Europe Says mastodon (AP) THE ECONOMIST: The long-term outlook for the Texas economy #Economy #Energy #gas #markets #oil #RayPerryman

jesse jarnow mastodon (AP)
#NowPlaying - NRBQ's "christmas wish" is a christmas album. am i doing this right? EDIT: oops, apparently i *am* doing it wrong. this is supposed to be playing at 45 though sounds awesome at 33 1/3, which i guess means it's technically just a christmas EP. @vinylrecords
NRBQ "Christmas Wish" LP
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
Do you bake for the holidays?

#EvanPoll #poll

  • Strong yes (25%, 77 votes)
  • Qualified yes (27%, 83 votes)
  • Qualified no (21%, 65 votes)
  • Strong no (25%, 75 votes)
300 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

Bruce Elrick mastodon (AP)

The recipe is my mother-in-law's and is called Spudnuts (they have mashed potatoes mixed into the dough).

We've been making them for over a decade.
Dining table with sheet covered with about a gross of risen doughnuts ready to be deep fried. Trays of fresh doughnuts.
Electric frying pan with a batch of doughnuts frying.
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Nazani mastodon (AP)
Lap it up, men with hangovers don't fight well.
Viking Chieftain mastodon (AP)

But they're so good at finding mines when they're drunk. 🤗

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Government predicts data centers to consume more electricity #Energy
Government predicts data centers to consume more electricity

Naiara mastodon (AP)
Veinte minutos llevo del programa de #CarneCruda del otro día sobre IA y todavía no han mencionado ni el robo de propiedad intelectual ni el desastre ecológico que supone 🙃
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Veintiocho minutos para la primera mención del gasto energético, un comentario de un audio de una mujer que no está ahí, pero de momento ha sido de pasada.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Le estoy dando el beneficio de la duda a ver si de aquí al final hacen algo, pero no os miento ni exagero cuando os digo que depende de este programa seguir escuchando #CarneCruda o no.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Treinta y tres para la primera mención al plagio y a los derechos de autor.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Ah, ahora dicen que es un tema actual, y es por lo de las canciones de Las nenas, Y NO POR EL PROYECTO DEL MINISTERIO DE CULTURA??????????
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Tengo cada vez menos esperanza y estoy cada vez más triste y enfadada
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Que medios que se denominan de izquierdas acepten acríticamente el «no se le pueden poner puertas al campo» me hace sentir un derrotismo infinito.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Cuarenta y dos minutos para la primera mención a los peligros de la suplantación.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Ay, gente que tiene dependencia emocional y se puede enamorar de la IA, ay, pueden las IAs sentir, POR FAVOR AHHHHHHHH
Naiara mastodon (AP)
A propósito de nada, el nuevo data center de Amazon en Aragón consumirá tanta electricidad y agua como toda la región.
Naiara mastodon (AP)
«Por buscarle el lado bueno», ah que hasta ahora la estabais criticando?????????????
Naiara mastodon (AP)
Bueno pues nada, se acabó #CarneCruda para mí. Mucho tendrán que cambiar el enfoque para que vuelva. La izquierda no puede perder de vista en ningún momento el ecologismo y la obligatoriedad de salvar el planeta y de decrecer, y la IA choca frontalmente con algo tan fundamental.
Spookybot mastodon (AP)
se han comido toda la propaganda con patatas
SoydelBierzo ⁂ mastodon (AP)
@teknomagic lo de Aragón fue un empeño de Sánchez por traer a AWS a España, todas las noticias y opiones que ofrecen en El Diario son bastante asépticas para no criticar.
Spookybot mastodon (AP)
@soydelbierzo pues como cuando Puig estaba obsesionado con traer una fábrica de Tesla aquí, al psoe les dices "puestos de trabajo" y aunque sea mentira, ya no oyen nada más
fanta ✅️ mastodon (AP)
una pena. Yo espero que sea porque están mal asesoradas/os . Porque llevan muchas patinadas seguidas.

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
[Duh] James Bond Producer Slams Amazon As 'F**king Idiots': Report
Tell us something we don't know about Amazon.
Michael Matute mastodon (AP)
“Don’t have temporary people make permanent decisions.” Brilliant.

mcc mastodon (AP)
Dialog boxes I do not like
Select action
The existing file is newer than the one Setup is trying to install

Keep the existing file
Overwrite the existing file
Pa mastodon (AP)
You can turn off windows power management for the mobo's onboard hub. Should be in devices manager. Afaik external hubs are strict limited to how much power they can pass on.
Looks like somebody set promptifolder flag on the file. No idea why, libusb API is stable, and using a newer version should not cause any problems at all.

Guyliner? More like Semper Fi-liner! Check out our line of 48 hour Eye Enhancement Pens. “If it’s good enough for JD, it’s good enough for you and me!”

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Sounds like another very fine Eagle Tactical product.

Update on this horrific German tragedy. Nine-year-old child among five killed and 200 injured in German Christmas market attack.

