Stewart mastodon (AP)
So what? #abolishthemonarchy #parasites Pregnant Princess Beatrice dons elegant autumnal ensemble as she steps out for the Frieze Art Fair in London with other A-listers

BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Day 1 of vacation: I just cut myself opening a tub of coffee so I’m thinking this is just one of a few steps and a slippery slope toward a full on Jurassic Park “fences are failing all over the park” disaster. Stay vigilant people. I will never look at a tub of coffee in the same way. Nabob just made my list.

Stefko mastodon (AP)
Mastodon #research 🚀

I’m working on my master’s thesis at the University of Vienna, and I’d love your input! My research focuses on sustaining long-term user activity on Mastodon, contributing to a more active Fediverse. If you have a few minutes, please take my short survey:

Your thoughts will contribute to meaningful research. Feel free to boost this post so we can reach as many users as possible. Thank you so much! 🙌

#Mastodon #Survey #FediverseResearch
3 people reshared this

Andrew Pam diaspora
The rise of a ‘dangerous’ ideology among parents is causing havoc in custody disputes
During the pandemic, Alia’s* former partner started sending “long-winded rants” via text message. Covid-19 wasn’t real. Stay-at-home rules were unlawful, he told her, and he took their children to anti-lockdown protests. He started to share what she later realised were “sovereign citizen” or pseudolaw ideas.

“He wouldn’t follow anything that the government was saying because ‘it’s not a genuine law, it’s illegal, it’s treason, and it’s all a scam that’s designed to try to bring in the new world order’,” she said.

As the virus spread, they were in the midst of proceedings in the family court over child custody. Alia said she tried to raise his behaviour with the court and other authorities, but felt like it wasn’t taken seriously.

“It was brushed off as, ‘people have different beliefs and people have different political leanings’,” she said. “I felt like I couldn’t clearly get across that this was going so much deeper than a different political leaning. That this was potentially putting the kids at risk.”

The impact of sovereign citizen pseudolaw movements – where adherents use “legal argumentation” that has no legal basis, often predicated on a belief in the illegality of or corruption of government – are having a serious impact on the family court.

In 2024, Guardian Australia has tracked almost a dozen family court judgments where these kinds of arguments had an impact on proceedings.

“It’s really an emerging area in the family law jurisdiction that needs to be addressed seriously … given what’s at stake with children involved in these cases,” said Dr Georgina Dimopoulos, an associate professor of law at Southern Cross University.

The issue is also affecting criminal cases involving children. At least two women have been convicted this year of offences related to unlawfully removing children in cases linked to sovereign citizen groups or pseudolaw ideas.
Andrew Pam diaspora
I believe the "sovereign citizen" movement actually started in the US, then Australians (and probably also others) picked it up.
Tess diaspora
Sadly we most often export the worst of us & rarely the best.!...

Prognose: Obwohl der Täter von Magdeburg offenbar ein AfD-Fan und ein Islamhasser ist, der rechten Verschwörungsmythen anhängt, werden nun trotzdem AfD, BSW und CxU zulegen, denn für Rassisten ist das einzig Relevante: Er kam aus Saudi-Arabien, und er heißt Taleb! Alles andere landet unterm Tisch.

CGdoppelpunkt mastodon (AP)
Wie jetzt die Politiker alle von "wie wir es uns nicht vorstellen konnten" schwafeln...

Hallo? Menschenmenge. Übermotorisierte, panzerartige Autos mit Zugang in jeden Winkel der Stadt.

Was bitte fehlt euch für das Sichvorstellenkönnen?

Autos raus aus den Städten!

Every public action on Bluesky is available via a stream of events known as the firehose. By monitoring the firehose for repeated text, it is sometimes possible to quickly detect groups of spam accounts as they spawn.
Conspirador Norteño mastodon (AP)
More detail on one of the spam networks found in the firehose monitoring experiment:

random sights exploring Jacksonville
Small duck pond behind a shopping center. Wide view selected and gives a curved impression of the green grass in front of the blue water, beneath brilliant dark blue sky with fluffy white clouds.

What's the best name ending in X

  • Alex (7%, 1 vote)
  • Felix (7%, 1 vote)
  • Lennox (7%, 1 vote)
  • Max (23%, 3 votes)
  • Beatrix (30%, 4 votes)
  • Gex (0%, 0 votes)
  • Jax (0%, 0 votes)
  • Rex (23%, 3 votes)
  • Timothix (0%, 0 votes)
13 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

Callalily mastodon (AP)
I have a cat named Felix.

Laffy mastodon (AP)
To those who have suggested that shutting down the govt will sure show them! I disagree, it's not a good idea and people will suffer.

Judd Legum agrees:

‪Judd Legum‬ ‪‬
Musk, the wealthiest man in the world, says don't worry about the impact of an extended government shutdown on members of the military, seniors who rely on social security, and other government workers.

