Primo Natura mastodon (AP)
Here are 13 environmental sources we use, that exclusively report on the wider #Environment and #ClimateChange

@atpfm One of my two cinema displays finally died in my work office. So after waiting as long as I could, I went with the Samsung ViewFinity S9. Got two.

Long story short, I returned them. They're terrible. Cheap but terrible, even at sub-$1400 for two. Here's my short review - 1/x
1. As you mentioned, WOBBLY AS HELL. Even just typing, wobbly
2. Takes FOREVER to wake up from sleep
3. Every single time it woke up, it moved my Dock to the other monitor
4. Power brick the size of Kansas
5. Needs the internet for most functions, otherwise you have a much longer process (eg firmware update). I don't want it online!
6. Mac keyboard brightness control not supported!
7. Camera is mediocre
8. Remote is stupid and unnecessary

Anyway, returned both. Got Studio Displays.

Jennifer Slack mastodon (AP)
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas received over $4,700,000 since 1991 in unreported gifts and travel.

This, according to a report issued after a two-year investigation by a U.S. Senate ethics committee.

Clarence Thomas needs to be removed for tax evasion, being compromised, and for unethical behavior .
Gail Waldby reshared this.

Jayson1985 mastodon (AP)
#Europa #Tschechien #Eisenbahnen #Brno

#ZastávkauBrna #Zweigleisigkeit #Bahnen

Tschechien -

Strecke zwischen Brno und Zastávka u Brna zweigleisig elektrifiziert:
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

ProPublica mastodon (AP)
Are #Abortion Bans Across America Causing Deaths? The States That Passed Them Are Doing Little to Find Out.

The same political leaders who enacted abortion bans oversee the state committees that review maternal deaths. These committees haven’t tracked the laws’ impacts, and most haven’t finished examining cases from the year the bans went into effect.

#News #Law #USPolitics #Health #Healthcare #Doctors #ReproductiveRights #Pregnancy
4 people reshared this
Impish4249 mastodon (AP)
Since the states that passed the bans don't really care about women's health and don't want to set themselves up for liability I'm not all that surprised.
Ponygirl mastodon (AP)
Yes, Paxton the Terrible is quashing data (evidence).

Desde las últimas décadas del siglo XIX hasta mediados del siglo XX, los sombreros femeninos de alta costura podían estar adornados con un animal disecado, normalmente un ave. Aquí muestra a la actriz Marie-Louise Deval (1884-1965) en 1908, pero Angela Lansbury lo llevó en El retrato de Dorian Gray (1945). #moda #fashion
Marie-Louise Deval con un ave en el gorro.
Angela Lansbury en El retrato de Dorian Grey, también con un ave en el gorro.

kf mastodon (AP)
EDIT: Found this bag a home! Thank you for the reposts! 💞

if you know someone who does doordash/uber eats in #pdx and could use a fancy backpack for pro bike couriers, hmu!

I have a chrome barrage pro backpack

80L, waterproof, comes with a stabilizer insert, has lots of zippers and straps to affix things to the outside:

it's used but in great condition! I don’t drive, was using it to carry home big purchases. I have a cargo bike now so do not need it.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

The news is miserable. I've been walking through several Christmas markets in my city in the last few weeks. Enjoying the twinkly lights and people chatting and enjoying their Glühwein or Kinderpunsch. It's not fair.
Ethan Marcotte mastodon (AP)

putin’s Ukraine obsession began 20 years ago with the Orange Revolution

By Peter Dickinson

"putin’s desire to crush #Ukraine first began to take shape two decades ago as he watched the Ukrainian people defy their own authoritarian rulers and demand a democratic future."
Chuck mastodon (AP)
So many folks miss this. Given the Russian self image as an empire, that Ukraine was not part of the empire was a 'temporary setback' until it the Orange Revolution showed that it was never coming back.

Tom Grzybow diaspora
There's crazy people running all over town
There's a silver band just marching up and down
And the big boys are all spoiling for a fight
I want to see the bright lights tonight

Meet me at the station, don't be late
I need to spend some money and it just won't wait
Take me to the dance and hold me tight
I want to see the bright lights tonight

-- Richard Thompson

bytebro mastodon (AP)
OK, I have no wish to trigger the almost-sainted @JdeBP who re-lit my love of 'bard-core', but I listed to this just now and I love it so much.

Back when I did choir things we'd have to do this carol (English traditional, obvs) every year. Several times. It got 'old'.