As the number of casualties keeps rising, the German interior minister has revealed the suspect is Islamophobic. Meanwhile, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he's "very worried" about the serious condition of 40 of the more than 200 people injured.

SDF.ORG mastodon (AP)
The SDF Plan 9 Boot Camp Winter 2024 kicks off with a key note Sunday December 22nd at 10:30AM PT. Join the Boot Camp and learn Plan 9 in a fun and friendly communal environment.

#plan9 #unix #hacking #community
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Europe Says mastodon (AP) Warming, thawing Arctic presents problems for everyone #Environment
Polar bear on ice floe. Melting iceberg and global warming. Climate change.

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Got a load of towels on to wash ... Sucking back a joint ... Making sure I have all I need for this shopping adventure ... What a life !

Hugz & xXx
Jingle Fuzz mastodon (AP)
This sounds like a holiday promotion for the ages. “For all your holiday needs, come to the Fnord Mall. Free complimentary joint when you arrive.” Would be the most chill shopping season ever. 🤪
Melissa BearTrix reshared this.
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Can you send me the location of Fnord mall .... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
I just put in overtime at the factory and I probably could have gone even longer, but the manager forced me to leave citing concerns about running out of cheesecake.
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JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Why hasn't this manager readied more cheesecake?

Dereliction of duty!

Westport Observatory mastodon (AP)
The 3 USGS seismic detectors at the Westport Observatory detected another earthquake off the coast of Pacific island nation Vanuatu 8,480 miles away. This time it was a 6.1 mag temblor. Interesting to see it give a good shake up/down and east/west when it arrived in Westport.

#USGS #WestportObservatory #Earthquake #Vanuatu #Temblor #WestportCT
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Europe Says mastodon (AP) For Lease: Office/medical space in Wyndmoor #space
For Lease: Office/medical space in Wyndmoor

sortius mastodon (AP)
Aussies: Come to Australia @hacks4pancakes, everything will be fine.

Australia: Fire evacuations, floods and possible snow: Australia’s wild weather in the lead-up to Christmas
st least you have underground towns already
sortius mastodon (AP)
yeh, not sure I want to go live in Coober Pedy. Mostly men, mostly crims escaping the law 😆

Jayson1985 mastodon (AP)
#Europa #Deutschland #BadenWürttemberg

#RegioSBahnOrtenau #SWEGZüge #SBahn

Baden-Württemberg -

SWEG-Züge in der Ortenau fahren nun unter dem Namen "Regio S-Bahn Ortenau":
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Abandoned America mastodon (AP)
Graffiti in an abandoned public school

View the gallery at
An empty classroom with a wooden floor, peeling paint, and worn drapes on the windows. On the wall someone has spray painted, "what does it matter if i leave no trace as a boyscout if they come along later and clear cut the forest"
mkb mastodon (AP)
I have never seen such fine penmanship in a graffito.

The Gibson mastodon (AP)
Verified signups, folks.

It’s how you keep me from defederating for spam.
Oliphantom Menace mastodon (AP)
When I proposed island networks (allowlist-mode networks) as a solution for drive-by nazis and other bigotry we just can't stop on such a porous network, I also thought about signups.

That's why to be considered an "island" you MUST at least have manual review on your signups. No open signups, because it's no good securing a network if new people can just create a new throwaway account without any review.
Oliphantom Menace mastodon (AP)
I even created the world's biggest allowlist for Canary Island, but not a single instance with open registration is on the list of 9000 instances.

So no or any of the big instances, really.
nobletrout mastodon (AP)
do I pay you for a checkmark or….?

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
And about to get in the bus

Hugz & xXx

Foodsharing_de mastodon (AP)
Mit Euch Zusammen konnten wir wieder einiges bewegen und sind stolz darauf, das bereits erreichte gemeinsam so kontinuierlich aufrecht zu erhalten. Wir freuen uns auf die künftige Zusammenarbeit und viele spannende Aktivitäten!
(Kudos an foodsharingbruchsal für den "Baum")
Konisch gestapelte gründe Gemüsekisten, die die Silhouette eines Weihnachtsbaum bilden

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump has claimed his victory was a mandate. Washington’s realities are already challenging that #Politics
Trump sues Des Moines Register and top pollster over final Iowa survey

Looking for something to read while you’re cozying up next to those chestnuts roasting on an open fire? Look no further than The Big Picture!

Wait what? I thought lampshade dude died. #KungFuSat
Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
He was dead on the floor with a knife in his back, and they just cut to another scene where he was alive again.

Some move plots are a riddle wrapped in an enigma, and some are just burnt grilled cheeze sandwiches. 🤷‍♂️
#KungFuSat #TheLastDuel
unixjunk1e 🌵 mastodon (AP)
@kcarr2015 how to say " 'Tis but a flesh wound" in Mandarin and/or Cantonese? 🤔😎

Snowbird of Paradise wordpress (AP)

Economical Druthers

A local volunteer community encourages people to donate knitted or crocheted squares that can be made into blankets. Those blankets are then given to people who need them, often to people in shelters and temporary housing.