They'll be "fine" he says
2 people reshared this
Mother Bones mastodon (AP)

We're going to have to find a way to set the firehose to manual and ration it out 😬

@PJ_Evans @nomdeb @GottaLaff

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Random subtoot. It is passersby, not passerbys.
Similar: sergeants major, not sergeant majors.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Mark Cuban Confronts Elon Musk’s AfD Remarks With His Own AI Chatbot #afd #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #DemocraticParty #ElonMusk #germany #MarkCuban #RepublicanParty #SocialMedia #U.S.Politics
Mark Cuban

Euan mastodon (AP)
This gate at the very start of my daily walk always feels like entering a different world.

#Buckinghamshire #chilterns #walking #photography #nature
Metal gate with low sun shining from behind it.

Thony Christie mastodon (AP)
As the festive season goes into hyperdrive, a gentle reminder that not everybody can or wants to drink alcohol and what one as host can or should do when organising festivities.

#Bloomscrolling with the flowers of Jacksonville on Mayflower Street
Looking up into the big, clear blue Florida sky where the tip of a tree branch has clusters of fluffy and frilly pink and white flowers and fern-like green leaves.

CheRosach mastodon (AP)
But typical
Two billionaires telling millions of Americans they can go without pay during the holidays is really rich.

Herz statt Merz mastodon (AP)
Klar, Petitionen bringen nur ganz selten direkt etwas, aber da es offensichtlich mit vernünftigen Argumenten nicht begreiflich zu machen ist, dass aus Twitter mit X ein riesiger Scheißhaufen geworden ist, in dem sich Rechtsextremist*innen aller Art lustig gegenseitig radikalisieren, Fake-News, Gewalt- und Morddrohungen und sogar konkrete Ankündigungen von Straftaten verteilt werden, muss man der Dreckschleuder von Musk den Stecker ziehen, zumindest in der EU:

Europe Says mastodon (AP) How Feminism Can Guide Climate Change Action #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming
How Feminism Can Guide Climate Change Action

Charles Harper mastodon (AP)
“The winter solstice, also called the hibernal solstice, occurs when either of Earth's poles reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun. This happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere (Northern and Southern). For that hemisphere, the winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, and when the Sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky.”

It happened at 09:21 hours today here in Scotland..

#HappySoltice #yule #shortestday
This photograph is the view across Loch Bracadale to the sea. The sky is reassuringly blue.   THE SHORTEST DAY BY SUSAN COOPER  So the shortest day came, and the year died, And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world Came people singing, dancing, To drive the dark away. They lighted candles in the winter trees; They hung their homes with evergreen; They burned beseeching fires all night long To keep the year alive, And when the new year’s sunshine blazed awake They shouted, reveling. Through all the frosty ages you can hear them Echoing behind us—Listen!! All the long echoes sing the same delight, This shortest day, As promise wakens in the sleeping land: They carol, feast, give thanks, And dearly love their friends, And hope for peace. And so do we, here, now, This year and every year. Welcome Yule!
Hud mastodon (AP)
So which is the longest night? Last night or tonight?
Hud mastodon (AP)
Thanks! Even at 61 one can learn something new.
Charles Harper mastodon (AP)
@hudsoch it is never referred to as ‘Island’. It’s always ‘Isle’. I would write to them….

Ténno Seremélʹ mastodon (AP)
Eww is nice, but I wonder what can I do with custom spoiler widgets on a website, which simply set style="display: none;" in the HTML source, which then eww ignores. Should probably remove that from DOM before rendering somehow 🤔

#lang_en #emacs #eww

Europe Says mastodon (AP) THE ECONOMIST: The long-term outlook for the Texas economy #Economy #Energy #gas #markets #oil #RayPerryman

jesse jarnow mastodon (AP)
#NowPlaying - NRBQ's "christmas wish" is a christmas album. am i doing this right? EDIT: oops, apparently i *am* doing it wrong. this is supposed to be playing at 45 though sounds awesome at 33 1/3, which i guess means it's technically just a christmas EP. @vinylrecords
NRBQ "Christmas Wish" LP
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
Do you bake for the holidays?

#EvanPoll #poll

  • Strong yes (25%, 77 votes)
  • Qualified yes (27%, 83 votes)
  • Qualified no (21%, 65 votes)
  • Strong no (25%, 75 votes)
300 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

Bruce Elrick mastodon (AP)

The recipe is my mother-in-law's and is called Spudnuts (they have mashed potatoes mixed into the dough).