But this just lit me up with a kind of 'I wonder if it ever actually sounded like that?!'
JdeBP mastodon (AP)
They were not *that* far behind the times in Pennsylvania in 1857. (-:

That was rather fun, though.

#ChristmasCarols #AmericanChristmas

Las casuarinas (Casuarina) son engañosas, pues parecen coníferas, pero son angiospermas con finas hojas dispuestas en verticilos e infrutescencias similares a las piñas. 📷Eric Guinther #arboles #trees #plantas #plants
Planta con hojas cilíndricas y infrutescencia similar, de lejos, a una piña.

Robert Sanscartier mastodon (AP)
For example, women from Indigenous and local communities have used their traditional knowledge of tree species to lead sustainable forestry initiatives in Colombia; and in Bangladesh, during extreme floods, women relied on traditional rural cooking methods to provide food in remote affected areas

#women #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
Gail Waldby reshared this.

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
Immigrants commit fewer crimes. Not only are 86% of fentanyl smugglers U.S. citizens, but researchers found that counties along the Texas-Mexico border have less violent crime than major cities like Houston or Dallas.
Marion Donnelly reshared this.
John A. Wojtowicz mastodon (AP)
Thank you for your post.
Republicans have chosen to unfairly demonize immigrants, although many of the, I am certain hire them for slave wages in their businesses. If I'm not mistaken trump has been guilty of this.

Gail Waldby reshared this.

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Albanien sperrt die Social-Media-Plattform TikTok für ein Jahr

Die albanische Regierung hat beschlossen, den Zugang zu TikTok für ein Jahr zu sperren. Hintergrund war eine tödliche Messerstecherei zu der sich Jugendliche auf der Social-Media-Plattform verabredet hatten.


#Albanien #TikTok #SocialMedia
und X ebenfalls

taz mastodon (AP)
In den Siebzigern kam Ali als Vertragsarbeiter aus Algerien in die DDR und bekam dort einen Sohn. Jahrzehnte später trifft er ihn wieder.!6052803

Jayson1985 mastodon (AP)
##Europa #Deutschland #Dänemark #ÖPNV

#SchleswigHolstein #Dänemark #Bahnen

Schleswig-Holstein/Dänemark -

Pro Bahn begrüßt bessere Anschlüsse zwischen Syddanmark und Schleswig-Holstein:
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

why-not @Heike mastodon (AP)
#armut #köln #protest
Ich will nochmal kurz angeben mit unseren selbstgebackenen Plätzchen, die wir heute bei unserem Protest gegen Armut und für eine gerechte Gesellschaft an die, meist wohnungslosen, Menschen verschenken konnten. Gab auch Mandarinen und Kaffee und Tee.
Das ist was tolles, weil wir ja #armutsbetroffen sind und sonst bis auf Kaffee/Tee nicht zu verschenken haben.
Ein Tisch mit Thermoskannen, Tassen, Zucker, verpackten Keksen, einem Tablett mit verschiedenen Gebäcken und einer Person, die Gegenstände arrangiert
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

I like to learn something new every day.

The Empire State Building has its own zip code of 10118.
🥥 What's the zip code of the Empire Strikes Back Bulding, Bill? 🥥

Thijs Lucas mastodon (AP)
Ihr würdet das Kind auf dem Laufrad und die Mutter, die es mit der Hand am Rücken unterstützt, doch auch viel besser sehen, wenn sie bunte Leuchtklamotten tragen würden und nicht einfach nur irgendwie rote und blaue Jacken?
#Falschparker #Kiel #freieWege
Ein Transporter steht in der Kreuzung. Der Fußweg dahinter ist vollkommen verdeckt. Die angesprochene Mutter mit Kind ist nicht sichtbar.
Kampfteppich mastodon (AP)
Heute morgen stand wieder ein Auto, Typ Sprinter, auf dem #Gehweg, wo jetzt die #Autogewalt mit dem #Warnblinker steht. Direkt dahinter ist der Weg zum Park rechts rein, der von vielen #Hundehalter genutzt wird. Alltägliche #Sichtbehinderung, welche ich schon so oft auf dem #wegli gebracht habe. @koeln ist so träge!
Der #Gehwegparker im Vordergrund ist Wiederholungstäter und steht zusätzlich in der Absenkung, sodass Rollatoropa oder Kinderwagen-Mutti ein Problem haben.
Siegfried. mastodon (AP)
... und wo ist der Helm?!11! 🤡

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
ChromeOS is exactly why you should approach tech industry hype with skepticism.