As someone who likes to crochet while watching TV, I saw this as a beneficial use of both my time and miscellaneous leftover yarn. Accordingly, last winter I donated a couple of blankets I had made and I also put together squares that others had made.

This winter I happened upon some very inexpensive yarn at a thrift store and used it to make squares that I hoped would one day become a blanket. I also used up my remaining supply of leftover yarn and these together created 68 squares.

As I looked at the instructions I had received from the volunteer group, I realized I didn’t have enough squares for a queen-size blanket which was their preference. A queen size requires 90 eight-inch squares and a twin size requires 54. When I first asked about this, my assumption was that they would need more twin-size blankets but it seems that there are more families in need than single individuals. So, the polite suggestion was that the larger blanket would be of more use.


My dilemma, then, was what to do with my inadequate supply of squares. Should I make more squares or donate what I had? I decided to donate what I had, but when I got to the volunteer centre I was told that they no longer accepted donations of squares! They already had lots of squares in storage and, instead, needed volunteers to put squares together. I said I would be happy to do that and they said they would be in touch when they had taken a batch out of the storage facility. They also said that they no longer had a supply of yarn that they could give me; the yarn fund had been exhausted.


My 68 squares, which were not quite enough for a blanket, still needed additional squares so I visited a couple of local thrift stores to see if they had any yarn I could use to finish the project. Unfortunately, I was surprised to find that the price of the donated skeins was quite high. It was too high to be a bargain and almost as much as I would pay for yarn on sale at a local department store. I was torn. I wanted to finish the blanket and I wanted to support the thrift store, but I didn’t want to pay so much for miscellaneous yarn. I would rather pay a little more and choose the texture, weight, and colour than I preferred.

I went online to find out the sale prices for yarn at the local craft stores and I also checked out Amazon. My preference is to shop local when possible, but when you are trying to put together a blanket out of leftover yarn, you lean towards the least expensive option. I ended up ordering from Amazon, even though I would much rather have bought from a local charity or craft store.

Sometimes, your druthers are just not economical.

#blanket #blankets #charity #community #crochet #druthers #economical #grannySquare #knitting #thriftStore #volunteer #yarn

Oh, man, someone misspelled "because of," as "d-e-s-p-i-t-e."
A link posted to r/Layoffs with the headline "Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $73m, despite devastating year for layoffs.
despite, you mean because of course....

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
Oh, jolly good show, I’m simply astounded by this unexpected turn of events.

Google is killing ChromeOS and migrating all those Chromebooks to Android. Not much outrage here because ChromeOS was absolute garbage. And I know, I used Chromebooks for years.

People chastise Google for all the products in its graveyard and they deserve it. But in ChromeOS’ case—good riddance.

But I don’t have much confidence in Android as a desktop OS either because one thing you want when buying a laptop is confidence it will last you for five years. And I don’t think Google has the cojones to do that.
olav mastodon (AP)
Google is extending updates on phones so maybe

Curious Magpie mastodon (AP)
Wow - strong words from Scientific American on #birdflu

“…Experts say they have lost faith in the government’s ability to contain the outbreak.

“We are in a terrible situation and going into a worse situation," said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. “I don’t know if the bird flu will become a #pandemic, but if it does, we are screwed…”
2 people reshared this
Chuck mastodon (AP)
One can only hope that senior members of the GOP will contract it early and all die or at least become febrile and have to leave politics. Starting with RFK Jr if possible.

inquiline mastodon (AP)
#solstice in Southern California (on the LA River)
Shadows of two figures are cast on a white building at sunset, with palm trees and power lines visible in the background.

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Callalily reshared this.

Eric Alper mastodon (AP)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukrainian drones smash into skyscraper in deep Russia #Conflicts #DroneAttack #drones #Russia #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianInvasionOfUkraine #RussoUkrainianWar #Ukraine
Download app from appStore

Schlaftablette mastodon (AP)
Albanien schaltet Tiktok für mindestens ein Jahr ab

"Vor einigen Wochen war in Tirana ein 14-Jähriger bei einem Streit zwischen Schülern getötet worden – davor war offenbar ein Streit zwischen ihnen auf Social Media eskaliert."


Europe Says mastodon (AP) North Korea friendly fire disaster as Kim’s troops turn guns on each other | World | News #autoplay_video #Conflicts #ctp_video #drones #KimJongUn #kursk #NorthKorea #Putin #Russia #RussiaNorthKoreanSoldiers #Ukraine
North Korea friendly fire disaster as Kim's troops turn guns on each other | World | News

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Despite missing deadline, Congress avoids government shutdown by passing spending bill without Trump's debt ceiling raise – Fortune #america #congress #DebtCeiling #DonaldTrump #GovernmentShutdown #JanetYellen #RepublicanParty #U.S.GovernmentShutdown #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USTopics #USA #USANews
Despite missing deadline, Congress avoids government shutdown by passing spending bill without Trump's debt ceiling raise - Fortune
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