We've been making them for over a decade.
Dining table with sheet covered with about a gross of risen doughnuts ready to be deep fried. Trays of fresh doughnuts.
Electric frying pan with a batch of doughnuts frying.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Nazani mastodon (AP)
Lap it up, men with hangovers don't fight well.
Viking Chieftain mastodon (AP)

But they're so good at finding mines when they're drunk. 🤗

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Government predicts data centers to consume more electricity #Energy
Government predicts data centers to consume more electricity

Naiara mastodon (AP)
Veinte minutos llevo del programa de #CarneCruda del otro día sobre IA y todavía no han mencionado ni el robo de propiedad intelectual ni el desastre ecológico que supone 🙃
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Veintiocho minutos para la primera mención del gasto energético, un comentario de un audio de una mujer que no está ahí, pero de momento ha sido de pasada.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Le estoy dando el beneficio de la duda a ver si de aquí al final hacen algo, pero no os miento ni exagero cuando os digo que depende de este programa seguir escuchando #CarneCruda o no.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Treinta y tres para la primera mención al plagio y a los derechos de autor.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Ah, ahora dicen que es un tema actual, y es por lo de las canciones de Las nenas, Y NO POR EL PROYECTO DEL MINISTERIO DE CULTURA??????????
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Tengo cada vez menos esperanza y estoy cada vez más triste y enfadada
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Que medios que se denominan de izquierdas acepten acríticamente el «no se le pueden poner puertas al campo» me hace sentir un derrotismo infinito.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Cuarenta y dos minutos para la primera mención a los peligros de la suplantación.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Ay, gente que tiene dependencia emocional y se puede enamorar de la IA, ay, pueden las IAs sentir, POR FAVOR AHHHHHHHH
Naiara mastodon (AP)
A propósito de nada, el nuevo data center de Amazon en Aragón consumirá tanta electricidad y agua como toda la región.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
«Por buscarle el lado bueno», ah que hasta ahora la estabais criticando?????????????
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Bueno pues nada, se acabó #CarneCruda para mí. Mucho tendrán que cambiar el enfoque para que vuelva. La izquierda no puede perder de vista en ningún momento el ecologismo y la obligatoriedad de salvar el planeta y de decrecer, y la IA choca frontalmente con algo tan fundamental.
Spookybot mastodon (AP)
se han comido toda la propaganda con patatas
SoydelBierzo ⁂ mastodon (AP)
@teknomagic lo de Aragón fue un empeño de Sánchez por traer a AWS a España, todas las noticias y opiones que ofrecen en El Diario son bastante asépticas para no criticar.
Spookybot mastodon (AP)
@soydelbierzo pues como cuando Puig estaba obsesionado con traer una fábrica de Tesla aquí, al psoe les dices "puestos de trabajo" y aunque sea mentira, ya no oyen nada más
fanta ✅️ mastodon (AP)
una pena. Yo espero que sea porque están mal asesoradas/os . Porque llevan muchas patinadas seguidas.

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
[Duh] James Bond Producer Slams Amazon As 'F**king Idiots': Report
Tell us something we don't know about Amazon.
Michael Matute mastodon (AP)
“Don’t have temporary people make permanent decisions.” Brilliant.

mcc mastodon (AP)
Dialog boxes I do not like
Select action
The existing file is newer than the one Setup is trying to install

Keep the existing file
Overwrite the existing file
Pa mastodon (AP)
You can turn off windows power management for the mobo's onboard hub. Should be in devices manager. Afaik external hubs are strict limited to how much power they can pass on.
Looks like somebody set promptifolder flag on the file. No idea why, libusb API is stable, and using a newer version should not cause any problems at all.

Guyliner? More like Semper Fi-liner! Check out our line of 48 hour Eye Enhancement Pens. “If it’s good enough for JD, it’s good enough for you and me!”

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Sounds like another very fine Eagle Tactical product.

Update on this horrific German tragedy. Nine-year-old child among five killed and 200 injured in German Christmas market attack.

As the number of casualties keeps rising, the German interior minister has revealed the suspect is Islamophobic. Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he's "very worried" about the serious condition of 40 of the more than 200 people injured.

SDF.ORG mastodon (AP)
The SDF Plan 9 Boot Camp Winter 2024 kicks off with a key note Sunday December 22nd at 10:30AM PT. Join the Boot Camp and learn Plan 9 in a fun and friendly communal environment.

#plan9 #unix #hacking #community
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Warming, thawing Arctic presents problems for everyone #Environment
Polar bear on ice floe. Melting iceberg and global warming. Climate change.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Got a load of towels on to wash ... Sucking back a joint ... Making sure I have all I need for this shopping adventure ... What a life !

Hugz & xXx
Jingle Fuzz mastodon (AP)
This sounds like a holiday promotion for the ages. “For all your holiday needs, come to the Fnord Mall. Free complimentary joint when you arrive.” Would be the most chill shopping season ever. 🤪
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Can you send me the location of Fnord mall .... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
I just put in overtime at the factory and I probably could have gone even longer, but the manager forced me to leave citing concerns about running out of cheesecake.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Why hasn't this manager readied more cheesecake?

Dereliction of duty!
newer older

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