Because when it first came out, its entire value proposition was, “In the future you can do all your work in the cloud, and you won’t need apps on your hard drive.”

Turns out, people like apps on their hard drive because they’re more trustworthy. They don’t want to depend on websites that disappear over night or on SaaS plans that do an abrupt change with payment plans.

And what people definitely don’t want is more e-waste—because those Chromebooks were largely only useful for two years if you were lucky.

The nail in ChromeOS coffin? Stadia. That should have been the big argument that the cloud could take over even the most hardware intensive tasks.

Google lost that argument, putting Stadia in the graveyard. Now ChromeOS joins it too.

So much for Google’s vision of cloud computing!

NotImpressed mastodon (AP)

"The leader of HTS and former commander of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, Ahmad al-Sharaa, held a meeting with a senior US diplomatic delegation in Damascus"
Al-Sharaa (was al-Julani), a US lab grown terrorist now morphed into Syrian leader, was asked to implement "a transitional process incorporating inclusivity and respect for minority rights"
"Yet, incidents involving attacks on ethnic minorities and vandalism of holy sites have already begun"

#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr

B101-Brücke in Großenhain: Abriss und sofortige Sperrung

"Das #Bauwerk könne nicht mehr für den Verkehr freigegeben werden, daher werde kurzfristig der Abriss der #Brücke vorbereitet, teilte das Landesamt für Straßenbau und Verkehr mit. Der Start ist bereits für Donnerstag geplant.

Betroffen ist von der #Vollsperrung auch die #Bahnverbindung Dresden-Berlin."

Enjomineur D3 friendica
Ah, ça ira, ça ira, ça ira ..!

Sebastian Weiermann mastodon (AP)
Der rechte Aufmarsch in Magdeburg ist vorbei. Im Anschluss gab es schon mindestens zwei Angriffe durch Rechte.
An dem Aufmarsch sollen über 2000 Menschen teilgenommen haben. #md2112

Benjamin Brinckmann mastodon (AP)
Of all days in the year, this one I find most important. This is the day where in Scandinavia the word Jul (Yule) comes from. It used as "christmas", but it actually means "wheel". Because today is the Winter Solstice, the wheel has gone round, it is the start of the true new year. From now on the days will grow longer again. So have a good Yule everyone!

#Sun #solstice
M.S. Bellows, Jr. reshared this.

Trust in U.S. media hit an all-time low in 2024 − a new survey shows Black midwesterners have found other trusted messengers of news #news @blackmastodon #BlackMastodon

Andrew Pam diaspora

mural of a whale created by artist Marcus Cuffi in Roseau, Dominica

Scientists discover sperm whale ‘phonetic alphabet’

Study reveals whale clicks make up building blocks of language, pointing to potential parallels with human society.

David diaspora
A language's set of phonemes is not an alphabet. An alphabet is a group of written symbols that represent phonemes. There doesn't seem to be a word for the set of phonemes used by a particular language.

English, with about 44 phonemes (varies with variety of English), has more than most languages. Yes, you were write, those of you whose native language is not English, English is a difficult language...and not just phonetically.

BTW, not all languages use alphabets. Japanese uses syllabaries (hiragana and katakana), where each written symbol represents a syllable, sometimes one phoneme, sometimes three, but usually two. (Yes, Japanese also uses logograms, where each symbol represents a word or morpheme.)
David diaspora
Yes, you were write

Apparently my subconscious is punning.

Tom Grzybow diaspora

Alabama profits off prisoners who work without pay and deems them "too dangerous" for parole

Slavery in Alabama.

Nazani mastodon (AP)
My reservation about this is that now Russia will try to develop its own "pet dragon" drone.

Elon Musk's Jet mastodon (AP)
Landed in Austin, Texas, United States. Apx. flt. time 2 h 22 min.
Elon Musk's Jet mastodon (AP)
~ 1,191 gallons (4,510 liters).
~ 7,985 lbs (3,622 kg) of jet fuel used.
~ $6,672 cost of fuel.
~ 13 tons of CO2 emissions.

#weihnachtsgeschenke: man kommt nicht ganz umhin was zu schenken - aber was sinnvolles. Also #Bücher, welche mir in diesen Zeiten herandräuender #Tyrannei höchst sinnvoll erscheinen. Was sind eure Buchvorschläge?
Bücher von Timothy Snyder und Sebastian Haffner
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
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