Asaad Hassan al-Shibani named foreign minister and Murhaf Abu Qasra defence minister. Both are allies of HTS leaderEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Joyful Linux and vintage tech videos/tutorials. Nerdy musician.Veronica Explains (Patreon)
❄️Season’s Greetings to All ~ To mark the Winter Solstice, Wyrd Harvest Press & Folk Horror Revival are again making a charity donation of our book sales profits to a Wildlife Trusts̵…Folk Horror Revival & Urban Wyrd Project ⨘
¿Qué es eso de los algoritmos y la Inteligencia Artificial?¿Es la inteligencia artificial una amenaza o una herramienta para mejorar el mundo? ¿Cuánto hay de...YouTube
What happens when the actress behind Ted Lasso’s Rebecca Welton and a prince of England walk into aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
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Princess Beatrice has changed her Christmas plans and will join the Royal Family at Sandringham after receiving medicalEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Whisper is a popular transcription tool powered by artificial intelligence, but it has a major flaw. It makes things up that were never said. Whisper was created by OpenAI.GARANCE BURKE (AP News)
Republicans who came to power after popular vote losses have led us for 12 of the last 24 years. Trump's return adds insult to democratic injury.Richard Hine (Unprecedented)
Climate tech is about a decade old, and people are itching for a rebrand.Tim De Chant (TechCrunch)
Täter in Magdeburg nutzte Rettungsweg – keine Poller oder andere Hindernisse + BKA und LKA sollen Festgenommenen 2023 als ungefährlich eingestuft haben + Der Newsblog.Sebastian Leber (Der Tagesspiegel)
Anna Kostjutschenko hat seit dem Beginn des russischen Angriffskriegs kaum ruhig geschlafen. Schlafforscherin Christine Blume erklärt, was Schlafmangel
The $2 billion video platform, which once attracted an investment from the Vice President-elect’s venture capital firm, needs to turn its financial picture upside down.Kyle Khan-Mullins (Forbes)
A 50-year-old man from Saudi Arabia identified as Taleb A drove into the Christmas market in Magdeburg with the death toll rising to five.Brendan Cole (Newsweek)
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If the enshittification had a name, it would be JK.