consume" "Obey" und "Sleep".
Gibt es Informationen über ein Motiv?

Konkret nicht. Der Festgenommene ist als islamkritischer Aktivist bekannt, der sich selbst als Ex-Muslim bezeichnet. In sozialen Medien, auf islamfeindlichen Websiten und in Interviews erhob er zuletzt Vorwürfe gegen deutsche Behörden. Er hielt ihnen unter anderem vor, nicht genügend gegen Islamismus zu unternehmen und befürchtete eine Islamisierung Deutschlands.

Auf dem Onlinedienst X bekundete er seine Sympathie zur AfD und träumte von einem gemeinsamen Projekt mit der in weiten Teilen rechtsextremen Partei: einer Akademie für Ex-Muslime.

Nachdem er vor Jahren mit seiner Unterstützung für saudische Frauen, die aus ihrem Heimatland fliehen, an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen war, schrieb er später auf seiner Website in englischer und arabischer Sprache: "Mein Rat: Bittet nicht um Asyl in Deutschland." Ein Insider aus Saudi-Arabien sagte laut der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass Saudi-Arabien die deutschen Behörden vor dem Angreifer gewarnt habe.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
An dieser Stelle auch noch einmal ein Hinweis auf
Wahlen sind keine Gewissensentscheidungen. Es sind strategische Machtfragen.

Gewissensentscheidungen sind was in der Zeit zwischen den Wahlen wichtig ist. Da muss man auf seine eigenen Politiker einwirken - also Mitglied in einer Partei sein.

Aber damit da was passieren kann müssen die eigenen Leute erst einmal an die Macht.

Das wird so nicht passieren, also wenn man seine Stimmen zersplittert.

Es ist bald Wahl.

Wählt Grün. Oder wenigstens den Robert. Alles andere ist Quatsch.

Auch wenn die Grünen nicht Eure Partei sind, sind sie die einzige Partei, die das Spektrum "nach links" verschieben kann und auch etwas bewirken kann. Und Habeck ist die einzige Person in der gesamten deutschen Politiklandschaft, die derzeit den Willen und die Option hat, etwas zu gestalten, statt zu re-agieren, oder eine plutokratisch-faschistische Machtergreifung umzusetzen.

Der Rest, die Feinjustierung, kann danach passieren, wenn es eine linkere Regierung gibt, als die Allianz von verschiedenen Nazis und Sympathisanten leicht unterschiedlicher Geschmacksrichtungen.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
Mensch, Marina reshared this.

Hat schon jemand gefordert, SUVs zu verbieten?
Mensch, Marina mastodon (AP)
das wäre wenigstens mal sinnvoll - die brauchen zu viel Platz in der Stadt.

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
Winter solstice: The Northern Hemisphere's darkest day

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
'No accident': Trump's reason for suing media outlets singled out by experts

#TuckFrump mastodon (AP)
House Democrat Says She Heard Republicans Trashing Elon Musk On Congressional Elevator: ‘They’ve Had It!’

MyYeeHaa mastodon (AP)
Mina likes to sit between the shutters and the windows; lizards & bugs to watch outside and hoomans to watch inside...

#CatsOfMastodon #caturday
Image of a window with interior shutters. Only the tail of a cat can be seen on the window sill between the window and the shutters. The rest of the cat is hidden by the shutters.
Image of interior window shutters with slats opened horizontally. Between the shutters and the window, there is a cat with her chin resting on one of the slats. Her eyes appear to be analyzing the humans inside the house.

Kein Wort in den Nachrichten zu der Zusammenrottung hunderter gewaltbereiter Nazis in Magdeburg.
Aber viel psychologische Analyse von Sarah Tacke, Rechtsexpertin.
Die schon wieder das Hufeisen wirft.
Ihr kotzt mich einfach so an.

Bob Horowitz mastodon (AP)
Well because it's Caturday, I dug through my archives and found this picture from 2007. Meet Munchkin and CharlieCat... my last two and most deeply missed pets.

Munchkin was a rescue guinea pig... calm to the extreme and completely happy no matter where she was. She would toddle over to everyone and wait to be picked up... flattening out and napping whenever she was in anyones lap. Near the end of her life (i.e. in this picture), Munchkin would snuggle up to CharlieCat for warmth... and Charlie would gently put a paw on her and give her tongue baths.

A small, amber and black agouti guinea pig with swirly hair leans into the side of a black and white tuxedo cat who is lying on his back. They are both getting ready to nap together.

Maybe not the best picture but one I particularly like for sentimental reasons. Taken with a Canon a400 PowerShot camera.
This entry was edited (22 hours ago)
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